View Full Version : The Moon Blushes (Mature)

03-15-17, 07:04 PM
This thread contains mature themes and sexual smutty smut smut smut. Reader discretion is strongly advised.

The crowd surrounding the slack-roped ring hummed with an electric current. The sea of sun darkened faces stretched back perhaps ten yards in every direction around the raised platform. Folk pushed and shoved for a better vantage point, or paid one another for wagers preceding the bout. The elevated ring was the only fighting venue in the Outlander’s Quarter, and it boasted a healthy turnout for its latest event.

The house favorite “Sand Dragon” was set to face off against a newcomer, an outlander called “The Granite Phantom.” The Dragon wore a full leather facemask designed to depict the visage of a fire breathing lizard. He was tall and long of limb, thickly muscled and dangerously mobile.

The Phantom on the other hand stood ominously still, watching his opponent bounce around in the opposite corner.

Joshua “Breaker” Cronen leaned back against the ropes, gauging their spring and studying his opponent. A warm breeze blew in off the rocks, ruffling his short brown hair and teasing the ends of the red belt he wore over his white pants. His only mask was the Y-shaped scars on his cheeks.

A gong sounded, signalling the fight to begin. The combatants came out of their corners and circled one another warily, looking for obvious advantages. The Sand Dragon made a few fakes and feints and then dove for the Phantom’s ankle, attempting to apply a Bandesh-based joint lock.

Breaker stepped over the assault and cinched his arms around the dragon’s waist from behind. He suplexed the Fallieni competitor up and over his head, slamming the muscular man down to the ring. The two separated and circled anew.

They fought for several long minutes, exchanging holds and blows, but the Phantom always seemed to get the upper hand, and to a canny observer it would be clear he carried his competitor.

As the battle drew to a climax with the combatants locked in the middle of the ring, the watchers screamed frantically for their favored fighter to emerge victorious. The ring shook with the stomping of their feet.

Breaker pivoted into his opponent and tossed the Sand Dragon over his shoulder, securing a sleeper hold and squeezing the Fallieni warrior unconscious. The cheers and howls alike grew overwhelming as the Granite Phantom stood tall and raised his arms in victory. Josh climbed out of the ring and moved through the crowd. Some folk reached out to pat him on the back while others cursed at him, depending on whether they’d won or lost money. The prizefighter collected his winnings and then found a seat on some tall rocks behind the rest of the crowd.

Another fight would be starting soon, but in the meantime the organizers had arranged for some other entertainment. Raucous whistles and catcalls filled the night as a single lithe dancer climbed into the center of the ring. Two drummers played large skinned instruments ringside, and on the raised platform the performance began.

04-03-17, 11:16 PM
The drums beat heavily like a second heartbeat giving life to the dry land. The dancer that was to entertain the crowd while the second round of fighters prepared was a succubus by the name of Leila.

At first the woman simply stood in the middle of the ring, the vibration of the drums tickling her feet. Black shire fabric was all the girl wore for clothing, it covered her body well but did little to hide the fine curvature of her body. Dark moon lilies were stitched into the fabric skillfully. Another piece of fabric draped over her face, shielding her beauty from the crowd.

A hand peaked out from the clothing, a sun-kissed hand that had gold bracelets and chains decorating it. It moved fluidly, like a part of an ocean and soon a second hand joined it. Moving in sync like when the ocean pushes and pulls at the rocky shore. The audience grew with anticipation, the young succubus drank in the attention she was receiving from all.

The cloth that draped over her face dropped to the ground, landing in a pool of black around her feet. Leila was an unnatural kind of beauty. Her golden-white locks cascaded down her back in stunning contrast to her milk chocolate complexion. The crowd howled like animals when they laid eyes on her.

Her hips began to roll against the rhythum of the music, tossing her head back as her locks billowed in the breeze. She began to lose herself in the music, twirling and spinning. The drums suddenly stopped just as she did at the same moment. Her milky chocolate skin now glistened with sweat, shimmering off the sunlight. The shire fabric clung to her body now, it barely covered her ample breast, her waist and her round ass.

As she exited the ring many tried to grab at her body the piece of fabric that had covered her face flew into her hands. The hands being slapped away from the fine piece of clothing, most hissed in pain others gasped in shock. Leila gifted all of them with a coy smirk and a playful wink.

The crowded parted for her as she made her way back to the makeshift bar. As she sat down a bar men quickly came to take her order. “Sparkling mulberry wine,” her tone was sultry and her tongue caressed every word carefully before leaving her mouth. She waved her hand dismissing the man that gawked at her, mouth hung open and collecting a bit of drool.

