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View Full Version : The Temptations of Humans Rated MA

01-18-17, 05:52 AM
Rated MA: Sexual content

Aynur sat at a table in a quaint restaurant within Ettermire. The Capital was an odd experience for her. She could hear all sorts of new sounds, rumblings of engines, the crank of wheels and cogs. The smell of steam and diesel was thick in the air. She had no idea where she was, nor what the sounds came from. It unnerved her. It scared her. She was thankful to finally be somewhere quiet.

Before her was a plate of gourmet woodfire pizza topped with chorizo, chicken strips, cheese, tomato, basil, onion, olives, and what seemed like a tangy white sauce. Lucifer had somehow found the funds to treat her but she wasn’t exactly sure where he got them from. The pizza was rather large for them to share, along with two glasses of a citrus fruit cocktail.

Aynur knew Lucifer had sat across from her on the small table, her nose wrinkled. “I smell the food…” She started feeling around on the table for her knife and fork, and for the edge of the bowl, or plate that was in front of her. Her hands felt around, table...table….table…


That was not table. “What in heaven's!” Aynur cried in surprise as her hand landed in something hot, oily and mushy. She quickly withdrew her hand. “Was THAT the food!? What is it? Why is it flat!?” She said, startled.

Lucifer shut his eyes for a moment and laughed. “That would be the food, it’s called pizza. Let me help you.” Lucifer cut out a slice for her and placed it carefully on her plate. “Its really tasty” He said with a hint of enthusiasm.

“Pee...Zar?” Aynur questioned. Her brows furrowed. She said she would try most anything placed in front of her, but it sounded like a made up word and it certainly didn’t feel like any sort of edible food. Lucifer carefully took her hands and guided them to the strange flat disk. “Oh!” Her fingers slid on the underside of it. “Is this a flat bread?”

“Kind of, just try. Here.” He guided the pizza to her mouth. Aynur took a small tentative bite. It was oily, and the texture a mixture of slimy and crunchy. “I uh….I am not sure what to make of this.”

“Just try another bite.” Lucifer urged.

“You are not trying to poison me are you?”

“No, Aynur. That would be a waste of time and money.”

Aynur huffed as she took another small bite. She could taste something tangy, it seemed to nip at her tongue - and another thing that was incredibly salty. She winced. Politely spitting it out into a napkin. It was a small olive. Then there was something else...another crunch, and meat which tasted like a far more rich version of the dried ones she was used to. Aynur slowly chewed and finished her slice, spitting out the olives.

“This...is different.” She said. “I do not like those strange things, they feel like they have a small hole in them?” She tilted her head. “I appreciate this Lucifer. I’m just...not used to so many tastes at once.”

She turned to him, and by him, she turned to a stranger sitting at another table. “I did like that gooey stringy thing, it seemed like it oozed oil - but it was very enjoyable.”

01-18-17, 06:01 AM
Lucifer smirked “Ok then, no olives, more for me” He quickly began to pick off all the olives and put them on his plate, savouring each salty chewy bite. “Mmm I love olives” Lucifer then took a bite of his own slice, it was probably the best food he’d ever had.

“Oh-leaves?” Aynur smiled, not realising he had already taken them all. “You can eat my share, if you like.”

Lucifer shook his head “Just the bits you don’t like. I wouldn’t want any food to go to waste.” Lucifer wiped his lips and fingers with the napkin provided and grinned. “Oh, just wait till you try this drink.” Lucifer gently placed his hand on hers and guided it towards the fruit cocktail.

“Oh.” Aynur clasped the glass, wet with condensation. “Water sounds lovely. Thank you.”

Lucifer grinned wider in anticipation “Oh it’s not water, it's a fruit cocktail”


Lucifer nearly fell off his chair as she began to yell in surprise “Holy…” He straightened himself and laughed “There are plenty of drinks other than water. Like there’s a really strange one called alcohol but it makes me feel funny. I didn’t know you could drink fruits either until a millenia ago, though it was nothing like this.”

He watched as Aynur bought the cup to her lips, and took at first, a few *sips, but then, she drank deep. “Aynur, you will get a head freeze if you-” Just as he was saying those words Aynur groaned. Placing the cup back down on the table and holding her head.

Lucifer laughed “You poor thing I was trying to tell you not to drink too fast. Eat some more pizza it might help the pain.” Lucifer took a sip of his and admired the craftsmanship gone into the drink. It was very well layered with different flavours, even having a slice of orange within the cup itself. Lucifer examined her intently “How is it? Does it taste good?” He asked curiously.

Aynur nodded, nursing her head. “Yes. It surely is. It is my favourite...but you said more Pee...Zar? I already ate what was given to me, and drunk what liquid you have given me. I am not used to eating any more than that. Are you claiming there is more?”

