View Full Version : Nobility (Rated Aure)

10-08-16, 11:28 AM
NB:Following elements are contained within this RP, please read at your discretion; deception, child grooming, incestual elements, drugging, conditioning.

Born: Life and Death

The room was alight with the burning of bright candles and gas lanterns that dotted the walls and high ceilings. The flickering lights danced in a gentle breeze, creating shifting shadows stretching high against the floral printed walls, which were covered in rich tapestries depicting the Holy Mother, fields of green, and smiling children. A comforting heat filled the room, a reprise from the relentless sheet of snow and hail outside. The hearth on the far corner of the lavish room burned with a heated ferocity. Flames climbing up the chimney, wood crackling and spitting. Opposite sat a large, four poster bed, lined with thick duvets and linen, and surrounded by towels. Several chambermaids rushed around a screaming woman, hunched over in the large bed. One lightly dabbed the sweat that beaded upon her pale forehead, another held tight to her hand. Others readied pans of clean, fresh water.

There was a rap at the door, a man’s voice called out, muffled, and concerned. Although by his words, one would find his concerns misplaced. “How is she? Has she sired another son?”

Two of the maids in keeping glanced at each other, one shuffled over to the door, wiping her hands on her apron. She opened the door ajar. “She is ill with fever, m’lord.”

“What?” The Duke took a step in but the woman held fast to the door. “I mean no disrespect M’lord - but no men are to enter during childbirth. We shall call for you when ready.”

The Duke growled, but stepped back. Adhering to the woman’s request.

“Thank you, M’lord.”

The door shut tight, and a pained scream fell from the woman’s agape mouth, Her hand gripped tighter to one of the chambermaids. The other held a small relic from the Church, thumb and forfinger rubbing against its amber surface.

“Push again, miss, I see a head.” The midwife, an older woman - face and hands defined with well aged wrinkles and liver spots. “Almost there.”

The woman gave a final pained push, and the baby fell into the waiting arms of the mature woman. The servants made quick work, cleaning and prepping the newborn child. Their attention on ensuring the birth was a success. The baby twisted its tiny face and gave a gasp, followed by a scream. Opening her eyes to reveal a brilliant emerald hue.

“A girl! Miss, what would you care to call her?”

The Duchess had stopped screaming, her grip on the woman loosened. The holy artifact she held so tightly onto had fallen into the floor with a clank. “Miss? Miss Noelle?” As the woman was shaken, her eyes fluttered open and she turned her head to the maid. “P-please. Amari. Her name needs to be Amari.” Her eyes dulled, lips trembling and breath slowing.

“Of course miss!”

Noelle gave a small smile, her eyelids fluttered, and closed one final time.

A banging broke the sombre silence, it buckled against the weight of the Duke’s fists, smashing against the brittle wooden frame. “WHY IS THERE SILENCE!” his voice boomed, “I DEMAND TO SEE MY WIFE, AND SON AT ONCE!”
There was a scramble, before the midwife wiped the tears from her face - calmly approaching the door. She opened it. “M’lord- you have a beautiful daughter.”

“Daughter? I sire no daughters!” He seethed. “Let me see my wife!”

“M’lord. Miss Norelle passed during birth.”

“WHAT? Move.” The Duke pushed past the midwife, storming over to the still figure lying in the bed. His brooding form towered over the bed. He kneeled down beside his late wife, the back of a soft hand brushing against her cheek. “Norelle…” His voice quietened. Her skin was clammy, and still held the heat of life, but her chest no longer rose and feel softly. He hung his head low.

“Let me see my daughter.”

Amari, young bundled up in clean sheets was handed to the Duke, her ‘father’ he glanced at her. A look of pain and misery twisted into disgust. “Green eyes?” He seethed. Standing, repeating. “Green eyes. The L’Olfsden Family has had naught but blue. This child is NOT my daughter.” He turned to his late wife, peacefully in eternal slumber. He spat on her form and turned to storm out the room.

“She is but a Curse, a daughter of Sin. Get her out of my sight.” The Duke stormed out, in his wake - appeared a young boy. No older than 4 years. He tiptoed up to the bed, wide and innocent blue eyes staring at his mother.

"What happen to Mother?"

10-08-16, 12:42 PM
2 Years Old: How much is a Life Worth?