04-04-17, 12:12 AM
Breaker smiled at the way the dancer moved, leaning back on the rocks and bathing in moonlight. He could feel Suravani’s great silver eye watching him. He had met with the MIstress of the Moon shortly after coming to Fallien, having been asked to win her favour by Am’aleh, Mistress of the Sea. Suravani had asked him to prove his devotion, and set him on a path through the many prizefighting establishments across Fallien. Most of them were little more than pits dug in the ground, but the Outlander’s Quarter had an element of Coronian class to it.

The chocolate dancer flowed through the crowd to the makeshift bar, little more than a board set across two barrels. They had good drinks though, by all appearances.

Breaker stretched like a cat, feeling restless. The fight had barely scratched the surface of his endless endurance. It felt like a warm up for something greater, and the greatest thing around appeared the be the sun-kissed dancer. She shimmered in the moonlight like a shadow overcoming its shyness.

Perhaps she is part of Suravani’s challenge, Breaker told himself, or perhaps she is Suravani herself, come to me in disguise. In either case… I must have her.

Josh stood up and moved deliberately through the crowd, like a leopard stalking a gazelle. There was an insistence to his gait, and yet no haste. Silver light illuminated the elegant patterns of scars on his chest, arms and back. The Y-shaped scars on his face all but glowed as an easy smile lit his handsome face. Sand crunched beneath his black metal boots as he moved to the bar and ordered Alerian scotch.

The dancer could not help but notice him. Everyone noted his presence after the beating he had put on their hometown hero. He waited patiently until their eyes met naturally, and let his smile deepen until dimples formed beneath the scars on his cheeks.

“They say the way the Glasswalkers move through the Blight becomes the most beautiful dance this world has ever seen. I have watched them harvesting glass from the back of a swooping griffin, and I say… that moment was only half so beautiful as the performance you just gave.” He sipped his drink, “I’m Josh, by the way.”

The young dancer gifted him with a smile, “Leila,” her name slipped off her tongue like a petal off of a dying flower.

Breaker chuckled. His grasp of the Fallieni tongue had come a long way since his arrival via portal about a month prior. He let his eyes touch the woman’s golden locks and caress her graceful cheekbones, drinking in her beauty. Suravani’s temptations had left him hungry… and it had been some time since he’d had a bite to eat.

“Leila,” he said, reaching out a callused hand to touch her elbow, and led her away from the bar. The blonde raised a slender eyebrow but walked with him, her hair floating behind her and shimmering in the moonlight. “Leila, where did you learn to dance like that?” Each time he said her name the enjoyment hung heavy in his tone.

04-04-17, 01:34 PM
Leila watched the daring man, his smooth words caressed her ear like a lover’s hand caressed her body. She had heard stories of the prized fighter from another land easily knocking out his competition. “The water, the land, anything really.” the purple blue swirling orbs that were her eyes lit up with excitement.

“A woman’s body is like poetry, just depends on the person that’s watching and how they read it.”

The young succubus put the glass to her lips, letting the sparkling mulberry wine dance on her tongue before swallowing. Her tongue traced over her lips a little too slow and sensual for a human woman but then again Leila was no human.

“I enjoy poetry,” Josh said, “especially the kind with curves and contours.” He led the dancer away from the crowds of the fighting ring, along the cliffs that led back to the quarter’s main settlement.

Her laughter rang out like bells as she shook her head at the man’s lines. Some tendrils of her locks grazed against his muscular forearm. “Do you always do this, lead woman astray from the crowd and use smooth lines?” She raised a slender brow wondering what line he would use to get out of this question or face it head on like many opponents he had in the ring.

“Astray? I should hardly think so. That crowd was no place for a lady. I’m leading you back to the best inn this quarter can boast, where I’m sure you’ll be much more comfortable.”

“Oh then I should thank you out of the bottom of my heart for your kind, caring nature?” She quipped.

“If you’re feeling particularly thankful,” he shot back with a wink.

“Well in that case, lead the way Josh.” She said looping her arm through his own.

They walked quietly for a few moments, both not minding the silence. Each stole small glances from the other, she of his beautifully sculpted chest and he of her’s. As the moments passed the glances turned more into staring eyes, both heading farther south on the others body. The tension rising with each step they took.

Her clothes left little to the imagination yet one could wonder, when grasping her perfectly round breast are they firm to the touch as they look? Does her skin taste like the sweet candy that it mirrored? Is the curvature of her waist as fluidly flowing as the open sea?

