View Full Version : [CLosed to Jethro] Wanted Dead or Alive: Ellkith Drune.

01-22-17, 07:45 PM
For some time, Humphrey had been in Ettermire.

The city was a clock-work machine and he was uncomfortable there. The air was not clean, and the scent was rusty. It played Haidia with his senses. The kitsune carefully walked through the crowds of people. Some were sick from the recent malady affecting the land. The water system in Ettermire had been corrupted with some sort of chemical mess, matters of science that were beyond Humphrey. He was one of the few of his kind in Ettermire. An Akashiman bourne and bred, Humphrey was there to assist the people of Ettermimre in their time of need. As he stood there, in front of the Job Office, the Demon Slayer carefully considered. He had been taking odd jobs here and there, hunting the creatures in the sewers that had developed from the wastes. But there was a posting on the large board that caught his eye. Rarely do they post such bounties. I wonder if this is a serious matter? Humphrey saw serveral Adventurers looking at the Job board, in front of the government building. The Job board was where various citizens and officials of Ettermire posted jobs.

Humphrey studied the job post for a moment. A criminal was named on the parchment that was wanted for attacking caravans heading outside of Ettermire to other parts of Alerar proper. Humphrey studied the parchment and decided he would take the job. He removed the parchment from the job board and entered the office building. Inside, there were several self-important Dark Elves that were likely local officials of this or that sort. And many people applying for work and other such matters. Humphrey walked towards the nearest of the officials.

"You seem a capable lad." The Dark Elf said to Humphrey. "I see you have the Listing that was posted this morning. Interested in that bounty?" The man asked.

"What do I need to know?" Humphrey had a deep Akashiman accent. Further, his voice was already gruff by his kitsune nature.

"The bandit's name is Ellkith Drune." The official said, with his air of self importance. "Robbed several caravans and killed a few folks." The official raised an eyebrow. "The reports state he's armed with some sort of an enchanted weapon." The official stopped.

"Very well. I shall return. Does the mark need to be alive or dead?" Humphrey asked.

[b]"Either, but you'll be paid more on successful capture. Though I doubt you'll be able to get him. IF you can get him, I'll throw in something extra." The official was snide and rude, but he was a business man first. "Also, you're allowed help for your hunt. Good luck, and may the Goddess watch over you."

Humphrey nodded. "I'll return. With the mark captured." Humphrey promised.

He stepped outside and there were already a large group of Adventurers gathered. Humphrey began looking around to see if anybody wanted to do the job with him. There were already folks looking at the crazy Kitsune and whispering. Humphrey did not mind. Fortune favors the bold. Humphrey thought to himself as his eyes scanned the group of the gathered...he just needed one extra hand.

[^Enter here.]

01-22-17, 09:28 PM
As with any other adventurer Jethro was there for a job. There were many mercenaries, bounty hunters and bandits wanting to sell out other bandits. All of these were at about the same level of skill and over the top bravado as one would expect mostly men and women who mostly did not care about humanity as a whole and just wanted a quick coin.

He looked over the wanted posters and listened to the impromptu interview given by the walking fox. There was only one he was really interested in and it was taken by the Kit almost right away. No matter, there was an idea that had been understood since the dawn of time and that was ~strength in numbers.~

He let the Kit pass after his confident statement. Jethro then took up his spear and stepped out through the same open door and waited till they got passed the crowd.

"You know, it would be easier to bring in this Ellkith Drune alive with some help." This was not a let me come with you request this was purely a statement of fact. There was a slight smile to Jethro's face as the cap of his spear clicked on the ground as he kept up with the fox. "By the way, I'm Jethro" he said as he passed one of the many stencil stamped red brick buildings which more than likely had sterile white washed walls.

He watched as people some of which seemed to be mutating from the pollution being dumped in the water and air. There was definitely a particular smell to the city. Not just the smell of rusty pipes but the smell of sweat mixed with grease and of course every manner of waste. The city was disgusting from the average citizen working on the promise of a big pay check that never comes to the the politicians on both sides of the fence manipulating the stupid and taking advantage of the weak for their own goals.

It seemed the same where ever large groups of sentient's gathered. It was time to get out of the city for a little while at-least.

01-23-17, 10:15 AM
Humphrey saw the bold spear arm step forward.

He's skilled...he will be useful. Spears were weapons that required a lot of finesse and technical training. Humphrey himself didn't have knowledge with the spear, his skill capacity dealt more with blades and swords. Humphrey looked at the man named Jehtro. He will do. He is a cut above the rest. He considered the man's proposal. Saves me the trouble of looking for more help. And he volunteered. Humphrey was deep in thought as he looked at Jethro, and finally nodded.

