View Full Version : [Closed]~A Haidian in Ettermire...~

03-20-17, 11:05 AM
( This thread is closed to Storm/Shin and any other invited participants. Thank you all for understanding!!! Haidian Saga (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?31926-A-Hadian-in-Ettermire-s-Heart) This thread follows up on the linked thread and is part of an on-going series. Thanks again.)

Jake Narmonalya's image burned into my head...

I submitted myself to the torture of Morguk the Krem. For my failure I endured hours upon hours of horrible torture that was rightly deserved. I made a mistake and let The Boss down...never again. Jake stole something from me...and one day I would make him pay for that. But most importantly...The Thief stole from The Boss. Such an act would never be forgiven.

I just got my right to service in The Boss's ranks after the horrible torture was up.

I spoke not of it to my comrades...they merely looked at me with saddened eyes and at the same note a deep and profound respect.

The Boss's torture methods were renown as being tremendously horrible and I endured to the best of my capacity. Without complaint as The Boss unleashed his fury upon me for failure. Such was the ultimate price of failure...No matter who you were.

I knew in The Boss's eyes failure created setbacks and I accepted my fate as if I were little more than dirt...

...Such was my fate.

Morguk looked at Nosdyn after a week time had passed. "You're a tough bastard, I will give you that Nosdyn." Morguk suddenly extended his hand towards Nosdy and helped him stand up. "Most would have broken by now."

"I am Haidian...my Master." Nosdyn said quietly. "I am not most." Nosdyn stood up, his knees were shaky and he looked at The Boss with glazed over eyes. Nosdyn awaited the next strike to come...but it didn't. It never did.

The Boss tossed a towel at Nosdyn.

"Clean yourself up. I have wasted enough time here. I have a job for you when you're ready, come see me in the Meeting Hall." The Boss had a smile on his face as he left the torture chamber.


Nosdyn stood in the Meeting Hall for a long moment. His eyes were narrowed, he'd undergone an intense torture barrage for his failure with the Jake Narmonalya situation. The Artifact at hand was chalked up as a temporary loss and would be recovered at a later date. Nosdyn looked at The Boss who spoke to the gathered followers.

"I have gathered you all here today to hand out jobs and various missions. You all will be busy for a few weeks recovering this or that. But for a select few of you there will be a special job I have in mind. For those of you speak with me when the meeting is over and I will discuss the details of The Job." The Boss ended the informal meeting and gave out various envelopes to his subordinates...


Nosdyn looked at The Boss once the meeting was over. "You want me to go to a specific meeting place?" Nosdyn realized that he would probably do shit work for a while after his failure...but it was his burden and he would face it well.

The Boss nodded. "The Meeting is with a very special individual in my network. He will have further instruction for you. You are to go as soon as you are ready and Nosdyn...go alone. I will not take kindly to another failure from you." The Boss said.

Nosdyn bowed and went on his way to meet up with the connection....

(Feel Free to make up the meeting spot as we go. I will have Nosdyn arrive there so we can continue on the job at hand. Thanks all for your participation!)

Storm Veritas
03-20-17, 09:45 PM
Alerar. How do they have all this shit? Bunch of high and mighty elves that seem dim as a burned bulb. Not one of them can handle a drink, and have all the social grace of a fourteen year old with a boner. Morons.

In truth, Ettemire was the high-water mark for technology in all of Althanas, and bustled with steam engines, plumes of smoke, and the bustle and clang of moving metal. Storm Veritas was an authentic aristocrat in Radasanth, a leader of men in Whitevale, and altogether out of his element in the lands not called Corone. The lands of non-humans were ill-equipped to handle him, however an opportunity to import technology was too good to pass up, particularly given the coins involved.

My own blueprint, my own airship. Sure make that 4-day ride to the port feel a lot smoother. Attila could use the rest.

Outside the smooth-faced carved wood tavern, Attila, the great and heavy black stallion, fed mercilessly at a high stack of hay as he eyed the passing dark elves with a careful regard. These were mean creatures, and Attila fit right in amongst them. It was likely the horse welcomed harassment as an opportunity to plant a heavy iron shoe in the chest of one of these sinister passerby.

Inside the same tavern, the cold air wrapped its way around Storm, who sat idly as he worked a tall glass of something the barkeep had falsely advertised as beer. It was tall, and golden, and somewhat cold, but the alcohol content was low and the flavor was little more than that of stagnant, soured water. Sadly, the Royal Ettermire Alehouse was the only bar in town, albeit nearly abandoned.

These people suck. Only bar, after dinner midweek, and not a soul to tip a drink with. Screw these elves.