Amari’s father, the Duke sat hunched over a small table in a run down bar nestled in the outskirts of Knife’s Edge. He wore one of the servants cloaks. Dirtied and ragged, his head covered. His identity safe. It was near midnight, and the time was growing more dangerous with each second that passed. The operative he hired, was unceremoniously late. The man tapped an impatient finger against the dirtied table. Lips quirking into a distatesful sneer as he felt the sticky substance under his finger.


The Duke glanced up. “You’re late. I”m not paying you for wasted time.”

With a loud scrape, the other man sat across from the Duke. He had no need to hide his identity, not from the man who asked such things of him. He wore tight, tained black leather, loosely concealed by a grey wolf pet coat. His head clean shaven. His face, was not. A scar ran diagonally across his upper lip toward his chin, disappearing into an unkempt beard.

“Let’s get to Bidness then. I have a client who can do away with yer cursed child o’ magic. Poof. She no longer yer problem. Won’t cost much, but I ‘magine it’d raise a lot of questions. From yer son, ‘n yer staff.”

The Duke grimaced. “I paid you a large consultation fee, if this is the best you have to offer I demand-”

The bald man held out his hand, “Aye, you in no position ta make threats - Noble. I ain’t finishd’” He signalled the busty waitress to fetch him a drink, and leaned casually back in his chair. Shifting his neck side to side till he felt a satisfying pop.

“Course, we can do other things- yer can pay off yer staff, but there is always one who talks. Then yer son, you said he ‘as taken a liking to tha girl, yes?”

“My son is too young to know better.”

The mercenary picked up his drink, a large larger of Ale. He paused and drank deep of the amber liquid. He slammed it down on the table, and wiped his chin on his sleeve.

“Yer live a cushy life, Noble. We got ways o’ keeping everyone quiet. Potions, spells, conditioning...it’s all a matter of what coin yer willing to spend.”

The Duke sighed, running a hand over his face. “I just want that bastard child dead.” He muttered. “It’s bad enough my whoare wife cheated on me with some unknown red-headedd fuck. What’s worse? The welp holds magic. We can’t have it taint my reputation, my prestige.”

“Several million coin, and access ta 20% o’ your farmin’ land.” The Mercenary said, not caring for whatever high class, meaningless issues plagued his benefactor.

“WHAT? I refuse.” The Duke stood, “That’s Robbery. I don’t know why I wasted my time and money on you.”

The Mercenary shrugged, “I do. You wanted to get rid of a girl who ain’t from yer dick. A Jilted lover, too preoccupied with his reputation, and wealth.”

The Duke seethed, easily falling into the verbal traps the Mercenary set.

“I’ll have your head.”

“And I, Noble - will drag yer family name through the mud before yer chubby fingers even reach that dager at cha’ chest.”

The Duke hesitated, “How did…?”

“I am good at my job. Now, do you agree to my terms, or are we done here?”

The Duke huffed, much like a child. “We’re Done. You’ll get the last payment of your consultation fee, then I don’t want to hear from you again.”

“O’ Course. Noble.” The Mercenary held up his drink, bidding the Duke Adeui as he stormed out of the tavern. The Duke would be protected till he reached his estate, as was agreed in their payment. The Mercenary may not have weasled the deal out of the nobleman, but his purse was thrice as fat as it once was. With more to spare on all the lard ladden Turkey, and lithe women he desired for months.

10-08-16, 01:06 PM
6 Years Old: Innocence and Purity

Two siblings, refusing to listen to an overbearing father who wanted to keep his daughter hidden and raise his son to be a prestigious addition to the family hierarchy played in the rare sunlight of Salvar.

“Higher! HIGHER!”

She screamed between fits of giggles and laughter as she was tossed into the air once more. Long crimson hair spun itself in fiery tendrils around the young child. Dancing like a bloody silhouette, shining in the noon sun. Her green eyes shone with brilliance, the colour of fresh grass, a rarity in Salvar. The gold rings around her iris shimmered, shifting with the light. Her cream dress billowed up around her, lifted by the soft winds. She was caught, and pulled into an embrace by her older brother.

He’d be called handsome for his age, at only 10 he already had the beginnings of a defined jaw, and striking blue eyes, his golden hair tied back into a short ponytail - his hair colour a notorious sign of wealth, purity, and a trademark of the L’Olfsden heritage. He pulled her away and smoothed down her untamed hair. “We should head inside before you catch your chill.”

