View Full Version : Thanksgiving

11-22-06, 10:41 PM
Yeah, not sure what to say besides a few questions.

-Favorite part of Thanksgiving? (Family, friends, etc.)

-Favorite food you eat during the feast?

-What are you thankful for? (sounds a tad lame)

-Any guilt celebrating Thanksgiving? (I'm sure Americans know why.)

Discuss people.

11-22-06, 10:51 PM
I say nuts to your silly Thanksgiving antics! NUTS!!!


Yeah, we have Thanksgiving on a different date here and we don't make such a fuss about it.

The Madd Hatter
11-22-06, 10:52 PM
I don't have thanksgiving, we just give thanks for being off work and school and eat seafood like we normally do. ^^

11-23-06, 12:25 AM
i'm having thanksgiving. it's a pretty big thing in my family. we have about 15 people that all go over to the designated party-thrower-for-that-holiday's house and eat a ton of food. oh, and i guess my favorite food is...everything. good times ;) :D

11-23-06, 05:37 AM
Favorite part: Food. Sorry, it'd sound nicer if I said visiting family, but I'm just too honest for that. The food is my favorite part.

Favorite food: Pumpkin pie, with whipped cream. *drool*

What I'm thankful for: Althanas. :D

Guilt: Nope. Not me. As far as I'm aware, at the time of the first Thanksgiving everyone was getting along famously, and that's the spirit we're celebrating now, not all that other ugliness that came later.

11-23-06, 06:33 AM
Thanksgiving day in my family comes as often as a few days in succession. Therefore, I can't say that I'll be celebrating anything more than a very very big UNiversity Sport Day, a Book Fair (with books in English! Thank the Stars!) and bringing my NaNo novel to the final stretch.

That's what I'm thankful for, even if there is no special food.


Food? Pumpkin pie with whipped cream... I would love some of that loveliness right now... for under a week's worth of pay doing manual labor... *drools while he cries silently to himself* ...So expensive...

11-23-06, 06:52 AM
im going to agree with alearto on most things

Favorite part: food. I'm an aspiring food conneissuer and i just like food that much

Favorite turkey-day food: Mashed Potatoes with giblet gravy....mmmm....potato....

I am thankful for: Althanas...definently.

Guilt: I'm a cold, uncaring, soulless person....so no guilt here:cool:

11-25-06, 09:06 AM
I had thanksgiving up in the woods where my dad and uncle live. There is a log cabin up there and from a distance it would remind you of the little house on the prairie scene. you know, log cabin, big porch, smoke coming from the chimney, little kids running around...

oh and pumpkin pie is amazing. absolutely great.

yeah but we ate a ton of food then the rest of my family went hunting..

then I headed back to the city life :D