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10-09-16, 10:39 AM
[Closed to Jake, Rated MA: mild nudity, swearing, drug use, sexual situations]

Amari both hated and relished times like this. She was alone, which meant she was free to wander the estate grounds. She didn't have to hide from her father, and as much as she loved her brother...he was overbearing at times. His presence was dominating and Amari couldn't help but yield to his soothing droll of his voice. The two had departed for the Capitol. Invitations were set out to the L'Olfsden family, to attend a lavish event. Of course, Amari wasn't included in that 'family' she never was. Always the outsider. Always the child of 'sin' a 'curse' upon the family.

The woman sat against the cold windowsill, wearing a long, white dress. It's material thick and lined with the pelts of arctic wolves. Her hair pushed to one side, crimson tendrils cascading down and over one shoulder. Her heterochromatic eyes watched as the sun set below the horizon. Brilliant gold paving way for a harsh, dark night. She clutched the cup of herbal tea tighter in her hands, soaking up it's warmth before bringing it to her face, inhaling deeply. "mmmm..." It was a blend of her own design. Lemon balm, lavender, chamomile...It calmed her. She took a careful sip, lavishing the warmth as it travelled down her throat and nestled in her stomach.

What a way to spend an 18th birthday. She mused to herself. The thought wasn't bitter, she didn't hate her father for how he treated her. She knew no better. She didn't hold any ill will against her brother either. The two were protecting the family name, the estate and the heritage for future generations.

Finishing the tea, Amari pushed herself off the mantle. It was dark. "I'd best start lighting the lanterns, start a fire, and prepare dinner." She said to herself.

Jake Narmolanya
10-09-16, 11:17 AM
A cold Salvic breeze ushered darkness over the small town of Tisden. In the upper class quarter a young half elf dressed unseasonably in thin green sifan clothing hustled along the frosted road. His toes felt frozen solid inside his soft leather boots, his bare hands frigid although he had them jammed in his pockets. His cheeks were red with the chill despite the hood of his fine woolen cloak being pulled up, and steam vented from his mouth with every exhale.

Jacob Narmolanya had come to Salvar in search of a particular ice demon who had caused considerable trouble in his hometown of Underwood, Corone. It had taken the young traveler a single step through one of his patented portals to reach Tisden, where he had it on good authority the ice demon kept a safe house. However Jake had arrived during mid-afternoon, and his few hours of searching had turned up nothing. Now darkness had fallen and he was alone on the streets with no food and no winter-weight clothing, and no idea where to find the damned demon.

A pair of finely dressed residents in thick woolen clothing passed Jake by, and his half-elven ears all but quivered beneath his floppy canvas cap, picking up on their conversation.

"L'Olfsden and his son are out of town on business," one man said before the cold air whisked his voice away.

Jake paused and considered. He'd come to the richer part of town looking for a promising manor to break into, preferably one with no one home so he could get a few hours sleep. Perhaps I can find the home of these L'Olfsdens, he reasoned. Many of the manor houses in the district bore the names of those who lived in them. Wealthy Salvic folk, it seemed, were quite proud of their heritage.

The youth paced from one building to the next, checking placards and signs on fences and front walls, until at last he found the manor home of the L'Olfsdens. It was a large two story affair made of cobbled stone, with a fine shale roof and a short wooden fence surrounding the property. Jake put a hand on the top rail and vaulted over the fence athletically, green eyes noting the placard mounted on the wall that read Home of the L'Olfsdens. On silent feet the half elf stole to a ground level window and cupped his hands around the glass to look in.

He could just make out a dark kitchen with a stone basin sink and wooden counters. Glancing left and right, the young thief decided not to bother picking the lock. If he did end up resting his eyes awhile, he'd want the door to remain barred. He reached inside his cloak and touched the eagle quill he always kept in his breast pocket. Reality shimmered and a small portal appeared next to him, its twin inside the kitchen. Jake hopped through, his boots making a muddy mess on the polished stone floor tiles. Woops, he thought, I guess they'll know someone was here.

Stomach grumbling, the young half elf paced over to what he assumed was the pantry and opened the door, hoping to find it well stocked.

10-09-16, 11:47 AM
Amari padded down the stairs, pausing at the foot to light a lantern on a small corner table. She turned the corner and headed down a long hallway. Pausing every so often to light more gas lanterns. Slowly bringing light into the dark, empty abode. Amari paused, as she thought she heard a thud come from the kitchen. Her heart skipped a beat as fear began to place worst case scenarios into her mind.

Thieves? Bandits? Slavers?

No..she hadn't heard any shattering glass, nor the banging of the doors being beaten down. The area was very safe, and their estate vast. Few would be able to enter unannounced. She stilled, holding her breath. She didn't hear much else, and exhaled, somewhat relieved. Perhaps another creature made its way into the kitchen again, to escape the cold She thought to herself, trying to rationalise the sounds to ease her thumping heart.

“You’re fine…” she said, an affirmation to herself. She continued down the hall toward the kitchen. Clutching an empty metal tray, balancing it on one arm. if it is anyone...I’ll hit them on the head with this… she thought to herself. Of course, her thoughts were more brash than her. Amari couldn’t find it in herself to hurt a fly, or even hunt game - let alone attack another person.

Another corner, and Amari came face to face with a shivering youth, draped all in green. She gasped, bringing the metal tray up to hide her lower face. The porcelain teaset came crashing down to the floor. Shattering.

The blonde haired youth stilled, wide eyes turning to face Amari. A look of surprise and guilt on his face. “I...didn’t think anyone was home. I’m sorry. I just…” He glanced back to the fully stocked pantry. “Wanted food and warmth.” He took a few seconds to compose himself, offering her a low, sweeping bow. “You’ve nothing to fear from me, m’lady.”

Amari took a cautious step forward, still clutching the metal tray tightly in her hands. He looked...different. Definitely not from Salvar, his accent was different too. Her foot landed on a shard of broken porcelain and she yelped. Jumping and falling back to the floor with a ‘thud’ landing hard on her buttocks.

Amari held the tray up in a pathetic attempt to shield herself from him. “Why not Knock!” She asked, hiding her face behind the tray. “I’d have done those thin-ahh..” She winced, her foot twitching as blood oozed from the laceration where a thin piece of white stuck out from her flesh.

Jake Narmolanya
10-09-16, 12:29 PM
"I'm a thief!" Jake exclaimed before realizing he was almost shouting in shock. He continued in a quieter tone. "I mean, thieves don't generally knock," he said half to himself as he knelt in front of the crimson-haired lass, "and the house looked empty, in any case. Here, let me help you." He gathered a handful of his cloak and used it to sweep the shattered porcelain off to one side. Taking the injured foot gently in his hands, he peered at the sliver with sharp green eyes. The wound did not appear too bad, but probably hurt an awful lot.

"Take a deep breath," Jake advised, and then pulled the shard of porcelain out swiftly. The girl twitched and gasped, but did not cry out. I guess she's really not going to turn me in, the youth thought in relief. It wouldn't have been difficult to escape even if she did raise the alarm - a quick portal and he'd be on his way - but then he'd have to go to all the trouble of breaking into another manor, and potentially upsetting another strange girl who liked spending time alone in a cold house. She didn't even have a fire going, he reasoned, this place was practically begging to be burglarized!

Still feeling guilty for having caused the Salvic lass to hurt her foot, Jake grabbed a clean towel he'd noticed near the sink and tied it tightly around the wound. A dark crimson stain soaked through slightly but the bleeding slowed against the pressure.