04-04-17, 01:35 PM
Josh could scarcely keep his eyes off of Leila. Every movement the woman made was like a dance, every word she spoke soft accompanying music. She walked with a roll and flick to her hips that kept her full brown breasts jostling around within the confines of her top. Only when they arrived at the inn did he realize that they’d brought the glasses from the ringside bar with them.

Oh well, Breaker thought, if there’s one thing the Fallieni aren’t short on, it’s glass. They detoured to the inn’s busy bar long enough to freshen their drinks and then made their way to a table at the back of the common room.

The inn was set in an old stone building, its walls shorn up in places by wooden scaffolding. Josh had a room on the second floor, the ceiling of which was a mere canvas tarp that could be rolled back to let in the moonlight. The common room had an almost Coronian feel to it, though. Fallieni folk and outlanders mingled around the bar and the heavy oaken tables, some jesting while others were locked in serious conversations. Ignoring the buzz of the many voices, Josh allowed his hazel eyes to meet Leila’s bluish-purple ones.

“I have met the gaze of goddesses and queens,” he commented, “but never have I seen eyes as captivating as yours.”

The young succubus hummed in approval, batting her long lashes flirtatiously. “Not many do.”

The demigod allowed his eyes to slide greedily over the girl’s body before returning to her gaze. “Where in Fallien do you hail from?” He asked, “and what brings you to the Outlander’s Quarter?”

“I wander here and there, I follow wherever the wind takes me.” She winked at him playfully.

Josh smiled around a sip of fine scotch. “I can certainly appreciate that,” he said, “I’ve been following my whimsy from one prizefight to the next. Of course, most of them take place in sandy pits. It was a nice change of pace to do battle in a proper ring.”

The young golden-white hair girl nodded her had a small mischievous glint in her captivating eyes. “My ring usually consists of a bed, though I can be very creative.” Her laugh was melodic filling the small area around them.

Josh chuckled along with her and then edged closer. He touched her face and tucked a blonde lock behind her ear, and then cupped her chin in his callused palm.

“I have a bed,” he said, “perhaps you’d like to show me some more of your art.”

04-04-17, 01:37 PM
The young succubus purred feeling his touch. A hand fell to his inner thigh tracing patterns. “Or I could just show you what's under my clothing.” She knew what he meant but playing this game of cat and mouse was rather fun for her. Her fingers danced across his inner thigh like a skilled pianist.

Leila’s other hand gripped her glass of sweet red wine. She drained half of the glass with one greedy drink. A small moan of approval with the taste came from her as she liked her lips.

Josh growled softly at her intimate touch, the sound rolling in his throat. “That would be a nice start,” he admitted, “shall I show you to my room? Or have you mind to disrobe in front of all these people?”

She hummed in amusement, her tongue tracing her plush, red tinted lips. Leaning close to his ear, her breath tickling the lobe. “I do love a crowd.” The thought danced around in her mind for a moment. Her pupil dilated with interest, her hand running the length of his chest to his chin. She traced his sharp defined jawline, “but I am feeling rather greedy so maybe we should take this to your room, it may get rough and messy.”

“Everything in Fallien is rough.” Josh quoted the last Fallieni woman he’d lain with. He adjusted himself, took Leila’s hand, and stood. They left their drinks on the table and he led her up the stone steps to a room with a carelessly unlocked door. They spilled inside, hands already grasping at one another. Josh had left the canvas roof rolled back, and the moon’s silver light spilled over them, the dresser, and the double bed.

The small woman gave him a strong shove, as he fell onto the goose feathered bed. “Stay,” the word rolled off her tongue with a powerful command. The silver lighting washed over her dark skin as she bathed in it. “Watch me undress myself,” she purred like a huntress stalking her prey.

Leila let her hand dance down her chest, it rolled over her ample breast, unclasping a metal link that held one of the three buttons in place. “I know what you are Josh, a demigod. Lover to the great sea Goddess herself.” Another button was released, her breast on the verge of spilling from the shire top. “But tonight darling, you are Josh, lover to a succubus. Though I may warn that when we do lay together you may get addicted.”

The last button undone as her perfectly round breast spilled from her top. Her nipples grew hard from the exposure to the cold, crisp air. Her hand started to trail down her flat toned stomach. “Should I stop, priced fighter? Will you take the chance?” A slender eyebrow arched up daringly.

“I live for risk,” he said, “please continue.”

Her hands worked on the knot that held the skirt around her curvy waist. “If you insist.” She dipped her head low in obedience. The movement allowed a few locks of her hair falling in her face. The knot grew smaller with each moment that passed until the only thing holding it up was her hand.

