View Full Version : Post rationing for a couple of days

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-12-16, 04:25 PM
Hey guys and gals.

Over the next couple of days my ISP will be upgrading, meaning i'll have little to no consistant connection at home. This means I either have to post from my phone (which quite frankly is shit) or my office (one hour a day).

Due to this i'll have to sort of ration what I can do IC. I'm currently committed to Breaker, Red, Elthas and Ayithe for IC posts. Don't worry guys, I won't leave any of you hanging. Breaker, I already have my next one drafted so i'll do what I can on my phone and proof read / quality check later.

Regular Shinny service will be restored soon.

09-12-16, 04:46 PM
You're a champ.

*Rocky theme*