View Full Version : Bandits in the Woods

10-06-16, 06:57 AM
The wilderness here was a vast, it's herbs running deep between the tree trunks that matted this forest like an endless labyrinth. Among them the woodland creatures and fae that governed the natural balance in this realm of mother nature as well as it's guardians the rangers. The trade was almost complete with the horseman and chains that brought in tow a young woman who appeared as a ebony haired beauty who's shackles that had warn away the epidermis about her wrist. Tear stains continuously being refreshed as the bandits that had struck decided that a beauty of her talents and ability were best used serving themselves oppose to the brothel that had hired her. Not only was she capable of becoming anything new the people wanted but also sub in for the favorites who had already built up a reputation and needed a break.

Since she would be the newbie, that meant she would be met with the harshest of customers in attempts to break her in and determine if she was capable of lasting on the VIP list. The jingling of the shackle could be heard as one of the males behind her now kicked her in the back.

The larger of the three now speaking up as he saw the woman lagging behind, "Wench picky ya'self off the ground, be a proud hoe you are and go the extra mile we almost to your new sanctuary."

As she collapsed to the ground she mewled in pain now pulling her head up, the black bangs of human now revealing the glistening eyes as she begged. "Please you freed me b-but now you are a mark for literally every mercenary. T-the guy who wants me isn't just going to let you walk after all this. I-If you set me free I wont' tell them if I get caught I promise."

A firm backhand smacked across her face as she now began to bleed, wincing in pain as the wound laid open One of the men now gripping her by the hair as he pulled her to her feet. "Yeah yeah, you some important whore well now you are our important whore so be a good girl and strip while you walk the rest of the way."

As she heard him command she nervously gulped, hands reaching up to the cloths she still wore to protect her feminine form. The voluptuous orbs, and womanly crevice were all guarded by the thinnest of cloth it was a shock they hadn't torn it off already. "Y-yes sir."

Before she could undress herself though a dagger sliced up between the two mounds the rags opening to reveal herself as she blushed and closed her eyes. The cold steel now rested against her cheek as it made a small incision into it as she cried out painfully.

10-09-16, 08:29 PM
Truth be told, John didn't plan on spending his day walking on a forest path with Jamie. And, though sunlight streamed through the trees pleasantly, and there was birdsong in the air, their business was anything but pleasure.

Though, truth be told, he had gotten used to strangeness in his life a long time ago. The raven-haired woman sighed as they walked, hopefully catching up to a small group of bandits who'd gotten their hands on one of the local prostitutes. Word was, she was a shape-shifter and her pimp marketed her as a sort of 'whatever you want' option for those with unconventional tastes. Word also was he treated her pretty badly most of the time, and some thugs had managed to steal her, and headed in this direction. He glanced down at Jamie, knowing that for her, this was a more personal issue than she needed to say. He reached a hand to the side, the armor moving up and away from his hand so he could close it around hers. She took it and smiled back at him. John looked back up the trail, committing himself to the endeavor yet again.

He knew every scar on Jamie from her previous handler, and aimed to keep this girl from getting any more.

A pained cry shook him from his thoughts, and they both broke into a run around the next bend in the trees, seeing a trio of men surrounding a girl, one holding a dagger to her cheek.

They might have approached unnoticed, but an eight foot man makes a great deal of noise when running, and all turned to look at John and Jamie. All three were rough-looking sorts, the eldest of them perhaps twenty-five years.

One of the three stepped back, yelling to the others.

"Holy shit! It's Cromwell!"

The leader shifted his knife, standing behind the girl and holding the edge to her throat, the blade glinting.

"You take one step and she dies, you hear?"

A bad way to threaten John. He responded, forcing his armor to cover his entire body, each piece sliding up like liquid silver and clicking into place.

"If she dies, you die more painfully," he said, forming a knife from his closed fist, stepping in front of Jamie, just in case.

10-10-16, 08:04 AM
The roughly shaved bandit soon pulled her end gripping her arms ever so tightly as his scruff of his neck grated over her soft skin like sand. Of all the possible outcomes though, the bandits didn't expect random passerby's snooping in on their affairs, this was no place for such folk to be out and about. It was just a bit off the beaten path, but who honestly strayed far fro it unless they were adventurers or perhaps mercenaries. The one gripping her now slid the knife down her cheek scraping away the tears that rand down her cheek.

"Why did'cha tell us whore ur masta has deep pockets now look what shiz we in cuz of ya." The man grumbled into her ear drum, the cold steel still ready the slice of flakes of skin. He then glanced back out hearing the remark that he would suffer a death worse if he harmed the girl.

Avilon whimpered nervously as she knew the situation was tense, it all sat on a razors edge or knife as the case was for her. A quick move was the decision between death and life for all the people partaking in this.

Cromwell? Avilon knew little of this country, less so about the people who were famous to it perhaps he was a well known knight for freeing damsels or slaves from captivity. Nonetheless, the bandits were freaked they were young and foolish they didn't really think that people would come for them. Just a simple slave trade that got ambushed. That was all it was suppose to be.

The less articulate one spoke up, "M-man get the fook away from us or we ... well kill her." The one holding her to his chest and nervously holding the knife to her throat began to panic.

The one holding her now questioned him of why he would care what happens to her, "She just a slave man plenty of them just let us have this one!"

10-13-16, 01:07 PM
If the situation weren't so dire, John would have chuckled. As it was, these 'bandits' were likely just regular folk who saw their chance at a break. Jamie stepped from behind him to yell at the trio. He never did like it when she did that.

"Kill her? Then what? You've destroyed your golden goose, and then I've got no reason to let you live!" she finished, balling her fists. If push came to shove, she could likely give the three of them a good beating, but John had no intention of letting her get herself hurt.

John placed a hand on Jamie's shoulder, allowing the silvery armor that covered his body to recede until it covered only his chest. They aren't that committed, they've barely got her as it is. Maybe I can talk some sense into them.He spoke, calmly, slowly, hoping that he wouldn't have to kill the boys for their indiscretion, even if it was detestable.

"Listen. I'm taking that girl. Either way it goes, she comes with me. If I take her without fuss, that's fine, but I will break all three of your necks if I need to. Now, how's it gonna be?"

The two followers bolted, yelling behind them that it wouldn't be worth it anyways. The leader turned his head to the side to look for his compatriots.

"Wait! We can take him, we just-" In that moment John was on him impossibly fast, driving a gauntleted fist down across his head, which twisted to the side as he fell, unconscious.

Jamie jogged up behind him, taking the girl's hands in hers. "It's okay, you're safe with us, I promise. Now, let's see if he's got the key here," She said, bending down to rummage through the lad's pockets. John smirked, taking the chain between her manacles and pulling until one of the links snapped off.

"There, Jamie, let's get her back."

Jamie swatted John on the shoulder. "We've got to get the cuffs off too, you know?"

"Which is a lot easier to do if we get her back to the house, eh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Unless you've found the keys to her shackles?"

Jamie resisted a smile, but failed as she spoke. "Ok, big guy, you win. It was probably on one of the other's belts anyways." She turned back to the girl. "Okay, now let's get you cleaned up."

They departed through the woods in the direction of John's house.