She removed her hand, the shire fabric fell in a black pool around her feet.

04-04-17, 10:59 PM
Breaker’s hazel eyes drank her in like a lost man in the desert finding water. He kicked off his black metal boots and stood, bare feet flat on the coarse floorboards. As his gaze caressed each curve and contour of the succubus’ body, he untied his red cloth belt and draped it over the bed’s headboard.

His muscles rippled in the moonlight as he unlaced the front of his white denim pants. The myriad scars on his chiseled chest resembled abstract artwork that moved and morphed in the silver glow. His callused hands were busy at his waist, and his long, thick cock sprang free, rigidly at attention. He stepped out of the pants and crossed the space between them in two languid strides, a panther on the prowl.

They kissed like two waves meeting at sea, naked bodies pressed together in the shiver-inducing sensation of skin on skin. Her petite hands quested straight for his shaft, rubbing up and down its length with practised familiarity, enjoying the member’s girth.

Breaker moaned and massaged up the back of Leila’s chocolate thighs. His fingers teased between her legs and then scraped wetly up her flat stomach. He squeezed her breasts and twisted her nipples, drawing a gasp from her lips as she pulled back from the kiss, lust heavy in her eyes. His hands tangled in her hair, tightening, tugging at the roots. She closed her eyes and arched her back, enthralled by the mix of pain and pleasure.

“Kneel.” He said the word in her ear like a soldier’s command, yet like a lover’s kiss. Her rich eyes opened defiantly but then softened beneath his steady hazel gaze. With an arched eyebrow and a shimmy of her hips and shoulders the succubus got down on her knees and took him in her mouth, swallowing his girth all the way to the base.

“Yesss,” Josh hissed, thrusting deeper into her throat. The sex demon took all that he could offer, tightening her lips and bobbing her head. Her tongue teased his tip like a drug hitting his brain, waves of pleasure rolling throughout his body. He tightened his grip in her golden locks and took control of her movement, using her mouth to his satisfaction. She relaxed under his pressure, eyes gazing upward as if daring him to do more.

After a moment of furious action Josh pulled back, a long strand of saliva trailing from the tip of his cock. Leila gulped air and licked her lips, leaning forward to taste him again.

“I have lain with Am’aleh of the Sea.” Josh said with a shiver as she licked up his rock-hard length. “And I mean to share Suravani’s bed before I leave Fallien. Perhaps if I show the moon my worth tonight, she will avail herself to me.” He took a deep breath as the succubus’ velvet lips encased his swollen member again.

04-04-17, 11:00 PM
Most succubus’ fed off their victims by draining them while they laid together. Leila was different she fed on the touch, skin to skin contact. Each cell in her being was alive, on fire with desire. She wanted more, more of him.

As her plush lips rolled over his silky throbbing cock, it earned her a growl. Once at the base of his shaft she let her teeth daringly scrap the length of him. The action caught the man by surprise as he thrusted a bit crying out. His hands tangled in her hair tightly as he tried to guide her head.

His cock fell from her lips as he glared at her, a smirk dancing across her saliva traced lips. “I am not a mortal you can control my lover. I am not your Goddess that wishes to please you. I am a succubus Josh and we will fuck with no shame, with so much lust and greed that even the Moon herself will blush.”

Instead of taking his throbbing cock back into her mouth she went lower. Her mouth claiming one of his testicles. Her tongue caressing the soft mound, as she suckled it like a new born baby on a mother’s tit. His cock jumped, rubbing against her cheek, gently grazing her soft flesh against his own.

Her hand started to work on his long member. Stroking it, massaging it and slightly twisting it. Her gaze looking up at the rugged man as his head was tossed back, shire bliss on his face. “Shall I make you beg for me to finish you off?” She grinned as her hands and mouth stopped what they were doing.

“I am far from finished,” he growled, “and demigods do not beg.” His callused hand closed gently around her throat and lifted her to her feet. He bent her over the bed and dropped to his knees behind her, feasting on the dripping folds of her womanhood.

A cry of surprise left her lips as she gripped the bed as his mouth skillfully worked against her wet folds.

04-04-17, 11:01 PM
The cry of surprise and pleasure was music to Breaker’s ears. She tasted like a woman should taste, sweet and tangy all at once. His tongue massaged her inner thighs and trailed over her luscious lips, probing inside her pussy. She moaned and thrust her hips back hard against his face. Josh smiled and teased her with flicks of his tongue, his fingers cherishing the softness of her perfectly rounded ass.

