View Full Version : Multiple Character Interaction Rules

11-19-06, 05:57 PM
Hey all, just a rule-related question for whomever happens to know the answer. I didn't see anything addressing this in the official rules, but I'd like to ask in case I either missed it, or if it's perhaps considered taboo even though it's not forbidden.

I understand that players are allowed to have multiple characters on Althanas, but what (if any) are the policies on having these characters participating in the same threads? I can see some advantages and disadvantages to this, so I want to get a mod's opinion.

On the one hand, of course, you could argue that they are separate characters with separate pools of experience points, and so any player would be motivated to do his best with both characters. So ideally it wouldn't have any detrimental effect on the thread.

But what about, say, two characters controlled by the same person participating in a fight? This leaves it open for the player to basically decide who will win at the outset, and it seems like it could be a cheap way to level up their 'preferred' character.

At the moment I have two characters and I'm working on a third (for me, just creating the characters is at least as much fun as the actual RP), though I don't think they'll have much interaction with each other. It was just a thought that came to me, and I want to be clear on it just in case it ever comes up.

Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on the subject.

11-19-06, 06:08 PM
You are completely free to use two, three, or even more of your own characters in the same thread if you would like. I'm not terribly concerned about people having battles between their own characters for the sole purpose of leveling up, because it's not like you can write a terrible battle and expect a lot of experience from it. When it comes down to it, the effort-to-experience ratio is probably lower for this situation than for a simple soloquest. So even if someone does create a battle only to level their favored character, we would be okay with it.

The only limitation I could see is that RP threads generally benefit from having more than one writer working on it. The essense of cooperative writing is to build on ideas and develop from your opponant/partner's unique interpretations. To have only one writer holds you back in this respect, but you are more than welcome to do whatever you would like so long as you're having fun doing it.

The Valkyrie
11-19-06, 06:13 PM
Honestly, this is a great question. I don't think that interaction between characters run by the same player is a problem at all though. It isn't in any way against the rules, and here's why:

You earn points based on your skill of writing with each of your characters. So just because someone wins a fight, it is the judges decision as to your score based on your writing itself. In this way, you can earn EXP regardless of winning or losing a battle.

Lots of our players (my brother for example) have threads where they use multiple characters to enjoy althanas and its mysteries.

Somebody else put this in a better way than I just did so that it actually makes sense!

11-19-06, 06:33 PM
That totally answers my question, thank you both. ;)