View Full Version : The Flesh Failures: Empty Orchestra (open!)

09-26-16, 02:57 PM
Music reverberated throughout the nightclub. The mellow strum of guitar strings meshed seamlessly with the pluck-and-roll of an upright bass, underscored by the steady rhythm of a well tapped tambourine. The magically amplified music soared over the polished oak floor where men and women danced alone and in couples. It echoed in the corner where tables and chairs gave patrons a place to sit and rest, enjoying their drinks or a hot meal brought out from the kitchens. It resounded off the wall behind the long bar where beautiful young tenders served the needs of the club's many customers. It flowed out the doors as they opened to admit Joshua 'Breaker' Cronen.

The lighting in the club was low and restful, a pleasant change from the garish green glow of the sign outside. It smelled of incense, scented sticks burning at the bar and in wall sconces like tiny torches. The music throbbed a mellow rhythm over the chatter of perhaps two hundred people. A female elf was on stage with the three piece band, singing a song about Raiaeara written before the Necromancer's Destruction. She had high cheekbones and slanted green green eyes that appeared blissful yet shone with tears.

Breaker nodded at the pair of burly bouncers outside as the doors closed behind him. His bare feet padded over the well swept floor, his tailor-cut blue sifan shirt and black pants swishing with every step. He scratched a stubbled chin and combed his close-cropped brown hair with callused hands. He blinked his hazel eyes and just like that, Angeline was at his side.

Angeline Sellings, the manager of The Flesh Failures nightclub, took her former head doorman by one muscular arm and threaded through the crowd towards the bar. She had not seen Josh in several months, and intended to say hello properly before resuming her duties.

"Scotch. Rocks." She said to a bartender. "Where have you been all this time?" She demanded of Josh as the young man fixed the drink.

"Traveling a fair bit," Cronen said with an enigmatic smile, "wherever the currents take me."

"Sailing?" She asked.


He's a strange one, Angeline noted as she passed the drink from the bartender to Breaker, but then he always was, somewhat.

"I just came by to relax for a night," he noted as they meandered towards the back of the large room, "how's business?"

"Booming as ever," Angeline said happily, "you picked the perfect night to stop by, then. Come on!"

She led Josh to the stage just as the Raiaeran elf finished her song. The crowd applauded loudly for the effort and the elf stepped down from the stage, thanking the band. Breaker stepped up in her place awkwardly as the room quieted to a muted purr of conversation.

Cronen's mind was blank. The only song he could think of was a silly sea shanty he'd heard a crewman singing while traveling on a pirate ship. Angeline and a couple hundred people were looking at him expectantly, and the band was poised, ready to play along with whatever came out of his mouth. Unable to think of an escape, Josh cleared his throat and sang in an uneven baritone. The enchanted microphone magnified his words for all to hear.

"Oh I met a lass with morals of gold
How my heart yearns for her more and more
She was pretty and clever, perfect for me
And that is where I went wrong, you see.

Take me to Haide!
All I wanted was a beautiful wife
Someone to join for all my life
Now I'm old and fat and all alone
With a cracked little cabin to call my home

Well my lass's sister was mighty bold
How my heart yearns for her more and more
She was quick to to confess she desired me
And before bloody long my own sword was free

Take me to Haide!
All I wanted was a beautiful wife
Someone to join for all my life
Now I'm old and fat and all alone
With a cracked little cabin to call my home

Well that lass's grandma was plenty old
How my heart yearns for her more and more
But the old have experience aplenty you see
So my tally from that family rose to three!"

Laughter greeted the song, and some of the crowd joined in on Josh's final rendition of the chorus. Chuckling at his own expense, he bowed to the band and then to the crowd, and stepped down to rejoin Angeline.

"Thanks for that," he said, accepting his drink and taking a long pull of the strong, fine whisky. Arm in arm, they walked a short distance away and turned to see who would take the stage next.

It's karaoke night at The Flesh Failures! Everyone may join. The only rule is that your character must sing in your first post.