"We are in agreement, friend. I am called Humphrey." The kitsune had an unusual name for an Akashiman. Though his dress, attire, and mannerisms clearly show cased that he was from Akashima. He looked at Jethro. "We should begin right away, on our hunt." He said calmly. Then he moved towards the man, and offered to shake his hand in agreement.


A short time later they were outside of the rotting city of Ettermire.

The air was still tainted with the smell of industrial pollution, and Humphrey would never get used to it. The city of Ettermire was a huge fortress, and the land outside was being choked by it's expansion and science. The ground was darkened with soot and other chemicals seeping into the soil. Humphrey looked at the dark, scorched earth and felt pity for the citizens of Ettermire. They have sealed their own fate. Humphrey thought to himself as he walked alongside his newfound ally. Humphrey looked at Jethro calmly and nodded with respect.

"We should talk with one of the outpost guards first to get a bead on our mark." Humphrey said calmly. They would have information on the target that he needed. He walked forward, knowing that Jethro would accompany him. There was an outpost with a small group of armoured guards up ahead. Humphrey walked towards the outpost and saluted them.

"Greetings, we are here about the mark: Drune. I would appreciate any information on where me and my companion can find the mark." Humphrey said casually.

The guard nodded towards the two. "Here take his parchment, it will explain everything." He handed Humphrey a small sealed envelope. "If you capture him bring him back here. His followers don't matter." The man said coldly.

"Understood." Humphrey said and then turned toward Jethro. "If you are in agreement, we split the prize money fifty-fifty. I believe we can get this hunt done together." Humphrey said.

01-23-17, 09:05 PM
Once again Jethro remained silent and listened, he wasn't what one thought of as a strong silent type as in he he wasn't grumpy and walked around with a grimace on his face while he rarely spoke. More rather he was observant and kept half a smile on his face while he listened to the conservation. He saw the exchange of the envelope of information, and was slightly dissatisfied at the answers the guard gave.

"If you will excuse me." Jethro said with out much in the way of fan fare and made his way to the nearest tavern. He looked around a moment and proceeded to the bar proper. "A bottle of whiskey?!" He shouted across the din of half drunk patrons. Upon receiving it he filled up a shot glass and set it down in front of the gentleman next to him. "Drink" he offered and the man took the shot and Jethro refilled the shot glass.

The man took the next shot and in full voice asked "What do you want!?"

Jethro filled the shot glass again and said in just as full of a voice "I need some information about a guy who goes by the name of Drune!" As the pair or more precisely the guy drunk Jethro watched the tavern casually. Not covertly but just a casual observer as soon as he said Drune a patron at a gambling table snapped his head up.

Bingo! But to confirm Jethro filled up the shot glass again when the guy asked "What do you want to know?!"

Jethro replied "Where is that ugly, foul smelling piece of worm ridden filth?"

The man at the gambling table began to glare at Jethro, confirmed that was the mark he was looking for. The guy who was next to him passed out on the last drink smashing the shot glass with his face. Not a pretty site, soon after the man at the gambling table passed through a side door near the fire place.

Jethro stepped out of the front door killing the bottle of whiskey on his way out. "You have a deal, fifty, fifty. By the way if we move now we could get a lead." With that Jethro gave a description of the man at the gambling table.

01-24-17, 02:29 PM
A bit perplexed at the situation, Humphrey did not want to know where Jethro had gone in the time he got the information.

Humphrey simply decided to run with it...

He listened to the man's words and nodded. "We should discuss that out of ear-shot. Too many unfriendly listeners are about." Humphrey said. He motioned where they were going to head and he knew the area outside of Ettermire fairly well at that point. The field was dry earth, and overhead was a dark grey sky. Rain sometimes came to Ettermire, but it didn't seem likely just yet. The clouds overhead were pregnant, and threatened to release their contents to the planet below. Humphrey looked ahead. Once they were a safe distance from the Ettermire gates, Humphrey looked at his companion.

"Okay we can talk now." Humphrey knew that the natives had sharp senses and he would have to consider the information at hand very very carefully. He prided himself on being careful and would fight for his friends. The Kitsune looked about to be certain they were alone. Then, he broke the seal of the envelope. After unfolding the parchment, he read the notes to Jethro very quietly, loud enough for the man to hear him alone. "Does that sound about accurate to you?" Humphrey didn't want to have to deal with conflicting information. But he trusted Jethro over the guards that were present, some of them were generally really shady.

Humphrey read the parchment's notes again a few more times and thought about what was being said.