Storm leaned back in his chair, his fine linen shirt soft under his fingertips as he adjusted his collar before running fingers through his hair. He had no idea how long this newcomer would take to show up. Would he finish his drink? Finish six? If nothing else, the gold content of Coronian Crowns went far in Alerar, for all of their technology. He took a break from his drink to snap his fingers above the small bowl of his cherrywood pipe, breathing in the delicious aroma of tobacco and allowing it to float about his mouth and throat.

“Shee…. So sweet. Brings me back home every time.”

“Sir, I’ll kindly ask you to smoke outside.” A small hand with long, thin fingers had summarily planted itself upon his lean, athletic shoulder.

“Excuse me? There’s no sign posted. No rules in town that I can see. Hell, I saw the barkeep pop a small cigar while I was chewing my way through that affront that you called a steak earlier… what was that?” Storm’s face began to tinge red as his eyes narrowed at the elf he turned to: a tall, unforgiving being with a long nose and dismissive gaze.

“The rules are mine to create and enforce as the executor of this establishment. Now again, I’ll politely ask you to douse your smoke or take it outside. I won’t ask nicely again, human.”

How few of us very special people float through town for this son of a bitch to be so goddamned stupid?

Storm stared directly into the chest of the looming goliath, his focus on the thick bracelet of the arrogant, stoic merchant trying to bully him. The whole thing was simply too easy. With a small, casual wave of his hand, he produced a vicious wave of electromagnetic energy, which pressed the bracelet into the flat stomach of the towering elf, before lifting him off the ground by the field surrounding said hand at his navel.

Aghast, the owner of the pub floated two feet from the ground by his hand, helpless and wrought with fear. Storm spoke with a slow, defiant deliberation.

“I’ll kindly ask you to suck my dick, asshole. Get cute again and you’ll force me to get creative on you. You won’t like CREATIVE. Now get me some top rack whiskey, neat, and make it snappy, you skinny little chickenshit.”

He opened his hand and released a second pulse, firing the owner across the room as the four or five other occupants jumped back axially from where Storm had stood. If they hadn’t known who he was before, they did now.

If Alerar didn’t realize that evil had arrived at their doorstep, it would know soon enough.

03-28-17, 11:09 AM
And so...

Nosdyn looked up at the establishment...it was called the Royal Alehouse. This is the meeting place...? Nosdyn half expected to meet the stranger he was going to meet in foreboding alley of some sort or another. However, the establishment was one of those upscale Drow buildings that had all the pomp and pretenses that Nosdyn had grown to despise of the Drow themselves.

However, Nosdyn respected the word of The Boss...his word was law.

He heard a commotion from his position outside of the establishment. When he felt a particularly powerful presence inside...The Haidian figured that was likely the contact. Nosdyn immediately rushed into the building as he heard the argument between Storm Veritas and the goliath man he floored. Nosdyn frowned. Nosdyn heard the flowery language that Storm Veritas used, and identified the thick Corone accent that the man spoke with.

Storm was dressed in fine clothing which made Nosdyn immediately think that the man had money...money meant power and influence.

Nosdyn immediately approved of the stranger's mannerisms. I like his style...he works effectively. Nosdyn saw how the Drow reacted to the man's display of power. They respect power...sometimes fear is a form of power too. Nosdyn nodded. He knew Storm's name from what The Boss had told him. He walked over towards Storm's table. "You are Storm Veritas, are you not?" The Boss had given him the intel he needed to identify the contact.

"I am Nosdyn Krotar. The Boss sent me out here to meet up with you...there are matters that need to be discussed." Nosdyn spoke with a deeply accented voice, and had a raspyness to his voice as well. He spoke confidently despite that. The blue skin of the Haidian immediately marked him. He also had glowing yellow eyes...something that was quite hypnotic of The Demon. Nosdyn motioned to an empty chair at Storm's table.

"May I take a seat?" He asked, though a Demon...he was still well mannered when the situation called for.

Eyes were upon Nosdyn and Storm at that point but nobody dared approach...

Storm Veritas
04-05-17, 07:03 PM
In the aftermath of filling up the bartender’s heavy work pants with a steaming pile of ”what the hell did I do?”, Storm sat passively and sipped gently at the whiskey that was poured for him. It was better than the beer, or whatever that thing was called, but worse than any liquor he’d tasted on the cool, comfortable taverns of Whitevale. Still, a certain satisfaction in putting another one of those others who looked down their nose at a human added a fair sweetness to his drink.