09-28-16, 11:25 AM
McKinley looked up at the large sign that illuminated the name of the club, a simple hand written sign showed it was karaoke night. "Are you gonna stand outside all night or are you gonna have the courage to even go in let alone sing?" Her innocent face hardened into a glare, directing it towards the tall elf that she had hired as her new manager. "I- I don't do this type of stuff Meek, I am a violinist or even sometimes a pianist not a singer!" Kinley's voice was sharp but barely a whisper, she had a reputation of being a mute so to speak and letting her instruments do the talking for her. Meek gave her a knowing look as he rolled his dark orbs, pushing the door open and her small self through it. "Well darling you hired me to get you gigs and this is just a little exercise to build your confidence that you tend to lack." Flashing her a dazzling smile filled with his perfectly straight teeth she could feel herself fighting against rolling her eyes. "That's fine but why did you make me wear this?" She shoved her hand up and down the length of her body motioning to the attire she had on. It was a simple elegant floor length dress, a dark blue silky material that hugged her form flowing over her curves like waves. "Well that was kinda for my own gain." He wiggles his ears at her as he erupted in a fit of laughter. "You are impossible, Meek!" He shrugged walking off calling over his shoulders that he was gonna put her in the line up.

Kinely bit down on her plush red lips as she walked towards a table, her legs wobbling a little bit not used to the heels Meek had pretty much forced her to wear. Sighing she sat down at a table adjusting her dress, strapless was something she felt she should have never worn and it was slowly starting to show why. A young elf woman stepped on her stage as her voice filled the room so beautifully. A pit started to form in McKinley's stomach as she looked at the faces around her they all seemed mesmerized by the woman on stage. " I can do this, I can do this.." Running a hand through her crimson locks before looking up to see a man had now replaced the woman.

A small smile graced her lips as his voice was a bit raspy but the song he sang was lovely just as much as his voice unique. Meek should up at side causing her to jump. "You're up next babe!" Rolling her eyes at his pet names he always called her, grabbing her arm he stirred her towards the stage. Just as the man exited Meek shoved her up the stairs, she turned and glared at him for a brief moment. Climbing the stairs she walked the short distance to the band whispering to the guitarist for a moment before walking up and grabbing the microphone. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes before opening her mouth and letting her soft, sultry voice fill the room.

"It's a god-awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling, "No!"
And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen

But the film is a saddening bore
For she's lived it ten times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to focus on

Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man!
Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?"

The song ended and before anyone could clap for her McKinley was off the stage. She could feel her heart beating against her breast bone. Meek picked her up spinning her around causing her to yelp. "Meek put me down people are staring!" He was hooping and hollering about Kinley getting over her fears. Finally he set her down, McKinley took another deep breath as she pursed her lips. "You owe me drink, I want an apple martini double shot." Meek grinned at her nodding before she could demand another thing he was of in the crowd as she made her way back towards her table. "McKinley the once great and famous violinist now reduced to ongoing karaoke.."

10-03-16, 09:39 PM
A lead brought Lorenor to the night club called The Flesh Failures.

He normally would have avoided such seedy spots in his adventures...but the lead was a solid one.

His contact was a former ally of Sei Orlouge directly and Lorenor was on the hunt for the ancient relics of The Ixian Knights.

A certain individual put Lorenor on that path and that path was to recover the lost relics of Sei Orlouge.

Lorenor had no idea that the crusade he'd undergone would set his future in stone forever...and put him on the path he was meant to be on.

At one point...he'd considered killing N'Jal and her followers completely...but that goal seemed astronomically impossible to obtain.

Instead...he focused on his new journey. His new purpose. After Reformation, Lorenor realized he could write his own destiny and not be worried about the wrath of N'Jal. And so, he looked down at the document in his hands. Written in the common tongue in front of the night club was a sign that simply stated:Karaoke Night. Lorenor frowned at that. He didn't know the word since it was likely an Akashiman term. But he heard the singing from out in the streets of Radasanth. I wonder if I will be expected to sing. Needless to say, I have to get in there and speak to my contact. I won't get another chance at the relic the contact is offering.

A burly guard awaited outside of the establishment and he spotted Lorenor looking confused. "Hey lad, ye coming in?" The guard asked.

