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11-22-06, 12:31 PM

When Drake arrived in the port of Radasanth he received lots of interesting stares and confused looks for good reason, he had rode a log across the stretch of water during one of the largest storms they’ve had. When he hopped off the log on too the pier the log sank to the bottom. Drake looked at the pier watchman and smiled, then continued on his way.

Drake spent the rest of the day wandering around the town and getting the lay of the land. Before nightfall he headed for a tavern near the port he had juts arrived in this morning.
The tavern was pretty much like all other taverns with a chimney and small wooden tables. The tavern owner gave him a crooked smile, he bellows out a hearty laugh “aaaahhhh, the man who gave the tavern something to chat about”, still smiling says, “that was quite a show you made this morning, there are a few rumors on how you made the crossing on just a log”, he bellows out another hearty laugh, “you know what all the rumors I herd get dumber and dumber as they go through more people, its quite ridiculous.”

Drake smiles at the tavern owner and shrugs and laughs.
“Hey I do like to give a bit of a showy entrance” that was a complete lie and he knew it. The reason he was on that log is because he was broke. “I was wondering do you have a room open?”

“Actually we have one left.” He smiles in response

“Well I would like to rent that room please” drake asks

“Its yours free of charge, that show you made increased my customers massively as they came to gossip. That more than paid for you.” He laughs as he hands Drake the key.
Drake heads up stairs to his room, it wasn’t much of a room, it was just a bed and a dresser. That was fine with drake he wasn’t planning to stay here long.

Once he arrived in his room he began to plan, charting escape routs and danger spots and where the gem he was sent to collect is. He also thought about how the town looked. And how he could utilize it to his best advantage, the town was like most, comprised of mostly small houses but had a few larger noble houses and one castle. The castle was his target in its bottom in a heavily guarded vault was the object he sought.

11-28-06, 12:45 PM
On the strike of midnight, when the night was at its darkest, Drake started on his way. He always made sure that even if he were spotted no one would recognize him. Before he even left his room he cast shadow meld and disappeared into the night.

The shadows that he joins with are as cold as ice and all that he sees are gray shadows and every thing is slightly blurry.
The town looks a lot different in the night than in the morning, but drake knew that, that would be like. The town was very barren and creepy without anyone around but he was used to it for he had been killing, and steeling for years. He also knew that it would be a lot harder to get out the town if he stole other people stuff then to just steal what he was after so he headed straight to the castle.

Once there he knew that the vault was in the basement so he aimed himself for where he knew that it would be and walked.
Since he had just joined with the shadows, normal barriers meant nothing to him and he walked right into the vault.

11-28-06, 12:46 PM
The vault was huge; it was twenty feet, by twenty feet, by ten feet. It was packed from end to end with items of wealth. There where a items drake could tell where extremely valuable because they sat behind magically reinforced glass.

In the vault 3 items where of interest to drake, a pure black pearl, a ring of obvious magical properties, and the gem he was after. He started to head towards the gem when the demon within him forces him to stop and urges him to get the pearl, why he didn’t know but he complied, he walked up to the case that the pearl was kept in and tried to put his hand through it but couldn’t!!! Realizing that there is an anti-magic barrier pulled one of the knives from his cloak and began to cut a hole in the case so he could get it. Then did the same thing for the gem, looking at the final case he decided that he might as well take it all and grabbed the ring right at that moment one of the guards entered the vault and saw him take the ring and called for help before charging Drake, he just smiles knowing what will happen next. The guard slashes at Drake with all his might and goes right through Drake laughs at the guard’s stupidity, he hears another guard approach the entrance drake smile widens in happiness

“Whoa 2 for the price of one” Drake says in a laugh and throws 2 of his knives into the guard’s throats, the guards die instantly and goes and reclaims his knives, then leaves the way he came. On his way back to the tavern he resides in, he gets attacked, and gets a sword sliced through his back, through his heart his eyes open wide in shock and looked down at the sword protruding from his chest the blade is violently ripped from his chest and falls to the ground.

11-28-06, 12:46 PM
“Ha, looser, always keep an eye on your back fool.” he laugh’s, “you are such a fool believing that the gem is only worth 10,000 gold, it’s worth MILLIONS! Fool he doesn’t even have the cash to pay 5,000 gold he tricked you, you FOOL!” he starts laughing louder, “and now you are dead!”
He leans down and puts his hands into drakes pockets to look for the gem he checks them all but couldn’t find it, his eyes open wide in surprise, “what the? Where is it?”

“It’s safe.” Drake responds as he stabbed the mysterious assailant in the neck, “you armature” drake says, “you always check the pulse to confirm the kill. And I always new you where behind me, and you aren’t that stealthy, and by the way, don’t try to assassinate a shadow master while in shadow meld.”

Drake walks away while the assassin slowly bleeds his life’s juices onto the ground.

Drake wakes a while later in his bed in the tavern. He heads down to the common room for some breakfast when the tavern owner approached him.

11-28-06, 12:47 PM
“Did you hear, there was a theft last night and 2 guards where found dead and one of the thief’s where found dead? The thief’s must have gotten into an argument about the gem after stealing it!”
Drake knowing what truly happened decided that it would be best to play it cool so he responded like he knew nothing

“Oh my god! I never expected that to happen in a town as peaceful as this one!”

“Neither did I but it happened!” he pauses for a second while he thought, “I wonder what would be so precious that they would kill for it?”

“Well I guess we’ll never know, he’s probably miles away by now.”

“Yah I guess your right.”

Drake eats his breakfast pays his dues and heads for the pier.

11-28-06, 12:47 PM
At one when Drake reached the pier a guard stopped him and ordered him to show him what was on him.

“No, why should I!”

“Because I told you to!” the guard ordered.

