View Full Version : Walking the path...(Open to ALL)

01-17-17, 06:24 PM
(Note this is primarily a social thread that coincides with the site event. I am looking for -at least- two solid posters. But -everybody- is welcome to come in and start posting for the Alerar event. You don't have to stick this one out but I would appreciate if the dedicated ones of you do. Thanks in advanced this thread continues off my Alerar solo. Further note: there is no dedicated turn order for this. I want people just posting and having fun.)


It stopped for no one, and for somebody like Lorenor that was even truer than he usually let in on. He sat in the temple of the priesthood of Alerar very carefully in deep meditation. Though he was a Paladin of an entirely different religion, the Alerar natives had accepted his ways. In turn, he'd accepted theirs and had learned all he could of the spider goddess, Lloth. He sat in deep meditation in the temple of lloth with several other students, quieting his troubled mind. He had always been a man of action, and very rarely did he stop. But, to learn more of the Drow and their society, religions, he would do as they did. Even if it pained him greatly. Lorenor could hear whispers in the Aether, they were hard to decipher and made him extremely uncomfortable. It wasn't all that different from a certain other deity he knew about...but this deity...Lloth...had a different sort of embrace. It was subtle, far more seductive. It was difficult for Lorenor...since the loss of the powerful mute named Sei, to allow something of the divine sort in his mind again. In his heart and soul.

As he sat in deep concentration, Lorenor's body glowed with the gift of the light. As he sat there he began to feel a tremendous pain in the back of his mind, and then...it happened.

The current high priestess conducting the initiation ritual yelled in agony. Lorenor's eyes opened wide as he vaguely understood what had just happened. Rejection...why is it always like this? I just want to help. Lorenor thought to himself as he looked at the pained High Priestess, her figure knelt down and several attendants staring angrily at Lorenor, but not attacking just yet. Lorenor stood up and rushed over to the High Priestest.

He wore the robes of the Drow's spider religion at that point and was becoming a devout practitioner of their arts. He needed the secrets that they would provide to heal those that were becoming sick from the current ailment affecting Ettermire. One of the attendants looked at Lorenor harshly.

"Do not approach, n'wah." The guard said suddenly.

Lorenor hesitated but he obeyed. He looked at the High Priestess. "What happened?"

"The Aether...has granted me a vision." She looked up at Lorenor. "I see clearly now who you are. What you are." She motioned for the attendants to help her stand, and they assisted her. She walked towards Lorenor. "Lorenor. You do not know what you are do you?"

"What I am...? What does that have to do anything?" The sharp pain in his mind was present again.

"The oldest books in our libraries, the oldest legends, speak of a Prophet that will come." She explained. "He will be one who has many Hims within Himself. One who is many but one who is Him at the same time. A fragmented soul, bearing a warning about the future." She said.

"Fragmented soul...?" Lorenor shook his head. "I don't understand."

"It will be revealed in time. But now, I must rest my child." She placed a hand on Lorenor's head in an attempt to calm the old Paladin. "You are more important than you will ever know. We must keep you safe as you will keep us safe from the coming disaster. Remember, Lorenor, you are a Follower of Lloth now."


Lorenor sat at his table in the bar for a long time. He was deep in thought at everything he had learned from the high priest. Currently, he sat there writing in his journals attempting to make sense of who he was. What he was. He scribed in the common tongue, his eyes filled with concentration. The bar, was alive with the talks of the current events in Ettermire. Some who were sick were present. Lorenor needed to do more. He needed to learn more of the Drow secrets...there wasn't time. As Lorenor sat there a female Drow, one of the Priesthood, walked up to his table.

"You seem troubled, Lorenor." She said. "Would you like some company?"

Lorenor stopped scribing and looked up at the female Drow. He nodded calmly and motioned for her to take a seat at his table. "Of course."

Note: The current gathering area is in a standard Bar in "downtown" Ettermire. Should be a lively, popular joint. Information is to be gathered here, as well as jobs and the like. Feel free to enter here.