View Full Version : Lady and the Slave

10-07-16, 02:57 PM
It was only a week since she last was freed by her enslavement, yet the fear of captivity still plagued her conscious with the idea of waking up once again with the collar. The tender skin from where the shackles that once chafed her wrists and neck. Nightmares once again ravaged her dreams causing herself to wish she had never been singled out by the bandits. Then she wouldn't have to fear the thought of her owner searching for a run away slave. Inhale followed by exhale was the repetitive nature of all creature and hers was heavy due to this weight upon her conscious.

"Oh gods why must I fear freedom, t-this was everything you ever wanted girl wake up smell the carnations. This was the chance you dreamed and knew you would never get seek employment and make a life for yourself here and now."

As she reassured herself in the inn that her savior had paid for, this was one of many paths that life sent you down and she wasn't about to waste it. The tender blue eyes now blinked as she was wearing her normal skin, not the disguise she took this room under. It was time to return to the life of Emma, her alias she had taken on.

Her breathing still steady as she knew the pain that would follow all to well, the cracking of bones and gurgling of flesh nearly melting back upon her bones was soft. The pain of becoming another person was something few could experience, yet she suffered it on a daily basis. She pulled the sheets up and bit into them as she muffled her pained screams. First the shade of her flesh shifted from the light azure to the pale peach skin of humans. Then followed the falling out of long hair and replacing of shorter style. The mewls of pain still silenced by the pillow as her alien figure became more and more human till a normal human female sat upon the bed. Tears streamed down her cheek till she now glanced sideways upon the bed her naked form shivering from the trauma of the transformation.

Several minutes passed till she finally mustered the strength to roam out with her new threads, a leather coat over top of a cloth that was wrapped about her bust. Her legs wearing dark hide material as well most likely sewn from the pelt of cow as it was the cheapest material.

10-07-16, 03:29 PM
Images of the Eiskalt war still weighed heavy on the small succubus as she sat hunched over the inn's bartop. The tender beyond the other side looked at her with concern and small, thin fingers struggled to pack an odd herbal mix into the crevice of her long stemmed pipe. While not the prettiest packing job, she waved her shaking hands and a wisp of smoke became a set of rings, clattering to the wooden surface. She placed the knurled steel on her thumb and ferrocerium ring on her index. Lady placed the stem of the pipe in her pastel lips and gnashed ring against ring until a blaze of sparks spewed into the dried herbs. They quickly caught and her chest heaved to draw a breath in as quickly as possible without quenching the embers.

"You alright, miss?" asked the concerned tender. She shot him a panicked scowl that quickly softened.

Lady pulled her pipe away and spun a thin stream of aromatic smoke into the air. Her eyes shut for a moment as the rush of blood and familiar numbness washed the horrors from her mind.

"I'm -- I'm okay," she chirped in a sweet, melodic voice.

The high of her concoction hit quickly and her head hung in the bliss of serenity. She ran fingers through her short, lavender hair. The drag of her skin upon skin felt soothing and exciting simultaneously and forced her back to prickle and shiver all the way down to a hidden tail. In the quiver of the sensation, she let out a soft exhale through parted lips.

The tender stared on with what started as concern and ended on ill intent as his eyes drew down her neck, past her collarbone, and onto more self-serving sights.

"Well, uh..." he stammered. "You let me know if y'be needin' anything miss. Anything at all."

"Mmmm..." Lady replied in an affirmative toned moan and nod of her head.

"And you there! Miss! How was yer night?" This time, the bartender and inkeep called out to a different person of the female persuasion. He waved his hand toward the maiden clad in leather as she descended the stairs.

Lady turned with half-lidded eyes toward the ruckus, stunning yellow eyes falling on the girl as she attempted to slink away. In her induced stupor, Lady offered a warm smile and playful wink.

10-07-16, 04:36 PM
Avilon kept her eyes toward the ground, it was difficult to live a lie and to stand after the torture of altering one's own physique. Every shift she could recall the sensation of each cell cannibalizing the other till there was none left then the mixture of the inferior human DNA structure and the advance morphing cellular organism she was. It was there in the inn she found herself now garnering the attention of both the inn keeper at the bar and a woman who seemed quite refined with her pipe. The smoke began to dissipate through the air of the room, her nose caught whiff of it as she now coughed and fanned out the air before her own breath as she was quite sensitive like a flower.

The tender questioned her before she even made six meters out from her room as she glanced over with a faint smile and nod, "Yes thank you so much for your hospitality. I slept just fine." The lie was well conceived but poorly executed as her skin began to tinge green with the partial lie as if she was ill.

A lie was almost impossible for a shifter those emotions she would have to learn to conceal or at least fabricate better, an ounce of truth made even a lie believable. The girl then glanced over and pulled the coat tighter around her body as she was feeling a bit exposed even compared to her usual outfits.

"Thanks for the shelter," she smiled now glancing off toward the strange woman who winked at her. She needed something to drink and was intrigued by the female now casting a shocking gaze over her. Sitting a few chairs away from the Succubus as she awaited a water.