If he's a mere bandit, why haven't they sent patrols after him yet? To be fair, Humphrey understood the situation at Ettermire. People were getting sick and dying from a mysterious source, and that made the local government and military quite paranoid. The note also said that the bandit was armed with a magical weapon of some sort. "He's dangerous if the dossier is correct. He has some sort of a magical weapon. We're going to have to work hard for this mark." Humphrey read the last part. "They are at a camp. But the parchment doesn't state the direction of the camp, what have you found out, Jethro?" Humphrey asked and looked at Jethro the whole time. He put the parchment back in it's envelope and placed the item in his own packs.

Humphrey was a serious man, and he wanted to be certain the job was completed to all specs.

01-24-17, 07:20 PM
There was a the sound of a horse trotting off and while Jethro was listening to the fox he kept an eye on the direction the horse was disappearing towards. "The gambler I told you about has been flushed. With the way he was acting as I said disparaging words about Drune combined with his intimidate exit after my announcement that I am looking for him; one can only assume that he is under the employ of Drune and that he is currently galloping off to warn him of the imminent arrival of a bounty hunter."

Jethro indicated the direction he was watching the horse speed towards with his head "Does that correspond with your information?" With a reply the affirmative Jethro began moving at a smooth if not persistent pace. "Now, you may be thinking that what I did could be a major tactical error and that is a possibility but I don't think so. Having our quarry keyed up leaves with three basic options. First option is he runs that would mean that he will soon be scrambling to collect the items most valuable to him and running meaning he won't be thinking clearly just on his survival and treasure. The second option is he'll hole up in or near his camp and get ready for a fight, most likely since he thinks he has an advantage with his weapon, and lastly he might try and attack though it's easier to defend than attack."

Jethro paused a moment in his thoughts to reorganize and then continued "If he holes up we can patiently wear his people down while he runs low on resources and loyalty. If he attacks he and his men will be that much more fatigued from the journey. But he doesn't know that we're partners. He'll think I'm out numbered more than we are and have his guard down for the first moments of his attack.

He kept his pace up as he pushed through to the deer trail that the horse had recently galloped through.

01-25-17, 01:32 PM
"Agreed." Humphrey saw the horse speeding off when Jethro pointed it out. "That is an adequate place to start, let's go." Humphrey, was the speedy and acrobatic type. He readied his leg muscles and prepared to dash after the lone horse rider. The fact that the rider was already acting in Ettermire upset Humphrey quite a bit. The guards may be in on this, we must be very careful. Not all of them are bad, but desperation breeds insanity. "We should keep an adequate distance behind the rider."

Humphrey knew that Jethro would follow, and sprinted off at medium speed towards the direction of the rider. Humphrey carefully kept a distance behind the rider. He did not want to give their position away.

As Humphrey ran, he could feel the wind in his fur.

His calve muscles pounded the ground of Alerar as he ran, more that capable of following the horse.

The horse head trotted at a full speed, but Humphrey was able to keep up and watched the trajectory of the man's sprint. Humphrey had an idea at that point. "Jethro, we will fall back and assault their camp once we arrive. Let him reach his master, that will reveal the correct place we need to head to." Humphrey said as he ran alongside his new friend.

The camp was located in the field to the North East of Ettermire herself.

Several tents were present, and a campfire, and some other structures that were needed for raiding. Humphrey spotted the heavy duty equipment before he decided to enter the camp. He signalled to Jehtro that they would enter from the western portion of the camp. There were roughly six tents present at the camp and Humphrey noticed a statue. It glowed. That was located at the center of the camp...

[i]That is my target... Humphrey thought to himself. Hatred immediately filling his heart. He didn't like many of the more pagan fetishes that were paramount to Althanas. Though he tolerated them, the darker religions were against everything he believed in. This man we are hunting, Drune, might be a cultist. Humphrey ran a little bit further, and stopped. They were a few feet away from the camp and he noticed the rider enter the camp and raise a commotion...

Humphrey turned towards Jethro. "There might be a problem." He pointed towards the fetish statue in the center of the enemy camp. "They might be drawing power from that fetish." Humphrey explained. They needed to come up with a plan b to shut their operation down.

01-25-17, 09:36 PM
Jethro scratched his chin looking at the situation "Then take it out of the equation. If that thing is as important to them as you seem to think it is than it's their weakness. Target it, put it in danger make them worry about it. Me I'll go right for Drune it he's concentrating on me he wont be able to give orders properly."

The theory was sound enough the execution looked a lot more difficult. Jethro and his companion were out numbered at least three to one. That wasn't accounting for what ever the totem did nor if there were any reinforcements that may be coming. "Right, if you have any other ideas I'm ready to hear them." He said once the full weight of the idea began to roll through his mind.