Lorenor nodded carefully after he gathered himself. "I'm here to see Drake." Lorenor said. "I have an appointment."

"Let me see the documentation." The guard said plainly.

Lorenor showed him the proper papers. "Anything else?"

"Yeah let me just check with the lads inside." The guard motioned to someone inside the establishment.

Lorenor sighed, he hated establishments and cities...they were always too crowded for their own good.

A few moments passed with the guard talking to several other individuals and the documents Lorenor presented passed hands.

"Ye art clear." The guard said. "But know something, lad. Tonight's house karaoke night. Meaning you'll have to sing. So be ready to come up with some material for the stage."

Lorenor frowned. "I have to speak to Drake, it's an important matter." Lorenor attempted to plea with the guard.

"Sorry lad, ye want into the club tonight, ye hath to sing. No exceptions tonight. House rules." The guard was insisting.

Lorenor swallowed his pride. He had a fair Radasanthian accent, and could sing to some degree. He thought about what he would actually sing and an idea came to his mind quickly. "Fine. If it gets me to Drake, I will sing."

"That's more like it lad, get in there and get on stage. Ye art next."


After placing his stuff down in a safe location, Lorenor found himself on stage in front of a gathered crowd.

The night clube had a large gathered group of patrons, easily more than fifty or sixty people were present talking, laughing...dancing. A band was on stage and there were many different instruments presents, including two electric guitarists. Lorenor saw what looked like a bass instrument and a few other complex pieces of musical engineering. Lorenor looked down at the mic in his hand and sighed for a moment but quickly gathered himself. The crowd is getting restless... Lorenor thought to himself. He looked towards the bass player and the guitarists.

"Gentlemen, give me a hard riff."

The guitarists complied and Lorenor looked at the crowd dead on.

"From the Darkness...
Children come with claws and teeth slashing, bashing tearing...
Give me the darkness little ones...
Heroes rises, Heroes falls...from the Darkness from the fires of Haide...
GIve me blade, give me bow..." Lorenor sang.

And the darker music played in the background, guitars raging along with Lorenor's baritone voice.

Drums bashing down with the skill of a seasoned veteran.

"O from the Darkness comes verse two.
GIve me two souls for my blade O ye Thayne...
Forsaken Heroes give me two souls for my blade.
Stand against The Dark, suffer the fate of the children of Raiaera
Cold, Hungry, Angry The Darkness is..."

"O Hungry for your souls, give us your souls!" Lorenor was singing in a fevered pitch by then and the crowd was incredibly pumped up by the Paladin's baritone wickedness.

"We love you Ixian!" The angry, pumped up crowd yelled back to their lord and savior.

"Give me the souls for my blades that we might feedeth The Darkness.
The Darkness of Haide!!!" Lorenor yelled and he rose his mic to the sky, and then yelled out loud.

The crowd was pumped at that point and the guitarist was blazing mean riffs for the gathered.

The guard looked at Lorenor and nodded to with a mischievous expression on his face.

"Children of Radasanth! Tonight WE RISE!!!" Lorenor yelled again and put the mic down.

"Ixian! Ixian!" The gathered crowd began to yell with vigor and hunger for the Paladin.

With the singing done, Lorenor walked of the stage and prepared for his meeting with Drake.

10-03-16, 10:09 PM
Well, there she stood. One of the most introverted people out there was suddenly on a stage, facing up to a crowd... Brilliant. Her face alone said how tired and annoyed she was. All she had wanted was a place to take a breather! Now, here she stood in some useless, garbage karaoke. How horrendous.

"Look, you weakling suckers forced me to do this. I will make you pay by singing a tear jerker."

She turned around, facing the crummy musicians. "Hey, pianist, give me some sad keyboards or I will freeze your blood."

Terrified enough at the way this girl's eyes were tinted ice, the pianist performed a slow, haunting, chilling, and sad song. Just like that, the phenomenon vocalist who was Ayleth Icebreaker started singing a song as depressing and tear jerking as decaffeinated coffee.

Ash rises from the snowy slopes
Mountains crash down, and with it, hope
I watched the world fall apart
Everything I had, ripped away and carried so far

What chance does one little girl have
Against this bitter, dark world?
How could a stupid kid ever last
In this furious, fire heated war?

