View Full Version : Althanas Sports

01-10-17, 05:51 AM
I recently finished watching Wakfu, and one of the things I like about it was the way they explored the main sport, Gobbowl. It's a slight change on the different footballs (not soccer) but uses some magic powered equipment. That got me thinking, what could the sports be on Althie?

The first one that occurred to me would be a more violent version of american foot ball. The Citadel would allow two groups to competitors to fight to the death over and over as they attempt to score. It'd be hella violent, no armour and lots of weapons.

What else might there be? What Althie specific traits would lend themselves to sports?

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
01-10-17, 06:52 AM
A variation of Blitzball in the Citadel sounds amazing!

01-10-17, 08:02 AM
Just spitballing here but althanas competitions in the citadel have always been incredibly simple. The idea is this: field looks much like a football field, but much shorter, say 60 yards long total. Both teams begin in their respective end zones, and rush toward a ball at the center. The objective is to push the ball to the opponents end zone, by any means necessary. Stalemate are the only thing called by a ref and for every point won, the starting location of the ball moves away from you by one yard.

01-10-17, 08:48 AM
I feel like chess boxing would be really popular with a lot of characters on Althanas.

Storm Veritas
01-10-17, 09:30 AM
Characters' collective speed would make many sports noncompetitive. Teleportation or blinding speed are just deal breakers in soccer, hockey, basketball, football, etc. I like the blitzball angle as perhaps holding the competition in the water would level the playing field.

Fencing would obviously be interesting since so many characters are expert with the sword or similar weaponry, but a tactical point-scoring match is a lot different than a death match. Power, for example, is irrelevant.

Shuffleboard, darts, and beer pong would be lights out.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
01-10-17, 09:59 AM
Beer pong :D


01-10-17, 10:10 AM
Ale pong.

Get it right.

01-10-17, 10:15 AM
Competitive rifle shooting. :)

01-10-17, 04:01 PM
Characters' collective speed would make many sports noncompetitive. Teleportation or blinding speed are just deal breakers in soccer, hockey, basketball, football, etc. I like the blitzball angle as perhaps holding the competition in the water would level the playing field.

That was an issue in the series I was watching. Many characters can slow down time, summon creatures, etc etc. The ref imposed a non-magic rule. Speed wasn't so much an issue as the point scoring spot was only slightly bigger than the ball and needed to be placed with the hand onto it. Slower players could stand there to defend.