"Take my hand, milady." Jake said, and helped her over to a chair. "You should keep this up for awhile," he reasoned, placing her wounded foot atop a matching wooden chair. The girl's face was still tight with pain, and Jake felt like an absolute rascal for being the cause.

"I'm truly sorry," he said, wringing his hands, "if I'd known you were here I never would have bothered you. My name is Jake. Is there anything else I might do to assist you? If not I'll be on my way, I promise." He shuffled his feet and looked down, noticing that he was still tracking mud across the floor. I am a bloody oaf and a half, he thought crossly.

10-09-16, 12:57 PM
Amari turned away from the youth, a look of distaste on her face. “Why??” She asked. “I know...not a lot of people are all too kind, but does thieving really help?” She shook her head, turning her attention to her foot.

“I feel like I should be more afraid of you.” She mumbled, watching him yank the protrusion from her foot. Amari winced, but didn’t cry out. It hurt, but not that much. As Jake tightened the cloth around her foot. Amari rolled it around a few times, testing it out.

“Thankyou. Amari. My name is Amari.” She offered the youth a nervous smile.

Amari hesitated as he held out his hand to her, now that she thought about it. He was the only other person that looked to be her age, that she had a conversation with, other than her brother. Jake insisted, and Amari relented. Using his hand to help her stand. He guided her to a chair, and she sat down.

“I cannot.” She said simply to his suggestion. “I was in the process of lighting the gas lanterns for the night.” Her eyes rose to the ceiling as she started listing her chores. “I need to start the fires. Heat a bath, make dinner…” She paused looking down at the dirtied floor. “Clean the floor.”

“Excuse me, M’lady - but they don’t sound like tasks a noblewoman would perform.” Jake inquired.

Amari shook her head. “It’s what I’ve always done.” Her small smile waned, and took upon a sad look. “My birth, caused my mothers death. My father calls me a cursed child of sin. Since her death, he fired most the staff. Now, twice a week - we have maids come in to clean - beyond that. I generally keep myself busy with the menial tasks. I don’t mind. It gives me something to busy myself.” Her smile returned as she looked up at Jake. “And it makes my brother proud, to see me work so hard.”

Jake blinked, looking at the crimson haired girl incredulously. She had the posture, manner of speaking and inflections of a noble - but didn’t hold the same arrogance as one. “I see.” He said. Unsure of what else to say.

Amari stood, being careful not to put pressure on her injured foot. “I said I’d help you, right?” Amari asked. “Follow me to the drawing room. I’ll start a fire.” Her emerald eyes glanced down at his attire. “I’ll fetch you some warmer clothes for you to change into, once you’ve had a bath.” She was curious about the fellow, but now was not the time for questions.

Amari turned from Jake and hobbled into the next room - the dining hall - past that was a drawing room. It was a large room with plush, comfortable chairs either side of a hearth. Above the fireplace was a large painted picture, depicting her father, and brother. Amari, was absent. Her lack of presence in the portraits would have one assume that she was lying about her position within the family.

Amari knelt down by the fireplace and lit the fire. Before long, it was roaring with life, bringing warmth into the lavishly decorated room. Now in a brighter light, she turned to the home intruder. “Jake, what would you like….for….dinner…” She trailed off. Her eyes only just now catching the slight curve of his ears. Her brow furrowed in confusion. “You’re, really not from Salvar- are you? Your clothes are much too thin to survive a day, let alone a night out here. You seem to know little of my family, and your ears…”

Jake Narmolanya
10-09-16, 03:07 PM
Once I've had a... did she say a bath? Flabbergasted, Jake followed Amari into the drawing room. Did he smell bad? He knew his hands and face were dirty, as usual, but as a rule he washed once a week and that had always seemed sufficient. Snapping out of a short reverie, Jake returned to listening to the girl.

He barely understood the words she spoke, and not because of her thick Salvic drawl. Why is this noblewoman acting like a bloody innkeeper? He wondered. He'd never met a Salvic noblewoman before, but seriously doubted that Salvic hospitality extended to bathing an uninvited guest. As the flame-haired girl knelt by the hearth, Jake half expected her to grab the heavy iron poker and swing it at him. That's what he would have bloody well done if someone broke into his home. But Amari merely sparked and stoked the fire and then turned to face him, strangely colored eyes lighting on his pointed ears.

"Erm, well no, mila--Amari. I'm from Concorida, in Corone." Jake explained as his cheeks and pointed ears blushed scarlet. "I'm actually half elven, although I didn't know it myself until about a year ago." He moved closer to the fire, letting the warmth wash over his slender form. "I was an orphan, y'see, and my adopted parents never knew of my heritage. It wasn't until I met some other elves in the Bandit Brotherhood that I realized..." Jake trailed off, wondering why he was telling this strange girl so much. She was awfully pretty, with her pale skin, fiery hair and enchanting yellow-ringed eyes, but he had come to Salvar with a purpose.

"Ahem," Jake cleared his throat, "I am sorry to have bothered you, and I'm glad your foot isn't paining you too terribly. I really shouldn't stay for dinner - though I could do with some bread and cheese, if it's not too much trouble - y'see, I came here hunting a demon." He struck what he assumed was a heroic pose; back to the fire, fists on hips, and nose in the air. "This particular ice demon has been making trouble in my home town of Underwood, and I recently learned he's holed up somewhere here in Tisden..." Jake trailed off again. The way Amari looked at him unnerved him slightly.

"So you see, I really should be on my way," he said, smoothing out the wrinkles in his cloak self consciously, "if you've an extra thick cloak to spare, this one is rather thin for the climes." He frowned slightly, one eyebrow arching. "I don't really think I need a bath, though it's erm, generous of you to offer."

10-10-16, 10:08 AM
“Concordia…” Amari repeated thoughtfuly, as though repeating it to memory. She had heard of it before, but beyond it’s name - she knew little to nothing about the place. Or its inhabitants. SHe wasn’t sure if Elves were common there, or uncommon, Amari knew Salvar was primarily human. “I suppose the weather there is more becoming, than it is here, no?” She didn’t want to outright ask him too many questions, she felt it rude- and it may just reveal how uneducated she was.

Amari’s eyes watched him, as he approached the fire, warming himself. “An Orphan? I’m sorry to hear that, Jake.” She felt guilty, her mother had died, but she still had family. Even if that family didn’t exactly treat her like she was a part of it. She had food, and warmth. Amari was a simple woman, and she had everything she could really ask for.

He cleared his throat, apologising for the intrusion. “No.” Amari replied softly. “It’s nice, having someone here.” She offered her uninvited guest a small smile. “It’s like I have my own personal birthday party.”

Jake seemed a little distracted, and he voiced why. It seemed that he was here for a reason, and that reason was a demon. Amari’s eyes widened. “Demon?” She shouted, quickly glancing around the house, as though saying the word would summon it. She lowered her voice. “They are [i[here[/i]? She asked in a worried tone. Shifting closer to Jake. Suddenly, she didn’t like the idea of being alone any more. “Do you think...something like that would just come into a house?”

Jake struck a heroic pose and its jovial gesture was lost on the woman. Her eyes breezed up and down his angular jaw, his toned arms- with his chest puffed out she could see that he was strong, well built. Clearly a hunter. Amari wasn’t sure what she felt when she stared silently at him, it wasn’t unpleasant, but it was new. She shifted awkwardly, glancing away.