During the pair's short time together Jethro neglected to mention that he did have a few advantages that would shortly come into play. As Jethro watched the totem and those around it his scarabs began to grow excited and swarmed under his skin. He grinned predatoraly at the group. "We need to hit them quick, the longer they're confused the better it is for us so don't let up." he stated as he worked out what else must be done or what might happen.

Looking the area over one more time Jethro spotted a bottle of booze and he got an idea. "When ever you're ready" Jethro stated.

01-26-17, 11:26 AM
He is a sound partner. This should go well, though we are vastly outnumbered...

Humphrey nodded. "I'll provide the distraction you need. I got an idea as well. Begin your assault a bit after I do." Humphrey suggested. Then he ran towards the camp. Drawing his steel katana, the kitsune prepared hi assault of the camp. The wind passed through his hair as he ran forward. His eyes keeping track of how many there were. Twenty armed men all together plus the fetish. Humphrey noticed the two camp guards react to his approach.

"Intruder!" One of them managed to yell.

The kitsune grinned. That's all I needed... He prepared his weapon as he ran. Steel reflecting the harsh afternoon sun. As he prepared himself mentally, the Akashiman began to count backwards from one hundred seconds. He was counting out loud mostly to keep himself calm and focused, but also...to annoy and distract his enemies. "One-Hundred, Ninety-Nine..." Humphrey began the counting sequence. He was already upon the first guard.

"Ninety-Seven...Ninety-Six...Ninety-Five..." Humphrey was stating each number with crystal clarity, in the common tongue. He said it with such fervor and seriousness that it was almost a mantra. His sword swung through the air in an attempt to cut the first guard. Humphrey's eyes were already spotting the second guard coming at him.

His blade left a streaking flash of light, an effect of the ward symbol on the weapon. The enchanted blade cut through the first man's stomach. He was armoured, but lightly. Wearing some kind of hide or leather armour. The man clutched at his stomach in disbelief.

His intestines were already pouring out on the ground as he desperately clutched at them...

There was a disgusting sploshing sound as the man's organs landed on the ground and he cried and screamed in anguish as he died.

The second man rushed at Humphrey...

Humphrey was already acting. "Eighty-seven...eighty-six...eighty-five..." The count down continued. With a flick of the wrist, Humphrey dispatched the second man with his weapon. The man's head rolled down the hill effectively detached from the body...

Humphrey dashed into the camp. More men were already attempting to intercept him. "Seventy-six...Seventy-five...Seventy-four..." Three more fellows were cut down by the kitsune's elegant blade style. "Seventy-three...seventy-two...seventy-one..." And there it was. There were shouts and screams of anger as the entirety of the camp attempted to come down on Humphrey as he found the deadly fetish. That was his sole mission...to destroy the fetish.

It was a mysterious totem of unknown origins. It was completely black and had grotesque imagery of various pagan deities. Humphrey cut down two more men. At that point, they had realized the target was their fetish. More yelling and harsh screams. Men dying and crying out for help. Humphrey readied his warder arts. He was a warder at heart. Once his chi began to flow in the air around his body, the assault on Humphrey hesitated the briefest of moments. Humphrey whispered in the warder language, and his free hand moved in an elegant gesture. Glowing light was traced in the air. "By the light be cleansed." Humphrey said calmly and opened his eyes.

Suddenly, the horrible fetish statue exploded...

01-26-17, 08:26 PM
When the fox darted into the fray Jethro waited patiently taking in a slow count of five. All eyes were on the orange colored anthropomorphic fox and then Jethro charged in.

Drune was busy shouting orders mostly along the lines of "kill the intruder!" right up to the moment Jethro met him.

Jethro took things slow circling around Drune as Drune circled around him each sizing the other up, he knew that Drune was a dangerous person and he needed to know how dangerous. Just a moment later Drune reached for a double bit axe.

Just as soon as Drune reached for his axe Jethro thrust his spear aiming at Drune's center mass.

Drune gripped the axe in one hand and pivoted on his heel lifting it off the ground and swinging cutting the cloth of Jethro's duster and taking the tip of Jethros spear across his chest and into his shoulder.

Stepping forward and twisting his body Jethro followed through with his trust with an end cap strike towards Drune's face.

Drune caught the bitter end of the strike and powered through grabbed Jethro's spear wrenched it from his hands and drove it into the ground.

Jethro lurched forward when the spear was pulled from his hand then took another step, grabbed the bottle of booze he spied pivioted on his toe and swung the bottle again aiming for Drune's face. This time his attack connected and the bottle shattered.

Drune's nose was busted and he staggered back grabbed a hand full of camp fire ash and threw it into Jetheo's face before driving forward giving the axe a full over head swing before he was met with Jethro's duster.