“Take me,” she urged as he ate her, “I want you deep within me. Take me!”

He licked up the lump of her cheek and nipped the pillowy flesh, and then stood and pressed the head of his cock against her moist slit.

“Shall I make you beg?” He asked.

She growled and pushed herself backwards, enshrouding half of his length with her folds. They groaned in tandem and leaned down over her back, maximizing the skin-on-skin contact as he thrust deeper inside of her. She arched her spine, twisting her head around so her tiny teeth could nip at his neck. He gathered two handfuls of her ample breasts and forced the full length of his throbbing cock inside her. A gasp shuddered up and down the length of the succubus’ body as she absorbed him.

There was no gentleness, no process of experimentation. Josh pulled out until just his tip expanded her opening, and then thrust deep inside her once more. The force of the action caused the bed to shift against the wall, and Leila cried out as her fingers tangled in the sheets. Again, he drew out slowly, and again slammed into her, and then again, and again. Her cry became a long drawn out moan, punctuated by sharp breaths. He growled his approval and lifted a hand, bringing his palm stinging down on her right ass cheek.

Smack! The sound of flesh slapping flesh echoed in the stone room, up through the open ceiling for the moon to hear. It mingled with their moans as they separated slightly and Leila rolled over onto her back, hips tilted upward, legs open invitingly.

He plunged between them and inside of her, stifling her latest cry with his lips over her own. They clove together like a key in a lock, and remained still for a moment, the depth of the penetration enthralling them both.

Breaker gathered the succubus’ slender wrists and pinned them above her head in a handful of her hair. He licked a long line from her belly button up between her breasts and over her neck, enjoying the salt of her sweat. As he pinned her to the mattress his hips began bucking again, driving his member in and out of the receptive woman.

04-04-17, 11:02 PM
The succubus was in pure heaven, if such a place was welcoming to her kind. His cock slid easily in and out of her wet folds. Her sweet pink lips gripping around the shaft only for it to slide from her again. Each few moments he was absent from inside her was like pure torture. Like giving a child a piece of gourmet pie to only let them lick the empty fork.

The demigod was indeed gifted in bed but she was a sex demon. Her body was made for this. She easily flipped him, using his own weight to throw him off balance. Leila rolled over so she was on top of him. Slowly she slide herself down his girth, a soft moan tossed her head back. Her locks spilling down her back tickling his inner thighs with her silky tendrils.

“It’s my turn to ride you,” she purred into his ear.

Her lips gripped tightly around the end of his shaft, her walls clenched around him. He groaned, a deep rumbling noise from his chest. At first her hips slowly started to rock back and forth, like riding a slow trotting pony. The motion quickly turned a bouncing motion, the bed moving with her movements. At first Josh’s hands rested on her hips before slowly roaming up her curves. They landed on her breast, kneading the mound of plush flesh, his fingers teasing her already hard nipples.

A moan left her mouth, her nails digging into his beautifully scarred chest. With each twist on her nipple her walls grew tighter. The stimulation from the attention he was giving her nipples drove the sex demon overboard. With the reaction she gave he quickly sat up up his mouth taking her breast inside it.

“Josh,” she cried out his name in surprise.

His tongue cleverly worked on her breast, with each stroke she rode him harder. The headboard began to bounce of the wall behind it as she rode him like a bucking bull. A fire started to grow in her belly. Her walls clenching around his hard shaft, he stopped work on her breast and moaned. Another cry of pleasure filled the room as he gathered a handful of her hair pulling it.

The rough tug only fired her to go faster. They both cried out simultaneously as they both released. She continued to ride through the wave of pleasure that washed over them both. Sweat dripped from them both as she slowly slid off of his cock but not before giving him a brief kiss.

“That was well worth it,” she grinned licking her lips.

04-04-17, 11:02 PM
Josh sat up partway and licked the sweat from the nape of her neck. “I never had any doubts,” he breathed against her chocolate skin. She nestled beneath his arm as he lay back in the bed. They both caught their breath as they lay atop the mussed sheets, enjoying the touch of each other’s skin, electric in the aftermath.

“I never doubted myself. Only you prized fighter.” The succubus teased, her fingertips tracing small patterns across his scarred chest.

“Well I’m glad not to disappoint,” Josh chuckled, flexing the muscles in his chest as her fingers traced them. The succubus giggled and slapped his stomach. Breaker growled and rolled on top of her. He could hear conversations from the common area downstairs, and another couple doing the same as them in the next room. The demigod gathered both of the sun-kissed dancer’s wrists in one hand and pinned them to the pillows above her head. He leaned in close, teasing with a kiss, exploring her deep dark eyes.

