View Full Version : Lilith's Revenge

11-01-16, 09:40 AM
She sat dressed head to toe in dark clothes. Thick leather boots, a long black leather jacket, Dark fur shawl over her shoulders. She appeared to dress warmly, but her jacket’s top two buttons remained undone, creating a V-line to show the slightest of pale cleavage. Her skin in parts, appeared to be cracked, thin black lines traced her skin as though she were a precious porcelain doll that had been dropped. Her eyes, once emerald and golden wonders, burning with intense uncontrolled fire, a pain and naivety that saw the world in naught but innocence had been quashed by Lichensith Ulroke. The gold rings around her iris bleed a dark red which threatened to spill out into her whites. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders and front, scarlet like the blood she had been forced to constantly spill. A petite black leather gloved hand clutched at a fork, turning it up and around over and over again against the table, she sat in the corner of a dark bar amidst a town she didn’t care to recall the name of.

The establishment attracted the unsavory type; and yet, none bothered her. Rumours spread fast, about how the Crimson Hand was making a comeback, and how the notorious silver haired assassin had taken on a new project; and with her appearance so similar to his; even down to the small black Raven, which sat upon a mantle, gorging on the fat of her meal, she was left alone. It was clear she was the so called ‘pet’ the ‘project’ that he had put weeks of effort into.

Those weeks did not go by wasted. Amari, on her 7th day of her ‘therapy’ had mutilated, dismembered and killed 25 of his men. Her once pure Ar’tuel soul twisted; slowly becoming tainted with the blood she had been forced to shed. She had almost become dulled to it. After that day, his ‘training’ had become less intense; although her sessions with him did not cease. Amari had even taken to enjoying some of them, oddly - having bonded with him. Perhaps it was stokholm syndrome, or maybe - just as he had continually claimed he would; he had truly, utterly and completely dominated her. Taking her, in her entirety to himself.

Now, she sat, as a homage to her ‘Master’

Amari shifted her neck side to side till she felt a crack, then a pop. She sighed heavily. Leaning back in the chair. Dusk would set soon, and the Inner Sanctum was a trek. She’d have to decide if she should stay the night in the town, or make her way back to him alone in the near dark.

“How bothersome…” She muttered.

The Raven cawed in reply, and Amari tossed it the last slice of rabbit meat she held in her hand. “Don’t stress, l’m not abandoning him.” She turned her attention back to the fork, lips turning downward. Unsure of how she felt about her attraction to the man. “I don’t think I could.”

11-01-16, 09:59 AM
Amari was not the only delicate young flower wilted by Lye Ulroke. Lilith Kazumi dared to tussle with the pallid martyr to pain and found herself brought low by his cruelty. There, however, the comparisons between the women ended. She had turned her hatred of the man into a strength with which to hunt, and usurp his efforts to enslave her sisters in Salvar.

Fewer women suffered in bondage at his hands because she and the Nekojin Neko had fought, and died, and died again to defend their rights to freedom. Yet, seated so close to her quarry after many months of searching…wishing…waiting, she could feel nothing asides pity.

“She is pitiful.”

Neko twitched his whiskers. He sat facing the woman, and Lilith, with her back to their target, saw her only in the cat’s large, glistening eyes. They reflected not only her own sadness, but also his.

“I would not under estimate anyone who has met our fellow enemy and lived.” Neko, ever wise and focused, gave his mentor a withering glare.

The tavern’s hubbub washed away her snarl. They shared a drink in silence, watching and deliberating on their choices. Snow. Desert. Mountain. No terrain left unturned. Yet, despite their best efforts, neither had been able to catch so much as a glimpse of the man.


“Do you wish to proceed?”

They planned to hurt Lye, send a message violently, and yet now she was thankful there was an audience. In geta and black silk kimono, she would lose precious time cutting away the cloth to free her knees should a fight break out. Lye would surely have taught her to defend herself against anyone but him.

“Of course. I think, however, I rather want to meet this woman.”