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, staring at the remaining six slices. “Uhm you could say that. You had one slice of eight, but i'm having half so you get three more to yourself. Also I can get you another cup if you’d like, maybe another flavour? I enjoy watching you taste these new foods.” He spoke very contently, as if his soul was at peace.

“I am not sure I could….” Aynur replied, a look of concern on her face. “It is all so much, so decadent…”

“Hmm, okay” He said not wanting to force feed her. “But you have to try the ice cream. Ever heard of it?” Lucifer smiled as he took another bite of the pizza and ordered some of their finest.

Aynur shook her head, “From the name I have to assume it is an iced cream of some sort. I have not tried cream, but I did not think it was sweet. Is it good iced?”

“It’s very good, and rather sweet.” Lucifer ate three more slices before he was full, he wouldn’t be eating a large meal for a long while, though he definitely had to show her other delicacies. “Oh here it is” Lucifer thanked the man as he took the ice cream and placed it in front of her. “Don’t eat this too fast either, your head will freeze.” It was a mix of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla, but also had bits of crushed almond and banana.

Aynur fumbled around with the spoon, she pressed it into the ice cream and with the help of Lucifer, had a bit of every flavour on it - with a sprinkle of almond and a banana. She bought it to her lips but paused. “I feel it!” She glanced up at Lucifer, “I feel the cold!”

“Try it…” Lucifer urged, intently watching for her reaction.

Aynur placed it in her mouth. Her brows raised and Lucifer imagined her eyes widening in delight. She sat motionless, and a thin trickle of chocolate made its why down her lip. “Wonderful….” she whispered, finally.

Lucifer beamed, glad that he could bring her such delights. “It is.. I found out about ice cream only recently from a ‘friend’.” Lucifer hesitated on the word friend but quickly changed the subject. “You can have as much as you like” He reassured her. “Though just don’t put too much in at once” He smirked.

01-18-17, 06:03 AM
Aynur scooped the spoon into the ice cream again, this time she held it out toward Lucifers general direction. “Please, share with me?” She asked, licking her lips. “I want to share this with you.” She knew she couldn’t eat much more, and Lucifer sounded really happy today, Aynur wasn’t sure why he was acting in such a way, but it calmed her concerns. She wanted him to experience the same enjoying things she was. So she could continue to hear that cheery tone in his voice.
Lucifer paused as she asked him to share with her, his cheeks brightened to a slight shade of pink. He leant forward and took his taste of it from her spoon. “Thank you. I'm happy to share, but I bought it for you to enjoy, so enjoy.”

Aynur scooped up another spoonful and placed it in her mouth, before offering Lucifer another, then another.

“Aynur, it’s yours.”

Aynur gave him a small smile, feeling a little embarrassed. “I uh….” She stuttered, something she did not normally do. “I-I...you see….” She glanced away. “I cannot eat any more. I am much too full, and this attire makes it difficult to breathe, and eat.”

Lucifer forgot that they’d needed to go shopping for new clothes. “Oh, right. We’re going shopping too. Get you something that fits more comfortably” He added. “If you’re done eating for now that’s fine. Though they’d have to throw it away.”

“They what!?” Aynur said, startled and alarmed. “They can’t just throw it away! People go without food! Can they not give it to those in need?” Aynur felt a sudden pang of guilt. Here she was, enjoying all these new and exciting things - and there were people out there who had nothing, food was going to waste and it was because of her.

“Lucifer….can’t we?”

Lucifer tilted his head downward looking at his stomach “Unfortunately that’s how these things function now days. People work, get money, buy whatever they want, and throw it away when they’re done, and no one’s the wiser since it’s their own earned money.”

Aynur frowned. “But [i]we[i] bought it. Right? What if we choose to take it and give it to someone in need? Would you help me do that?”

Lucifer rubbed the back of his neck. “Unfortunately food like this isn’t good after leaving it for awhile. The pizza goes cold and stale and the ice cream melts away.”

Aynur stood, rather defiantly. She fumbled to pick up what was left of her ice cream in one hand and in the other the remaining slices of pizza. “Well, we must make haste and find those who need it quickly.” She said as she turned to walk out, she almost made it to the door before tripping over a chair. It send the food she carried flying across the floor. Aynur sniffled. Feeling helpless.

“Selfish…” She whispered under her breath. “I’ve been far too selfish…” Her fingers fumbled around as she tried to claw at the ice cream which was already beginning to melt. Aynur wanted to cry. She felt so frustrated. She wasn’t used to losing her sight.

“Oi!” Came the voice of an annoyed looking worker. “Who do you think’s gonna clean up this mess? Watch where you’re going?” He shouted at her, Aynur was still clawing at the ice cream, trying to scoop it up in her hands. “HEY! Did you hear me?” The worker grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her up. “Were you going to walk outta here with our dishes?” He shook her, “WELL?”

“I meant no ill will, I just wanted to feed-”

“IF they want a feed, they’ll come in here, won’t they luv? We don’t take kindly to those who steal.”