It was then, he insisted that he should leave, but the fear and concern of a demon lurking nearby, followed by the ignorance of what demons looked like, or how they worked made Amari all the more insistent that he stay. She broached the gap between them, clutching right onto his well toned arm. “P-please. I insist. There has been a duck roasting in the downstairs oven, with basted root vegetables and rosemary. For a sweet treat, we can have some birthday cake. We don’t get to enjoy such a thing often, rather - the only reason I can enjoy it, is due to my solitude.” Amari gave a nervous laugh, her grip tightening on Jakes’ arm. It was clear she was afraid of said solitude. “Father would be furious if he found I had made such a decadent thing.”

There was a pause, as she glanced up at him, ignoring his comment about the bath for now, her eyes pleaded with him. “Please?”

Jake Narmolanya
10-10-16, 01:52 PM
Jake considered his options carefully. He figured he wasn't likely to find the ice demon that night anyway, and in any case, it would be awfully non-heroic of him to leave a fair maiden lonely and afraid. Besides, he hadn't tasted cake since the last Feast Day in Underwood, and he rather liked the way Amari clutched at his arm. Without thinking he flexed the slender muscles made hard by long hours of practicing the sword and bow.

"Alright Amari," Jake conceded, "I'll stay for dinner, but only because it's your birthday." He winked at her and then blushed a deeper shade of crimson, shocked at his own forwardness. He lifted a hand that trembled slightly with adrenaline and stroked her back. "You don't need to worry about the demon, I'll slay it before I leave Salvar. You've got my oath on that."

The fire felt warm and cozy, and Jake grew more comfortable standing so close to a beautiful young woman. He rubbed her back again.

"Demons are cowards, for the most part," he assured her, paraphrasing from a book he'd read. "One wouldn't break into a house near where it lives; it'd be afraid of people paying it back. No, they prefer to use their brand of portals to travel about causing mischief before returning to their hiding spots."

The fire popped and crackled, playing shadows of the young pair on the walls. The wind surged and moaned in the chimney, a sound so sudden that Amari jumped. Maybe I should stop talking about demons, Jake figured, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Happy birthday, Amari," the half elf said awkwardly, wondering what Salvic customs existed surrounding birthdays. In Concordia friends and family gave small gifts on birthdays, normally just things like a bunch of flowers or a shiny stone. Unfortunately Jake had brought nothing but his weapons and enchanted quill. He didn't even have any gold in his pockets, not that a noblewoman like Amari would be likely to need anything he could afford.

"Would you like some help preparing dinner?" Jake asked. He did most of his cooking outside over an open fire, but he figured he could at least help with getting the duck out of the oven. Those roasting pans could be awfully heavy, after all.

10-10-16, 07:54 PM
Jake winked at Amari, and she found the gesture out of place; but she, being polite, did not say anything on the matter. She stiffened when she felt the heat of his palm on her back. As comforting as it was, it also sent heated sensations down her spine. The insidious sigil her brother placed on her at the age of 16 caused her to become easily aroused by the touch of the opposite gender. This was the first instance of said touch, other than her brother in those two years.

A rosy flush filled her cheeks, she shifted on the spot unsure of what these feelings were, beyond the fact that they were pleasant and irritating at the same time. His actions and words comforted her fears, she slowly released her grip on his other arm. Fingers shying away from the warmth of his skin. “Thank you kindly.” She breathed.

The two stood before the fire, its warmth leaking into their bones. Amari’s eyes focused on the flames, biting her upper lip as Jake continued to gently rub her back. Her hands found their way to the hem of her cream coloured dress. She clutched it tightly in her hands, fidgeting to take her mind off the various sensations coursing through her body. “Thank you, Jake.” She said, finally turning her eyes away from the flames to face him. Her cheeks at battle with her hair in a battle of red hues.

She found her eyes laid upon his brilliant green. They held a soft gaze, different from her brothers; whose eyes were normally narrowed. His lips were turned up into an innocent smile that she couldn’t help but return.

“I don’t need help, the pan is quite small.” She held up a single finger, “Remember, Jake, I was planning on dining alone tonight.”

Amari stepped to the side, away from Jake - and the myriad of feelings coursing through her started to settle. The crimson haired woman exhaled, relieved. “Take a seat.” She glanced down at his muddy shoes. “Please, take off those too. I can have them cleaned for you, if you like.” She grimaced, noticing the mud that was still being tracked through the place.

Turning on her heel, Amari headed back through to the dining room; pausing to light the hearth there, and the lanterns that dotted the place. It was a large hall. Tall windows on the right wall, and rich tapestries on the left. The room began to heat up, with the warmth of the fire and light. The woman smiled, heading back through to the kitchen then turning a corner to head downstairs, where a larger kitchen lay. There were multiple ovens and burners, a large preparation table in the centre, and bells lining the back wall for the servants to be called upon. Of course, now, the room was barely used.

Making for quick time, Amari set about taking out the roasting dish, bringing it upstairs into the smaller kitchen. She hummed to herself as she shifted the cooked items onto serving platters. Bringing each meticulously polished silverware platter into the dining hall.

On the edge of the table she had set the roasted duck, a steaming bowl of various root vegetables, a bowl of mashed potato, a large corn cob which had been cut into two, and to top it off - a vanilla cake adorned with berries. Two layers of thick cream strewn through the centre. For beverages, two glasses sat on the table, beside a bottle of deep red wine.

“Dinner is ready.” She called out toward Jake. Amari stood by the table, waiting for him to sit first. It was proper manners to have the men seated, and comfortable before her.

Jake Narmolanya
10-11-16, 10:41 AM
Left alone in the drawing room, Jake sat in the ladder-backed wooden chair and pulled his muddy boots off one at a time. He set them by the hearth to warm, thinking about how odd women were. He never could quite get a read on them. At first Amari had seemed all too willing to be close to him, and then she'd begun blushing and thanking him and pulling away. Typical, Jake told himself, although he was not quite old enough to know what was typical of women.

The half-elf stood in his stocking feet, warming his hands and toes next to the crackling fire. It seemed odd that Amari didn't want any help in the kitchen, but perhaps that was another Salvic custom. Even for an uninvited guest, perhaps the proper thing was for her to do all the work herself. I really must learn more about the cultures of the places I visit, Jake realized. He was all too prone to dropping in on a city just long enough to slay a demon and be on his way. He still had a lot to learn, after all.

Scrumptious smells meandered from the kitchen as Jake picked through the odds and ends on the mantle. Despite Amari's generosity he was thinking about stealing the expensive-looking silver bell from above the hearth, when he noticed the portrait that hung there for the first time. It showed two men, one middle aged, the other quite young. L'Olfsden and his son, Jake thought, but where is Amari? For a moment he entertained the idea that the flame-haired woman was also a thief, who had broken into the home for the night just like him. But who would break into a home and spend so much time cooking a meal? No, Amari was too familiar with the manor to be an outsider. She must truly be the kindest soul I've ever met, Jake thought.

Hearing Amari call to him, the youth left his boots by the fire and padded down to the dining room. The pleasant aromas from the variety of dishes nearly knocked him off his feet, and there Amari stood with her hands clasped, waiting for him.

"This all smells amazing," Jake said, green eyes taking in the roasted duck, heaps of vegetables, the cream covered cake and the bottle of wine. Is this how a wealthy family eats every night? He wondered. This must be why there's never enough food for the poor! He said nothing more, however, not wanting to criticize the girl's kindness.

"Here, Amari," Jake circled to the nearest chair and pulled it out for her, offering it up with small bow. Following the Coronian custom, he knew he should seat the lady before sitting down himself. "Please be seated milady," he said formally, resisting the urge to wink again. She hadn't winked back the first time. Perhaps people don't wink in Salvar, Jake reasoned.