Amari pouted, her nose, red and wet from the cold wrinkled. “What! No! I wanna play more!” She grabbed hold of his gloved hand and attempted to pull him toward the grounds. “Lets go play on the swing!”

Her brother, Lamont, slowly shook his head, wrapping an arm around her and guiding her into the house. “No Amari.” He said again with a subtle commanding tone in his voice, using her full name - a sign that he was serious. “I have other games we can play inside.”

“You’re a butt…” Amari muttered as she begrudgingly stomped her feet into the snow behind him. Innocently taking her anger out on the ice rather than shouting at her sibling.

The L’Olfsden family was among the richest, owning vast amounts of estate and some of the only farming land within Salvar. Their home, built 3 stories high - held many rooms for diplomatic guests, libraries, drawing rooms and more. On the days when the harsh weather of Salvar grew too cold - which was often. The two children loved exploring the empty halls together - and they did just that today, till the light of the sun began to flicker and fade over the horizon, and the chill of night began to set in.

Amari yawned, growing tired. “Lamont, I’m hungry...are you dining with father tonight...can you bring me dessert again?”

Lamont glanced down at his younger sister, she sat in a pile of old fur coats in the bottom of a closet they were playing hide and seek in. Her tiny form almost swallowed by the animal skins. She was so sheltered. If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t have any company beyond the scarce staff his father kept. She was forced to eat alone, and never given anything sweet.

“Don’t worry, Ahri.” He said, leaning forward to press his lips against her forehead. Inhaling deeply. She always curiously smelt like a forest in spring. Or at least, what he imagined a forest in spring would smell like. Fresh trees, wildflowers, and wet, rich, earth.

“We’ll eat, and you can have all the sweets you can stomach.”


Dinner had been eaten and enjoyed, at least by Amari. Who was appreciative of anything she received. Her brother, on the other hand, had once again been subjected to ridicule and a chastising talk. His father disapproving of the time he spent with his sister. “Close your eyes, I’m going to put soap in your hair now.”

“Ok Lamont!”

The two sat in a large, porcelain, golden footed bath. It’s steamy waters wafting up, filled with scents of lavender. The waters surface lined with rose-hip oils. “Hey, Ahri if you keep squirming I’m going to get soap in your eyes!” Lamont was massaging her head, working the suds into her scalp;, and was gently bathing her, as older brothers generally do. Every so often his movements were a little rough, and caused Amari discomfort.

“Lamonnnnt…..” The young girl whined, “It’s too hot, can we get out now?”

Lamont carefully tipped a bowl of clean water over her head. “Turn around first. We need to make sure you’re all clean.” Amari stood, and slowly spun her body around in the warm waters. “See! Clean!”

Lamont’s eyes glanced over her form. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt so drawn to her, and she bought him comfort when she was near him. It was like some strange ability she had. Lamont slowly shook his head, pulling his eyes away.

“Yeh- we can. I’m sure father would be proud of us when he learns we got ready for bed all by ourselves.” With great effort, he got himself out of the large tub, before helping Amari do the same. “Do you think Father would be proud of me too?” She asked hopeful.

Lamont stared back at her, he knew the answer - he knew his father hated her, and hated everything she represented. His mother's sins, the signs of magic, the red hair. His father often went on about how Amari was such a disgrace to the family name, but as she stood there, dripping before him, drying herself off with a towel and innocently smiling at the lie he told. He couldn’t help but think the opposite.

“I’m sure, Ahri.” He smiled, throwing his own towel over her head. “Now dry up. It’s bed time.” He dressed himself in loose cotton shirt and pants. Then turned from the bath and entered into the next room - crawling into a large double bed. His form disappeared between the duvet and plush goose down pillows. Amari soon followed, crawling into the bed with him, wearing only a pair of pants. Her brother having told him that's how girls go to sleep. That if she didn’t give her chest air, bosoms would not grow, and she would not be able to have child.

Amari snuggled up close to him, and yawned. Rolling over to turn her back to him. “Night, brother.”

“Good girl.” Lamont smiled, scooching closer to her to wrap his arms around her waist. “Goodnight, I love you Ahri.”