Moments later, he was joined by a bizarre form. The timing of the newcomer was impeccable. This blue skinned alien – well, to Storm this stranger was an alien, anyway – was oddly polite with a bizarre inflection. Fortunately, he spoke Common, dressed at least cleanly, and had an entertaining sort of mullet – a fine blend of short cropped hair and ponytail that would have opened for multiple jokes had the wizard known friends at the bar to laugh with. Despite his obviously loud tone, this stranger seemed harmless enough.

“Hell of a whisper you have on you, son. Nosdyn, is it?” He didn’t wait for an answer; the formality of his new company would take too long if he was a demon to satisfy Storm’s pace. “Yes, my name is Storm Veritas. Just got a fresh one, care for a beer or something for the road? What’s your poison?”

With a quick, annoyed pivot, the electromancer focused razor sharp, ice-cold eyes on the bartender, who had moved back to explaining to some kitchen help that sneaking up on the incoming villain with knives and tenderizing hammers was a decidedly terrible idea. He was gesturing to his bracelet as he pointed to the utensils, capturing a glance back to the troublemaking patron who was staring at him.

Caught you, there, Seamus. For all you know I’m going to kill you all. Play nice.

Softening his glare, Storm pointed quickly to the azure-hued hellspawn, following his indicator with the universal open hand around the lips of “get him a drink”, and closed with a smile. This was fun. He liked to have fun.

A moment later, a confused and terrifying looking female elf emerged, tall, sinewy and attractive. Aside her exquisite disposition, her large carrying platter barren save a second shot of that throat-scorching whiskey and a porcelain crucible of something green and glowing, with steam pouring over the edges. Was she going to pour acid on him (or, more accurately, die trying to pour acid upon him)?

With a smile, she lowered the crucible slowly in front of his new friend, her hand shaking with nerves as she rattled the porcelain upon the heavy wood. With a gentle, glowing smile, Storm took her empty, clammy hand and filled it with a pair of silver crowns. A nervous smile, an awkward curtsy, and she was off like a shot, leaving the tandem to drink.

05-03-17, 06:44 PM
The question from Storm hung in the air for a moment between the two creatures.

Nosdyn listened to everything the calculated man said before, analyzing every spoken portion of him.

The golden eyed Haidian was a thing of many dispositions and hungers. Poisons...? He probably means tastes...I have many... Nosdyn thought to himself as he looked at Storm calmly. The man generated power, and power swelled off him touching the very air with aether energies. The Boss has such skill...I will too...someday. Nosdyn thought to himself, and he immediately decided that he respected Storm Veritas. The legends pale in comparison to the man before me...

"My poisons...that's something I haven't really thought too much about. Just follow The Boss's orders. He told me you had some work for me or something of that nature...I was told to arrive so here I am." Nosdyn said calmly. "If you need a soldier at your side for this or that operation...consider me interested." Nosdyn was a tactical minded individual. He tried to be ahead of the enemy at all times. Working for The Boss of the underworld exposed one to a LOT of enemies. Nosdyn looked at the Elf that placed their drinks and food on the table. He looked at her with his hate filled eyes...but she did not recede. Not even once. These Elves...disgusting creatures. Think they are so brave and courageous... Nosdyn grabbed a decent looking goblet off the tray. He smelled it for a moment, sniffing for poisons and other dangerous scents.

The drinks and food appeared...clean. The smell of the drink was a rather fine scent as well, a good vintage of the drink itself. Nosdyn put the goblet to his lips after a paranoid moment passed. He kept looking at Storm Veritas, the man was interesting enough. "You have strong aether about you, Storm Veritas. You are one who has been through many battles. I suspect there are many more battles left in you as well."

Storm Veritas
05-08-17, 09:09 PM
Hearing the words matter-of-factly being returned to him from the thick, stoic demon creature, the wizard cocked his head to the side, an eyebrow raising as he allowed the orange-red firewater to cultivate in his mouth. The burn rolled over him as he tried to understand the motivations of the recruit.

Who –is- this goddamned simpleton?!

There was no subtlety of appreciation of the implied; the glowing-eyed demon simply spoke backwards with the frank honesty of an automaton. At this moment, the experienced adventurer understood the compromised position he would likely forever hold with the messenger. Never could anything be implied; never a secret could be trusted.

You asked for a soldier, and you got one. Definitely nothing more, but how much less?!

With an understanding that there would be no grasp of the delicacies regarding diplomatic activity, Storm decided he could at least test the waters regarding the skill set owned by the potential acquisition. It was only fair; should the demon be as powerful as he looked, there could still be value extracted in the relationship.

“Indeed, my friend. I’ve been to hell and back a few times – with no pun intended to your likely brimstonian heritage. Thing is, I’m becoming more particular with the battles I choose these days; back in Corone I can’t be executing every nuisance that saunters across my path. I need men…


“…I need firepower. Contract work of competent physical aptitude, understand?”

