View Full Version : Connections to the Past

02-26-17, 09:49 AM

Centuries ago, a small town was nestled within the rich and fertile lands of Corone on the outskirts of Concordia Forest. It's people were prosperous and healthy, their crops always yielding more than enough food for the townsfolk. There was something odd about this town however... despite being on the edge of a forest attacks from beasts and the like were practically unheard of. Travellers who would visit the town rarely left, and if they did they'd leave with a foggy mind and could never remember exactly what happened during their stay in the village.

Rumour has it that a powerful goddess watched over the village, other rumours said it was a demon.

Those who do visit the village always say how lovely, kind and considerate the village folk are; but something insidious lies within the peaceful walls...

Set approximately 300 Years ago from current events

02-28-17, 02:54 PM
(Notes: ~Level 0~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22219-Oath-of-the-Blade-(0)) and ~Level 1~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25388-Oath-of-the-Blade-(-1-)) thank you for understanding, I am using a somewhat varied version of the original version of Elthas for this project BEFORE he saved Seth Terrentius. Thank you)

~300 Years ago...~


He was in a half slumber as he studied for the Elders of his village.

He studied and worked hard those days...but his mind oft wandered whilst he studied and dreamed of adventure, of romance of the finer things in life.

The ways of his people fascinated him...but not as much as the ways of the Humes. The old word for the Humans of Althanas in the tongue of his people. His Father, Halm Belthasar, had become a Hero of his people. Elthas's Father, Halm Belthasar had become a legend. The current Elder of his village, Andraeth Bellphagor was becoming old for his time. The Elder Tree, which was one of many such trees guardian Ruild, prospered.

Elthas, the son of Halm Belthasar, heard his name being called once more.

It was three thirty in the morning and Elthas had not slept...only was in a state of The Dreaming.

He'd been studying for twelve hours straight prior to the current state he'd found himself in.

Elthas... There was the voice again.

Elthas blinked again for a moment or two and rose from his slumber...

He saw his Father, Halm Belthasar alongside one of the more prominent members of Ruild society...Xu Bellaparte. The two had become friends long since prior for some previous endeavor that Halm never spoke about. Elthas oft wondered how deep the connection between Belthasar and Bellaparte House went.

"I must have fallen asleep." Elthas admitted to his Father.

"How long were you studying?" Xu asked of one of the most prodigal sons of the Ruild town.

"I don't quite remember, but since some point yesterday afternoon." Elthas said carefully. He did not like to disrespect the Elders of his township.

"My son is one of the hardest working students...too bad his diligence isn't the same with the mystic Arts." Halm Belthasar said calmly.

Elthas wiped the sleep from his eyes. "I am trying, Father." Elthas smiled at his Father...the most important person to him in the whole world.

"Halm, aren't you being too hard on the boy? He is working hard to keep his studies up." Xu said.

Halm chuckled. "I am jesting my old friend." Halm looked at his son. "Get dressed, Elthas. Me and Xu have a job for you and a friend." Halm Belthasar said calmly.

Elthas nodded...


An hour later, the son of Halm Belthasar was ready and looking at his Father in their ancestral tree house.

"You said you had a job for me?" Elthas asked.

"Nothing too extravagant, but I want you to go to a Hume village relatively near here. And deliver a parcel to that town's Mayor." Halm said calmly. "I know how much Hume culture fascinates you."

"You want me to see the Humes...?" Elthas could not help but show his excitement.

"You have the most understanding of their culture and ways. I'd go myself...the Mayor of that town is an old friend of mine." Halm paused for a moment. "But I am being called away to handle a situation elsewhere." Halm said calmly.

"How long will you be gone for this time, Father?" Elthas was a little disappointed that his Father was travelling once more. He is not taking me with him...this must be something important...

"I am not certain but at least a few months. Take care of this parcel as soon as you are able to and watch after the town for me while I am gone. You have the makings of a Hero, Elthas. I want you to make me proud and always remember...Honour the Old Alliances."

Elthas and his Father hugged and the Parcel exchanged hands...Elthas would see the parcel delivered safely to it's destination.

03-14-17, 04:19 AM
A woman sat in the center of a large, high ceiling dome shaped temple. The interior was simple. Arch shaped windows doted the white walls, between each window sat a single gas lantern which burned with an ethereal blue flame. Glowing yellow chains connected from the walls to center podium, donning the glowing girl with chains, keeping her in place. She was a prisoner of the temple, but she didn't appear to mind.

She wore strange vestments covered in circular glyphs, her red hair cascaded down her back in shifting waves as though she were sitting within a gentle current. Her eyes held the same glorious golden glow that clung to her body, containing no whites or black irises, it was all the one shimmering colour.

*slowly working on this post, net crapped out and lost it all so have to type it all up again

03-26-17, 12:51 PM
(OOC Note: Tiff I get you're busy so I'm pulling out of this project at least for the time being. Whenever you want to attempt to rp again let me know!!! ~Pav)