So what happens when all is lost?
Left to decay and rot - in this frost
What happens when a child plays warrior?
What happens the charades catch up with her?

What chance does one little girl have
Against this bitter, dark world?
How could a stupid kid ever last
In this furious, fire heated war?

Because it provoked me
Choked me, broke me
And it left me twice as cold
Lost and alone

What chance does one little girl have
Against this bitter, dark world?
How could a stupid kid ever last
Even if she's seen it before...

Ash rises from the snowy slopes
Mountains crash down, and with it, hope

As the piano played it's final chord, the beautiful singer looked out into the crowd...

... they were all bawling their eyes out.

Some random, not important guy cried out in agony, "Curse you, emo song and lovely vocals and sad piano!"

Ayleth lowered her microphone, sweaty like she had just come out of a lingering battle. Hey, it actually did feel kind of good to vent out her emotions and let it go. That, and the crowd was in tears. She had gotten what she wanted. Satisfied with her results, she left the stage with an evil grin on her face.

For once, Ayleth had won.

10-04-16, 03:02 PM
If anyone else wants to join, this thread is still open. Jump on in.

"That was quite beautiful," Breaker commented to Angeline as the ice-eyed young half elf climbed down from the stage. He had stood with Angeline for the past three performances, and every one of the singers had seemed as nervous as he'd felt, even if they did sound better. Josh felt the problems and worries of his everyday life swept away as he lost himself in the ongoing music. A slender dark elf took the stage next, and sang a song about a magical dragon with a strange name.

"I've got some work to take care of," Angeline said, noticing one of her bouncers shoot her a covert hand signal. She patted Josh on the arm and strode away, high heels clicking, slinky dress shimmering in the enchanted lights that filled the club.

"Sorry to bother you," the bouncer said as Angeline arrived at his side, "but we've had someone come in asking for Drake. It was the strange looking fellow with the glowing eyes who sang before that woman got on stage and made us all weep." The big man brushed a lingering tear from his eye. "Bloody sad piano." He muttered.

"I know," Angeline said with a happy sniffle, "that shape-shifting band we hired was worth every copper!" She cleared her throat and tossed her voluminous blonde hair behind her shoulders. "Is that the fellow you were talking about?" She asked, pointing at Lorenor through a tangle of dancing bodies.

"That's the one," the bouncer replied, "I should get back outside before that half-elf gets back on stage.." he muttered. As he walked away he drew forth a large splotchy handkerchief and blew his nose noisily.

Angeline put on her best smile and approached the fellow with the glowing eyes, intent on discovering his purpose.

Josh watched the dark elf sing about the dragon for a time and then spotted the woman with reddish hair who'd sang after him sitting alone at a table. He mingled his way through sweaty dancers toward where she sat, approaching from in front of her and giving a little wave of greeting.

"Hi, I'm Josh," he said, "that was quite the humorous ballad you sang. What's your name?" He sat down at the table across from her somewhat presumptuously, and then joined the rest of the crowd in applauding as the young dark elf finished singing about the dragon.

10-04-16, 04:42 PM
McKinley looked around wondering if the man that had sang before her was waving at her. Looking around her the question was answered quickly as he claimed the seat across from her. Her round eyes widened mimicking the shape of milk saucers. Her crystal blue orbs ran over his rugged body before realizing she was staring and hadn't answered his question. "M-McKinley my name is McKinley, as for the song I heard a gypsy woman sing it a few years ago in a small village." Her voice soft and easily carried across the music that was being sung on stage pursing her lips slightly. "Um nice to meet you Josh your song was very unique and interesting." Offering him a soft sincere smile before Meek rushed over to the table with her drink order, his mouth already talking a mile a minute not even noticing the man across the table. "Meek,Meek! This is Josh he was the young gentleman that sang before me. We were just talking before you rudely interrupted." The tall elf turned looking at the man before turning back to the red head winking quickly he turned back to the man.

