View Full Version : Posting delays

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
10-10-16, 03:23 AM
Just a heads up for those in threads with me. Not forgotten any of you! I was at Philomel and Grumble's wedding this weekend and back in work today so i'll be attending to posts this evening!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-10-16, 05:48 AM
You were twenty minutes walking away from me and you didn't even drag me to a pub? Tsk tsk, cutter.

10-10-16, 08:31 AM
Ok, now come visit me, bring Lye, Tobi and Aure we'll make a heck of a weekend.
In fact, just bring everyone

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
10-10-16, 10:20 AM
You were twenty minutes walking away from me and you didn't even drag me to a pub? Tsk tsk, cutter.

You were twenty minutes walk away from me and didn't come to share a beer with your resident Telgradian? :rolleyes:

Actually, I did ask for you at the wedding. You weren't there though. :(

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
10-17-16, 03:16 AM
Just tacking on to the end of this, I just need to make those i'm in threads with aware that my IC activity may drop a little over the next two months as I prepare for my December ACCA F9 exam. What this means in time terms is that i'll be posting but probably once a week in each thread rather than once every two days. I'm currently involved in four or five threads but don't worry, i'm not going to flake!

Thank you for your understanding. Again, where I can post, I will!

Please note this won't affect your usual service for rewards, judgments, Bazaar and RoG!