Without warning, she rose with her glass and prowled between the occupied tables towards Amari. She cleared her throat and approached directly in front of the woman. Her quarry’s red hair reminded her of her sister, but instead of wisdom and loyalty, she was loneliness and confusion.

“That is a wonderful raven.” Glass raised in greeting, the geisha made to measure wherever or not Lye would even care if she drew a tanto across the wretch’s throat. “Are you a guest here both at the tavern?”

11-01-16, 10:11 AM
Amari glanced up; not expecting someone to approach. Confusion was evident on her features. Small brows furrowed. “Ah.” She turned her head slightly, glancing back up at the raven, one of two which started to follow her around. Be it from Lye’s orders - or her own kindness toward them; she was not entirely sure.

“She is, I adore her.” It wasn’t a lie, Amari had grown quite fond of the two. She reached out, and it responded. Fluttering down to perch on her finger. Amari turned back to the woman, and the raven hoped off her finger, inquisitve beady eyes staring at the stranger. With curiosity that equalled Amari’s.

Her silken black hair was tied neatly back into a bun. She wore garb that Amari was completely unfamiliar with, but she’d be lying if she didn’t say it looked absolutely stunning. Amari saw a beauty far more alluring than that of exposed flesh. Her lips quirked up into the faintest of smiles, curious to see red stain the dress - but in that instant, the thought terrified her, and was once again replaced with mild curiosity.

Amari looked almost sad as she glanced back down toward the raven, continuing. “But she is not mine, she belongs to my-” Amari paused, only for a second as she questioned what to call Lye in company. She quickly chose to go with what had been beaten into her. “The raven belongs to my master.”

Amari scratched the back of the birds neck, and it ruffled its feathers, but it did not allow its eyes to wander from the other woman.

Amari gestured to the seat in front of her with her free hand. “I was stopping by, I had planned to continue on, but it’s getting late. Amari.” She stated her name, and it felt weird as it rolled of her tongue. When was the last time she had heard her name spoken? When was she last referred to as anything other than pet, object or ‘it’

“And you?” Amari’s bi coloured eyes fell to the other that glared at her from beyond. “I don’t think your friend likes me very much.”

11-01-16, 10:31 AM
“Oh, I’m visiting a friend. He doesn’t so much as not like you,” she chuckled. It was not endearingly obvious she was putting it on. “It’s more, he’s a cat…and, well, you know how they are with birds and mice and…anything they can control easily.”

Her thoughts were firmly on the use of the word master. She did not wish to sound as though she were surprised, but neither could she openly ask after her mysterious benefactor. She smiled, turned to Neko, and gestured to him with a kanji drawn in violet fire.

“He will tend to his drink and stop staring if you show him any sort of fight.”

Inviting herself to sit, Lilith pulled a chair and sat, somewhat back from table’s edge. Her wine sloshed in her glass, showing she was far from well mannered, but not afraid to show it. She had to appear ‘as one’, as though she were from these parts. Ordinarily, she would not be dead near an inn so drenched in piss and poverty she remembered one of her many awkward pass lives.

“Or give him a fish.” This time, a genuine laugh rolled off her tongue. “It is a pleasure, Amari. My name is Lilith. I am from a little sleepy cul-de-sac of Corone called Akashima. Perhaps you’ve been?”

Why this woman? Why this month? Why now? Why had Lye spent two years hiding from existence, seemingly to throw away his advantage over Chronicle and their associates for a flirt with feelings? Lilith had to know. She had to find out why the one thing she wanted more than anything, revenge, had been let out of its cage so willingly.

11-01-16, 10:42 AM
“Lilith….” Amari repeated the name, attempting to commit it to her memory. For all the beatings instilled into her, for all the times Lye had killed her and bought her back to life, for all the pieces of flesh Aurelianus ripped from her living body - they could not destroy her honesty.

“It’s a nice name.” Amari mused.