10-12-16, 04:06 AM
Amari beamed proudly as Jake complimented her cooking. Eyes widening in delight. “You think so? I had it slow roasting for many an hour. I made sure to put the vegetables in near the end, so they wouldn’t dry out. By basting them in the -oh?” She paused as Jake pulled out a chair for her. Amari wasn’t acustomed to such...polite behaivour. Her father treated her as though she were the help, and her brother, well. He was much more hands on, but when in the presence of their father, he had to imitate the actions of the head of the house. She blushed, as he offered her a low bow. Amari dipped her head in response before taking a step back, quickly shaking her head. Being treated with such kindness in her own home? It didn’t feel right. “N-no, it’s fine. It’s fine.” She circled him, placing her palms on the mid of his chest, guiding him to sit down. “Please, Father and Brother always insisted that I seat them first.” Amari laughed, adding in a small joke, “Course, I was never able to join them at the table.” Amari pushed Jake’s chair in with a heave, with her arms still on the wooden back of the chair she leaned over him, red hair spilling over his shoulders, the crimson cascade brushing lightly against his cheeks. The scents of the forest wafted up from her. Flowers, trees, fresh grass- an odd scent from somewhere as desolate as Salvar.

Amari grinned. “It’ll be nice to have company.” She said, shifting her gaze to his. “I suppose it was almost a blessing to have you wander into my home. I am sure this is better than the bread and cheese you were planning to steal .”

The red headed woman let go of the chair and picked up a polished silver goblet; placing it in front of the half-elf. She opened the bottle of wine and poured him half a glass. “Here. Please enjoy this, I’ll be back in a few moments.”

“Wait- Amari…” Jake called out after her, but Amari either did not hear, or was too set in her conditioned ways.

She headed back through the drawing room and past the parlour - down the hall till she reached the bathroom. She got the ready, heating water and adding in essential oils and bath salts. The bath was far too hot to bathe in now, practically scalding. Once they had eaten, and rested - Amari was sure that the bath would be a suitable temperature for Jake, it’s how she had always done it for her brother, and she had hoped that the Half-Elf would be no different.

With a content sigh Amari turned and made haste back toward the dining room. “I’m sorry.” She said with a laugh. “I had to set the bath, by the time you’ve finished. It should be the perfect temperature.”

Amari sat down opposite Jake, and carefully cut herself off a large part of the Duck Breast. SHe set it on her plate, along with the corn, vegetables and bread.

She cleared her throat, glancing nervously up at him. Suddenly aware that he was watching her. “I uh…I’m not sure what constitutes as proper dining conversation. I’ve eaten alone as long as I can remember. So please Jake, forgive me if I say anything unbecoming. I can offer you a room for the night. I’ll have you stay in my brothers room, his is always very warm - and adjacent to mine.”

SHe paused, daintily cutting pieces of her meat off, and placing it in her mouth, chewing, swallowing and pausing her eating to talk again.

“There’s even a door that directly connects our two rooms. SO if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to let me know.” Amari laughed, “I’m sorry- is that strange? You did come in uninvited.”

Jake Narmolanya
10-12-16, 04:00 PM
Jake dug in with deep appreciation, doing his best to wipe his chin with the fine cotton napkin whenever juices from the duck dribbled down. In truth he had tasted nothing so delicious in a long time. Perhaps it only felt that way because he was extra hungry, and perhaps Amari's company made it all the more pleasant. Jake dropped his fork onto his plate with a clatter when Amari mentioned the bath again. I must smell terrible, he decided, discreetly sniffing inside the collar of his green lace-up shirt. He'd rather liked the way Amari smelled... liked flowers and soap. See? Jake knew what bloody soap was.

"A connecting door? You don't say..." Jake wiped his mouth again and put down his napkin and fork. He absentmindedly twirled the corner of the tablecloth between two fingers while he watched Amari eat with precise, dainty movements. She seemed content enough alone in her world with an uninvited guest, but Jake was beginning to detect some deep sorrow in her. Perhaps it's because of her mother's death, he reasoned. Although Jake had never known his blood-parents, he'd had a mother growing up.

"Thank you for sharing your birthday with me Amari," Jake said, and then he had a brilliant idea. He stood up raised his glass to eye level as he'd seen men do in taverns so many times.

"A toast to Amari L'Olfsden on her birthday," he said, rather louder than usual. "The kindest lady it's ever been my good fortune to meet on my travels. Here here!" Jake sat down, cheeks glowing crimson. It had seemed like a better idea before he said it.

"This building's architecture is quite fine," he said, wanting to drive the discussion someplace else. He cast his green gaze over the stone masonry and supporting wooden beams that comprised the room. "Nicely decorated too," he commented, eyeing the thick Fallieni throw rug. "It reminds me a bit of another place I broke into."

"Believe it or not, I didn't break in to steal anything," Jake smiled, warming to the idea of sharing a story from his adventures. "I had hunted this particular fire demon to a small village near Serenti, in Corone. He was after some mining interests owned by the local lord, and I had good information that he'd broken into the lord's manor, but nothing was taken." Jake paused for effect, raising his eyebrows and leaning forward in his seat. "I figured he must have broken in and copied the information he needed. So I picked the lock and sneaked in and found out the location of the mine." He picked up his knife and stabbed the air. "Three days later I slew that same demon in that very mine."

Feeling as though he had said enough, Jake picked up his fork and resumed eating, intent on finishing every morsel on his plate.

"This really is delicious," he mumbled around a mouthful of mashed potato.

10-13-16, 08:04 AM
The way the two ate were polar opposites. Amari took careful, precise bites. She didn’t find a need for the cotton napkin. For she made no spills. No noises when she ate. She refused to speak till she had finished her mouthful and politely placed her cutlery to the side.


Jake on the other hand, ate with gusto - the type of ferocity that people who went days without food ate. He consumed without a care for manners or polite company. He ate for the pure joy and sensation of eating. For the tastes, the smells, the feeling of being full. He at least had the grace to wipe his mouth, unfortunately that didn’t extend to speaking with a full mouth. Every so often Amari had to politely wipe a piece of food from her face, one that had made the long, arduous trip from his mouth to her soft, pale skin.

If it had bothered the woman, she didn’t show it. “I’m glad you seem to be enjoying it, Jake.” Her smile faltered as his fork clattered to the plate. She gave him a questioning stare. “Are you ok?” His nose wrinkled, and he sniffed himself - but Amari did not make the connection to the bath. Whatever it was that bothered him, he quickly recovered from it. The woman gave a sigh of relief. He mentioned the door again, a tone of curiosity in his voice.

Amari nodded, finishing what was on her plate. She set her cutlery down neatly. “Yes. Brother insisted.” She didn’t understand his fascination with that small fact, but, Amari didn’t understand a lot of things, she lived a very sheltered life with warped perceptions on what was and wasn’t socially acceptable. Jake thanked her and Amari smiled warmly at him. “No, no. Thank you. I’ve honestly not spoken to someone for such lengths of time. It’s…” She paused, lips pursing as she tried to find the right words. “It’s really...mmm….it’s a new experience. I- ah...er.r..”

She stammered, as Jake stood, his knees knocking the table. She quickly picked up her own goblet to stop it from being knocked over. He perfomed a toast toward her, but having never seen the action before Amari just awkwardly imitated it from her seated position. “A- ah...toast?” She held the goblet out to him before taking a small sip from it. She was used to the rich wine, having often drinking it with her meals. It seemed that Jake did not have the same tolerance as her.