With a thud, the thick shot glass thumped upon the table, as Storm motioned again for the bartender he had originally embarrassed. This time, three large elves joined him and began slowly marching from the kitchen towards the seated tandem.

“Time to see what you can do. Consider this your test, Nosdyn. Try-outs, if you will.”

The four-thug crew marched upon them from the kitchen towards the wizard, who leaned back in the creaky oak chair, perching his heels precariously upon the thick wooden table. He was impossibly vulnerable, fingers folded behind his head and smiling as his high cheekbones reddened slightly with a touch of alcohol flooding in.

“We want to move forward in peace, stranger, but we can’t have your disrespect in my bar. Let me buy you and your bright-eyed companion a drink for the road.” Biting through his lower lip, the proud barkeep fought against his better judgment, the dark part of him that wished to lower a machete between the eyebrows of the arrogant politico.

“Generous offer, slim.” Storm smiled a gleaming, dimpled grin at the testy small business owner. “Thing is, I’ve got a counter offer.”

Unflinching, the electromancer shot a quick look at all three of the tall, sinewy elves. These creatures were big, but they weren’t security per se, more a make-shift crew of tall stacks assembled by an angered attendant. They were nervous, but proud, obviously itching for a fight they weren’t entirely prepared to handle. Armed only with handfuls of dense bicep flesh amidst their crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows, they clearly deferred to the better judgment of the boss.

“How about…” The mage rocked back and forth in the chair, balancing his weight by the heel propped upon the table top. “How about you apologize for the interruption with a tender mouthful of my salty nut-sack, you puppy-shit soft little pussy?”

05-09-17, 08:24 AM
Without hesitation, one fluid motion of action and thought...Nosdyn acted.

As if given a blessing by one of the Thaynes themselves, Nosdyn knew where and when to follow orders. He was a soldier, first and foremost and Storm was his but his latest client. When the disgusting Elf folks gathered in number, Nosdyn sighed for only a moment.

He only needed the excuse to act. Public killing...not bad. A moment later a horrible sound filled the air, touching the very fabric of the air. Nosdyn was upon the closest of the burly Drow without hesitation. He'd impaled the man with his beam weapon and held the energy blade deep in the stunned body of the fellow.

Nosdyn looked in the eyes of his chosen enemy. "You lot have one shot at this. Either let this go...or die." Nosdyn was deadly serious. The first of the Drow died and fell to the ground with a thud. There was a gaping hole in his body from where Nosdyn had stabbed him. Nosdyn's eyes were filled with a tremendous rage, making the image of the Demon all the more terrifying.

Nosdyn's mind was already quickly reacting and planning to the situation at hand. He held the hilt of his dark weapon tightly feeling the power flowing through his arm. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes and carefully studied the remaining of the so-called thus. Nosdyn dared the remaining three men to attack.

"You killed him...just like that..." One of the lackeys said with tremendous fear in his voice.

"You should have thought about this battle much more carefully." Nosdyn said. He looked over at Storm, who remained observing the situation. "Now. Gentlemen, what will it be? Life or death?" Nosdyn would fight every last one of them if need be.

Storm Veritas
05-11-17, 11:30 AM
Holy shit…

The ferocity of the demon could not be understated. After insulting the group of men, the apprentice barely waited for them to lurch forward before springing to action with a violent, frenzied assault.

The speed of the attack knocked the wizard backwards; he wrapped his fingers around the dagger which sat behind his left hip, but didn’t need to pull the blade. Nosdyn had stopped them in their tracks; they were shocked as well by his violence and merciless energy. Shrieks came from the kitchen as the confrontational elves steppe back quickly and with little caution. Out of sight, the kitchen help began pumping the furnace, breaking the steady exhaust stream and sending pops of smoke up the chimney as a silent distress signal.

The body of the bartender fell to the dust-capped wooden floor, blood pouring from a freshly cut orifice in his chest. Storm took care to pull his feet back away from the crimson liquid as it pooled outwards; the demon was less cautious.

“Discretion is the better part of valor for you, then?”

Like an anchor, the weight of the death hung in the magician’s belly. He had picked a fight with the barkeep, but hadn’t expected him to wind up dead so quickly. This hired help wasn’t one for a deft hand; his was an energy of binary on and off. If finesse was required, he had found the wrong man.

Storm glared down at the bartender for a moment, seeing the dead eyes which stared off into the infinite. Had this elf left for work today with any premonition it would be his last? Did he leave a wife behind? Children? The torment swirled briefly in the belly of the aging adventurer, who was forced to snap to as urgency leapt across his mind’s front.