Jethro was temporarily blinded he knew enough to know he was about to have an axe driven into his skull. Thinking on his feet he ripped his duster off and threw it in the direction he last saw Drune.

The duster tangled Drune's axe throwing it off its intended target. Drune roared in rage as Jethro grabbed his spear and was about to thrust when Baff! Boom! Wallop! the totem erupted in a bright explosion.

The fight was paused for a very fast moment.

01-31-17, 09:59 PM
The old teachings were part of scripture now to Humphrey.

He chanted in the quiet tongue of the Akashiman warders.

For the gathered, it would largely sound like a completely alien dialect.

Humphrey preferred it that way. His eyes were narrowed as the energy from the fell totem, the statue he had destroyed, swirled in the air alongside Humphrey's own chi. Humphrey was in a state of complete and utter battle meditation. His body glowed with the energy that would exorcise the fell energies that swirled from the smoldering, singed earth where the statue once was. Glowing arcane residue swirled through the air like dying ember. Humphrey stopped chanting at that point once the deed was done.

Eyes were upon the kitsune warder at that point.

There were glowing symbols, Shinto Onmyoudo symbols flaring on the ground. The deed was done. Humphrey readied his sword-arm and prepared to cut down the foul cultists. He would leave Drune's capture to his companion, the minions mattered not. A few moments later, Humphrey cut down several more individuals. A few ran, they would be caught later. At that point, only three remained that were followers of Drune. Humphrey could still sense the magical taint of the fell statue's power. Further, the weapon that Drune wielded caught his eye...it too had a fell taint. Humphrey only guessed that they were dark art worshipers, or far worse.

Humphrey closed his eyes at that point, focusing on the task at hand. He'd bought Jethro the needed time to defeat their enemy. And so, Humphrey began his elegant sword-dance on the few remaining cultists.

Their fate was already sealed.

02-01-17, 07:58 PM
Jethro taking advantage of Drune's distraction grabbed a piece of chain and slung it around Drune's neck and pulled hard.

Drune caught the chain by his fingers and drove his head into Jethro's face.

Jethro felt the concussion and knew that it would take time to heal but kept a grip on the chain and kicked the back of Drune's knee.

Drune's knees collapsed from under him as he started grasping for breath. He made an attempt to attack Jethro with his axe but the cumbersome weapon didn't have enough force to land a worth while hit and he dropped the axe.

As Drune fell to his knees Jethro pressed his knee in between Drune's shoulders and pushed it deep into his spine forcing him to the ground.

Drune hit the ground as his vision went from clear and a full field to two small points of light to fuzzy grey to finally black.

Jethro for good measure smashed Drune's head against a rock. Rising to his feet Jethro looked around, the scene was a bloody mess. "I'm going to see if I can't find a horse to lash this guy to." Jethro said as he stepped away from the battle field looking for the horse that lead the pair to this particular fight.

Some time later Jethro had returned with the horse it not being too far away grazing on some grass.

During that time Drune came to and was groggily attempting to rise to his feet and was subsequently knocked back out with a swift stomp from Jethro's foot. Jethro tossed Drune over the horses back and smiled.

02-08-17, 08:01 PM
Humphrey stole a glance at Jethro as the man took care of their actual target.

Good...the followers don't matter as much anymore. Arcane energies pulsed through the air from where Humphrey destroyed the totem like statue. The kitsune studied the remaining few followers of Drune. Humphrey pointed towards their leader, now defeated. Humphrey nodded towards Jethro and looked at the remaining three cultists.

"You have a choice." Humphrey said coldly. "If you walk away from this mess peacefully, you get to keep your lives." Humphrey pointed towards the fallen and crumbled form of Drune. "Your leader is no more, your cult is finished." Humphrey said confidently. "There is no more need for loss of life."

The oldest of the remaining cultists looked at Drune and seemed to be weighing in the situation. "Where do you intend to take him?" The cultist asked.

"He's done. There's a substantial bounty for him." Humphrey said matter of factly. Then he sheathed his weapon in it's scabbard. Humphrey, basically, was a walking arsenal.

Humphrey signaled towards Jethro to get a move on. I hope he gets my meaning...he's a bright enough guy. I have something to finish up here. Humphrey thought to himself. Humphrey looked at the cultists. "What's it going to be then?"

"You've won the day." The cultist said in defeat. "But our order will return someday and we will remember your face." He gathered his remaining companions and left the scene.

Humphrey watched as Jehtro took off with his stolen horse. Then, Humphrey walked over towards Drune's weapon. As he suspected the weapon's blade had markings, RUNES that were not from the Thayne Codex. The runes were red markings and had a familiar aspect to the warder. Humphrey knelt down towards the masterwork axe and picked it up by the handle. He began the Shinto Onmyoudo arts to cleanse the already enchanted weapon...