"Hello my good sir, Meek is my name finding talent is my game. Miss Parish here a rare gen be gentle with her." Saluting to both of them before he ran off. The look on Kinsey's face mirrored how she felt on the inside, mortified.

"Oh my goddess, I am so sorry.." Her cheeks were painted pink with the obvious statement of embarrassment with what had just happened. Taking a long deep swig of the martini feeling the warm trail of alcohol down her throats and into her belly. A small shiver ran down her spine as she looked back at Josh briefly before back towards the stage. Acting as if she was really into the male singing so she wouldn't have to look at him. "So what brings you here? Do you just enjoy karaoke nights or business night turned into pleasure." Just as the words left her mouth she regretted putting that phrase together as it sounded like a pass. Placing her hand over her mouth as if to shield herself from saying anything else stupid. This is why I don't talk because I am socially awkward! My instruments never make me feel this dumb than again that is why I am socially awkward because I spend so much time with things that aren't people.

Taking another long drink before she looked at the male offering him a sad smile. "I am terribly sorry I am not around people much so I tend to make a fool of myself. Tripping over my own tongue or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time." Extending her hand to him, his large hand clasping around her small one shaking it a few times. "Let me start over, my name is McKinley and I am a professional violinist and that elf that was just here was my manager pushing me out of my comfort zone."

10-05-16, 05:25 PM
Lorenor was now sitting in Drake's office.

The contact he'd obtained in his search for the artifacts of The Ixian Knights lead him to the man now sitting before. He was an older Human, carefully positioned in behind an oak desk. There were several guards present in the room, and Lorenor could only guess as to their skill level. As he sat opposite the Human, the Human smoked an ornate pipe with tobacco in it. The smell was surprisingly pleasing to Lorenor.

The Paladin had been talking to Drake for the better part of an hour as music continued to filled the exterior halls of the night club.

"So let me get this straight." The man took a long pull from the pipe. "You are after the relic that Sei Orlouge left behind?"

"It's a tablet." Lorenor explained carefully. "It is vitally important that I find this tablet. It wasn't in the Ixian Knight's castle the last time I searched for it." Lorenor said truthfully.

"So you think I have it?" Drake asked. "What makes you so positive?"

Lorenor shook his head. "That's not why I am here." Lorenor continued. "You deal in Information." Lorenor knew that Drake was a highly skilled Information broker. "I couldn't find my target on my own so now I need outside help. If you have any information about the location of the Tablet...it would be a big help to me."

Drake rubbed his chin. "You realize that information is not free."

Lorenor nodded. "I'm prepared to pay for your services." Lorenor was being honest, he had acquired a decent gold piece in his day.

Drake leaned forward. "I am not interested in your gold, Ixian."

Lorenor nodded once more. "I figured that would be the case." Lorenor became very serious at that point. "I can bring you a relic from the location of the Tablet, if it pleases you."

"What kind of relic?" Drake suddenly asked, he was sincerely interested. "How do you know such relics are present at the location?"

"I knew Sei Orlouge directly." Lorenor explained. "I know how the man used to think. If he hid the Tablet himself, there would likely be a cache nearby to the location of the Tablet. I want this tablet, and I'm prepared to pay for it."

"What makes you think that I would allow you to simply take that Tablet? What if I want that object myself?" Drake suddenly said.

Lorenor frowned. He began to stand up from his seat. "Funny, Drake. I thought you a businessman." Lorenor felt sincerely offended and began to make his way to leave.

"Wait." Drake said. "There is no need to cross."

Lorenor paused for a moment to hear what Drake had to say. "Noted." He turned to face his contact. "Do we have a deal?"

Drake frowned at that point. "I can tell you where The Tablet was last rumoured to be. Beyond that you will have to employ your own skill to acquire it. But understand something, Ixian. It is in a very dangerous portion of Concordia."

"Spider Magi territory." So at last, Lorenor had a lead.

"How do you know?" Drake asked.

"Simple. I used to be one." Lorenor said without thinking about it. "Which area is it in within the depths of Cocordia?"

"The area called Shadow Ridge." Drake said calmly. "If you do find something bring it back to me but I doubt you'll get that far."