01-18-17, 06:04 AM
Lucifer grimaced at the scene which unfolded, firstly he was pissed she took the food he bought for her to give to someone else, two he was pissed because the staff were being complete assholes, and third he was pissed because now Aynur would be afraid to treat herself in the future.

Keeping that In mind Lucifer approached the situation cautiously, placing a gentle hand onto the worker’s shoulder. “I apologise for what happened here, she’s my responsibility, I’ll take care of it.” Lucifer got down and began to pick up everything she dropped, and handed it to the worker before giving him a hefty tip. “We won’t be bothering you further. Your meal was very satisfying.” Lucifer held onto her arm and guided her up before taking her out of the restaurant quietly.

“Luciferrrrrr….” The way she said his name, the tone of her voice, how she elongated it. Aynur was getting huffy again. Lucifer wasn’t sure if he liked it or not, on the one hand - she was breaking free of the stoic emotionless brainwashing she was put through, on the other hand...it was fucking annoying.

“Lucifer! You needn’t do that, that man was rude.” She grumbled. “I feel sticky…” She used her free hand to pull at her corset. “I caused you trouble, didn’t I?”

Lucifer frowned “He was. However he had the right to be, It was his food that he cooked for us to eat in the store, not take it away along with their dishes. I mean, I hate mortals and I even know that much.” Lucifer looked over at the mess the ice cream made all over her chest. “Uhh… let me.. Help.. you.. With that” He pulled out a handkerchief and gently rubbed the melted sticky ice cream off of her cleavage, lightly flustering.

Aynur stopped, and turned to him. She didn’t seem as bothered by the action as he was. Aynur took a step closer to Lucifer, her hand gripping his upper arm tightly. She tilted her head up toward him. “Thank you.” She seemed to have calmed down. “I’m sorry, I do not understand how many things work, nor the customs which surround them.”

Lucifer glanced down, her lips were right there. Why was she so close? Did it just get hotter? She had definitely come closer… or was it his mind telling him he wasn’t supposed to resist? Lucifer’s heart beat fastened, she was such a helpless creature.. So vulnerable.. So tempting. Lucifers arm wrapped around hers which gripped to him and pulled her closer unable to resist… a tender soft kiss to steal for himself.

Aynur made a muffled surprised noise. She went to pull away but Lucifer gripped her tighter. Aynur made another noise as she exhaled. It sounded as though she was moaning. She stopped resisting and pressed her form against his. She parted her lips to gasp, and Lucifer could not help himself *Lucifer’s lips pressed hungrily to hers, as she pressed against him he felt himself completely melt away, each kiss gently pressing deeper until his tongue slipped to hers caressing its sides. The sounds she made, the small moans, the murmurs. Were humans supposed to sound that good?

He didn’t want to stop, it was better than anything he had every felt before. The sounds were strange, but they only turned him on further, his hands gently cradling her jawline, as his fingers slipped into her hair. She was so responsive to every one of his touches, every caress, every heated kiss. Is this the control Alicia spoke of?

As Lucifer pulled away, she pulled in, as he went deeper, she drawed him in further. Her hands found their way around his shoulders, and the warmth from her touch leaked into his bare skin.As he drew her out he pulled her lips with passion before being sucked back in, completely lost in her, he didn’t know if he could stop.

“Hey!” A elbow was rammed into Lucifers shoulder. “Get a damn room.” At that comment the spell he had over her broke, and Aynur quickly pulled away. Her cheeks a bright red. A hand to her mouth. “I...I...uh….” Her voice was small.

Lucifers red eyes darted to the man, glaring rather defensively. He closed his eyes and tasted what was left of her on his lips biting them in frustration.

“I’m..I’m so sorry..I do not know...what came over me, I uh...I...you...I am-” He stopped her. His eyes resting on her lips. He took a deep breath, he had no excuse for this one. “I… enjoyed that.” He said upfront and honestly. “I'm sorry if that was inappropriate… I.. um” Lucifer didn’t know how to continue, his eyebrows furrowed at his inability to think of anything to say as he turned around rubbing the back of his neck, rather perplexed at himself.

01-18-17, 06:05 AM
Aynur wasn’t sure what came over her. One moment she was apologising to the man, and the next she found herself trapped within his grasp. She tried to resist but he was intoxicating. His grip on her, his dominance, the way his lips ensnared hers. Aynur lost herself for a few moments. She’d forgotten where she was, what was going on, and was awash in the sensations that racked her body.

Aynur was thankful for the distraction. She was able to regain her composure and remember where she was. Aynur was humiliated. Participating in such depraved acts, and in public no less. She felt guilt having dragged Lucifer down to such a level, and had tried to apologise.