02-08-17, 09:59 PM
Jethro took the horse by the reigns it acted skittish around him as well as most other animals. He was used to it so he began the easy walk back to town to collect the bounty. In his main hand he kept the reigns in his other was his spear which he was using as a walking stick. His instincts told him there was something off about the area but most likely it was from what ever totem that Drune had been using to fuel his raids. He passed the feeling off as just that and continued on.

Presently there was a groaning that came from the pairs quarry as the horse and Jethro slowly clopped back towards the city. This was nothing new as other bounties did the same. "I'd shut up if I were you" instructed Jethro. Drune for all his inability to produce a cogent sentence still was able to produce enough defiance in his slurred gurgles to annoy Jethro and he received another strike to his temple. The bounty said alive but nothing about brain damage.

With their prisoner once again quieted down Jethro proceeded to mosey along a little bit further letting his companion catch up.

02-10-17, 10:52 AM
Humphrey had a vision.

Sometimes, the warder arts had unusual affects on the caster. Humphrey was in city full of Kitsune and Nekomatas. The city was a free city where those like his kind could live free and wild. Humphrey saw himself considerably older and wiser, and was the leader of that city. His eyes went wide as the older version of himself beckoned for him to come forward. Humphrey obliged and walked towards his counter part. Humphrey looked at the older version of himself and the man spoke to him.

"You have a lot of work ahead of you." Old Man Humphrey said calmly. "This will not come to pass if you don't continue along your path."

"What is being foreseen here? I have never had such a vision. The elders of our people said sometimes this could happen though." Humphrey looked around the free city and understood that he was meant to see this as it was.

"Take your friend and begin to build." Old Man Humphrey said calmly. "People will come who are Exiles, fleeing from this or that disaster."

"I don't know how to build a city." Humphrey admitted.

"Trust in yourself, Humphrey. There is always a way. Become who you are meant to become." Old Man Humphrey said and continued. "The weapon you have acquired from Drune is the key. Remember what you have accomplished here today." Old Man Humphrey said calmly.

"The Symbols, they have a familiar aspect. What were they? And what was that totem?" Humphrey had many questions to ask.

"That is information you will have to find for yourself." Old Man Humphrey said calmly. "But I promise you. You will find the knowledge you seek. Go now, take care of your earth bound affairs. But remember all that you've seen here today."


Humphrey blinked as reality returned to normal.

He found himself staring at Drune's Masterwork axe. This weapon is the key... Humphrey repeated the thought in his mind. Deciding he would keep the elegant weapon, Humphrey attached the glowing weapon to his belt. Then he stood up and looked around the abandoned camp. I need answers, answers I will not find here. That totem statue was not part of the Thayne Codex. Something else is going on here...I don't think the answers are going to be pleasant. Humphrey gathered himself and decided to catch up to Jethro. He has had a head start but it should not be terribly difficult to catch up to him. Humphrey went on foot to catch up to Jethro's horse.


A little while passed and Humphrey saw Jethro up ahead waiting for him...

Humphrey waved towards his friend and it would be incredibly apparent that Humphrey decided to keep the axe.

Humphrey caught up to Jethro and stood at his side. "We should go to the bounty station and figure things out from there. I was going to split the bounty fifty/fifty but you have been a man of great and admirable skill. You may keep the whole bounty reward. I will accompany you. I just am keeping this weapon for myself. It has answers I need." Humphrey knew his journey with Jethro was just beginning...

02-10-17, 10:06 PM
Jethro smiled and nodded "I am much obliged" he said as he guided the horse back towards the bounty station. There was a feeling along his neck and along his arms he turned to look at the axe. There was a glint to the axe and of course there was the ruins "that was the axe that our prisoner had" he mentioned as the pair moved.

Jethro didn't say much else there was always the light thump thump thump of the cap of his spear on what ever the pair was treading on. He was a considerate person. Not in the sense of etiquette but more in the sense that he considered what was happening. He observed the world they passed through there were the things that normally wasn't seen the insects that scurried over a small hill or the half buried piece of carrion. Things people didn't see because they didn't want to see them or because society said that it would not be genteel to see them.

Every so often he would take a glance at the axe, he wouldn't say any thing he'd just glance at it. He preferred the spear it was a well rounded weapon and more of a utility tool than a full on weapon either way it was effective. But that axe he left it alone for now maybe after they turned in their bounty he would take a closer look at it. Right now he kept his mind in the moment keeping their prisoner in check if he should act up.