Lorenor sighed. "You have no idea who I am." Lorenor said calmly. "I'll come back in a week's time with my payment for the services."

Drake had a serious look on his face. "Lorenor...you have a week's time. Better make the most of it."

Lorenor stepped out of the office at that point, glad to be out of that slimey Human's grasp. But the important thing was...he knew where the Tablet was...it was in a place where he would face old enemies.

01-26-17, 08:32 PM
Breaker chuckled at the elf's antics and then focused on the young woman who called herself McKinley. She was petite and pretty, with dark blue eyes and reddish-brown hair. She spoke so softly he had to lean across the table to catch some of her words, and yet her tone carried as much music as the band on stage.

"A professional violinist?" He repeated to make sure he'd heard right, "that's fascinating. Is there anyplace around here I might hear you play?" Josh reclined in his chair, swaying to the rhythm of the band vamping between singers. He sipped his drink, enjoying the rich, soothing flavor of the scotch, and then set the glass down on the polished tabletop. Across the room, he saw Angeline talking to a strange man with glowing eyes. You don't work here anymore, he reminded himself.

Although the dancers and the staff and even the barstools changed over time, The Flesh Failures had stood for many years under Angeline's confident management. Josh had so many memories of the place, he could see ghosts of himself everywhere. While he sat calmly facing McKinley, in his mind's eye he was on the dance floor, at the bar, even in the basement training or upstairs in the bedrooms. In a strange way, it felt as much like home as anyplace on Althanas.

02-06-17, 10:59 AM
Shrugging some what awkwardly, "I haven't played since one of my shows went under attack with a crew that wanted to harm me.." McKinley glanced down at her hands then back up at the man. "Well publically I mean, I still play in my home privately but that's why I hired Meek I guess. To push me back into the social light.." Her words drifted off as she noticed his eyes and body posture showed interest in other things. "I'm sorry if you have other things that you need to tend to don't let me stop you."

Kinley pushed a hand through her long red locks as she sucked in her bottom lip between her teeth. Sitting in an awkward silence, the man's face looked slightly puzzled with her sudden out burst. "I can see you sitting here but your mind else where." She replied a bit louder then her normal tone. She offered him a half apologetic smile, "sorry that came off rude." Slowling she lowered her head as if she was a puppy being reprimanded.

"I'm not good around people, I say the wrong things I don't usually do this kind of thing." She was rambling again, her cheeks painted red with embarrassment. "Gods I am so sorry.." Covering her face with her hands as if that would make her disappear she shook her head. God McKinley just stop talking you clumsy girl. She scolded herself harshfully not wanting to look at the gentlemen she had just embarrassed herself in front of.

02-13-17, 01:44 PM
Lorenor stepped out of Drake's office.

There was an air of angst about him and he considered everything he had learned about the Tablet. So right now I'm a step closer to finding the Tablet. That's important. I have to consider why Sei let it there or perhaps it was merely stolen from the castle by looters. There were many possibilities and Lorenor hated the fact that now he had to deal with Drake. He spotted Joshua Cronen up ahead talking to some girl he never saw before. Lorenor shrugged at the thought and went to sit down for a moment.

He needed to get the swirling and chaotic thoughts in his mind under control.

When he sat down he saw a waitress walk over towards him. "Your performance was top notch, Ixian." She said gleefully. "What can I get for ya?"

Lorenor looked at the menu for a long moment. "Some steak would be good and Radasanth Pop." Lorenor said calmly. "I don't drink alcohol."

"Fair enough." She said calmly. "Your order will be ready shortly." She added.

Lorenor nodded and prepared to wait for his meal. He was hungry...it had been a long time since he'd eaten a solid meal like that...

02-15-17, 09:52 AM
"No no," Josh chuckled, the Y-shaped scars on his cheeks dimpling, "I'm sorry, you see I used to work as head of security here, so I tend to fall into old habits of watching every direction and doing a million things at once." He focused on the blushing young woman, hazel eyes peering past the curtain her fingers formed in front of reddened cheeks. "I'm here tonight to relax, and I promise there's nothing I'd rather be doing than sitting here talking to you.