“Jake, wil you b-”

He interrupted her. Commenting on her home. Amari glanced up her gaze following his. “Oh.” She hadn’t thought too much about the intricacies of architecture. “Is that something that interests you?” His answer was an entire story. She politely listened, enjoying the exuberant motions he used, and the enthusiasm in his voice. Every so often she laughed.

Jake seemed to move thrice the pace as her - shifting from one subject ot the other, shovelling food into his face as though he were afraid he’d never enjoy it again. “I can organise some food for you to take with you if you’d like.” Amari stood, leaning over the table to cut into the small, decadent cake. She placed a piece onto a small plate and placed it next to Jake before cutting one for herself. She slowly dug into it, enjoying the tangy sweet sensations. She made quick work of her slice of cake, and was reasonably full.

“Once you’re done, I’ll have you undress so I can launder your clothes, and boots.” Jake gave her a horrified look, and Amari was confused as to why. She had always been forced to undress her brother. Was it not the custom where he was from? “Don’t worry. I’ll have a thick gown for you to rest in.”

Jake Narmolanya
10-13-16, 06:28 PM
Jake opened his mouth to speak, but could think of nothing to say. He'd never met a woman so intent on removing his clothing. He picked up the smaller fork meant for cake and sliced a wedge of the cream-covered dessert, scooping it into his still open mouth. He chewed slowly, to give himself time to think.

If Amari really did want him... as in, want him, why didn't she just say so? Jake knew what to do with women who wanted him. He'd done it a handful of times with serving girls in the dark when inns got slow for the night. None of those girls had ever been shy about telling him. There was an innocence to the way Amari talked about bathing. At first it had seemed part of a ruse, but the more she brought it up, the more Jake had to wonder. If this was some strange Salvic custom, how had he never heard of it? Perhaps it was unique to her family, perhaps the women of the household always saw their guests bathed and their clothes laundered.


Jake weighed his options as he licked cake crumbs from his fingers. It seemed he only had two; leave, or give in to Amari's requests and take a bath. Jake could see himself treading back out into the night and finding an empty house to hole up in for the night. Of course, he wouldn't be able to have a fire, lest he alert the neighbors to his presence. And he'd be eating cold bread and cheese for breakfast the next day, at best. And he'd have no company. After all, why not stay with Amari for the night? She seemed to enjoy his company as much as he did hers, and come to that, it was about time for Jake's weekly bath anyway. He wiped his mouth.

"Alright," he said, still somewhat resistant, "show me to the bathing room, I suppose."

Amari hopped to her feet happily and beckoned for him to follow. She led him through the drawing room, past the parlor, and into a tile floored bathroom. The large tub was set against an external wall, already full of warm water that emitted sweet perfumes into the air.

"Thanks Amari, errm... I'll put my clothes in the hall for you, shall I?" Jake stammered.

For a long while Amari stood waiting, as if expecting something. Her hands fluttered for a moment as if reaching for his shirt, but then settled. Jake stared at her incredulously. What is she doing? he wondered. He glanced at the open door, and Amari seemed to take his meaning. She exited into the hallway, and Jake closed the door behind her.

Had she expected him to disrobe in front of her? That couldn't be a part of Salvic hospitality. Someone would have told Jake about that. The half elf took the eagle feather quill out of his pocket and set it on the windowsill by the tub, and then quickly shrugged out of his clothes, removing everything except the black sifan scarf he wore around his neck. He passed his shirt, pants, jacket, cloak, boots, and cap out to Amari and then got into the tub slowly. The warm water climbed up his body as he sat down, easing pains left over from walking all day that he hadn't noticed until right then.

Jake leaned back in the tub and took a deep breath of the perfumed air, letting his chest sink beneath the surface. Perhaps this had been a good idea after all.

10-15-16, 07:53 AM
Amari waltzed into the bathroom, unabashed, and unashamed. She had never been taught humility, rather, the opposite. She was taught by her brother how to ‘behave’ for him. Amari, having never been anywhere near anyone other than her family, only assumed that it translated to others as well. Amari, in all her sheltered innocence, was simply trying to do the right thing.

So, when she walked into the room topless, cradling a small wooden pail with soaps, and cloths in it, she assumed it was a normal thing to do. “Jake.” She said, announcing her presence. “I’ve washed your clothing and it is hung to dry by the ovens downstairs. If they are not done by morning, I’ll be sure to provide you with adequete clothing.”

She approached the side of the bath, she wore nothing but a thick towel around her torso. “Now, we have lavender or lemon. Which would you prefer?”

Jake turned to face her, his mouth agape, gulping as if he was struggling to find air. His eyes travelled down her form, the curvature of her pert breasts, and her hips. He quickly rose his eyes back up to her, “L..Lemon!”

Amari smiled, placing the pail on the floor. “That’s my favourite too. Brother adores the lavender though.” She poured the thick liquid onto the washcloth, then dipped the cloth into the water, running it gently over his back. “I hope the water’s fine.”

“It’s fine.” Jake quickly replied, with another gulp.

“Good.” Amari continued to wash his back, gently lifting his arms. Running the cloth over the ripples of his toned arms. “I know brother prefers it when I’m more rough, but, you said you don’t bathe often right?” Amari asked, she didn’t wait for a reply. “And you’re not from Salvar, to be honest - you’re the first person I’ve ever spoken to outside of family. So I hope I’m treating you adequately enough.”

Amari poured more of the lemon scented liquid into the cloth, and repeated her actions. Her delicate fingers tracing over his collar bone. Amari shifted her position to sit in front of him. She noticed his eyes focused down on the waters grimy surface. His cheeks flushed a furious red. Her brow furrowed with concern.

“Are you sure it’s not to hot?” She dropped the cloth and leaned closer, placing the palm of her hand against his forehead. “You look fevered.”

Jake Narmolanya
10-20-16, 10:36 AM
Jake was beset by a fever; a fever of arousal and confusion. He'd been rather enjoying Amari's ministrations until she mentioned her brother. Did she really say she washes him? The half elf wondered. He hadn't been paying the closest attention to her words in that moment, and he didn't want to be the one to bring it up.

"I'm fine," Jake said, still studying the soapy water. "I'm quite comfortable," he lied.

Eventually Amari finished her washing and took her leave. Jake climbed out of the tepid tub, surprised as usual at how grimy the water had become. Perhaps I ought to bathe more often... he thought. Of course, Jake did not exactly have a bathroom of his own to wash in. When he wanted a tub back home, he had to pay for it at one of the better inns around town. He donned the thick robe Amari had thoughtfully set out for him and tucked his eagle quill inside one of its voluminous pockets.

Between the heavy meal and the warm bath Jake was already beginning to feel sleepy; he was unused to such luxuries and they relaxed his mind and body. He wandered the rooms of the L'Olfsden manor barefoot, breathing deep and feeling content. He'd certainly chosen well that night, breaking into a home that came with a smiling host. Jake yawned as he meandered down a long hallway, trying to find his way back to the kitchens where his clothes were drying. He could have portalled there in an instant - he remembered the look of the room rightly enough - but was enjoying the slow walk through the lavishly decorated manor.

10-23-16, 10:01 AM
Jake said he was fine, and despite her concerns about his well being, Amari held her tongue. There was no use in attempting to push a matter once he assured her with such finality. The sounds of the wash cloth gently hitting the water was the only noise between the two, as they fell into an awkward silence. Amari, not knowing what to say nor how to deal with extended social interaction, and Jake - a young boy who didn’t know how to deal with rolling urges and a seemingly naive woman.