“Are you ready for round two?” He asked, eyebrows raised.

“Let's see what you can do,” she challenged him.

With her hands still pinned he caressed the length of her arms, one at a time, patiently. His fingertips found their way to her perfect breasts and kneaded them, lifting the succulent mounds and twisting the stiff nipples. Leila’s moans followed his actions, growing deeper as his hand ventured lower. He massaged his way down her smooth stomach and then licked her armpit as he applied pressure to her mound. The girl shivered and gasped and he kissed her hard on the lips as he slipped two fingers inside her.

Long, luscious legs opened longingly. Josh slid between them as he drew out his dripping fingers. He lifted his hand to tease her lips.

“Will you taste yourself?” He asked, and she did, greedily suckling at his fingers.

With a growl Breaker kissed her hard, tongue questing inside her mouth and tasting her sweet nectar there. He thrust his growing cock inside of her, becoming harder by the moment. They moaned into each others mouths as he built a steady rhythm of driving pleasure deep within her.

He released her wrists and her hands went to his hair, nearly tugging out tufts in ecstasy. She pulled his lips even tighter against hers. His heavy hands slipped down and cupped her perfectly sculpted ass, kneading the delectable muscle in time with his thrusts. He could feel the pinnacle of pleasure building within her body… hear it in the gasp of her breath, taste it in the salt of her sweat. She was perfectly primed and prepared.

Without breaking stride Josh reached a hand down to massage her mound. At first Leila tensed, almost in resistance, but then she welcomed the wave of pleasure. Unbreaking and ever rising, a string of climaxes washed through her. Josh held her tight, deep inside, certain that she could feel the throbbing of blood in the head of his cock.

As the wave waned he tangled a hand in her golden hair and whispered next to her ear.

“Are you able to continue?”

04-04-17, 11:04 PM
The young, sweet succubus grinned. Her hands gripped tightly of his hips. Her dripping folds still sensitive from the climaxes she had just had.

“I have made love for days, I can always continue.”

She gave his small round ass a smack, it caused him to jump, pushing his already bulging cock farther inside her. A small cry spilled from her lips as she slowly rocked her hips back and forth.

The sound of a headboard smacking against the wall rang out. It was the crazy lovesick partners next door. The sound fueled her hunger, her need to make love, to fuck.

She moved out from under him. At first he looked confused until she got on her hands and knees. The prized fighter licked his lips at the scene before him. Her smooth back had two dimples just before the curve of her round, plump ass.

“Come on big boy I need a little animalistic sex in my-”

Before she could even finish the sentence he slide in behind her. “Good boy,” she grinned.

His dick plunged into her waiting folds, a cry of pleasure rang out from them both. Quickly a hand tangled into her hair, pulling the locks back like reigns on a horse buggy. His hips crashed against her plush ass, his cock pumping in and out of her in a fast pace.

Her fingers dug into the sheets, her knuckles clenched so tightly the whites almost matched the color of the sheets. “Is that the best you got,” she gasped in between thrust.

The prized fighter’s free hand gripped one of her bouncing breast. With his now mighty thrust their headboard was crashing into the wall in sync with the other lovers. “Josh,” his name spilled from her lips in a soft plea. The plea was for more, she didn't know of what but she wanted more.

He kneaded at her breast, thrusting his cock deeply into her wet mounds. He took the calling of his name as a sign to continue. His own moan of pleasure mixed with hers. The sound of their love making was such a beautiful symphony of noises.

04-04-17, 11:05 PM
The blend of their bodies, their sweat, and their moans created an intoxicating elixir, a potion of passion that they both supped freely. Josh splayed his hands along the width of her pert ass as he thrust in and out of the succubus’ soft opening. He gripped and kneaded the plush muscle, fucking her ever harder until her moans became animalistic noises.

Strong teeth nipped the nape of her neck as he bent over her, hips still gyrating in time with hers, and bit her gently. The woman sucked a deep pleasurable breath, swimming in a sea of bliss. She arched her back and pushed herself backwards, urging him deeper, harder, faster.

Breaker gave her all she wanted and more, slamming into her, the wet smacking of skin on skin echoing within the little room. He could feel waves of pleasure waxing and waning in his body, could feel his toes beginning to curl and his legs beginning to taughten. He breathed deeply of her scent and built to a crescendo of grunts and groans and succulent sighs.