"Don't worry about saying the wrong things," he encouraged her. He finished his drink and signaled to a server to bring them another round. "Would you be interested in playing a concert in a place like this?" He asked, gesturing at the thriving dance floor, "I realize it probably isn't your typical venue, but I do happen to know the manager. And I guarantee they have excellent security." He chuckled again. Since his retirement from the position, a powerful warrior-sorceress named Molly Doomeye had taken over, and if anything she was better at the job than Breaker had ever been.

Most nights at the Flesh Failures would have seen Josh joining the masses on the dance floor, or adjourning to either the basement or the upstairs bedrooms. He rarely sat in the bar area sipping drinks with a stranger, but something about the bashful violinist intrigued him. He wanted to know more, or perhaps he just wanted to see what silly thing she'd say next. In any case he leaned back in his chair and fixed the woman with his limitless hazel gaze, barely looking up when the waitress arrived with their drinks.

02-22-17, 03:21 PM
McKinley's mouth slightly open as he revealed why he seemed distracted. Her hands falling off her face. "Im so sorry, look at me practically demanding all your attention like a spoiled child." Sitting there baffled for a moment at her own actions she let out a nervous giggle. Shifting in her seat she pulled at the top of her dress to keep her somewhat ample breast from exposing themselves. "I am out of my comfort zone, I usually don't talk to many people or dress like this." She glanced down at her blue gown that matched her eye color. Silly silly, me... "T-talking to me is what you wanna do tonight? I trip over my own tongue." Her cheeks deepened in color, the compliments he was and had been giving her was something she wasn't used to.

The thought of playing music made her sit up straighter, a smile danced across her lips. "I do love playing.. I play just to play the money was just a bonus." Her eyes glistened with excitement as she brought her drink to her lips taking a greedy drink. Allowing the tip of her tongue to trace over her plush pillows to collect the left over droplets. "Music is a way for me to tell my story and speak louder then I ever could orally," sighing softly she placed her elbows on the table.

"The places never mattered to me honestly, just the people there willing to listen." Shrugging she dipped her finger in her cup stirring the contents before popping the finger in her mouth and sucking the liquid off of it. "Do you play any instruments, Josh?" Her head titling slightly with interest as he seemed like he could be a man of many talents.

03-03-17, 11:30 AM
As people congregated around him...

Lorenor ate his meal in silence.

He thought about everything he'd learned from Drake. The Tablet is still intact... He thought to himself. That much I do know. But I don't like the idea of going back into Spider Magi territory...Forsaken territory.... Lorenor had gone too far with Sei's help to suddenly be stopped by a singular obstacle.

As he ate he thought about the Tablet, and he considered where he needed to go...another thought further crossed his mind.

I don't want to risk everything for an artifact as important as that...not yet. I don't know if I'm strong enough to handle Forsaken. Lorenor frowned. It was not like him to be so pessimistic about matters...but the enemy he had to face was not a good prospect at all.

If Drake attempts to pursue me I will defend myself...I'm going to have to abandon the tablet for now. Lorenor took a bite of his meal. And concerned what he had just planned out. All in the matter of several hours of deep thought. The enemy is too serious a threat for me to face at this point...then there is N'Jal. How would I react facing her again...branded as a traitor? And yet it was them who betrayed me...I don't know...things are so fucked up now.

Lorenor was in deep thought as he ate.

There were many matters to consider at hand, and he had to carefully weigh each one...he sighed at that point.

I don't like it...but I will have to abandon the mission for now... He knew that he wasn't going to like the answers he found...and that proved to be valid. Drake was a seedy individual, but he was certain he could defend himself if Drake attempted to collect the debt prematurely...

I'll have to watch my back...shouldn't be a problem. Lorenor saw Joshua Cronen talking to some girl he'd never seen before in a corner of the club. He smiled and then returned back to his meal, largely preferring to keep to himself.

03-03-17, 02:35 PM
"Instruments? Me? No," Josh chuckled, "I'm not exactly the musical type, although I did almost become the drummer in a band once upon a time. Mostly I just like hitting things." He showed McKinley the thick calluses on his knuckles. "I'm a prizefighter and martial arts instructor, although I do other jobs from time to time. Security, for example." He made a circle with his hand, indicating the club at large. "This place used to be like home to me. I had a small gym in the basement for training my students, a room upstairs, and plenty of liquor in between." He chuckled again, "it was the perfect setup, for a time."

