View Full Version : The Chronicle - January 25th 2017

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
01-25-17, 02:39 PM

26th January, 2017

The Adventurer's Crown 2017

The polls are now closed in our first ever public vote on Althanas's semi-annual tournament and you, the members, have chosen the famous Adventurer's Crown to be the featured tournament!

Unknown ships have been sighted near the southern coastline of Corone. They fly a flag not associated with any known country or group. Various types of ships have been identified ranging from freighters to fully armed frigates, but no one can recognize their exotic make or origin. To date, no ship has made land. Leaders of the major coastal cities, including Serenti, Gisela and Akashima, are uneasy and have sent for experts to gather what information they can on these unknown vessels. Where do they come from? What do they want? Are they friendly or hostile? The answers to these mysteries could be world shaking.

Registration for Althanas's biggest annual quest opens on January 28th, 2017 at 3pm EST and you can find the registration thread here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?31836-Adventurer-s-Crown-Registration). Participating in the tournament costs 5 AP. The AP will be deducted at the start date of the tournament, so if you’re running low be sure to comment on a few workshops because you won't want to miss this! Make sure to read up on the quest rules before you start here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?31835-Adventurer-s-Crown-Rules-and-Regulations), and good luck to all participants!

The Althies 2017: Winners

The votes are in, the victors have been decided and now Althanas staff are proud to officially announce the winners of the 2016/17 Althies awards for various contributions to the site over the last year (in no particular order)!

Best in-character rivalry: Madison Freebird and Lye Ulroch
Best in-character partners: Storm Veritas and Shinsou Vaan Osiris
Hottest in-character romance: Vincent and Rayleigh
Hardest working staff member: Shinsou Vaan Osiris
Most helpful and friendly mod: Shinsou Vaan Osiris
Best quester: Storm Veritas
Best judge: Rayleigh
Best heroine: Rayleigh
Best hero: John Cromwell and Vincent, tied
Best villian: Lye Ulroch
Most original character: Fenn
Best quest of 2016:A Game of Shadows (w/ Storm Veritas and Shinsou Vaan Osiris)
Best in-character odd couple: Amari and Fenn
Mrs. Althanas: Rayleigh
Mr. Althanas: Shinsou Vaan Osiris
Most improved: Redford
Best comeback: Leoric
Best Max Dirks: Top Dirks (pending vote rigging investigation)
Fastest responder: Mari
Best contributor: SirArtemis
Best brawler: Redford
Best newbie: Fenn
Friendliest member: Elthas Belthasar (a.k.a Mutent Lorenor)
Most missed oldbie: Silence Sei
Best battle: The Outlaw Torn (w/ Shinsou Vaan Osiris and Redford)
Best LCC battle: The Final (w/ Storm Veritas / Rayse Valentino and Hysteria / Revenant)
Member of the year: SirArtemis and Fenn, tied
Moderator of the year: Shinsou Vaan Osiris

Thank you all for your votes and participation in Althanas's most prestigious awards ceremony! Those who have won awards have each received 5 AP for each Althy won and an Althie badge to mark your achievement! Congratulations!

New Staff

Finally we'd like to thank all our members for submitting applications in the recent recruitment drive. Following this, the Althanas team are delighted to welcome Breaker, FennWenn and Kryos to staff. We are sure that they will all contribute massively to an already awesome team and help to keep Althanas ticking over nicely!