She watched as the girl sat down, rather messily at the table. Amari winced, her noble heritage screaming proper manners at the woman, but that heritage was long since dead.

Lillith made comment on her friend, and his penchant for birds and the like. Amari’s soft features soured and her eyes set on him. “I’d have his eyes plucked from his head before he set his claws into my masters birds.” She mutttered. As quickly as the rage boiled up in her, it began to die down. Amari clenched her fist inhaling deeply then exhaling with a sigh. Shifting her neck so it’d crack again.

Amari removed her gloves, revealing pale, long fingers. Her hands grew hot and sweaty, and she honestly didn’t like wearing the damn things. Still, she dressed as though she were ‘representing him’

Amari relaxed, hearing the other woman laugh. “If I had a fish, he’d be welcome to it - but I rarely eat, and when I do it’s only ever just enough.” She offered Lillith a smirk, “Call it a bad habit.”

Lilith mentioned where she was from, “I’ve heard of Corone; but I haven’t the slightest clue what Akashama is.” She mispronounced the word, having already forgotten the name. “I barely venture outside of where I need to go.”

Amari leaned forward, her finger now tapping the table. “I don’t exactly care where you come from really. The past is nothing. I’m curious - why approach me. Surely you would rather spend your time with your friend than someone who clearly is readying themselves to leave?”

11-03-16, 03:25 PM
“Oh,” Lillith smirked. “Worry not. I’ve spent the better part of a century in Neko’s company.”

“So?” Mari asked, unsatisfied.

“I came to make polite conversation with the only other woman in the room who appears even remotely capable of engaging on a similar level.” She raised her glass and drained it. The blackberry undertones of the red wine turned bitter, though wherever or not it was through stagnation or mood, Lillith could not tell.

The spirit warders had travelled Akashima for over a year after the end of the Oni war. They returned to Scara Brae to visit family, relaxed, and yet somehow could not find peace. They had spent so long fighting for the spiritual and political freedom of Akashiman citizens war had become a part of them.

“I am sorry to disappoint you.”

A ruffle of Raven feathers filled an awkward silence.

“No need to apologise.” Her eyes glimmered with violet malefic. “I will return to my friend and ‘converse’ more about spirits and essences.” She did her best to sound as though she was excited at the prospect. She made to stand, set her glass on the table, and lingered just long enough before she stood proper to give Mari chance to let her curiosity get the better of her.

However, the woman before her, a cruel and unusual plaything, even for Lye, was not of the Kami – Lillith saw an aura all the same. Calm, despite the furious exterior, as though nature itself bound in angry chains. Thoughts of gutting her like a little bitch quickly faded.

11-03-16, 08:50 PM
Amari wasn’t satisfied with Lillith’s answers, she was hiding something. She stated how she had simply wanted to make polite conversation, she quickly drained her glass. “Is that why you’ve been staring at me for some time?” Amari asked.

Lillith responded with a soured look upon her face, and Amari could not blame her, she had refrained from drinking in this place for that very reason. Most things within were swil. The meat overcooked, potatoes dry. Frankly, part of Amari’s bad mood was that she had to sit in such a hovel in the first place.

“Spirits?” Amari asked. Lifting her chin slightly. It was an obvious attempt to bait her. Most people didn’t blatantly admit what they were talking about, especially in these parts. “If you’re going to bait me to join you,” Amari began. “You’d have better luck doing it anywhere other than a piss soaked -” She paused, her eyes glancing over the patrons, a man and woman were fucking in the corner. Her lips turned into dissatisfied frown.

Amari craned her neck till it popped, and stood. The Raven perched on her shoulder with a quick flutter and ruffle of feathers. It affectionately nipped at her ear. Cawing lightly.

“I know.” She whispered to it.

Amari turned her eyes back to Lilith, “If you want to talk about spirits, and essences - I’d rather do it on the road.” She turned her back on the woman. Surely a mistake. Her skin prickled with anticipation. Would the other woman attack from behind? Would she leave Amari alone? Or would she follow her outside? Amari had nothing planned for her, barring an escape from the swill that surrounded them.