His reaction, was not one she expected. He said he enjoyed it. “You -aha.” She wiped her brow, how was she to say she enjoyed it too? Was it wrong? “Lucifer…” She reached out to tug on his hand, hoping to gain his attention. “L...Lucifer…”

Lucifer knew that she was probably going to repeat her duties about the orb to him. He turned preparing for rejection. “What is it..?”

Aynur tilted her head away, for once, glad she could no longer see. Looking at him would make this much harder than it already was. “I...enjoyed it too- I mean…” She kicked her foot and laughed awkwardly. Aynur couldn’t finish the sentence, she quickly switched topics. “It is getting very hard to breathe in this...can we please….get some clothes now Lucifer?”

Lucifer smiled brightly “Yeah.. let’s get you out of those... And err, into something better.” He was so glad. He gently took her hand and guided her, taking her to a quaint but well received clothing store.

Aynur was lead into the store, and trusted Lucifer to pick out clothing for her, she had requested clothing that covered most of her body, and clothing that was loose fitting - that she could easily move around in. Aynur was expecting robes, chaste, similar to the ones she wore when he first met her, and similar to the ones that he and his companions tore apart.

Lucifer came back with something he deemed a little more ‘fashionable’ “Aynur, I found something that matches your blindfold, they’ve been paid for.”

He placed the garb in her arms. Aynur ran her fingers along it. “What material is this?” She didn’t recognize the soft texture. “Silk.” Lucifer replied. “It’s a cloak. You also have new undergarments, and a black shirt. I haven’t found anything to suit your….” He paused and cleared his throat. “Lower half yet…”

Aynur smiled. “This will be plenty. The skirt I am currently wearing is comfortable enough.” Aynur paused, a new problem arose. Her smile faded. How was she supposed to change into her new garments? She couldn’t do it in public, that would be far too indecent.

“I need to bathe...and change.”

Lucifer was silent for a moment. “Uhm… well.. I guess we could get a room for the night and use their facilities?” He questioned sheepishly.

Aynur’s face lit up. Clean water. A warm bed. “Yes!” She cried out, a tad too enthusiastically. She took a breath realising she needed to rein herself in. “I uh- that would be more than adequate. Thank you Lucifer.” SHe shuffled the clothes in her arms and reached for the pouch of coins. She handed them to Lucifer. “I am not sure how much I have, but please- take this.”

The pouch contained all the coins she had earned by singing, along with a small saving from the covenant. Aynur had little knowledge of monetary worth, nor how much she had just handed over to the man. “Can you please guide us to an inn?”

Lucifer took the coins, Thank you, these’ll help.” He took the clothes he bought for her and made his way out of the store, slyly slipping a shirt under the pile for himself. Lucifer guided her as the day began to slowly draw to a close. The inn he had taken her to was rather high tech and much more well taken care of than the dumps at Salvar. “Hmm here we are.”

Aynur was relieved to have a space of her own for the night. No restless nights, no concern of an animal coming to attack in the middle of the night. Lucifer shut the door behind her, Aynur tilted her head as she head him in the room. “Are we sharing the quarters?” She asked.

“Yes.” Aynur opened her mouth to say something, but he caught her before she could. “There are two beds. This is cheaper.” Aynur nodded. It made sense.

There was a loud grinding noise from outside, and it caused Aynur to jump. “W-what was that?”

Lucifer wandered over to the window and glanced out. “Looks like some form of machinery. Lots of it in this town, you’ll hear those sounds all night.”

Aynur frowned. She didn’t like the sound of that. “C-Can you help me run a bath?”

01-18-17, 06:09 AM
Lucifer looked at the shirt he nabbed before he left considerably pleased with it, it was a slightly more frilly version of his old black button up. “Sure.” Lucifer looked for what seemed to be the bathroom and guided her towards it. “Hmm.” Lucifer stood in front of the bath with his hand placed firmly over his chin, staring at the contraption in front of him. “How do I make the water come out?” He asked Aynur, completely lost.

Aynur gave him a baffled look. “You pour water into it?”

Lucifer tilted and nodded his head as if that wasn’t the worst answer in the world. Served him right for asking a blind woman how to use a new mechanical contraption.”Yes.. But where do I get the water?” He asked with serious bewilderment. He stepped into the bath and looked around, carefully inspecting the inside of the bath. “Nope, no clue.” Lucifer sat down on the tap and water instantly began to come gushing out of the pipes. Lucifer jumped out of his skin as the water rushed out of the taps unexpectedly. “Uhhmmm, I did it?” He shrugged, rather confused.

Lucifer inspected the taps closely and began to fiddle with the knobs as the bath filled up, not noticing the heat beginning to sear his skin. “Hmm… it seems these glyphs stand for something, the more you turn the more comes out” He turned the tap until the water stopped flowing and then turned the other, a much colder water coming out. “I see. H for humid and C for commonplace.” Lucifer stood up rather impressed with himself “Well then I think I’ve got this thing down.” Lucifer fiddled with the taps until a warm mixture began to pour into the tub and stepped out once it was going. “I hope this does the trick.”