She reached the breaking point first, and the low guttural sounds from her throat became high pitched gasps, a staccato note punctuating each breath she pulled. She settled low on all fours, riding his rhythm as he slipped in and out of her sodden folds.

Josh drove his cock deep inside her velvet embrace as he finished, growling with ferocity as his hips continued twitching, spilling the liquid of life into her waiting womb. He wrapped his arms around her hips and held her there tightly, fully inside of her, languishing in the moment of pure pleasure.

As the pinpricks of bliss covered his skin they lay together in a pool of silver light, nestled like spoons in a cupboard. Callused hands lazily caressed her plump breasts and firm nipples, tracing patterns along her dark chocolate skin.

“Look,” he said, laying on his back to gaze up at the sky, “you were right. The moon blushes.”

The woman laughed and bit the flesh of his chest, rolling the thick muscle between her teeth.

“I could keep you here forever…” Breaker said, his hands roving down her slender legs. The succubus spurred a desire in him that did not seem to have a limit.

04-04-17, 11:06 PM
“Forever is just something that young children believe in.” Her words weren't meant to be harsh or bitter, but the words were short and constricted getting past her perfect teeth.

Her golden-white locks sprawled across his chest as she laid facing away from him. The sweet, tender touch of his hand rolling over her curves made her relax. A sigh left her lips as she closed her eyes for a moment relishing in the shire bliss of his strong embrace.

“I am sure you will get your audience from the Goddess after our display.” She mused, her lips grazing his strong shoulder muscle.

“I think maybe the goddess has been our audience,” he said, looking up at the moon.

“Then you got what you came for, prized fighter.” She twisted herself so that she faced him. Her bare leg draped over his torso, her soft digits tracing his many scars on his chest. Every so often she nipped at his chest teasing the skin between her teeth and tongue.

“Why do you do the sea goddess bidding? We all have heard the stories of her demigod lackey that she sends on quests.” Her curiosity has gotten the better of her. He seemed like such a different person then the stories she had been told.

“Lackey?” Josh chuckled. “That is not quite the term I would use. I help the goddess pursue her goals, and in return she… makes me more than a mortal man.”

“That is in better term, a lackey. One that does another's bidding for personal gain.” She kissed his chest in different spots. Peppering the scarred skin with the affectionate gestures. “Is it worth it, giving your life to a Goddess? You will never bare children, never have a lover or a wife in fear of the Sea turning against you. I know all too well, Gods and Goddesses are takers not givers.”

For the first time since they had encountered one another a small frown creased her brow. “Don't you wish to have a future, a sense of normalcy. A bunch of little prized fighters running around. A wife in the kitchen with a swollen belly, cooking you dinner. You arguing over if it will be your third boy or finally a small girl. Do you honestly think the Goddess will let you walk away?”

“You believe too strongly in the stories you hear,” Breaker admonished, enjoying the sensation of her lips on his skin. “Am’aleh is not a selfish lover, nor goddess. What she takes in my time she gives back in love and wisdom. I am not inclined towards a house with a kitchen, but children… maybe one day. For all we know, you may bear my child.”

The sex demon hummed at the thought. The frown melting into a small smile. “As lovely as that sounds I don't believe I have the gift to bare children. A God, well a King that thought he was a God became cross with me and took half of my soul. Hence why I don't feed from people when I lay with them, or why I can no longer shift into my demon form.”

She absentmindedly stroked her flat abdomen, “I do believe my children would be stunning creatures. My mother was breathtaking, a different kind of sex demon. Caring and nurturing unlike most I have met.” Shaking her head she looked up at him through long lashes, shrugging.

“Would you be a caring mother?” He asked, kissing her tanned stomach. She closed her eyes, enjoying his lips on such an intimate place. “I would, I have never been loved by men worshiped but never loved. I think that would fuel me to be a caring mother because that is the only person that ever had a gentle hand with me.”

The talk of having children swelled false hope in Leila’s heart. Her hand gently stroking his soft locks as he snuggled closely to her stomach. “I wouldn't get your hopes up love, I am only have a person with only half a soul. I don't think there is a possibility of me gifting you with a child.” She offered him a sad smile.

04-04-17, 11:07 PM
“You never know,” Breaker mused, nuzzling his coarse stubble against her smooth skin, “I have been told I am particularly potent.” He arched his back and stretched, pillowing his head on her ample breasts.

Leila’s laughter filled the room as she played with his hair. “I am certain you have at least five young fighters running around.”

Josh chuckled and lay back on the pillows, tangling a hand in her golden hair. “Perhaps that would not be such a bad thing,” he said. He had never put much thought into having children, but recently the idea kept coming up. “I can only imagine the powers that such children might wield.”

