View Full Version : The first theft.

Lady Blackwell
11-18-06, 11:41 AM

Max was relaxing out back on the beach finally being able to relax after so many years of running. It was perfect here hardly a gust of wind water lashing at the shore line with the sun beating down on him.

“Man this is the life relaxing stealing only when we need too, or want too.” Max said as he stared off into space. He was a far distance away from the forest so he could hear anyone coming and hide.

There was a snap of a twig and a several sounds of dry leaves being crushed by someone. He just thought it was Clyde and so relaxed after he tensed up. But once the leaves stopped cracking he heard lots of foot steps heading his way. He hurried and got up letting his glorious white cloak blow in the wind. He brought his one hand to the hilt of his sword going horizontally across his waist.

Three bandits were running across the beach towards him at full speed with their swords drawn. Max had no idea how he provoked this fight but he wasn’t running anymore he was tired of running. He drew his sword and rushed them back.

“This is the end of you three.” Max screamed as he charged mana to his fingertips getting ready to make this fight go by fast.

The bandits separated the two on the outside going to attack from the sides so max worried about the one in front. Was the bandit ever stupid he lunged with his sword aiming for Max’s head. Max ducked and continued going and charged mana into the bandits neck immobilizing him waist down.

At this time the other two bandits were close to attacking so Max thought about this quickly in his head. If he goes for the one that’s closer it gives the other one time to thrust into his back. This was undesired so max quickly came up with a solution and acted on that.

When they were just about to attack Max ducked and thrusted a leg out to one bandit and nailed him in the groin dropping him in a second. While the other he punched in the stomach. He then hit the ground hard and rolled away and got up. Dizzy overall but this was something that would pass. The bandit he had punched in the stomach had gotten back up and was charging alone.

“Stupid mistake!” Max yelled as he knocked away the foes sword then spun around chopping off this young’s foe head. Max now had blood all over his face and this was something that was new to him. He didn’t like the feeling but if he didn’t continue he would end up just like the bandit he just killed. So he wiped the blood from around his eyes and rushed the other bandit that he had kicked in the groin.

The bandit had gotten up and rushed also this was going to be fun and Max knew it. At the last second the bandit changed course causing Max to try and move away from his sword. While doing this he fell down and hit hard. Max looked up and saw the blade of the sword dig into his shoulder and started gushing blood. While Max was paralyzed by fear of his own mortality at this he tried to move but couldn’t.

Clyde the Rogue
11-19-06, 09:50 AM
Like a graceful cat perched on a rail, Clyde Oliandar moved tactfully through the very edge of the forest, watching carefully for an opportunity to save his friend. Remarkably, Maximillian seemed to be doing quite well for himself, despite having to deal with three would-be assailants at once. The rogue didn't think his friend could last, however, and thus the first one to turn their back to him would be his target.

The fight went on for a few moments, and Max eventually found himself in some danger. Before his attacker could strike the final blow, he jerked and stood, paralyzed for a moment, before slumping down to the ground. Where he'd been standing, Clyde was, having not made a sound in his approach.

"You should know better than to fight so stupidly," he said, cleaning the bloodied blade of his dagger against the fallen man's shirt. "You could have outrun them or hid, but you chose to fight three men at once? Why does my only ally have to be so foolish? Soon you'll be dead, if you keep this nonsense up."

Though he was being critical, Clyde was glad Max was alright. That didn't mean he'd make a move to help his friend up from the ground, of course -- he could do that himself.

"Bandits again?" he muttered, rummaging through the newly dead man's purse to salvage a few pieces of copper. "That's the third time in a month. These fuckers aren't rich enough to be worth the trouble."

After taxing all the fallen men had, Clyde held the equivilent of a single piece of silver. He groaned and seethed, the permanent scowl on his face twisting into something even more ugly and distasteful. "We run low on food and money. Pinetown is a secluded little town, but I'm tired of the lack of activity, the lack of money."