“Thank you Lucifer.”

Lucifer looked around the room as the bath began to fill steadily. He inspected the various things laying around the bathroom, something smelling rather nice and smooth, a container with a nice smelling liquid, and a scrub of some kind. Lucifer threw the smooth round nice smelling thing into the bath and watched the water change colour, spreading a lovely aroma through the room. He then squeezed some of the contents of the container out onto his palm and rubbed it against his skin. “Oh this is lovely!” He exclaimed as if he was an old woman experiencing new spices.

“What is? What smells like lavender? Aynur stepped forward, arms out in front of her. During his preparation of the bath she had taken off her blindfold, revealing her scarred eyes. “Let me feel.”

Lucifer held out his arm to her so she could feel the lovely oil that had spread over his skin. “It’s rather nice. Here give me your hand” Aynur reached out and Lucifer held her hand, putting some of the oil onto her fingers, and massaged it into the hands.

“Lucifer...whilst this does feel nice...I think this goes into the bath.” Aynur said. She blinked turning her head to the sound of the running water then back to him. “Once it has filled, and the water has stopped I will need your help to uh…” She trailed off. “This top….”

Lucifer flustered “Oh, my mistake..” He put the container of oil by the bath, nearly full now. “Ah.. so.. Now?” Lucifer turned and turned off the taps before facing back to her, staring into her scarred eyes. He turned her figure and began to help her out of Alicias tight corset, undoing each lace which bound tightly to her back, as the corset began to loosen, he began to notice how lovely and fair her skin was. “I think that does it” He finished as the last lace was undone from her back, the corset falling from his hands.

He glanced up to see it fall away from her chest, Aynur was quick to cover herself. Then there was the angry red scar on her back, the mark of the Order of the Dusk.

Lucifer instantly felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he saw the mark permanently etched into her back. “Okay, enjoy your bath.” He mumbled as he left the room.

01-18-17, 06:12 AM
Aynur had never had a heated bath before. “Lucifer!” She called out, delighted. “The water is warm!” She ran it over her shoulders and breathed in deep. “The oils feel lovely!”

Lucifer smiled and called back out to her “That’s very good. I’m glad you like it”

Aynur relaxed back into the bath, running the cloth over her skin. Every so often she’d wince as she ran over a tender spot. To clean her hair she submerged her head under water, she lifted it out with a heavy sigh. It was so relaxing. The lavender oils...the heat, it seemed into her sore and tired joints.

Aynur leaned her head back against the tub, allowing her hair to fall over the edge of it. She closed her eyes, just for a minute.It was so relaxing...so just for a minute.

Another 15 minutes had passed, and she was asleep.

Lucifer had been waiting outside, with nothing much else to do other than. He didn’t really know the standard length of time humans took to wash themselves but he began to worry. Lucifer knocked on the door just to check on her “Aynur, is everything ok?”

Aynur groggily opened her eyes. “MMmm….?” She lifted her head with a yawn, the water now lukewarm. “W-wha…?” her body felt heavy, and she was a little annoyed at being disturbed from her dreamless sleep.

“You’ve been in there for awhile, I was just wondering if you were ok. If everything's fine I’ll leave you to it” Came his voice from the other side of the door.

“C-Come here…” Aynur groaned, rubbing her eyes. “Need help. Body is heavy.”

There was a pause, before the door slowly creaked open. Lucifer entered, his eyes focused on the floor. “Lucifferrr…” Aynur said, as she heard him enter. She leaned her upper half over the edge of the tub. “Please help me up.” Lucifers eyes tried his best to avert her bare form in the bath. “Hold on tight, you’re slippery from the oil.” He added before extending his arm out in front of her, gently brushing his fingers along her shoulder to let her know where his hand was.

Aynur stood and wrapped her arms around his shoulder. Too tired to be embarrassed. She pressed her face into the crook of his neck. “Thank you.” She murmured. “Bed please…” Lucifer mumbled something she didn’t quite hear. Aynur managed to follow him as he took her to the bed. “S-should I get you some robes or? Aynur?”

Aynur had already drifted off to sleep. Exhausted. She had been asleep for an hour, two at most. Lucifer had kept his distance after laying her in her bed, noticing her bare body, he gave into temptation once and did not want a repeat, so he laid in bed, contemplating.

Then, the loud clangs and rumbling of machinery started up from outside again. Aynur shot up in bed, her eyes wide. “W-what was that?” She glanced around, heart beating hard against her chest. “L-Lucifer...:Lucifer!?” She sounded frantic, she tried to scramble out of bed.

Lucifer jumped out of bed to her cries, completely sidetracked from his train of thought. “What is it Aynur?! Are you ok?!” He said startled, pushing himself off the bed.