Her hand sweeped behind her and grabbed the glove, firmly placing it back on her hand she started to leave.

“Perhaps I will see you outside, no?”

Amari asked, as she left the tavern. She stepped out into the cold and steeled herself against the chill winds. Another caw from above. The Raven that had been perched on a tree, opposite the Tavern greeting her, and urging her forward in the one sound.

Her Master was waiting.

“He can wait.”

Amari muttered. She offered he compatriot a smile, "Besides, I may just take the bait. I'm curious as to what those two will bring."

11-05-16, 02:14 PM
The tavern became woefully quiet and uninteresting in Mari’s absence. Lillith deliberated on her course of action alone, knowing that Neko would always opt to avoid conversation and complete their objective quickly. The Nekojin had grown irritable in recent weeks, each day outside Akashima’s borders burden on his nostalgic sensibilities.

She walked to his table, longing to be truly alone but knowing together, they were a force to reckon with. There were no need for words, just a glance between old friends that spoke a thousand words.

“I believe I have made a grave error.”

Neko raised what little eyebrow he had. “I am sorry, Lillith-san?”

They walked towards the tavern door, winding through a medley of raucous debate and fist deep debauchery. They had both seen too much, and lived too long for the night frivolities of the underclasses to impact on their worldview.

“Do not make me repeat myself.” Back turned, the assassin stepped out onto the porch and felt the night air claim her fugue. Sobering up all too quickly, her eyes focussed and searched through the gloom.

“I heard. I just do not understand.”

Miscommunication had been the backbone of their earlier years as student and master. Lillith took the time, at the end of each day of her tutelage, to reflect on the impact her words had. Neko, swift deprived of his seniority over his student ensured that the assassin remembered every lesson for an age.

“Lye will not care if we slit her throat.” She was not entirely certain about that. The men they hunted for so long was parochial. His emotions and desires rotated with the seasons. “He will care, however, if we send him a message loud and clear about his inability to keep his valuables locked up.”

Neko understood, but did not agree. It was not his place, however, to question Lillith’s motives. Since he had fallen fighting the Greater Oni, the Crane, she had become the master, he the pupil. He assumed there was a lesson learned from their dealings with The Crimson Hand. At least, that was his hope.

“Follow her, then.”

“We shall.” Lillith looked at him with mild bemusement. “We might not agree, Neko-san. However, we are a team. We shall see this through, and when we are done you will get what I promised.” Certainty assured with the tone of her voice, Neko gestured for her to advance.

They walked ahead, in pursuit of their strange prey, and brought to fore the myriad facts and fallacies they had learned over the centuries on the matter of the unreal, the mystical, and the creatures between the between.

11-05-16, 08:25 PM
Amari continued her slow pace away from the tavern; and it was very, very clear she had a couple followers. They made no effort to hide themselves, and Amari made no effort to hasten her pace. One of the Ravens fluttered down to her shoulder. “It’s fine.” She gave it an affectionate scratch, between beady black eyes above the beak. “You know what to do if things get dire. Go fetch a finger.” The bird cawed, and flew off, back toward the tavern.

It was such an odd request, asking a bird to get a finger - but Amari had her reasons. She knew how the sigil that was her birthmark worked. She knew how to revive herself if she needed to. Of course, she couldn’t perform the action herself - so she’d get one of the Ravens to do it. A single finger, dipped in blood draped across her mark would bring her back to the realm of the living.

Turning a head over her shoulder Amari offered a wry smile to Lillith and her companion, Neko. “Sick of that place too, huh?” With a step she turned on her heel - pivoting in the thick snow to come face to face with them.

“Talks of spirits, essences.” Amari began, breaching the gap between the two. It was clear she had no weapons, so it was questionable why she was being so brazen. Amari knew it was foolish - but Master Ulroke long since quashed any fear of pain or death she had. To her, this was a form of entertainment.