10-16-16, 10:17 AM
10 Years old: Forbidden Studies

“Ugh! I can’t do it!” Amari threw her quill against the paper in frustration. She pressed her head down onto the desk, mumbling into the mahogany wood. Her voice stifled, “You shouldn’t be helping me anyway...Father’s only going to yell at you. You know he has banned me from schooling.” She mumbled, defeated.

Lamont gently rubbed her back with one hand. “Don’t be like that Ahri, I want to help you. I won’t tell father if you won’t. Here.” He picked up the quill, dipped it in the ink and wrote her name again in looped flourishes. “See, look how beautiful your name looks” He paused, glancing up at her. The way her brows were knitted in frustration. Her wavy hair pushed back behind her ears, held up in a high pony tail. Even so, tendrils refused to be tamed. Just like the fire it was so aptly coloured after..

“Just try to copy me.” He guided the quill into her hand. Lavishing the delicate touch of her skin. “You can read the alphabet, and basic literature now Amari. You’re a very smart girl. Try again. For me.”

Amari lifted her head with a begrudging sigh, her emerald eyes glancing down at the ink stained paper in front of her. Her attempts looked like she was blindfolded and writing with her feet instead of hands, especially in comparison to her brothers neat, practised strokes. “If it’s for you….” With a great deal of grumbling, Amari tried to mimic her brothers writing. Despite his pep talk, she hadn’t improved all too much.

“I can’t seem to get the loops right Brother.” She said with a sigh.

“Don’t be Ahri. We’ll keep at it, whenever Father is away I’ll be here.” He placed a hand over hers. “Right here.”

He continued to urge her to practise, as he stood and began wandering their vast library. He had read many of the books here, soaking up all the information he could. Some of the shelves were dusty, old, as though they hadn’t been touched in years. Those are the ones that interested him most. They detailed history from a differnt perspective. They touched on magic, mostly forbidden within Salvar.

He found one on the Church of Etheral Sway, and its seedy underhanded dealings, what occured behind closed doors of the holy visage. He soaked it all up. He wanted to learn more. If it meant he could further his families name, increase their wealth, then it would be all the more worthwhile.

Lamont was glancing over one of these shelves, a small black book with a worn leather bind caught his eye. He plucked it from the shelf and wiped the thick layer of dust off its surface with his thumb. The title was written in guilded gold. “Ritual….Sex Magic?” He mumbled, opening its pages. He wandered back over to Amari, his head deep in the book as he sat down on the chair next to her.

It’s contents were nothing short of nefarious, but it thrilled him. It detailed various sigils, how to bind them to people with blood. How to control them, how to control their urges. To have them completely and utterly devoted to you.



“What’s that book?”

Lamont glanced up at Amari, she was so beautiful, yet so young. Still...his eyes travelled back down to the book, then up to her again. His lips broke like a crack in the ice, twisting up into a smile. “I’ll show you one day, Amari.”

10-24-16, 10:34 PM
13 Years Old: Testing what’s been taught

Amari sat on the edge of Lamonts’ bed,wearing naught but thin lace underwear and a loose singlet. Her face flushed with embarrassment. “This feels weird brother.” She sounded uneasy, watching him dip the tip of a thin brush into a saucer of thick, red liquid. “Why are you drawing on me in your blood?”

“Hold still. I need to do this just right.” He muttered, glancing down at the book he had found 3 years ago. He studied it, he had read it back to front dozens of times, even memorising most of its contents, but to actually place something on someone. He had to be sure it was perfect. “Hold the shirt up higher, I need to see this properly.”

Lamont glanced up at her. Her innocent face twisted with worry and concern, more for his well being than his twisted actions. His lips curled up into a grin. It was why he loved her so. She remained so innocent, even now - at the age where she would soon become a woman. Already her body was changing, and she bled with the moon. “It’s like a good luck charm. Charms are more powerful when bound in blood, especially between siblings.”

He pressed the tip of the brush against her skin, she flinched. “Eergh...It feels warm.” Amari visibly shivered, disliking the sensation. She didn’t want to disappoint her brother, and he was only trying to help her. Still, she wasn’t fond of the action. “Won’t it just disappear if you wash it off?”

Lamont shook his head, finishing the seal. “No, this book says it binds itself to your physical form. Even if it’s washed off, it will still be there, just invisible. Now, step back a moment.”