There was another clang and Aynur whimpered, covering her ears and curling herself up into a ball. “Noise…” She whispered. “I-I am afraid of-” There was another loud clang, and she fell silent.

Lucifer walked briskly towards her side of the bed before realising what she said “Noise? You’re afraid of loud noises?” He sounded both relieved and disappointed at the same time. “Is that all?” He added with a dash of curiosity.

There was another clang and Aynur fumbled, reaching out to him. Her hands found his legs and she buried her head into his side. She knew it seemed stupid. Aynur knew that the sound was just from machinery, whatever that was...but it unnerved her. Even more so now that she had lost her sight completely.

“My vision has always been bad.” She flinched. “I don’t know why, loud noises scare me….it makes me feel like I’m about to be attacked. I can’t see. I can’t hear.”

The machinery came to a grinding halt, and Aynur slowly released herself from Lucifers leg. Embarrassed, she crept backward till she was sitting on her bed again. “Do you think it will start up again tonight…? She asked, glancing to the side.

01-18-17, 06:13 AM
Lucifer frowned, resting a reassuring hand on her head. “It’s just the workers. I’m not sure. They may be done for the night or taking a break.” Lucifer didn’t know why but he had began to gently massage her scalp as if instinctively calming her. “Oh uh, sorry..” He said when he finally noticed his strange behaviour and brought his hand back to his side. Lucifer swallowed, realising she had been clinging naked to his thigh.

“That is soothing.” Aynur said as he pulled away. She reached out toward him and pulled him closer. “Please don’t stop.” She still sounded shaken.

The night brought a strange atmosphere to the room which they shared. It was as if it were a special den where they could just be alone together, without having to worry about the outside world. “I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep then, if that’s acceptable?” He spoke softly. In response, Aynur wordlessly pulled him toward her, onto the bed.

Lucifers heart skipped a beat as she pulled him onto her, sliding to her side. She was silent, and so he would stay, his hand returning to her head, gently caressing the tips of his fingers through her hair. Lucifer hugged himself to her body her now oiled body seeping him further and further into temptation, the scent of lavender rising through his nostrils and filling his mind.

Aynur murmured. Her body fit so perfectly against his. Her tiny hands clung his new shirt, and her head sat in the crook of his neck. She made a gentle content whisper. Her breath tickling his neck.

Lucifer wondered, if it’d be a crime to feel the taste of her lips against his once more, one more stolen kiss for him to cherish. His fingers trailed from her hair and down to her cheek, the thought ever so tempting, she was here in front of him, once again, helpless, vulnerable.. His. He rolled over on top, gently resting his form, perched over her alluring body, his lips nearing closer to hers as his hand found its way to her neck.

He pressed them ever so gently, savoring the touch he had once felt before, the lavender simply intoxicating him. Again,she seemed to fight him, but it lasted seconds before her body fell into the bed. He could feel her chest rise and fall beneath his form with heavy breaths. Her lips parted so willingly for him.

He tried his hardest not to force himself too hard against her, but that same intense feeling washed over him, unable to moderate his emotions. Each kiss heaved with aching, aching for her body. His fingers danced along her skin nestling them against her bare breast her nipple tucked between his fingers as his heavy kisses drew her tongue ever so slightly into his mouth.

His hands danced easily over the milken skin of her breast, he massaged the oil, and pulled away just enough to see her reaction. Aynurs head tilted back and she moaned. Her back arched slightly into his grip before falling back down to the bed. He wondered what other reactions he could elicit from her.

Lucifer began to kiss at her neck, trailing down along her body as he positioned himself lower against her body. His fingers had moved from her breast replaced with the warm wet touch of lips as his tongue gently glided over them. Aynurs body was one of many, but he felt something more, a connection. He allowed his hand to reach further down, lightly moving over the edge of her clitoris. He could feel an odd wet sensation, goosebumps formed on Aynur’s body. “Aynur?” Her response was a noise wracked with primal pleasure. Her hand found its way to his back, and her fingernails dug into his skin.

She was so submissive and palpabile. Lucifer began to lose himself, no longer thinking of consequences. If there was one thing he wanted more than anything right now, it was this. He bit onto her areola and she gave a yelp laced with pain. He relished her cries, far more than that of the people he killed. Did she enjoy the pain?

His playful bite morphed to a gentle suckle as his fingers parted her nethers, the wet sensation spreading further. He was fueled with lust, his finger entering inside her purity feeling its tight grasp around his finger tip.

Aynur whimpered and writhed beneath him. Lucifer pressed his form closer to hers. He lifted his head to whisper a command into her ear. “Stay still, or I’ll stop.” Aynur’s body shivered, and she had stopped writhing. Lucifer chuckled. If only she listened this easily all the time. “Good girl.” He drolled, before chancing a taste of her neck, teeth sinking into her flesh.