Unlike Lye, who garnered his entertainment from the spiling of blood and cries of pain, Amari found hers through new faces, new people, new connections. Having been completely sheltered her entire life - she lapped up the new experiences like a newborn pup.

Stopping just a few feet away from them she gave the two a nod of acknowledgement. “Lilith, Neko.” She shoved her gloved hands into the pockets of her jacket. “You’re not from around here, so, pray tell - what brings you to Salvar, and what brings your attention to lil’ ol’ me?”

11-07-16, 12:20 PM
“It’s certainly not the snow.”

Whilst Salvar had its charms, secrets, and history, the constant flux between frigid winter and tropical summer (though short lived), left little doubt in Lillith’s mind that their visitation was just that. Soon, she would leave it behind, and forget all that had happened here.

“Nor the food,” Neko added. He skittered behind his mistress, whiskers prickled, and tail swishing.

“If I am to be as candid as you are, Amari,” the assassin matched her quarry’s pace, “I am here as a political envoy from Akashima.”

It was a half-truth. When the myriad daughters of Capitol City merchants disappeared, there were few members of the ninja, the senate’s agents and spies who was better suited to tracking them down. Lillith had done so, though it took weeks. That assignment lead her to Salvar. Salvar led her to Lye. Lye’s assassination of her, and her character, lead her to Amari.

“You don’t seem the sort.”

“Oh, I still wonder myself.”

The open air invigorated her senses. The wine’s short-lived fugue faded, giving way to a clarity of thought Lillith was surprised by. Whilst they had their doubts about Amari’s usefulness, and they had set out to kill her, honesty seemed more useful as a weapon in their private war.

“We are here to discuss the exploits of a man I do believe you’re acquainted with.”

Neko’s nervousness validated, the Nekojin made to interject. Lillith held a palm to him, silencing his protestations out of Amari’s gaze. He tensed, the musculature under his fur and demi-plate tense and ready to pounce, should the need arise.


Ravens cawed.

“Oh. You know full well.” Lillith stopped. She made no movement, so as not to cause further alarm. “Lye.”

11-07-16, 10:07 PM
Lillith commented on her distaste for the snow. It seemed to be the only thing that was a constant in these parts of Salvar. "Hah...You'd be mad to seek out Salvarian snow as a reprise." Amari said, amused.

Her eyes turned to Neko, who voiced his distaste for the food. Amari relaxed her composure, shifting to lean her shoulder against a nearby tree. "Depends where you go, The food I cook is quite delightful. Course, I could pull a rotted Apple from the garbage and it'd be considered noble dining in comparison to the swill that place served." Amari grinned, as she noted the smallest of smirks appear on Neko's features.

For the time being, the conversation, and company was amicable, but it wouldn't last. Lillith used Amari's name, and Amari winced. It didn't feel right, parts of her soul ached. Wishing to be known as Amari again, but the conditioning at the forefront of her mind held fast. "Let's just call me Red from here on out." She muttered, shifting her gaze sideward. She should have introduced herself as such from the start.

Lillith nodded, and continued with her reasoning for her 'vacation' into Salvar


The name fell from the geisha's lips, spoken with hate filled toxicity.

Amari's eyes grew wide with curiosity, then narrowed with a questioning glare. Soft lips downturned into a frown. She had not yet learned to hide her emotions, and was easily read by the Geisha. "Master Ulroké, huh?" Amari asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Pray tell, Lillith - why do you seek him? If you have a message, I'll be sure to deliver it." She paused, generally - this was where she was taught she would need to barter for the favour. Nothing came for free. Still, a favour owed had its charms. Amari was still attempting to read the woman, and asking for anything in return at this point would be foolhardy.

"Knowing him....he's probably killed your kin?" She paused, waiting for a reaction. Neko twitched. "Clan?"

She got the reaction she wanted, anger.

"I see." Came Amari's quiet response. Amari, unlike Lye was still rationalising whenever she killed. She did not do it out of amusement or boredom, nor even bloodlust. She didn't always agree with his methods.