Amari did as she was told, and Lamont held the book up against he mark, proud of his work. The two looked nearly identical. The seal looked like a rectangle, that had two triangle sized shapes taken out of the top and bottom. On the left side, a small cross marked through the line, and on the right; another line crossed through the shape, a small line jutting diagonally down. Beneath the symbol were three small runes, they were a little messier than how they were portrayed in the book, but Lamont was confident he had done it right.

“It tingles.” Amari mumbled, shoving her shirt over the mark.

Lamont grinned, “That means it’s worked. You’ll surely be given good luck Ahri, I just know it.” He wouldn’t tell her the real meaning of the mark - that it would lock her from achieving any form of orgasm without loosing her virginity. She was coming to that age where she would no doubt begin to explore her body, but, Lamont wanted to put a stop to that. He didn’t want her innocence tainted with the vile stench of sexual pleasure. He wanted her to remain innocent, to remain his, and only his.

He’d lock it all away, till he decided he’d take it for himself.

“Can I wash this off now?” Amari asked, scratching off the dried blood with her delicate fingers. Lamont had been silent for a while now, and it unnerved her.

“Of course.” He replied, standing and pocketing the book. “Anything for you, my dear sister.”

11-01-16, 07:34 AM
Amari Age 16: The Second Mark

Amari sat at her vanity, staring back at her dimly lit reflection. She slowly dragged a brush down her hair. It was late at night, and well past the hour she would sleep. Tonight however, she had an odd request from her brother. He wanted to speak to her about ‘urgent matters’

The two rooms had a connecting door, so late night visits were frequent. Amari often sneaking into his bed during particularly heavy and loud storms, or he to tell her new family affairs and other information she were not normally privy to. Although it had never been quite this late, nor had he insisted upon it.

A faint rap at the door signified his arrival, Amari quietly set down the brush and headed toward the door, she cracked it open - it lead to his room, but she had always been cautious.

Lamonts smiling face stared back at her, relieved Amari swung the door open, stepping to the side to let him in. “Why did you insist to see me so late?” She muttered, closing the door behind him. She noticed he held a small saucer filled with red liquid, a brush and the same, tattered notebook he carried everywhere.

Amari remembered the artifacts, he had used them all in unison before when she was younger. It had been almost three years since then, and if Amari were to be completely honest, she had almost entirely forgotten about it till now.

“More charms? Aren’t we a little old for that now?” She chastised.

Lamont ignored her coment, he set the saucer down on her vanity, and signalled for her to sit on the chair. “You’ve been in good health haven’t you Amari?” He asked,

Amari blinked, the question seemed out of the ordinary and had caught her off guard. “Y-yes?”

Lamont offered her a wry smile. “Nor has anything bad happened to you.”

“No, but I don’t-”

He held up a finger to interrupt her, and then pointed toward the chair. With a sigh, Amari approached and sat down, crossing her arms. “I don’t see what that has to do with childish charms.”

“Don’t you think it means it worked?” He asked, dipping the brush in the liquid and swirling it around.

Amari noticed a bandage around the palm of his hand. Her eyes furrowed, “That isn’t your blood again is it? Lamont...I can’t-” She drew a sharp breath as he pressed his free hand against her mouth, the warmth left a tingling sensation that travelled to the back of her neck. She fell silent. As always, Lamont had won. “If you hurt yourself to do this, I suppose I should let you do whatever you want.”

Lamont laughed a slow, rolling chuckle. “I suppose you shall, and I suppose I’d have to ensure you get extra care and attention to thank you.” He muttered, carefully lifting her leg, shifting it so he could reach her inner thigh.

“WHat the- Lamont why are you-”

“Amari.” His tone was commanding, “Need I remind you how important it is I concentrate on this?”
Amari fell silent, frustrated that she so easily obeyed her brother. It was almost second nature to do whatever it was he asked, then again, hadn’t she always? Ever since they were younger, he’d reward her with treats, with company, writing lessons - he had done so much for her - so what was the harm in her amusing him at times like this?

He was being gentle, the quick and practised strokes barely tickled her, and in what felt like a matter of seconds he finished; clasping the book shut. “Right. That should do it.”

Amari frowned, watching as the blood glistened on her thigh, “This one looks different to the last one. Is it meant to do something else?”