He was going to have his way with her tonight. His lust filled orbs of red gleaming over her writhing body. His hand became more forced, pushing its way into her, hearing her cry with pleasure. His other hand coming down her side, gently scratching at her skin. At this point his member was throbbing in a way he had never experienced before, his whole body becoming hot and his pants largely uncomfortable.

“Lucifer…” She said his name with a guttural moan. Lucifer ditched his pants, feeling his lower region free up, much more comfortable. Lucifer continued to tease at her, stimulating her both above and below. Lucifer responded to her moan, biting onto her ear playfully “Aynur.. Do you want me?” He whispered into her ear, his fingers prodding into multiple places within her.

She seemed to struggle wording a response, Lucifer bit down hard on her neck for good measure. “Y-Yess…” She breathed, arching her back. Her erect nipples gliding across his torso. Her legs seemed to spread wider, inviting him in.

Lucifers fingers slid from underneath and over her body before allowing himself to taste her fluid. His member fully erect, he kissed her deeply as his body shifted, allowing the head of his cock to gently push its way into her, sliding apart her lower lips with a rush of euphoria. He saw now why Alicia was so hooked on lust, because he felt as though was too. He felt mildly jealous, knowing that Alicia had tasted Aynur’s lips before he did. But he, he was here, with her now - and Alkieh was completely out of the picture. He won. Her body, her purity, was his.

He took her in her entirety that night, sliding in and out of her. Their forms tangled together. Aynur giving him a symphony of moans, murmurs and pained cries that just egged him on further, driving him to go faster and deeper. He whispered commands into her ear, “Scream for me.” And she did, “Spread your legs wider,” and she did. He loved it. Being able to command her to his human desires purely for the ecstasy and pleasure driving him further and further into a frenzy, he was now one of them. *

Finally, the two were spent. He held tight to her heaving, sweaty form. One hand cupped her breast, the other firmly wedged between her legs, keeping her in her dazed, lust filled state. Knowing she was far more easy to control in that state. “You’re mine, Aynur.” He purred into her ear.

“Yes...Lucifer…” She breathed.

A wolfish grin was spread across face as he took her earlobe into his mouth and nestled it firmly against his tongue, kissing her below the ear. He felt he understood mortals better now, this emotion was the driving force behind the minds of each individual, this temptation of humans was responsible.

01-18-17, 06:14 AM
Aynur yawned, rolled over and nestled her head into the crook of Lucifer’s neck. Her eyes fluttered open to the blackness of her blindness. She was warm, Aynur smiled. Nestlng closer to the warmth. She felt Lucifer’s hand shift and pull her close and that’s when she realised where she was.

Aynur gave a startled cry and clambered away from Lucifer, struggling to find the sheets to wrap around her small frame. Embarrassed that she had allowed herself to act in such a way the previous night.

Lucifer had prepared for something like this and placed a calming hand on her shoulder. “Aynur.. Don’t be upset, this is what you wanted. I felt it, and you were honest.” He said with a careful confidence.

Aynur relaxed, her brows furrowed as she stared in his direction. “I uh…” Her thoughts danced over the memories of the previous night, the moans, the sensations. A red blush crept up to her cheeks. “We...participated in...uh….” She uncomfortably shuffled on the bed, struggling to say such indecent words.

Lucifer’s grip tightened slightly afraid she would leave. “We did. I finally gave in. Never In my life could I have foreseen something like this happening… but I don’t regret it.”

Aynur wasn’t sure how she felt. “I am the Oracle…” She whispered, turning her gaze away from him. “I believed I had my life set out for me. I had a clear goal. I knew what I wanted. I wanted to help others. I wanted to serve my people. Then I met you, Lucifer.”

“If it is a crime to show someone you care about a better life, or at least the options that they posses. Then I am guilty Aynur.” Lucifer let go of her shoulder and collapsed back onto the bed. “I will at least know I tired.” He sighed. “There are still things you don’t know about about our people, and the reason why an oracle exists. Would you not like to at least know about the history before willingingly accepting the role? And I don’t mean what they force fed you,I mean the real truth. The truth I have lived to experience as Alkieh’s brother.”

Aynur shook her head. “No...that’s not….” She frowned. “I do not understand you...you’ve hurt me, your men took my sight...you’ve shown ire toward me…however…” Aynur turned her unseeing gaze back to him. She reached out, and after meeting nothing but air for a few helpless moments she found the side of his cheek. “You have shown great remorse. You’ve done everything in your power to aid me...make me feel content.” Aynur’s chest hurt. “I ache. I long to see what has become of that darkness that surrounds you.” Her thumb caressed his cheek lightly before she pulled away.

“Now you...you say you care about me?” Lucifer mentioned Alkieh, and the unease and conflicting emotions arose within Aynur. She had been taught her entire life that it was wrong to desire things, to crave the touch of others, and to stray from her chosen path - and in a short month Lucifer had done it all. Aynur was incredibly thankful to Lucifer. If it weren’t for him, she would never have experienced half the things she had, but at the same time. She was afraid of what she was becoming.