Gonna be a lot of peacekeepers showing up here soon enough.

“Nosdyn, we’ve got to go. Let’s test that speed.”

The tingle-chime of the door was a sharp contrast to the somber tone which overwhelmed the bar room. The outdoors, despite the late night, shined with a brightness of a second day, unique to Ettermire. There was no cover of darkness here, not really. Gaslit lanterns lined the streets neatly in even increments, casting bright greenish golden light uniformly across the street-front buildings and well into the alleyways diving the modern stylized city. The wooden alehouse was an anachronism here, a callback to a simpler time. Hopping upon his great steed, Storm turned to motion for the assassin, who had exited the building as devoid of emotion or expression as a librarian sorting titles by volume.

“Wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. We’ve got to move; find somewhere to take cover. Want a ride, or are you fast as well as charming?”

05-12-17, 01:28 PM
Nosdyn considered the situation at hand once they were outside. He was attempting to start a fight...I ended it. Nosdyn knew that Storm was probably right...but he didn't like it. He looked around and saw lights heading towards the scene of the crime. Nosdyn sighed. This is all bullshit. Laws, government...society...I hate them all. Nosdyn looked at Storm Veritas at that point and nodded.

"Speed is not one of my strengths, I could use that ride." Nosdyn shut one his beam weapon and the horrible noise faded away a moment or two later. He attached the weapon to it's appropriate attachment on his belt. Nosdyn had to calm himself for a moment a he looked back at the bar they were just in. "We were set up by that bar tender..." He shook his head. He then looked back at Storm. "If we're getting out of here we gotta make it quick. Do you have an idea of where we're heading?" Nosdyn figured they could head to a safe house, worst case scenario. He didn't want to head back to The Boss for such a trivial matter.

Nosdyn looked at the steed that Storm summoned. "Want me to get on?" He asked. And was already moving to do just that...

Storm Veritas
05-16-17, 07:30 PM
The ruthless demon retorted with the same monotone repose that grated at Storm, however his self-awareness was much appreciated. Gripping his right wrist in a gentlemen’s clasp, the wizard hoisted the orange-eyed monstrosity upon Attila’s great back. It was shocking to the wizard how light and nimble Nosdyn was; for such a heavy-hitter he certainly didn’t qualify for the top weight class.

“We’ll need to hit town; Ettermire is busy and it’s easier for us to disappear amidst the rabble. Of course, between my human complexion and your… well.. and YOU, we’ll stand out like a raisin in oatmeal.”

Smiling, Veritas kept his face forward as he heeled Attila forward, the great beast charging on the lit road with great ease. He could almost hear the demon’s head spinning, trying to process an analogy that would certainly not compute to him.

The f*ck do demons eat, anyway? Human flesh? Fire? Rocks?

The driving rhythm of hoof strikes forced the leader to speak a bit louder than he wished. After watching the atrocities just moments ago, there was no desire for the lithe rogue to lean back and converse with Nosdyn any closer than he had to.

The smile persevered; this monstrous thing would be the perfect shield.

“Have you heard of the artifact? We’re going to liberate it.

The magician had traveled with very little belongings, expecting the second passenger to be a great monstrous thing. The warhorse could charge with two relatively normal patrons faster than most steeds could handle one.

“We’ll need to get to safety first; my sources have told me it is being held in the Coronian Embassy. Security isn’t light.”

The hooves drove on as he pulled into an alley, rearing Attila and hopping down into darker space.

“I needed talent, and I’ve got it. I have an idea of how to get in, but we need more intelligence. After that, we get in, we get the artifact, we get out. I become happy, you and “The Boss” become rich. Candy from a goddamned baby.”

05-19-17, 01:12 PM
Another Artifact...The Thayne must really hate me. But, if it's per The Boss's orders I must comply. Nosdyn listened to Storm as the plan was laid out. The Boss initially set him out to find an artifact for him when he'd encountered the bastard Elf named Jake. A cold chill went up Nosdyn's spine a he considered the comedy of it all. Nosdyn was a surprisingly deep thinker despite the fact that he mainly was hired muscle. Nosdyn listened to every bit of information he was allowed. Safe Houses...there is one nearby.

"If we need to lay low for a while, I know of a place in the underground district of Ettermire we can go to." There were safe houses throughout the city of Ettermire, and it's underground portion where few citizens dared to appear in.

The Safe House locations were not known to the damned guards.

The Coronian Embassy... Of course, Nosdyn had minimal dealings with that structure. Embassies always had tight security...but that made the Haidian more than a little uncomfortable.

