View Full Version : Hello

Erhat Varen
03-23-17, 07:56 AM
Greetings, good folk of Althanas.

I've been looking over the site for the last day or two, and finally decided to do more than just look as this seems like a very nice place to do some writing with other people. I've dabbled with writing in the the past (distant past it seems now), but nothing too significant and only sometimes with other people, so I hope I'll be able to get in the swing of things without looking like a complete dolt.

So, yeah, not sure what else to say. I hope to get a chance to write with a whole lot of you.

03-23-17, 08:02 AM
Welcome to the site! I'm sure you'll do fine here. <3

03-23-17, 08:04 AM
Welcome to Althanas! I'm sure you'll find people you like writing with here, it's our specialty. If you have any questions, jump in the chat, or feel free to PM anyone with an italics/glowing username, we're here to help!

03-23-17, 08:05 AM
Welcome to The Rock! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB9o6-aF53I)

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-23-17, 08:59 AM
Welcome! Enjoy the site!

03-23-17, 09:03 AM
welcome to the site, and all that jovial huff.

Erhat Varen
03-23-17, 09:36 AM
Thanks for the welcome everyone, especially Sean Connery. Ah, the good old days when he still acted and Michael Bay was able to make a decent movie.

Max Dirks
03-23-17, 10:50 AM
I erd dat.

03-23-17, 01:38 PM
Hi and welcome to Althanas.

03-23-17, 02:06 PM
Welcome to Althanas, Erhat Varen! If you have any questions at all, please never hesitate to drop me a PM. You can also duck in to chat - we're a friendly bunch.

Don't worry about the time that has passed since you last wrote. I find it is a bit like riding a bike.

Have fun!

Flames of Hyperion
03-23-17, 03:19 PM
Welcome! I look forward to your stories!

Storm Veritas
03-23-17, 03:37 PM
Welcome aboard!

Erhat Varen
03-23-17, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the welcome and words of encouragement, though I find writing more like riding a unicycle. It's like, even at the best of times there is always a chance of you falling on your face.

03-25-17, 05:03 AM
hey man what's up