Amari finished bathing his upper half, she hesitated - normally, at this stage, she’d start on the lower half but Jake sat unmoving. The tips of his pointed ears and his cheeks still flush with a bright red. Amari let the cloth fall into the depths of the murky bathwater. Deciding it’d be best to let him finish, perhaps it was a custom of theirs to bathe themselves? Amari didn’t want to insult her guest. “I’ll take my leave now.” Amari said, as she stood, she gestured to a thick, dark robe to the corner. “Change into that when you’re ready. I’ll go prepare my brothers room for you. Amari offered him a small bow, thick crimson locks spilling over milky, bare shoulders. She offered him one last concerned look, “Please tell me if you need anything. I’ll go prepare my brothers room for you.” She said softly before leaving him to his own devices.

As she left the room, she shut the door with a click and sighed heavily. Leaning her bare back against the wooden door. “Did I do something wrong?” She asked herself, glancing up at the ceiling. With a slight shake of her head, she dismissed her concerns. “He did say he was ok.” She murmured to herself. Amari had to trust his judgement, she was usually scolded by Lamont, her brother, for her lack of understanding basic social cues and expectations.

Amari pushed herself off the door and picked up the silken gown she had been wearing earlier. Dropping the towel to the floor, she slipped the delicate, off white material over her lithe form.

Amari yawned, feeling fatigue setting in, but she had no time to rest. She headed toward the kitchen to ready the bed warmer. A metal container fitted with a long, polished wooden handle. She carefully placed hot coals from the still heated ovens into it and carried it into her brothers room. Salvar nights were cold; and it was clear her guest was not used to them. So Amari thought that he’d appreciate the gesture. She placed the bed warmer under the thick covers of the mattress and smoothed out the wrinkles in her brothers bed.

His desk was fairly clean, aside from the old book he always had his nose in, but Amari couldn’t read the scratchy, golden, guilded writing on the cover. Nor did she care to. She wasn’t going to snoop around in her brothers affairs.

Just as Amari was leaving her brothers room, she caught sight of Jake.

“Oh. Jake.” She gestured toward the room. “You’ll be sleeping in here tonight, let me know if its suitable. In the mean time, I’ll gather your clothes and shoes.” She offered him a short curtsy before passing him in the hall.

Jake Narmolanya
01-17-17, 08:02 PM
Jake was ready to well and truly believe that all Salvic women behaved like servants. Amari seemed so natural in the role, curtsying to him as they passed in the hall and pointing him at her brother's room. The door was heavy brass plated oak, and opened into a large bedroom dominated by a king size canopy bed. Fine mahogany end tables sat on either side of the blanket and pillow strewn bed, and thick rugs covered the floors. Jake walked into the room and closed the door, and like any good thief, immediately searched for valuables.

First he looked in an old ulder armoire to the left of the door, its wood greying with age. He peered behind hanging clothing and sorted through folded shirts, and rooted through a drawer full of useless odds and ends. Amari's brother seemed bookish; the drawer contained more than one quill and inkwell, and large shelf lined with dusty volumes stood next to the armoire. Jake pulled one book out, and then another. His face fell in disappointment when the action failed to activate any hidden mechanisms. He detoured around a strange piece of glasswork on an iron stand and searched one end table and then the other, finding little more than some old handkerchiefs and some well-thumbed paperback volumes.

Never easily deterred, Jake lifted up the heavy mattress and felt around beneath it. His hand came into contact with something soft and rectangular, and he pulled the small book out.

It was not like the others, bound with expensive leather and inset with a much finer grade of paper. Jake opened it to the first page and read the tidy handwriting.

Journal of Lamont L'Olfsden said the first page. Jake wondered what treasures the clues inside might lead him to. What kinds of things would a rich boy write in his journal? He turned the page.

The next few pages were covered in drawings of strange symbols, some with accompanying archaic words that Jake did not understand. He turned another page.

I reproduced the sigils here as best I could, it read in the same neat hand as before, the intricacy made it difficult, but I believe my attention to detail will have merit. I find this forbidden volume fascinating, and had to read the entire section on sex hex magicks in order to know what to copy. After practicing in my journal, I replicated the symbols on Mari, and they worked! The first is designed to... Jake was about to turn the page again when he heard footsteps in the hall. His pointed ears quivered and he quickly slid the journal back under the mattress and lay down as if lounging on the bed.

The door opened on well oiled hinges and in walked Amari, carrying his clothes and looking like a finely dressed serving girl.

"Hmm, yes." Jake said, allowing his head to loll on the downy pillow, "this room should do just fine, Amari."

01-17-17, 08:29 PM
Amari returned with his clean clothes folded neatly in her arms. Pristine boots sitting atop them. She pushed the door open with her hip. Seeing Jake make himself comfortable, lounging deep within the feathery down pillows made Amari smile. Something about the scene, it comforted her. "I'm glad." She said with an earnest smile. "Really, I am." She wasn't sure how else to express her feelings to the young lad. Despite their....odd circumstances, she had really come to enjoy his company.

Amari approached, placing the clothing on the bedside table. "All clean and dry." Amari said, quite proudly. She took pride in her work, she turned to Jake and gave the clothes a few small pats. "They'll smell quite lovely for a few days too."

Jake shifted awkwardly on the bed. His hand darted behind his back and seemed to shove something underneath the covers. Amari, however, paid the suspicious action no mind. "Is there anything else you need?"

Jake sat up, his brows furrowed. Green eyes staring curiously at her. "Can you tell me about your brother?" He paused. "I'm staying in his room, so thought it might be nice to know more about him."

Amari blinked. At first, she couldn't fathom why the youth would want to know more about her family, but his explanation. (As bad as it was) was enough to put her at ease. Amari shifted and sat down on the bed next to him. "My brother...." She mused softly. "He's alwas been very, very kind to me. As you know , my father was never fond of me, but Lamont...."

Amari glanced down, and started playing with a loose thread on her silken gown. "Lamont...he always played with me. He taught me the basics of reading and writing. He taught me how to act, how to behave in front of others. If it weren't for him. I'd - well. I don't know where I'd be." Amari laughed. "He has these odd...tendencies, he believes in 'good luck charms' and the like. Even painted a few on me once. Such an odd brother..."

"I see..."

Jake didn't sound too enthusiastic. Amari gave him a worried look. "A-are you ok?" The half elf shook his head, then feigned a yawn. "No, I mean...yawns yes Mis- I mean Yes Amari. I'm just tired."

"Oh! Oh! I'm so sorry!" Amari pushed herself off the bed. "I've been babbling far too long, please - get some rest." She pointed to the door which connected the two rooms. "Please, feel free to ask me of anything to aid you tonight." Amari offered Jake a small bow.

"F-For what it's worth Jake." Amari said, "I've had a wonderful evening. This may just have been the best birthday I could possibly ask for." She glanced up at him, absently chewing her lower lip. Amari was tired, but she didn't exactly want to leave him. She wanted to talk to him some more. She wanted to hear his stories and watch his strange mannerisms. She wanted to see the way his ears twitched and moved with his emotions, but instead of voicing any of those things...Amari bowed and excused herself, heading toward the door.

"Goodnight, Jake."

And with that, she disappeared through the door.

Jake Narmolanya
01-18-17, 01:21 PM
Jake waited a few minutes after Amari had closed the door and then rose silently, dressing in the darkness. His pressed pants and shirt warmed his relaxed body, and the security of having boots on his feet once more made him feel at ease. He put on his jacket and tucked his magic quill inside of it, safely in the pocket where he always kept the treasured item. He listened for a moment, pointed ears quivering, but heard nothing from the other room. Setting his mouth in a firm line, Jake reached under the mattress once more and retrieved the journal. His cheeks colored and a twisted feeling formed in his gut as he conjured a handful of fire for light and read from where he'd left off.