"The Boss has a deep interest in relics of late." Nosdyn said out loud. The interaction and adventure with Jake had cost Nosdyn a LOT. I'll make that Elf pay one day. Nosdyn considered the mission at hand very carefully. Storm had a good working knowledge of Ettermire's infrastructure which made him a potent ally. He knows about what should be considered highly classified information. I'm certain only a select few individuals would know about the relic. Nosdyn smiled at that point. "I can get one of my contacts in The Safe House to gather information for us while we recuperate and gather resources." Nosdyn considered the mattered at hand and then told Storm exactly where The Safe House was.

"When we head there...I can get us in safely. Though I doubt you have much to worry about Storm." Nosdyn admired Storm's prowess and skill level. The aether is strong with him...I can use an ally with connections outside of The Boss's influence. One day I won't be useful to The Boss anymore...and then what? I have to start planning ahead.

Storm Veritas
06-01-17, 04:31 AM
With a little half smile, Storm listened intently at the robotic prattling of the demonic creature. There was a sort of admirable quality to the strange new companion, a binary honesty that came with a lack of discretion. While the wizard knew he couldn’t rely on the yellow eyed monstrosity to handle nuance, there was likely none more incapable of masking secrets from the adventurer. With his declarative tonality, Nosdyn was undeniably reliable; while he may serve as a pawn, there was simply no questioning such loyalty.

Get the right pieces on the board, this one can be valuable. Can’t win a war without soldiers.

“Lead the way to this safe house, chief.” Storm smiled wryly as the introspective demon appeared visibly rattled. They both rode atop Attila, there was no way for Nosdyn to “lead” from the back of the horse. Further, he was certainly no “chief”, but a powerful, dutiful servant and survivor. Tormenting the demon was a bit of a risky play, but the magician couldn’t help himself.

“Just point the way, show us how to get to the safe house, and we may need you to get through any checkpoints.” The clarification straightened Nosdyn up higher behind the saddle, where he seemed to clench himself and sit taller upon such realization.

The ride through the heart of Ettermire was quiet at night; it was a contrast to the expectation that Veritas had arrived upon given the lethality of the exchange in the bar. Attila stayed in the shadows of gaslights, moving with a smooth, unapologetic grace through the streets. It was illogical of the adventurer to presume the Dark Elves were for some reason nocturnal, however deep preparatory research would never be considered a strength. A silver tongue bought its way out of the stickiest situations; it had spoiled him from such discipline.

Within what felt like thirty minutes, the bizarre demon had led them into an alley. His narrative barking of “port” and “starboard” atop the horse was strange, albeit perhaps the correct choice of words atop the mountainous equine that must have felt like a battleship. Attila obeyed Storm’s command, as the wizard (who had sailed many times) gently tapped the thick muscled neck of the great beast on the appropriate side to mark turns.

In the alley, a flat stoned street was devoid of gaslight, sound, or life altogether.

“Well, I’ll give it to you; your safe house certainly looks secret. Am I supposed to ‘imagine’ myself safe or is this where your airship drops the ladder?”

Storm swore to himself that he heard Nosdyn laugh as the fireblood effortlessly hopped down from atop the tall horse, giving the horse an almost affectionate, at-worst appreciative rub on the meaty cheekbone. Reaching into a small bag which the scoundrel had seen but given no notice to, the demon produced a small metal tool, the details of which were hidden in the darkness. Feeling his way on the smooth, metallic face of an otherwise nondescript building’s side wall, Nosdyn’s glowing eyes tightened to a squint before popping open with discovery. Without explanation, the demon smashed the tool with two thunderous bangs in the dead of night against the metal façade, and then drove the tool into a slot which had not appeared visibly. With a single twist, soft, cold blue light began to bleed out from the tool, scrawling some runic message upon the wall. Nosdyn pressed his face toward the runes, and seemed to whisper quietly at it.

With a cold, lifeless clicking and the sound of light vacuum, green-golden light appeared from a newly formed ramp, leading down from the street into the enclave as a clean stream of green-hued steam poured harmlessly out into the night air. They had arrived at the safe house.

The electromancer was positively stupefied.

“Well, I’ll be gods-damned.”

(Bunnying approved; let me know if you need modifications here)

06-14-17, 12:19 AM
The familiar steaming hiss of the safe house gate reminded Nosdyn of the old days.

He ran a lot with The Boss's cohorts attempting to complete this or that errand for him. Nosdyn looked at Storm Veritas as he entered that safe house. He keeps himself well composed. I can learn a thing or two about that...but now is not the time. Nosdyn nodded towards Storm Veritas. "Follow me." Nosdyn said calmly and made his way deeper into the safe house. His eyes were narrowed as he made his way forward and into the structure...