02-16-17, 11:59 AM
They arrived at the bounty station and immediately there was a commotion.

"What is the meaning of this???!" The same bounty collector said from before.

Humphrey and his companion, Jethro entered the bounty station with Drune in tow.

"I have come for the bounty on this mark." Humphrey said calmly. There were several guards who surrounded Jethro and Humphrey but the target was clearly Drune.

"How much do you want?" The collector asked calmly.

Humphrey looked at his companion, Jethro. "Give my companion the full reward. I have what I have come for." Humphrey said calmly, he didn't like how the Alerarians did business.

They lack honour and discipline... Humphrey thought to himself. It's not all of them either...it's these higher up's. They lack honour... Humphrey was greatly concerned at the state of affairs in Alerar. Things did not bode well. Especially if there was ever a full scale war between Raiaera and Alerar...that would prove disastrous. Humphrey motioned for Jethro to hand the target over. The collector walked towards them and gave Jethro a large sack. It was filled with gold.

"You guys have done great work...better than I expected." The collector began. "We at the hunter association would be glad to do business with you two again."

Lies. I can see the hate in his eyes...he expected us to fail... Humphrey shook his head. "We'll do further business with you guys again. Keep an eye out." Humphrey said. Humphrey looked at Jethro. "Let us take our leave my friend." Humphrey said calmly and prepared to take his exit out of the horrible and corrupted bounty office...he never felt comfortable around officials anyway. With their games and their corruption...

The smell in the bounty office was that of corruption and it made Humphrey cringe inside...

02-17-17, 08:13 PM
Jethro had carried Drune like a sack of potatoes and unceremoniously dropped him on the the floor. Unlike his companion he didn't mind the hate or the grunginess of the bounty station. What he did mind was the sloppiness of the pile of bounty hunters that decided to make this hovel their abode. He gave a nod of thanks and hefted the purse of gold in his hand "it's light" Jethro mentioned with an annoyed tone.

The collector glared at Jethro and Jethro glared right back and the smirked the situation instantly dissolving from an utterly tense powder keg to something more light hearted. Taking the money he stepped out of the bounty station and caught up with his ally. "We should find a spot and figure out what your toy does" Jutting his chin at the axe.

He began to make his way towards the outskirts of the city proper. There was one thing about boom towns and in-spite of all the industry that had sprung up over night there was still plenty of shops, hovels and hole in the walls that had been abandoned or forced out of business. They were boarded up and ran down so much so that authorities rarely if ever visited those parts of town. Finding a suitable rundown shack that already had its door kicked in he motioned to a hodgepodge table and said "Lets figure this out shall we?"

02-18-17, 12:19 PM
Humphrey recalled the vision of his older self and simply let Jethro lead forward.

They were in a run down section of town in Ettermire, and Humphrey's heart ached seeing people suffering in that nature and way.

He knew no Nation was perfect, but the city of Ettermire was a city of tremendous gluttony and expense. He sighed, deep in thought as they entered the small and abandoned house. Humphrey needed answers. The totem he'd destroyed and Drune himself was part of a larger problem. When he was certain that they were alone, Humphrey looked at Jethro calmly. He unsheathed the axe he'd won. And placed it on the table. The axe glowed as a result of Humphrey's shinto arts. Humphrey had cleansed the negative energies the axe held as a result, but the mysterious symbols still remained.

"I don't know what those are..." The marks bothered Humphrey a lot. They were also on the totem pole that he'd destroyed. Humphrey had extensive knowledge of symbols and syntax but those symbols were unknown to the warder. He looked at Jethro. "Do you have any ideas of what this could be? I feel the totem was part of the problem here. But we need to figure out how far the rabbit hole goes." Humphrey said casually.

02-18-17, 04:03 PM
"If I were to hazard a guess I would have to say it was bifurcated. The totem and the axe each playing off of one another. Like I would have to say the axe with each successful connection with an intended target would power the totem. The axe I'm thinking is more of a tool something utilitarian a woodsman's axe so it wouldn't make sense for it to really be used as a weapon. I think your axe might be hungry." Jethro explained as he passed his hands across the ruins feeling the indentations and the scoring.

Finding a chair he took a seat and said "That's all I got for now. If I come up with any thing else I'll let you know." His instincts which told him of the nature of such things only gave him so much of an idea and trying to concentrate on it was something of a bother and lost its accuracy. Propping his foot up onto the table he looked about the place they had broken into. It used to be some sort of shop there was a roomy workshop in the back with only the work benches which were cemented in place left. The walls had exposed studs, where the wall had been kicked in, and the gas lights had been turned off. Mice and other vermin skittered across the floor hoping to be unnoticed and there was the smell of old food and old human waste. In short the building the pair had invaded was just a condensed version of the city it self.