Lamonts grin twisted into something devious, and dark - Amari in her naivety did not see the dark undertones, nor the glint in his eyes. He stood over her. “You’re blossoming into an adult; you need a charm to protect yourself from the harsh reality of the world outside.

He leaned forward, reaching under her flimsy nightgown and ran a hand down her bare back and Amari visibly shivered. His lips twisted into a sneer, another success. The devious insignia had barely dried and already her lips were parted in baited breaths. “Yes, Amari?” he asked gleefully. “Is something the matter?” The insignia? It was without a doubt, utterly delightful. It caused the person to become insatiable, easily aroused at the slightest touch of the other gender; and he were the only one around Amari to enjoy such sounds, coupled with the insignia he placed on her 3 years ago; it was the perfect way to control her, to have her eventually fall entirely under his sway.

Amari buckled under his touch. Her brother had always lavished his attention on her, offering gentle rubs, pats and even allowing her to sit in his lap as her brushed her long, wild hair. This sensation was different, it illicit feelings and sensations she didn’t understand. Whatever was happening to her, her brother seemed satisfied that it was. “I-I don’t know…” She mumbled, her cheeks reddening. “I feel different.”

He continued lightly rubbing her back, wrapping his other arm around her bare waist, pulling her down to the floor toward him, onto his lap. He rested his chin on her shoulder and breathed deep of her natural scent. The undeniable scent of the forest. Of that, he was sure. As to why, he was not. “Do you not enjoy this Amari?” He asked.

Amari faltered, unsure of how to explain the feeling coursing through her body. It prickled, and her skin twitched at his touch. She felt hot, almost fevered, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. “I...don’t know.” She admitted.

“This is normal.” Lamont whispered, hot breath prickled at her ear. “You’re sixteen now. Most women go through this. I’ll be here to guide you through every. Single. Step. I only ask one thing in return.”

“W-what is that?” Amari mumbled, still fidgeting in his grasp.

Lamont pressed his lips against the nape of her neck, relishing in the moaned gasp that spilled forth from her. The temptation to take here there and then was incredible, but he would wait, he would wait until she was ripe, sweet, and perfect. ““Belong to me, and only me.” He whispered. “I don’t want the outside world tainting you.” His grip around her form tightened in response to a small unabashed moan that warbled from her lips.

“I-I don’t understand. I-ah…” Amari gripped his wrists and pulled them away from her waist, Lamont complied, carefully letting her go and allowing her to slide off his lap. Amari furrowed her brows, wrapping her arms around her torso, warming herself from the cold with the touch of her own skin. Now he was no longer entwined with her, she was able to think more clearly, her body no longer awash with the odd tingling and heated sensations she felt earlier. It was a relief.

“You know father won’t let me leave the estate. Who else do I have to talk to other than you?” She mumbled distastefully. Not that she hated her brother, she just felt trapped.

“With good reason, Ahri.” Lamont said, tossing a thick robe toward her, watching as she wrapped it around herself. “People out there, they would do horrible things to you. You’re safe here. I don’t want anyone hurting you.” He stood and approached her, raising a hand to brush crimson locks away from her scrunched up face. “Let me protect you.”

“Always.” Amari replied, allowing her face to relax into a small smile. Despite his odd actions of late, she trusted him wholly. He had never treated her with ill intent, and Amari adored him so. In her eyes, he could do no wrong.

It was an unfortunate mindset to have.

11-05-16, 09:37 AM
Amari Age 17: Forget Me Not:

“You’re 21 tomorrow, aren’t you brother?”

“Yes, I am.” He mused, clearly distracted. Sitting at his large desk, filling out various papers. “Amari, I’m a little busy right now. I need to finish this agreement between our family and the Halbert Estate. We stand to gain a lot of wealth from this. What is it that you want?” He looked up at her. Amari sat on his bed, her legs dangling over the side. She wore a white silk spaghetti strap slip. Her crimson hair, normally spilled about her shoulders had been drawn up into a loose, messy bun. His voice was short, snippy. Unlike his usual doting affectionate tone toward the girl. “Well?”

Amari bit her lip. Lowering her head to look at her hands. “That’s what I wanted to talk about, I’m seeing you less and less, I miss you- and well, you’re..” she shook her head - brows furrowing. It frustrated her when he spoke to her like that. Especially when she had done nothing wrong. She rose her head, eyes burning with a newfound determination. “You’re acting more and more like Father!” She shouted. “You’re treating me like the help! You hide me away when you bring company over. Even your friends! I’m nothing more than ‘a girl who lives here’ to them!” Amari pushed herself off the bed, now that she had started on her tangent she couldn’t stop. Words spilling out like a fountain of water, crushing over her hunched brother.