“Get lost and let me through!”
Right before the fists started to fly, the captain of the guards came over and explained the situation.

“Sorry for the inconvenience sir but something was stolen last night and a few people where found dead so where searching all the people coming and going in the harbor.”

“Oh ok that explains all this. I thought this was just a fool thing to look in my possessions.”

“That’s ok sir he’s new.”

“Ok then you can look”

Drake opens his backpack and they look in they find nothing. He knew they would because the items they where looking for where hidden in his realm, the realm of shadows.

Drake smiles kindly at the guard and steps on one of the nearby boats.

11-28-06, 12:48 PM
A few hours later drake arrives on the mainland.

“Now time to have a little revenge on the man who tried to have me killed.”
drake says evilly, then laughs.
Drake heads for the arranged meeting place.
Once there he sees the man who hired him standing there impatiently.
Drake smiles, on the way here he had devised a way to have some fun on this kill, he planed to slightly alter his body to make him look more like the hired assassin and approaches.

“Ah what took you so long?”

“Sorry ran into some trouble on the pier”

“Well is the job done?”

“Without a hitch”

“Beautiful, so where is it?”

“Its safe” under his breath says, “unlike you.”

“What did you just say?” looks closely at drakes face and sees the truth, “oh shoot”

Drake laughs, “now time for you to die” and slits the man’s throat.

Drake ransacks the man’s belongings and finds 500 in gold in the man’s pocket, and takes it.

“Fool never try to kill a demon assassin.” And walks away

11-28-06, 12:49 PM
Later while Drake is relaxing one of the demons in side him presents himself before drake in his mind.

“Drake you must learn how to use a new weapon you have within you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The black pearl you grabbed is a weapon of great power.”

“A pearl?”

“Yes it is more than it seems, it has the power to become a weapon that matches you perfectly, it is stronger, sharper, and far more dangerous than any normal blade because it is an ancient item made by no more than 5 of the most powerful mages who ever existed.”
That peaked Drakes interest.

12-13-06, 11:51 AM
“Drake I will teach you how to use that item of power.”
Drake just smiles.

“To summon the blades you must focus on the pearl and don’t resist the strange feeling that occurs when you summon it. The power of the pearl will make you invincible.”

Drake laughs “I must say that I like the sound of that.” He says as he leaves the tavern.

Drake headed for a nearby forest, the forest was just a normal forest with evergreens and spruces all around, so he begins to practice what he was told to do, but it was a lot harder than he expected, the weird feelings he gets is way to weird and keeps breaking his concentration. After three days straight of practicing he was finally able to summon the pearl, it came out as twin blades.

“Twin blades? I don’t know how to use twin blades.”

“That is the weapon best suited to you, the pearl can tell what would be best for you.”

“I guess.”

12-13-06, 12:00 PM
It takes drake three months of practice to be able to summon them continuously.

“Next is the ring that you got.”

“The ring?”

“Yes, it is an item of extreme power and you should never use it.”

“Why, if it is anywhere near as powerful as that pearl then it would be a great help.”

“Its more powerful but to use it would be to sacrifice your soul.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“To use the ring it needs a sacrifice donated by the user, their soul, only an extremely powerful mage or demon can use it without loosing their mind and soul, and you are neither.”

“What about the gem? Do you know anything about it?”

“A lot, and none of it good.”

“If it is anything like the ring then don’t tell me.”

12-15-06, 11:30 AM
“Now time to try my blades out.”

Drake had heard about a tournament on the island. It was a small tournament that was just for beginners, but the tournament was to the death.

Drake headed back to the island.

On the Island he saw a sign that stated that the tournament was tomorrow.


So he booked it to the place specified on the sign on where the tournament was.

Drake made it just before signups ended.

“So can I enter?”

The clerk thinks for a moment.

“Yes and the entrance fee is 200 gold.”

“That’s fine.” And pays the man.

The next day the tournament started, there where going to be 5 rounds and an extra round if the winner decides to continue. Each round was going to be worth 100 gold, and the final one worth 1,000 gold.

“The first round will be Drake vs. Anen. You have 1 hour to prepare for the fight.” The announcer says.

Drake sits and waits for his battle.

12-15-06, 11:57 AM
The arena was fairly small but well made. There where a few obstacles and bumps.

Drake watches as his opponent draws his blade, a long sword.

The man smiles.

“Where’s your weapon?” he taunts.

Drake laughs.

“Here they are!” and summons his blades, “Now die!” And charges.

The man was surprised by the sudden appearance of his blades, but was able to quickly get over the initial surprise, and was able to block the sweeping slash at his head. The attack had such power that it launched the man backwards.

He stands back up and goes for a stab in his gut but Drake easily dodged it.

Drake goes for a hamstring with his blade and just gets him. The man falls to the ground.

“Die.” And stabs him through the throat.

“We have our first winner!” the announcer says.

12-15-06, 12:50 PM
The next round wasn’t very eventful, just 2 average fighters.

The first one had a great sword and the other a long sword and shield.

The one with a great sword did a sweeping attack at the other and just nicked the others leg.

The other one did a quick stab at the others gut and got a fair hit.

The others great sword scores a great hit and nearly takes his shield arm off.

The last good arm of the man with the long sword makes a last effort at a instant kill but fails horribly and gets impaled on the great sword.

“Match over.” the announcer says.

The next match was an ogre against an archer.

The match lasted 20 seconds but the cleanup lasted an hour.

All the ogre did washe used his great club, and crushed him with one mighty blow.

The next match was a half ling rogue against a duel wielding long swordsman

The duel wielder couldn’t hit the rogue because the rogue was just to fast for him.

The rogue waited for his opening and struck. The strike was a telling blow, he got the duel wielder in the back of the neck. The fight was over.