The first is designed to prevent her from achieving orgasm, the journal read, while the second will make her exceedingly aroused at the slightest touch from a male. Holding these powers over her, I hope to shape her into my perfect plaything... my doll. The taboo of her being my sister enthralls me, even if she is not fully related to me by blood. She is intoxicating, and I want her all for myself.

Jake shuddered as he turned the page. He felt ill. He remembered the way Amari had reacted when he touched her earlier... the sudden flush in her cheeks. It must have been the work of her brother's arcane experiments. Jake swallowed, his throat bobbing emphatically, and read on.

That is why I plan to place the third and final sigil on her after her eighteenth birthday. It will bring her fully under my control; her thoughts and actions will become an extent of my whims and wants. Like this my little sister will finally serve her proper purpose, and I will use her as I see fit. If she does not satisfy me, I plan to have father send her to live with the Church of the Ethereal Sway. Perhaps they will make some use of her; I have read much about their...

Jake shut the book with a snap. He could read no more. Lamont L'Olfsden was a demon in human form, not at all unlike the creatures he hunted. And he had poor Amari caught up in his clutches. Small wonder the young woman had enjoyed Jake's company so much... she was habituated to the ministrations of a monster. Jake breathed deeply, forcing himself to cool the raging fire that grew in his gut. Amari would never understand if he killed her brother, and nor would the Salvic authorities. Jake reached inside his jacket and touched the enchanted eagle quill, the soft fringes of the feather calming him. It would be better to take Amari with him... yes, immediately.

Jake sprang up from the bed and crossed to the door separating the two bedrooms. He knocked lightly, and then a little louder, and then pulled the door open a crack.

"Amari?" He whispered through the crack, "I need to talk to you about something. Now. I'm coming in..."

Hoping that she was dressed, he sidled into the room, still holding a handful of fire for light. The flickering flames cast shadows on his face as he stood at the foot of Amari's bed. He made sure she was fully awake before speaking.

"Amari I don't know how to say this but I... I found your brother's journal. I know what he did to you." That got little reaction from the Salvic girl, so Jake went on, stumbling over his words. "It's not right, Amari. It's not normal. It's wrong. He's taking advantage of you, and he plans to do much worse. See for yourself." He tossed the journal onto Amari's blankets. "He's going to turn you into a slave of some sort, and if that doesn't work, he plans to send you away... Amari, you should come with me, right now. I can make a portal back to Corone. You'll be safe and happy there, with lots of friends, and you won't have any trouble finding work at an inn..." Jake gestured helplessly with his free hand. "Just say you will. I can't bear the thought of you left alone here with your brother."

01-21-17, 10:02 PM
"Amari?" He whispered through the crack, "I need to talk to you about something. Now. I'm coming in..."

" He tossed the journal onto Amari's blankets. "He's going to turn you into a slave of some sort, and if that doesn't work, he plans to send you away... Amari, you should come with me, right now. I can make a portal back to Corone. You'll be safe and happy there, with lots of friends, and you won't have any trouble finding work at an inn..." Jake gestured helplessly with his free hand. "Just say you will. I can't bear the thought of you left alone here with your brother."

A flicker of fire, along with the hushed whispers of Jake stirred Amari from her light sleep. "What he...did to me?" Amari repeated his words, a confused look on her features. She tried to recall what her brother had done, that could warrant such alarm from Jake, but nothing came to mind. Amari leaned over her bed and turned the nozzle on the gas lamp that rested on her bedside table. It illuminated the room in a soft, amber glow, and the scent of oil.

"Jake..." She breathed, hoping to calm the youth down. Amari didn't understand his desperation. "Please, sit." She gestured to the foot of her bed, patting its plush creme duvet. Instead, a book was thrown her way. Jake had mentioned he read a diary. Amari wasn't entirely sure of the concept, to her - it wasn't something so private, rather it was a way to log information.

"My brother has always been good to me." Amari said, as she picked up the book, fingers running over the words on the front. "He taught me everything I know." Amari softly smiled as she opened the book to a random page. She couldn't read the contents, but the looped handwriting was undeniably her brothers. "He has such an elegance with his words...don't you think? The way his handwriting is, intricate loops and swirls. He's teaching me to read and write, slowly that is."

"Amari...." Jake pleaded. He couldn't believe what she was saying. She couldn't see for herself, she couldn't read. She'd have to trust the words of a stranger over that of her very own brother, and Jake feared that his claws were already deeply ingrained into her being.

Amari stood, book in her hand. "I'm not a slave Jake. Granted...I do much work, and am more inclined to believe that I do the duties of the help, rather than that of a Noble Woman - but I am ok with that. It's my choice to do that. I'm not a slave. It's a simple life, and I enjoy it." Amari placed the journal back in Jakes spare hand, and gave him a reassuring squeeze. "Why on earth would brother do anything to harm me?"


Meanwhile, that very brother had just walked through the front door downstairs. Arriving home early from his trip. Tired, and in need of Amari's....services. He slowly trudged up the stairs, light footfalls barely making a sound.

Jake Narmolanya
01-22-17, 09:06 AM
"Why?" Jake repeated the word, dumbfounded. "Because he's a bad person. I hunt demons Amari... I know one when I see one, or in this case, when I see his journal. They don't all have fangs or horns or scaly skin." Jake could see the denial in her eyes, so he sat on the side of her bed and reached for her hand. He jerked his arm back before their fingers could meet as he remembered what a male touch would do to her. "Listen," he said quietly, trying to keep emotion from flooding his voice. "I'll read this to you," he opened the journal to the first page. "Word for word, I promise. Will you at least listen to what it says?"

Amari's emerald eyes still blinked at him in disbelief, but she nodded her head slowly.

"I'll listen, Jake," she said, as if she was the one reassuring him.

The half elf cleared his throat and showed her the images of the sigils on the first few pages, and then flipped forward. But before he could begin to read his pointed ears perked up.

The door between Lamont's bedroom and the hall had slammed shut.

"Someone's here," Jake whispered, and rose to his feet, drawing the eagle feather from his inner pocket. He clutched the quill like a sword and stood between the adjoining door and Amari's bed.

"It must be brother, he's home early!" The Salvic girl whispered back. There was happiness in her voice, and yet trepidation... what would Lamont say if he discovered a boy in her room? "You must hide under the bed," she said suddenly, drawing back the low-hanging covers.

"No," Jake answered, "this is what I must do." His pulse pounded in his ears, his cheeks flared hot with anger. One room away stood the young man who had tormented Amari most of her life, and brainwashed her to believe it was normal, even kind of him.

"Mari?" Lamont's voice came through the adjoining door, drawing nearer. "Are you awake?" He wondered. The brass knob turned.

Jake took two slick steps forward and kicked the metal-bound door open as hard as he could. A cry of shock and pain emanated from the far side, and as the heavy door flew open Jake got his first look at Lamont L'Olfsden.

He was busy stumbling backwards, blood streaming down his face from a broken nose. He was bigger than Jake and broader of shoulder, with blond hair and blue eyes. He dropped a small black box on the floor as his soft-looking hands seized his wounded face.

"Who in Haide are you?" Lamont sputtered, pinching his nose to stem the flow of blood while his free hand clawed for the longsword on his hip. "Get out of my house, wretch!" He gave up attempting to stop the bleeding - the front of his fine wool sweater was already badly stained - and used his left hand to secure the scabbard while his right drew the longsword with a menacing metallic whisper.

