View Full Version : [Pending] Sword Price Check

09-25-16, 12:35 AM
Can I get a price check on a sword, a falcon made of adamantine with an enchantment to return to the owner at the start of each post if it's more than one metre away.

I know I need to quest for adamantine, I want to know how much GP I need to get to get the sword.

09-27-16, 03:36 AM
You will need 1,125 GP and to quest for 2 pieces of adamantine.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

09-27-16, 05:46 AM
Nope, that's it!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-27-16, 06:57 AM
Ok Hysteria. I'll move this to the transaction archive as pending and when you get the materials you need we can roll on with this. :)