“Alkieh….” His name left her lips as a whisper.

Lucifer looked off to the side, unable to accept her conflict. “Do not worry about him. I know him very well. There won’t be a punishment.” He said in an annoyed tone.

Aynur frowned. “That.” She said indignantly. “Those tones you use. That is what confuses me.” She felt hurt, confused and frustrated and she was doing her damned hardest to try and talk to him about it, but she was met with ire. “Last night...I enjoyed last night Lucifer!” She blurted out, “It felt….it felt right, I liked your warmth, I liked the feelings - but this…” She gestured to the lamp to his left. “This hurts Lucifer.”

Lucifer looked back at her rather confused at her gesture. “I'm glad you did…” He paused relaxing as his cheeks flushed lightly. “I don’t mean to hurt you Aynur. I'm just.. Not used to these emotions…” He struggled trying to find the words to explain himself. “Please know that I’m trying to make sense of everything.”

Aynur curled up, bringing her knees to her chest. She felt conflicted, and it was unfair of her to push those conflictions onto Lucifer. She needed to sit, and she needed to think. “Lucifer...can I please hold The Orb of Alkieh for a while? I promise you can continue to hold onto it. I just...I need to reflect on recent events.”

Lucifer's eyes widened a bit not really sure what he was going to tell her, since he left it behind. Lucifer thought “I don’t think that’s possible right now… We should keep moving, I have to be In Corone soon.”

“Please?” Aynur frowned. “I know you are busy. I only ask for a few moments. I will forgo breakfast to give us more time.” She held out her hand expectantly. “It’s ok Lucifer.” Aynur thought he was worried, “I shan’t run away, nor will this change my thoughts in regards to last night. I just…please….?”

Lucifer lowered his head and sighed. “Please don’t be upset with me. I am no longer in possession of the Orb. I know of it’s location but I cannot turn back for it.”

Aynur panicked. There was a long silence between the two. Lucifer had promised her he’d keep it safe. “You….promised…” She whispered in a pained tone. “I do not understand...why?” She leaned forward with shaking hands till they found their way to his chest. She pressed them against his skin. “W...why?”

Lucifer held her close and gently stroked her back. “Something happened to the Orb that was beyond my control. I couldn’t hold onto it. So I hid it.”

Aynur pulled away. “I’ll find it.” She pushed herself off the bed and fell to the floor, trying to blindly find her clothes. “I will hire an escort to aid me in my search...I will find it, and I will find you in Corone…” She muttered. She had to find it, she couldn’t leave it. Aynur felt a lump in the pit of her stomach.

Lucifer pulled her back. “You will not. You will never find where I left it. I will get it back for you when we’re done in Corone. Understood?” He put firmly.

Aynur shook her head, “No. Lucifer. No. Please. I need to go back and get the Orb.”

“Aynur. For you, It’s an impossibility at this point. I’m sorry, but I cannot allow you to go off and search for it.”

Aynur tried to jerk her arm away from him, his words tore at her. He was being hurtful, all she wanted to do was retrieve the Orb. She wasn’t going to leave him. She wasn’t going to lie to him nor betray him. “Why?” She cried, tears pooling at her blind eyes. “Why can’t I?”

It pained Lucifer to see her in such a state, he didn’t know if he could keep denying her. “I… I’m…I’m scared that Alkieh will return….and he will take you away from me...Aynur I need more time with you.”

Aynur furrowed her brows, “So your solution was to get rid of him? Get rid of the one thing I was to protect?” Tears spilled over her cheeks, this was why she was so conflicted, this was why she was so hurt. Just as she thought things were working out, or okay, the white haired man pulled things like this. You broke a promise, Lucifer....”

“I did promise to keep it safe. I couldn’t do that by keeping it with me anymore. So I made it so no one would find it.”

There was a loud knock at the door, disrupting Lucifer from his confession. Aynur moved to answer it, but she was stopped by Lucifer, who pointed out she still wore nothing more than bedsheets. He moved and answered the door.

Standing in the doorway stood a tall, stout man. He wore green robes trimmed with gold. He wore simple black clothing underneath. His jaw was chiseled, and slightly unshaven. He offered Lucifer a warm smile, golden eyes beaming down at him from under overgrown sandy blonde hair. In his hand, he held a small glass orb. “Hello.” His eyes rose to Ay nur, then back down to Lucifer.

“I believe you lost something.”

Storm Veritas
01-18-17, 11:42 AM
(No Judgement)

Aynur receives 405 EXP and 55 Gold!
Lucifer receives 355 EXP and 45 Gold!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
01-21-17, 04:42 AM
All rewards (including a 1.5x bonus for participating in the featured region) added!