“I’m MORE than that, Lamont! I’m your sister, Damnit!” She her foot against the carpet in protest. “I am your family, and it’s about time you started treating me like it again!”

Lamont sighed heavily, putting his quill against the desk. He adored Amari, more so, he lusted so heavily after her. He had slowly been grooming her the past few years. Placing the two sigils on her had been a big step forward. There were times where he would test their strength, placing a soft touch here and there - and Amari..oh Amari...she’d always respond in the most insatiable ways. Little quivers of her lip, gasps, moans, confused questions. He wanted to build her into the perfect woman.


The perfect doll.

And it had seemingly been working, but lately Amari had been more and more obstinate, becoming stronger and independent. He hadn’t a clue where this strength came from, considering he had attempted to quash it whenever it bubbled to the surface. It bothered him. He thought himself to be quite adept at manipulation - but her? She always seemed to bounce back.

“I’ve been stressed lately Amari.” Lamont mused, standing, he opened his desk drawer and pulled out an ornate black box. Opening the box he pulled out a needle with clear liquid in it. “Sorry if I have taken it out on you.”

Amari seemed taken aback by the needle, her anger quickly dissipating to concern, “What? What is that for Brother? Are you ill?”

Lamont approached her, and with one flat hand pushed her onto the bed. “I’m stressed, and I think I have the perfect solution for it.”

“What the? Stop it!” Amari tried to push Lamont away. He in turn jabbed the needle into her forearm and pressed down. Shooting the liquid into her. Amari whimpered at the rough action, and tears stung at her eyes.

“I don’t understand..” She sobbed.

“Shh…” He ran his thumb over her cheeks, wiping away her tears. “It’ll be over soon. Don’t fight it.”

Amari’s eyes were wild with fear, what did he just --- her with? Why would he do that? Lamont had been abrasive lately...but to do something like this? She tried to wrench her head away from his touch but he pressed down tighter on her form. Urging her into his bed.

Amari felt numb, it spread from her arm to the rest of her body, quickly and effectively. She opened her mouth, weakly questioning his motives. “Br-other...why?”

Lamont pressed his head against hers. The heat of his body seeped into her own, “I’ll tell you, Amari. Because when you wake up tomorrow- you won’t remember any of this. I want you. I want you to be a good, obedient, little doll. I can’t have that yet, not till you’re a litle bit older. So this-” He gestured to the needle.Swaying it back and forth. “Is my way of giving myself a taste of what is to come.”

Amari’s reaction was a look of heartbreak and horror, she muffled another sound of protest, but it was weak. The serum quickly taking its effect. This was his last dose, It was a barter, one of the other nobles had an alchemist within the family; one who dealt with shady things; Lamont found this out, and to keep him silent, they provided him with a variety of potions and serums. This one in particular put its victim in a very subjective state, and they would not remember anything whilst under it’s influence. Normally, it was used for infiltration, getting information, and the like. Lamont had other ways to do that.

He had used it on her three times before - and each time, she had completely forgotten the next day. He watched as her eyes diluted, and dulled. They became clouded and finally, she stopped struggling.

“Good doll.” He muttered, pushing himself up off the bed and heading back to his desk. “I need to finish these documents.” He sat down on the chair, and pointed to the small space underneath it. “Crawl into there for me.”

Without word, Amari pushed herself off the bed, getting on her hands and knees she crawled into the space, and sat. Waiting. Lamont discarded the needle into the traschcan and unbuckled his pants as he sat down. He dropped them to the floor and pulled his chair up to the desk.

“Amari,” He stated, one hand on his member, “I want you to suck all that stress and tension out.” As commanded, she wrapped her lips around him.

“Good…” He breathed, rolling his head back enjoying the sensations. He picked up the quill, and returned to his work. The sound of Amari’s suckling every so often breaking the silence.

“I’ll have to be sure to get some more….” He muttered.

11-06-16, 05:24 AM
Amari Age 18: The Church
Lamont swirled a glass of brandy in the palm of his hand, the ice clinked against the sides. He sat in a large, plush chair, opposite his father. The two were positioned in front of a roaring hearth. Logs piled high to the side. He took another long sip. Finishing his glass. He set it down.

