View Full Version : ~Zhu, The Pig.~ (Crystal Sword Attempt)

02-02-17, 12:34 PM
(I'm gonna wing this so let me know if I need to change anything.)

The plaguelands were infested with the Walkers and other horrors.

But deep within the Twilight Mountains there lurked a prize for an old warrior.

It started at first, very casually, with dreams. Dreams of a spirit that resembled The Blood God...but was much less sinister. Lexxum considered the origins of this journey deep into the wild lands of Raiaera, the kingdom of the Dwarves. War was brewing. And all he could think about was the spirit that called him on a pilgrimage, him, the most unlikely to wield a weapon of such power. Long ago, Lexxum Vordic aided the Heroes of olde with another threat. That was then, and times were different. Disasters were spawning about the world, perpetrated by dark forces that threatened everything he knew to be true. And the Blood God was pleased.

As a servant of the Blood God, Lexxum thought about the familiar spirit that had summoned him to the olde Dwarven stronghold. His glowing red eyes adjusted to the dimly lit chambers of the Dwarves. There were a few that remained by the time Lexxum arrived. A few of the once majestic and grant Twilight Dwarven folks. Remember that they will not trust me. Lexxum thought calmly as he walked up towards one of the stout, smaller folks. A blacksmith by the looks of him. "I have been summoned." The old warrior told the blacksmith.

"Who send ya?" The Dwarf immediately put his hand on the hilt of his weapon. "Ain't seen one of yer kind before 'round these parts. What do you want?"

Lexxum got right to the point. "Keep your weapon at bay, stout one." Lexxum continued. "I am here to search for Zhu." Lexxum said carefully, hoping the blacksmith would point him in the right direction.

"You're not the first to go on that fool's errand. And I doubt you'll be the last." The Blacksmith said calmly. Lowering his guard for just a moment or two. "Group left about a week ago. Hasn't been heard of since. They were going for the deep mines. Place has been overrun by all manner of creatures."

"Could the weapon I am searching for be in there?" Lexxum asked.

"Don't know. A few have been found, but not all. Some are scattered all around Althanas, but a few, I think are in fact in them deep mines." The Dwarf said.

"Very well, Master Dwarf. I shall begin my search there." Lexxum said and didn't bother waving at the Dwarf as he left...


Sometime later...

Lexxum was born in battle.

As he made his way to the Deep Mines, he did not stop fighting.

The mines were overrun with monsters that were native to the Twilight Mountains.

And it was Lexxum's purpose to appease the Blood God.

Lexxum Vordic fought his way through the cavernous reaches of the Deep Mine The creatures that Lexxum killed were mostly beasts that lived within the Deep Mines. He was searching for the crystal sword that housed Zhu, the Pig. So far, he'd been fighting for several hours throughout the mine. Lexxum was trained for persistent combat and would not tire of it. His claws were already caked with the blood of monsters as he made his way through the structure of the Deep Mine. Unsure of where to go, Lexxum fought quickly and moved deeper within the Twilight Mountains.

As he cut monsters down, the lumbering giant wa in a heightened state of alertness. His eyes darted back and forth as he scanned each tunnel and chamber he found. I need a clue here. Something that I have not seen yet. These grunt monsters are not what I am looking for... Lexxum thought to himself as he cut down several more creatures. He was making his way through the mining track section of the Deep Mine. There were old carts present that had stores of coal and other ore in them. Lexxum pondered taking some samples for his own purposes, but he decided against that...perhaps another time.

The dimly lit tunnels winded downward endlessly into the earth.

The air was cold and Lexxum did not like that. A few old lanterns were present that were still lit with magics. Lexxum snatched one of those items and attached it to his armored belt. The light was warm and comforted the veteran warrior in his hour of need. He narrowed his eyes and as he took a couple more steps forward, it happened.

Lexxum's mind cleared and his vision faded away. Sometimes, the Blood God offered visions to his followers. And the visions Lexxum had been following guided him towards the location of Zhu the Pig. Lexxum found himself in a chamber within the Deep Mines, and heard a deep breath in the chamber. Ahead, there was a massive creature within the chamber he was looking for. That is my target it guards Zhu. In the distance, behind the monster, lurked Zhu housed in a crystal sword.

Lexxum could see the glowing weapon in the darkest reaches of the chamber.

It was not much to go on, but at least he had a location. I am close now. Lexxum thought to himself and prepared to make his way to where he needed to be.

Zhu awaited.