View Full Version : Digging up the Past

Cards of Fate
11-05-16, 12:35 AM
So a long time ago I requested a really ridiculous spoil here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30132-Picking-up-the-Pieces-(Closed-to-Red)/page2) It was kinda ridiculous and it got snagged in some red tape between myself and the bazaar mod who was handling it because of miscommunication. I was hoping that I could get this damn thing up to snuff to be used in the next big event. This is what I would like to maybe get.

The Blade of the Emperor

This Longsword has been crafted at the cost of Vincent's Zap Cane and Cain Cane using an ancient process known as arcane forging. Using a rare reagent, the two metals have been mixed together and enhanced with raw tap energy. Their two enchantments have been combined into one hybrid enchantment as well. Every time the sword is blocked or swung it stores kinetic energy into the blade. The energy can be released in the form of a lightning slash, sending a wave of slicing lightning energy from the tip of the blade in a wave. It still cuts as if the blade was slicing, and still would act as if you had been struck with a lightning based ability in terms of damage. This release can be performed every five or so swings, for a max of five times a day. The golden inscription on the blade crackles a light teal when it's ready to be released, offering as a warning sign. This "wave" of energy decays rapidly, only going about 50 feet before fizzling out.

I would like a quote for Damascus, Mythril, and Prevailda, and Titanium please.

For reference, this is where I bought the Zap Cain http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29392-Price-check!/page2

The Cain Cane was an HQ spoil last messed with here. http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29401-April-Rewards/page2

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-08-16, 10:35 AM
Hey Cards. I'm currently working on this and will get back to you a little later after work. :)

I'll edit this post and PM you when i'm done.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-09-16, 10:09 AM
Hi Cards! I have pleasure in quoting you as follows:

Damascus: 1070 GP
Titanium: 2410 GP
Mythril: 2675 GP
Prevalida: 3210 GP

The prices reflect the level of enchantment on the sword and, at my discretion, include the 5% discount as per your original thread judgment.

Cards of Fate
11-09-16, 10:19 AM
Im gonna burn all my ap into gp for the titanium blade, and BaBe who is a boss has said he'll help cover the rest.

11-09-16, 10:21 AM
After Fred decides if he wants to convert AP into GP or whatever, take the rest out of my account.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-09-16, 10:39 AM
No problem guys.

Cards of Fate trades in 13 AP to convert to 1300 GP, taking his total available balance 1765 GP.

BlackandBlueEyes coughs up the difference of 645 GP because he's a great guy. :)

Please link to this thread as proof of purchase.

Transaction complete!