View Full Version : Bow to me

02-23-17, 01:20 PM
I need a massive hardwood bow, thick arms built for massive strength. The bow is designed to bend only with extreme stress, therefore a strength of upwards of 8x is required to use it. Since this massive strength input is required, the bow has incredible piercing power, and can go through quite a bit of armor, or people if they are unarmored. This is provided that the arrows are made of sufficiently strong material.

Sorry for the complexity of this quote, but I'd like a quote for up to liviol wood for this, as it'll need to be quite stronk.

John needs to fite people from far away.

Also quote for arrows up to liviol, sized for this massive bow, with Dehlar or Titanium arrowheads.

EDIT: Neglect Liviol, I'll take a quote for oak, Talymer, and Redwood.

The quiver should be sized for 15 arrows, and enchanted such that at the beginning of each day, 15 arrows are in the quiver, no more, no less. The arrows are to be made of cyper or Talymer, with titanium or prevaldia heads.

02-23-17, 06:19 PM
The bow would cost 150 GP for oak, 900 GP for Talymer, and 1500 GP for Redwood. I would definitely recommend one of the second two, as I'd think an oak greatbow (nifty name eh?) might be prone to breaking.

What would you like the quiver itself made from?

02-24-17, 09:47 PM
As per our discussion in chat, you're going with talymer for the bow and quiver. Excellent choice.

Here are the quiver prices (please note that these arrows are sized twice as large as normal arrows)...

With titanium/cyper arrows: 2250 GP

With prevalida/talymer arrows: 2700 GP

Added to the cost of the bow your total price tag would be 3150 or 3600 respectively.

The quiver comes with a stipulation that arrows from it can never be sold back to the bazaar.

02-24-17, 09:55 PM
I doubt I'll need some serious prevaldia punching power, ever really. Let's do it.

02-24-17, 09:59 PM
redford purchases the talymer greatbow with a talymer enchanted quiver and its 15 titanium arrows.

redford pays 3150 GP

The quiver should be sized for 15 arrows, and enchanted such that at the beginning of each day, 15 arrows are in the quiver, no more, no less.
Added stipulation that arrows from quiver may not be sold back to bazaar.