View Full Version : Question time.

11-22-06, 12:50 PM
I was wondering, since Althanas has liquid time. Has any one used that in a quest where they start a few posts in one realm and then take the story in two completely different ways like moving to two different realms with a sort of same storyline and just posted a link in the last post of the first realm showing the tear in time?

To make that a little more clear to understand...

I am debating on if I should do this in a quest because it can really go two ways.

I am starting in Salvar in a village on the northeast side where I am about to buy passage from a boat to Scara Brae but I am also about to start another quest that is in the same region of Salvar that is a different storyline but will probably start the same way. So if I break my story in half and have one link going to Scara Brae and continuing on my main quest and have another link going to a nearby region of Salvar from the same point then first is that allowed, and second will it effect my scores for the two quests or will it be counted as one quest?

11-23-06, 12:36 PM
Well, most people (and even mods who did not follow your story from the beginning) would not have noticed the split in reality, but I would recommend that you don't try that too often or you might end up confusing your character's storyline in the end. Split reality can really give you a pretty big headache.

Think of this world and the role-playing as if you are one person, making different choices in life. Choosing one will definitely cause you to lose another opportunity that occurs at the same time.

However, that is where Liquid Time comes in handy. You could say you returned to Salvar some times later after returning from Scara Brae. Or, in your character's contnuity, finish the village quest first before heading off to Scara Brae at a later IC time.

You can have both going at the same time, just make sure you work out your character's personal timeline before deciding. That is my suggestion to you. :)

11-23-06, 01:51 PM
Yeah, I agree. ICly this can be a big hassle. However, I think what she's asking is would such a thing be penalized if she decided to do so. And I have to admit that I don't have a definite answer to that question. Writing alternative storylines isn't exactly something we have explicitly covered in our rules becuase I don't remember anybody ever doing it. So uhm... I don't know. Why would you want to do that anyways? Just to try out another branch of story or something?

11-24-06, 11:41 AM
Teehee yeah I just like being a pain and trying new things heh thanks guys for the help I guess I'm going to go ahead and just do one then the other so my story doesn't split in the middle but you bet your butty I'll try it sometime when I have more time heh love ya all