Breaker rolled his broad shoulders and glanced around the room before returning his gaze to McKinley's dark blue eyes. "More recently, I became a bit too popular for my own good. My little gym was flooded with students. Before long they chased me away, and I moved to small mountaintop village in Akashima." His eyes glazed over as he thought of Yutori, the quaint village where he'd spent most of the winter. "It's been a pleasure, living and teaching where I'm less known. But I had to return to Radasanth on business..."

He studied the young violinist, not wanting to bore her with talk of his grand plans. Having competed in a number of Althanas' tournaments in his life, Breaker had begun the planning of his own competition. He would need help with the financing and advertising, of course, which was the business that had brought him to Radasanth. Coming to The Flesh Failures had been a simple means to blowing off some steam the night before his big meetings. Only instead of dancing the hours away, he found himself caught up in conversation with the shy musician.

"I would like to hear you play sometime."

03-03-17, 09:59 PM
McKinley had a doe like expression on her face, her fingertips grazing over his knuckles. "You're huge!" She exclaimed, the look on the people passing by was shocked at her out burst. Her cheeks flushed red, her mouth fell open. "I mean your calluses, your calluses are huge. I made that sound inappropriate. I am so sorry." She could feel her face heat up as she fanned it, a nervous hand ran through her fiery red locks. "Drums, you played drums that is really amazing." She quickly tried to change the subject hoping that he would pick up on how embarrassed she was. The fact that she had said something and it sounded sexual almost mortified her.

As he spoke about fighting she titled her head slightly, "so you beat people up for money?" She tossed the thought around her head for a moment pondering on it. "That seems so silly, you could get hurt." Her tone held such sincere about his well being as she frowned. The way he explained his story peaked her interest. "That is fascinating though, you must be a really good fighter to have all that happen to you." She put her elbows on the table resting her chin on the tops of her knuckles. She smiled at the thought of moving some where it was quiet. "I live on the outskirts of the city, not my first choice to live either but it's what I can afford." She simply shrugged okay with it.

"You can at my place," she smiled. The smile slowly slipped from her face as she realized she had did it once again. "Oh my Gods I am so sorry I did it again." She covered her face shaking her head in disbelief. "I keep doing thing and I swear it isn't on purpose, maybe someone slipped a serum in my drink." She picked it up studying the mug even went as far as sniffing it. "I really don't know why it keeps coming out with such a um-," she paused her cheeks gathering a crimson color to them again. "Sexual derivatives.." She sat the mug on the table before glancing at him nervously. A sheepish look on her face, her red mane falling like a curtain over half of her face.

07-02-17, 10:16 AM
Breaker stifled a chuckle, grinning broadly despite the girl's fumbling for words. She looked good when she blushed... her cheeks almost matched her hair. The alcohol probably had something to do with the innuendos pouring out of her mouth, but Josh suspected she was attracted to him. It wasn't unusual. He was attracted to her.

A waitress appeared through the throng to bus their empty drinks, giving them a quizzical look to ask if they wanted more. Josh shook his head, and the server shimmied away, tray held aloft.

"I'd love to hear you play at your place," he called over the music, "but for now, why don't we dance?" A drakari was singing an upbeat song neither of them could understand, and couples had taken to clasping hands and whirling one another about the dance floor.

Josh took Kinley's hand and led the nervous girl into open space. He held her close, though not too close, and led a timely two step to the rhythm. His hazel eyes scanned the club over top of the redhead, always vigilant. He saw Angeline, speaking with some of her servers. He saw a man sitting alone, enjoying his meal. He saw the musicians on stage, vamping and waiting for the next singer to climb up. Finally he allowed himself to relax, and as the music slowed, wrapped his arms around the pretty woman and swayed with her.

Whether the night ended there or not, he could almost lose himself in her crystal blue eyes.

Will submit this thread if no one posts within a week.