Clyde stood for some time in front of his friend, his green eyes fixed on the moving waters of the ocean. "Radasanth isn't far, Maximillian," he said, never one to refer to the man by his shorter name. "I'm going there for the night to see if there's anything to find. You're welcome to come."

Lady Blackwell
11-26-06, 11:04 PM
Max laid on the ground starring at the dagger that had plummeted into the man. Max knew instantly who it was “Clyde you little devil you were watching the whole time weren’t you?” Max said as he got up slowly with his one good arm, wincing in pain as he rose. “You could have saved me a lot of discomfort and using this ability.”

This was the first time Max had ever shown Clyde his paralysis touch and he was hoping he wouldn’t have to tell later. His whole hand started glowing a very bright white as he touched his arm the bright white light shot into his arm and disappeared and when it disappeared all the pain was gone and he had as much mobility in it as when it was stabbed, none at all.

“Now what were you saying about heading off? I would have to agree with that but shouldn’t we wait a bit let us get a few things together?” Max asked as he started thinking about the girl he had met in the market place the other day, and how beautiful she looked in that corset.

Max’s legs felt weak so he sat down and stared out over the large mass of water in front of him, it was so gorgeous t looked like it was some sign of god pouring down onto him. He visualized the beautiful girl he ran into in the market and then that picture lead him to the beach which he remembered the bandits and he shot up instantly spinning around letting his cloak blow wildly in the breeze making him look majestic when he saw it was only Clyde there he relaxed and asked Clyde when they would be moving out to go to Radasanth.

Clyde the Rogue
11-27-06, 10:23 PM
"Aye, we'd have time to gather some things, if you need any. Let's get back home and get movin' to the city."

With that, Clyde and Max made their way back to Pinetown, where they had made their home for the past years. The rogue needed nothing but the gold he carried, but he waited patiently as his companion readied everything he felt he'd need. When Max had packed it all into his bag, they were off, heading west through the forest toward Radasanth.

"We'll be there by nightfall, the perfect time to take a look around the rich part of the city," he grinned. "Let's hope there's a rich bitch too cocky to bother with guards, heh heh."

Together they walked through the thick brush that seperated Pinetown and the other smaller villages from the mainland, where Radasanth lay. Midway through, they came to a clearing Clyde found... Too quiet.

"Hold," he demanded, his eyes darting about observantly.

As if on cue, four goblins appeared from the woods, as green as the leaves and drooling eagerly with each excited step. They didn't waste time with words, drawing their crude bronze blades and rushing forth in a mishapen, loose formation.

Clyde rushed to the side, breaking from the clearing to take cover in the brush. He didn't know what Max's tactic would be, but his was to hide in wait and strike when the opportunity came. He only hoped his friend would not be a fool.

Lady Blackwell
06-27-08, 04:10 AM
Max was hoping to have some time with the Girl he met in the marketplace, but Clyde had other reasons so as soon as he packed, they were off moving around brush and trees like a pair of wolves through their territory un disturbed by other creatures around them. Clyde was a little bit in front, he always was, he was the better tracker and smarter person out of the two. So when he put his hand up and said Halt Max immediately halted and went on one knee, and surveyed the clearing in front of them, as well as the forest behind them.

He heard Clyde dart off, and spun around and saw four Goblins, he couldn’t help but smirk as he used the Forest for cover. Darting in and around tree’s trying to get some distance. After a few minutes he realized three was chasing him. He then saw the other after Clyde. So Max stopped and kicked one Goblin in the head and then continued up the nearby tree to use his favorite pass time Branch Hoping. He jumped from branch hoping the goblins were foolish enough to follow him, and they were. So as he jumped he saw a weak branch that would work well for a little trick,

He leapt at it and stepped at the base where it met the tree and then leapt again to the next tree and turned to watch his trick at work. The lead goblin jumped and stepped on the branch making it snap and sending him to the ground and hit with a loud thump, and a big spray of dust. Then watching the goblins clamber down the tree to their fallen comrade Max used this time to get away, he stayed in a tree about, 50 meters from the Goblin’s high up on sturdy Branches Waiting for Clyde or a time to attack unsuspecting Goblin’s