“I am sure they would be fighting before they could walk,” she teased him giving his neck a friendly nip.

Josh chuckled again. “I do have other talents,” the told her, and conjured a ball of ice in the palm of his hand. He ran it along the length of her navel, leaving a cool glistening trail. The sudden chill drew a gasp to the dancer’s lips. “But what do you mean about having half a soul?” He asked, “In all my travels I have never heard of such a thing.”

Leila sighed softly, she had hoped he had overlooked that she had let that bit slip. He gave her a look urging her to spill. “I was a pet to an overly spoiled prince, he was a sex demon like myself but stronger because of his royal genes. He was cruel and mean and I killed him so to punish me his father took half of my soul. It is a punishment worse than death, I am stuck in between being half human half succubus.” Her lips fell into a frown as she looked towards the clouds. “It’s always feeling like you are missing part of yourself, half complete.”

A heavy hand stroked her hair gently. Josh examined the sad beauty; she looked like a raincloud on a summer’s day. “Was the other half of your soul destroyed, or does it remain intact somewhere?”

The dancer chuckled, but the sound held no amusement in it. “Ironically he wears it around his neck, half of it anyway the other half went to his other son. He was the one that had decided they should “spare” my life and divide my soul.”

Breaker cracked his neck, considering the story. His callused fingers caressed the cleft of her jaw. He had been called a hero before… and this was a call to action if he had ever heard one. A succubus dancer whose fragmented soul remained in the clutches of an evil king… it sounded like a bedtime story for children of middling age. A part of him wanted to offer the dancer assistance, but he was already on a mission… to prove himself to Survani, by besting all of the prizefighters in the land.

“Where does this evil king reside?” He asked, merely out of curiosity.

“You ask a lot of questions,” she teased, allowing her finger to trace his sharp jawline. “In Hell, well the dimension of it anyway. I can’t shimmer there anymore, my touch used to make men melt under it now it only gives them a strong pull to me.”

“That must be difficult,” Josh said with a tilt of his head, “never being able to go home. What would you do if you could go there?”

04-04-17, 11:08 PM
“My mother was imprisoned after I was casted out. I would release her if I could. Betting that she was still alive.” She sighed, her hypnotic blue-purple eyes stung with tears, the bridge of her nose tingled. She blinked rapidly, another perk of having half a soul, her human traits pushed forward leaving her open to her emotions.

“You would not reclaim the fragments of your soul?” Breaker asked, a curious eyebrow raised.

“I would rather release my mother, she is the reason I live and the reason they spared me. A noble woman of birth, groveling on the floor to the King was something he enjoyed all too well. I would love to be restored to my full being but I owe my life to my mother, my creator.” Most succubuses didn’t have a connection like Leila and her mother, Simone did.

“Your story is a sorrowful one,” Josh said, “I am moved to offer my assistance. Are you certain you are not Suravani in disguise?”

“I guess you will have to take the chance to find out,” she winked playfully.

“Why would you help me, Josh? Why a sex demon, we share nothing but this bed we lay in.” She couldn’t possibly understand why he would risk his life to help a complete stranger.

“We share this night alone,” Josh admitted, “but perhaps that is enough. Or perhaps not,” he shrugged and leaned close until their noses nearly touched. “If you do not desire my assistance, I will retract the offer.”

“I can’t give you much, not my heart for I don’t know how to love. My time is short but I will find a way to pay you back.” With that she let her hand come around his neck, pulling him closer. Her plush lips grazing his before she claimed his mouth with her’s. The kiss was soft, their mouths moving in sync. She pulled away giving his nose a soft peck as well.

“It may take me some time to discover a way into Haide,” he said, twirling a lock of her hair around a finger, “where can I look for you when I find it?” She looked around the room, “I will stay here, dance in between fights but I will always return to this room.”

“Then it is a good thing you have been made comfortable here,” he said, and pulled her close until their lips met.

04-05-17, 02:34 AM
Name of Thread: The Moon Blushes (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?32003-The-Moon-Blushes-(Mature))
Type of Judgement: No Judgement


Breaker (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?97-Breaker) receives:
1585 EXP
90 GP

sweet-seduction (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?18916-sweet-seduction) receives:
590 EXP
90 GP

"Writing is a lot like sex. At first you do it because you like it. Then you find yourself doing it for a few close friends and people you like. But if you're any good at all...you end up doing it for money." - Unknown.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-12-17, 10:43 AM
All rewards added!