It was a hovel and as strange as it might sound it spoke to Jethro's pragmatic side. He didn't have a permanent residence and didn't really feel the need for one so this would do for a few days if necessary. Looking at his partner in crime as it were he asked "So now what? What's your plan?"

02-24-17, 03:50 PM
Humphrey listened to what the man said.

The Adventurer had a talent...He's skilled. With training perhaps that skill can go far. Humphrey thought as he rubbed his chin. Humphrey looked around the old shop for a moment. Then he looked at Jethro. "The Elders of my tribe tech us not to waste a resource." Humphrey looked around the abandoned structure. "This place...still has a purpose. She just does not know it yet." Humphrey looked at the old table between the two friends. And decided to begin teaching Jethro the arts of Shinto.

Humphrey moved his hand in a elegant pattern, and glowing energy flowed from his fingertip.

He whispered in the Akashiman Shinto arts and put his hand on the old and worn table.

Concentrating on the act he was performing, Humphrey saw the old oak. It was worn, and had the effects of time on it. The axe on the table reacted to Humphrey's Shinto arts. And then, Humphrey augmented the wood of the table. It appeared completely new.

He would have to use his Shinto arts throughout the structure to repair it, alongside Jethro's hard work it would be workable again.

Humphrey looked up out of his trance...

"My people speak of the workings of the oldest of my kind." Humphrey began. "They could work wonders out of what the planet of Althanas provided...her ore...her wood...anything you can think of could be touched by the Shinto Arts." Humphrey explained. He then walked over to a wall. The brick and mortar, in the Alerar style was new for Humphrey, but he was certain he could repair it.

He removed the shirt portion of his clothing and placed it around a chair.

"Let's get to work, Jethro." Humphrey said calmly and began to work the Shinto arts of his people...

02-25-17, 01:34 PM
"I'll find a broom" Jethro said pulling off his duster or what was left of it. Looking through the hole tore open by Humphreys new axe he said offhandedly " I should have taken a shock of horse hair." Tossing it onto a table sending up a cloud of dust he began to sweep the refuse of the larger work shop area. There were rags, a few dead rodents, birds, lots of shed insect husks. He opened windows for dust to scatter out and air flow to start rushing through the area again.

Jethro didn't have allergies or a terrible nagging cough that several people in the city had it was more force of habit. There was broken glass strewn about and in short the building was a disaster ready to be condemned. Jethro felt he owed it some what to the fox to help clean he did after all receive the full share of the bounty. There was no shovel or pan to scoop the piles of dirt, dust, garbage and dead things he improvised using a plank.

The gas lights were a different story each would have to be repaired and sealed or the building could be blown up. Jethro was not a plumber but the gas main still worked and he just shut it. Torches and candles would do again Jethro thought of this as a temporary place not really worth his effort but never the less he cleaned. Funnily enough under the mess he was cleaning up was yet another mess. This was going to take some time.

02-28-17, 08:18 PM
(Conclusion Post)

Time passed...

As he worked with his partner, the building soon found itself slowly coming out of disrepair. Humphrey worked significant portions of the Shinto Arts in an attempt to repair things where he was able to. The Alerarians were not terribly picky about who lived where as long as taxes were paid. Humphrey worked harder than he'd worked in some time.

Soon...there was a passable structure where there was once a wreck.

The last part of the building that got reworked was the old furnace...

Together, Humphrey worked with his friend to repair the old furnace. In time, it would forge great miracles. After a week of hard work passed, the kitsune looked at the fully repaired and functioning forge.

Humphrey looked at Jethro and nodded to his friend. "You're a hard worker. I'm glad that we got this done. Now let's figure out what we're going to do from here. I'm willing to teach you the Shinto Arts, and together we'll create many wonders from this place if you are willing to stick around for a while. What do you say?" Humphrey extended his hand to his friend and waited to see what the other would say. Humphrey had a smile on his face...

~The End~

~Spoils Request~

1-Steel Masterwork Enchanted Axe. Currently the blade has marks that glow, but it's properties are currently not known. They will reveal themselves as Humphrey grows in power...

2-(Purely a Plot Device) Humphrey and Jethro have repaired an old and abandoned forge. I'd like to use this as a hub for Humphrey and allies. I intend to use this primarily as a plot device/etc.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-26-17, 07:41 AM
Humphrey receives 890 EXP and is granted a double-handed, double headed steel masterwork axe**

Jethro receives 890 EXP and 125 GP!

**Please note that I can only grant the base axe. The enchantment must be approved in a future RoG update as part of your character update.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-26-17, 07:45 AM
All rewards added!