"I haven't a clue what spurred his ire toward you. Perhaps you were in the wrong place, at the wrong time-" she offered Lillith a wry smile. "Or the right time, pending your feelings toward it all."

She pushed herself off the tree, and dusted the freshly fallen snow from her arms.

"Still, my master is a cruel man - I won't pry into your past. The past is worthless. Now, is it a message you want to deliver? See the man himself?"

Amari cocked her head to the side, eyes flashing dangerously, "or have you come to take your frustrations out on me? An uninvolved third party?"

11-10-16, 04:34 AM
“I had.”

Lillith took a deep breath. Now they were on equal terms, she did not feel it appropriate to hide. Here, before Amari, was the woman known by many names, but to those who mattered most, Lillith.

“But, there’s something about you that made me change my mind.”

Neko would have chided her once upon a time, for showing her enemy such weakness. The way she spoke, however. As though resigned to her fate, hinted to further similarities between them. Nobody who truly feared death spoke so carelessly of murder and malefic intent. She wondered…

“He kidnapped some of my sisters. Amongst the women, he stole away into slavery, three of the Southern ninja clan. A long time ago, they saved me.” It was metaphorical salvation. The sort that dragged a dark minded widow from her misery, “I could not let them disappear.”

She became Tigress, their leader, after the previous matriarch mentored her. Although she left that life behind three years prior, loyalty, especially to Akashiman women, was for an eternity.

“No message, then?” Amari, ever calm, continued to stare at her Raven.


Neko, finally in control of his nerves, remembered their goal. Though she had changed her mind about harming their quarry, they still had to make sure Lye knew they were close.

“Tell Lye that I am immortal. He can kill me, as he did in the Salvarian snow, a thousand times. No matter how many times I reincarnate, I will always remember. His children, his ancestors, everyone who knows him will not be enough to prevent the day that we are…reunited.”

The levity in her words ended their meeting. Lillith could have admired the night and the nuances of nature for an age. Instead, she bowed politely, and tightened her obi.

“Sayonara, Amari.”

11-11-16, 12:51 AM
Lillith admitted that she had indeed come to take her frustrations out on Amari. To injure or kill her. Amari gave a small nod of respect. She could not fault the woman for her actions. What did pique her interest, was how Lillith so calmly stated that there was something about Amari. Something that caused her to change her mind. Amari couldn't fathom why. All the red-headed lye-ette had done was instigate, bait and prod the other woman. She'd expected naught but ire. Instead. She was presented with a calm beauty, befitting of the Geisha outfit that the raven haired woman donned.

Just as Lillith and her companion, Neko turned to walk away Amari spoke up. "For what it's worth-" There was a pause, hesitation, and difficulty in saying the words. "I'm sorry he put your brethren through Slavery. No one should be subjugated to that." It was almost comical. Someone in Amari's position denouncing slavery. Someone who was tortured, conditioned and forced into a myriad of situations akin to slavery. Still - Amari now acted of her own accord. Lichensith Ulroke' gave her the option to walk away, and she stayed. That was her 'cause and effect'. Her Choice.

"I'll pass your message on, Lilith."

The words were spoken with a finality. The energy in the air dissipating between the two.Lilith remained calm throughout their entire engagement, and it left the newly broken Amari with little in which to rile herself up. Without that to feed the darker parts of her which Lye had bought to light, she was left with nothing more than, well, herself. The parts of her that even now, the silver haired demon struggled to snuff out.

Parts that showed concern for others, that wanted nothing more than to comfort and mend. Parts that struggled in every waking moment to remain.


Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-30-16, 02:27 AM

Mari receives 620 EXP and 80 GP!

Lillith receives 620 EXP and 70 GP!

*Note: The experience being the same is a co-incidence. The post less from Lillith at level 4 just so happens to bring the EXP level with Mari. I had to double-check this, but it is correct.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-30-16, 02:31 AM
All rewards added!