He'd been in that particular safe house a few times before in his tenure with The Boss. The hirelings within that place were a fairly skilled lot. Up ahead, Nosdyn saw several individuals talking. Nosdyn nodded politely towards them. Spoke the passcode that The Boss taught him and explained the situation at hand. He was certain that Storm Veritas would follow.

"That is Storm Veritas? I thought he would be taller..." One of the minions was saying as he looked upon Storm. But the general demeanor of the cohorts was respectful and surprisingly well mannered. Nosdyn looked back towards Storm and motioned for the fellow to come forward.

"We are in good hands, Storm." Nosdyn said and then looked at the closest of the minions. 'I'm on one of The Boss's tasks...top secret. Storm is my support." Nosdyn explained the delicate situation at hand.

One of the cohorts raised an eyebrow. "Is it that mission?" Was all that was asked.

Nosdyn nodded carefully. He did not want to reveal too much information that they did or did not already know. Nosdyn continued to explain the situation. Nosdyn refused to ever place one of his own problems on an associate of The Boss. Nosdyn immediately manned up to the minor mistake he'd made. "Left a mess at the meeting spot." Nosdyn said calmly. "Need a place to lay low until it's time to complete the mission." Nosdyn said.

"Depends on how small of a mess was made, Nosdyn. You weren't followed were you?" The cohort asked.

Nosdyn sighed. "Had to take someone out...they made a complicated situation and started asking too many questions. They brought a group of interlopers with them and things were about to get really ugly in there. I only killed one of them though." Nosdyn explained.

"Did you do that in public?" The cohort asked, the questions were becoming quite uncomfortable.

Nosdyn decided that he was not going to play the man's game. He let his controlled rage slip just a little bit and his demeanor partially changed right away. It was terrifying. "Will you help us or not?" His eyes were already twitching with rage...

"You are not the only one with problems, Haidian. Regardless of your connection to The Boss, you got blood on your hands." Suddenly, it went further south.

Nosdyn decided playing their game was going nowhere fast. There was a terrifying sound as his weapon was ignited, and the mystical runic blade appeared. "I...will not ask you again. Will you help us or not?" Nosdyn carefully stated the threat. He looked at Storm at that point and saw that the man was getting ready. "If you do not help us I will have my friend get creative with you lot. Trust me. You will not LIKE creative." Nosdyn grinned.

There was an immediate tension in the air as the small group of cohorts eyed Storm Veritas and Nosdyn.

Two of the cohorts began to prepare their weapons but the main cohort waved his hand for a moment to stop them. "Hold. For a moment." The cohort looked at Nosdyn. "Ask yourself something. Would you really swing that weapon against your own allies?" The cohort thought that Nosdyn was bluffing and was attempting to reason with the psychotic demon.

Nosdyn struck.

Without warning or reason, the Haidian struck. His glowing purple blade impaled the first of the cohorts who died right away. Nosdyn could feel his rage already beginning to swell over the tipping point. He looked at the leader of the cohorts at that point as if daring the man to stop him.

The man that Nosdyn killed had a gaping hole in his chest and died immediately. There were curses and shouts almost immediately...but there was something else.


Nosdyn functioned best when his victims were terrified and afraid.

He turned to look at the cohort leader and waited...

"Your move." Nosdyn said calmly, terrifyingly calm.

There was a pause and the cohort looked at his remaining companions. He growled. "Stand down." He told his men. "We will help you if only to get you out of here sooner." The man said.

"If you would have cooperated with us from the beginning this would have been avoided." Nosdyn said. And shut his weapon down. Then, he replaced the handle in its stand by mode attached to his belt. Nosdyn respected The Boss...but he hated how some of the cohorts and minions were...a little fear would keep them controlled. It was at THAT point that Nosdyn really began to question his loyalty to The Boss. He was slowly formulating his own plans to eventually sever ties with The Boss...even if it meant killing him all together. Nosdyn did not have time for the bullshit of lackeys.

He looked at Storm and nodded towards him. "We are clear to use this place and plan our next move Storm. So let's take care of whatever needs to be done." Nosdyn was already extremely irate at the situation at hand. One day...he would have a talk with The Boss. Depending on that...

Storm Veritas
06-16-17, 08:31 AM
So goddamned impulsive. How do I bring on this f*cking psychopath? Half my time will be wasted putting out fires…

The demon was almost impossibly skilled, but the wizard couldn’t shake his binary assessment of life and decision making. Everything was on/off; there was no latitude or room for consideration. Here, in the steel-walled bunker, away from light of day and safe from the prying eyes of law enforcement, Storm, Nosdyn, and Attila had found refuge in this modern domicile. Within moments, Nosdyn had prompted a bloodbath, opting never for the tactful decision, always solving problems with an emotionless efficiency.