"I'm the hunter who has come to stop you hurting Amari," Jake said levelly, and raised his quill in both hands. The eagle feather transformed suddenly into the iron hilt of a longsword, and then a blade of still flame grew from the end. Jake wielded the fiery sword confidently and pointed its slightly curved blade at Lamont's throat. "Take another step," he invited, "and I'll spill more blood than you can spare."

Rather than advance Lamont crouched suddenly and seized the black box with his left hand. He fumbled the lid open and withdrew a syringe with a short, sharp needle attached to the end. He wielded it like a dagger and took a tentative step forward.

Jake wanted to kill the older boy. He felt as though he was in a dark cavern facing off against a true demon, and his knuckles grew white around the hilt of his fiery longsword.

"No!" Came Amari's voice from behind him. "Please don't hurt each other."

The words hit Jake like a punch to the liver. As much as he considered Lamont a demon, Amari probably never would, and she would never forgive him if he killed her brother before her eyes. Not lowering his sword, Jake backed off a few steps, allowing Lamont to advance to the threshold between the two rooms.

"Look at what's in his hand," Jake said, pointing with the fiery tip of his sword, "I'll wager that needle was meant for you, Amari. If I'd only had time to read you his journal-"

"WHAT?" Lamont screamed, "you read my journal?" His icy eyes swept from Jake to Amari, and then lit on the diary sitting on her bed.

"Yes I did," Jake said, and lifted one hand from his sword hilt to summon a doorway. The door winked into existence beside Amari, made of simple oak planks with a brass knob. Although it appeared mundane, it covered a portal that led back to Underwood, the city where Jake resided in Concordia. "Step through that door, Amari," Jake urged, "and you'll never have to minister to his needs again."

01-23-17, 08:46 AM
Curiosity turned to fear as she heard her brothers voice, and how Jake refused to hide upon her request. Her brother was quick to anger, and Amari did not want harm to come to Jake, she was quite fond of him. "Please..." She urged. Jake shook his head, and the situation only escalated further from there. There was a scuffle, and weapons were drawn.

I have to do something... Amari grit her teeth and stormed forward. Placing herself firmly between the two. Away from the door. If she had stepped through, she was worried that her actions would cause Lamont to injure Jake, not only that...but how could she leave her home? Her family?

"Stop this!" she ordered. Amari turned to face her brother, blood smeared across his face and dripping off his chin. "Brother! This man is a guest in our home. Please, treat him with the correct courtesy."

Lamont opened his mouth as if to say something, but Amari quickly interjected. "I don't want to hear it Lamont!"

Amari turned her back on her brother, now facing Jake. "And Jake!" She snapped, before taking a deep breath and using a softer, pained tone. "Please...I do not know what was in brothers journal - but I do know my brother. He'd never har-" Her words stilled and turned into inaudible mumbles. Lamont had thrust the needle into the back of her neck. Quickly injecting her with the serum. "h-harm...me..." Her eyes watered. Her legs buckled, before she could fall Lamont caught her in his arms. "Hush sweet Amari, it'll be over soon."

"B-brother....?" Amari could feel herself slipping. She tried to move but her body did not respond she felt as though she was drowning, and slipping away into unconsciousness. It was a horrifying feeling. She wanted to scream and to cry, to beg him why - but all she could do was stare up at him silently, till her eyes glazed over, and her consciousness was nothing more than a dull buzz. Her once brilliant gaze became lidded and lifeless.

Lamont gripped Amari's crimson tresses in his hands. Watching Jake with a wicked grin. He pulled her virtually lifeless form up so he could deeply inhale her scent. "Don't you just love how she smells of the forest?" He mused as he let go of her hair. Amari fell to the floor with a soft thud.

"Jake, was it?" His blue eyes shifted to Jake's pointed ears. "Half-Elf. Your accent suggests you're from..." He tilted his head to the side, feigning thought. "Corone?" He asked. Lamont didn't need Jake to answer, unlike Amari he was extremely well read, and intelligent. He was able to pick up on the most subtle of nuances and analyse them.

"And you can summon portals," He stepped over Amari. "Not unheard of. I've looked into it myself. I lack the ability to do so. Course..." His voice was no longer filled with rage, it was smooth. Calculating. "I can pay people to do that for me."

Jake pulled out the quill again, but he was met with a cluck of Lamont's tongue.

"Amari, would you be so kind as to unbutton the upper half of your nightgown, and stand in front of me?"

Jake watched in horror as the limp figure of Amari sat up, and with dull eyes she wordlessly unbuttoned her gown until the full curvature of her milky breasts spilled out. She then stood. Placing herself between Lamont and Jake. "Good Doll." Lamont purred into her ear. "If any weapon appears in his hand, I want you to impale yourself upon it." A single nod was her reply.

"Excellent. Now." Lamont raised his eyes. "How about you flee, like the coward you are - or you loose both your life..." Lamont gestured toward Amari, "and in the process- take hers. Consider my kind offer Jake. I am not a patient man."

Lamont paused, gripping Amari's shoulders with his hands. "Or perhaps you wanted some fun first? You are a lad of good taste, no?"

Jake Narmolanya
01-23-17, 10:01 AM
Jake's green eyes widened in horror as he allowed his sword to dissipate and turn back into a quill. It seemed Lamont had succeeded at turning Amari into a living doll with whatever he'd injected into her. She followed his commands like a like a marionette with an invisible puppeteer pulling the strings. If only I'd brought my bow! Jake berated himself. He could have slipped an arrow past Amari's pale face and into her brother's eye, even with his hands shaking in rage. And his whole bloody body was shaking, his pulse racing as he glared past Amari's crimson hair into Lamont's icy eyes.

"Don't hurt her," Jake forced himself to say, emotion making his words thick. He stowed his quill inside his jacket and raised his palms to show he held no weapon. "I'll leave."

"Of course you will. Coward." Lamont spat back.

The insult poured fuel over the fire of Jake's anger, and his fists clenched at his sides. He could see no way out of the situation except to flee. He'd read enough of Lamont's journal to know the bastard wouldn't hesitate to kill Amari... she was a disposable doll to him, something to throw away if it did not serve its purpose. And yet... just from the way Lamont's soft, rich hands gripped his sword, Jake knew he could best the older boy in combat. But what would be the point, if Amari died first?

"Hurry up now," Lamont chided. He placed the edge of his longsword against Amari's throat and leaned down to inhale her scent at the nape of her neck. "Or it will be sweet Mari who loses more blood than she can spare."

Jake could not stop hot tears from springing to the corners of his eyes, but perhaps he could still save Amari's life. He turned and fled through the doorway, allowing the portal to dissipate behind him as he stepped through. His boots landed heavily on the wooden floor of the inn where he spent his nights.

Early morning birdsong emanated from outside, for the time was different in Corone. A rosy-cheeked serving girl was wiping down tables for the morning meal but she stopped, smile fading as she noticed the half elf's red rimmed eyes and dire expression.

"Jake?" She called, crossing to him and enveloping him in a swift hug, "where have you been? And what's the matter?"

The youth choked on his words at first, as tears spilled down his cheeks and soaked into the shoulder of her dress. Finally he found his voice.

"Everything," Jake whispered into the soft cotton, holding the serving girl tight and wishing she were someone else. "Everything in the world."

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
01-23-17, 05:03 PM

Mari receives 1320 EXP and 145 GP (10% bonus due to her ability)

Jake Narmolanya receives 1145 EXP and 135 GP!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
01-23-17, 05:07 PM
All rewards added!