“Well father?” Lamont paused for effect. You can’t hide her away forever. She’s at the age where she’ll start exploring, and insist on leaving the estate. Imagine what people would say. Not only had you, The Duke of L’Olfsden have a illegitimate child, but hid her away.”

The Duke grimaced, “You’re most definitely my son, Lamont. Cruel, malicious. Calculating.” He leaned back in his chair. Dull eyes focused on his own glass of the fine liqueur. “I’d be proud, if it weren’t for you suggesting such a thing. Tell me, why must I spend our hard earned money on The Church of Ethereal Sway? We have no ties to the church.”

Lamont laughed, of course his father wouldn’t know of the Church’s underhanded work, he wasn’t religious. No, The Duke’s beliefs lay with money and power. Tangible things. His mother believed in its teachings, unaware of it’s true spoils. Lamont just happened to stumble upon them in his studies, and visits to various noble households. “Father, if you have taught me anything, it’s that sometimes, one must make sacrifice to gain what they want. The Church offers lessons of servitude to their goddess. Wouldn’t it be best for Amari to take part? Surely she’d be more…” Lamont rolled his hand, feigning to find the right words. “...resigned? Yes. I’d believe she would be much more easier to manage.”

The Duke shifted his gaze to the fire, and Lamont awaited his father’s approval. Surely, he’d say yes. He was an easy man to read. Two things moved his father. Money, and Power. Put any of them into question and The Duke was forced to take action. Lamont wanted Amari penitent, yes, but for his own selfish gain and desire.

“She’s 18 tomorrow Father; we can have her shipped off to the Church at any time now.”

The Duke sighed heavily. “You and I have business to attend to. When we return, we’ll be sure to have her taken in then. However.” The Duke paused. “The finances for your request, shall come directly from your inheritance.”

“Of course, father.” Lamont said, his grin widening. Amari would have to enjoy her last few days of freedom, and the last few days she’d ever exist as Amari Olfsden.

Her world was about to change.

12-22-16, 08:54 AM
Amari Age 18: Captured

Amari trudged through the snow, her arms crossed. Brows furrowed. This isn’t fair she thought bitterly to herself. She had just turned 18, she had met a wonderful friend. Jake, and she had finally found the resolve to head into the nearby town and be her own person. Only to have her brother and father return, and not only threaten her only friend - but inform her that as of tomorrow she was being shipped off to the church for a year.

Why don’t I have a choice in this!? She kicked up a pile of powdered snow. “UGhh..Stupid Father...stupid brother….” She mumbled. “I should just run away. That’d show them!” Amari headed toward her favourite tree near the estate’s large stone wall that separated the land from the world outside.

Despite the cold night air, she found herself leaning against the tree trunk and sitting herself in the snow. She wrapped thick furs over herself. “Who am I kidding…” She mumbled, defeated. “I couldn’t do that to them.” She found comfort outside, the cold air bit at her ears and prickled her nose. It kept her awake, and made her feel alive. She wondered briefly if Jake was alright - he looked like he had some very important things to tell her before her brother returned and threatened him with his life.

Amari shook her head, dispersing the worrying thoughts. The elf would be fine. She would be fine. The more Amari thought about it, the more silly and guilty she felt for having shouted at her father and brother, demanding she not go to the church. A year away from home may do her some good.


She heard a twig snap behind her, but didn’t turn to look. “Brother….” She sighed in exasperation. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout at you and father like that.”

She was met with silence.


“Not quite.” The voice behind her said, Amari didn’t recognize it, and went to call out ot the guards, but her mouth was covered. She wrenched away, trying to scream - but the cloth smelt odd, almost metallic. She found her body struggling to move. Her eyes growing heavy, and her world growing dark.

Amari had been ripped from her home, from one uncaring unforgiving environment to the next.

She was about to learn just how cruel, cold and unforgiving the world truly was.

12-31-16, 09:01 AM
Thread: Nobility (Rated Aure) (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?31449-Nobility-(Rated-Aure))
Author: Mari (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?18816-Mari)
Type: No Judgment


Mari receives 925 EXP and 100 GP.

12-31-16, 09:03 AM
All EXP and GP have been added!