He’ll make a hell of an assassin, but not much for babysitting or guarding the schoolhouse, I presume.

Raising his gaze to the glowing amber eyes of the demon, the electromancer ran his fingers swiftly through his hair, sniffing at the stale industrial air as he tapped his great horse, reassuring the steadfast steed. Attila didn’t jump at much, but mass killings had a way of spooking the great beast. It was a welcome relief, if not a dismal sign, that the stallion barely reacted to the killing.

With one tall, dark elf dead, two others tending to the body, a leader-type elf led Storm and Nosdyn forward, assuring them that the heavy horse would be safe behind. The magician glowered at this, making it absolutely clear that if something befell his Attila, no living soul would escape the safehouse with a beating heart or wake-worthy face. For all of Nosdyn’s psychosis, Storm held an allegiance to his mount that allowed him to showcase some of his own dark elements.

The elf ceased walking, motioning to a surprisingly large loft, an apartment style room with multiple beds and in the back and a large table capped with a bowl overflowing with fresh fruits. A heavy cask of what appeared to be mead sat atop the table, the glass container frosted and sweating. Softly, a recording of piano music played in the background.

“Quarters for you both. You shall find everything you need to speak, plan, and work, as well as rest and eat here. Should you need anything, our servants appear at the bell.” With a neat bow, the still angry elf left summarily as Storm dropped heavily into the sturdy oak chair, greedily grabbing at a fistful of crisp blue jangerberries, fresh from the sun-drenched hillsides. A quick sniff, a small taste, and the poison-free berries sprung to life with a vibrant citrus flavor. Ambrosia.

“Clean the blood off, sit down, take a f*cking load off.” The experienced adventurer gestured for the opposite chair. “Do demon-broads… err… demonesses? Do they give blowjobs? I’m telling you, these goddamned jangerberries are better than those.” Storm smiled an embarrassed level of joy as he popped a few more fruits in his mouth, savoring the succulent juices.

The door closed behind the tandem, Veritas kicked his heels up on the table as he stretched his long, lean frame. The gas that began entering the vents below came in silently, with only a faint odor.

07-07-17, 10:08 PM
Nosdyn listened to Storm's words for a moment. As they arrived at the personal quarters...Nosdyn glared at The Boss's subordinate. The man glared back for a moment but knew to just walk away at that point. Nosdyn sat down in a chair after Storm sat down and he folded his hands together, placing them under his chin in a surprisingly thoughtful position. Nosdyn listened to what Storm was asking and that strangely evoked thought of home...of Haidia. Or the Tular Plains. "They are skilled." Nosdyn said calmly at Storm's question and he took no offense by the vulgar nature of the question. "To claim a Demoness as a mate you would have to be exceptionally strong. I have no doubt you'd have any trouble doing such." It was a compliment. Nosdyn was admittedly not the most social of entities...but he was trying. He wanted to do a good job for both The Boss's sake and for Storm's. Nosdyn's eyes narrowed and he thought vaguely of what he knew about the job at hand. "The Embassy...will be heavily guarded." Nosdyn said calmly. He tried to recollect everything he knew about the building in question.

"Guards have rounds, rotations. A frontal assault may work if we attack at the right time." Nosdyn recalled The Embassy from smaller jobs he'd completed with The Boss long since prior. His memories danced before his eyes and he considered the situation at hand. Another damned artifact... Nosdyn looked at storm. "I went inside The Embassy a few times with The Boss in my time here." He recalled what details he could. "Never for any complex jobs as the one he's put us on this time." Nosdyn continued to explain. "Usually we went to meet with particular representatives, allies in The Boss's network." Then an idea hit him...If The Boss has chosen me for this operation...that could only mean one thing.... Nosdyn opened his eyes from his deep thought and looked at Storm. "I might have a contact on the inside of The Embassy." A plan was forming... "Depending on that contact, if The Boss still favours them, we might have our in secured. There might not have to be a needless bloodbath to secure the artifact." Nosdyn said calmly, though he was not opposed to outright going in there and slaughtering them all.

"What do you think, Storm? Did The Boss give you documents and effects on The Embassy? I was merely told just to meet up with you." Again...a pang of questioning his loyalty to The Boss filled his gut. Though he pushed it aside for now...his loyalties would come into play at a later time. When he'd secured a suitable break away point from The Boss.