View Full Version : The Fool. [Closed to Cards of Fate]

03-24-17, 12:08 PM
Some say new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings..

"Now listen Ryu, I know how you're feeling. But its not safe to go out there on your own. Let the guards handle it, have faith." The rugged stocky man spoke. He wore a red and black flannel shirt that was on too tight for his muscles, a large brown beard that covered his aging face, and a warm deep pair of hazel eyes. Ryu, a small ten year old boy with black windswept hair; wearing light cloth and lugging a sword that was too big for his britches, shook his head in disagreement. He had a determined look on his face, stained by pain and grief. He wasn't sure where he was going to go, but he had to go somewhere. Anywhere. "Look... I know you're a strong young lad, I'm not going to stop you, but it would be a better idea to stay here in the village. Everyone loves you here, we all appreciate your hard work.." The man smiled and strained his voice. "Stay.." Ryu shook his head again and hugged him, dropping his sword in the process. "Can't!" Ryu yelped in a hurried tone.

The man of course, did not foresee Ryu going too far. He expected him to be gone a day or two perhaps, but then he'd come back to the village, to his home. Ryu didn't intend on that. Ryu had a hole to fill, a vengeance to seek, a new path to forge. He wrapped his little digits once more around the hilt of the blade and headed off, a sack containing enough supplies for about four days at most over his shoulder. He waddled passed the trunk of a man and headed off, giving one last turn around glance with a scrunched up face and a sincere look in his eyes as if to say thank you. Ryu would someday have to repay him back for his kindness, for all their kindness.

Slowly he made his way out into the unknown, Ryu didn't know much about anything, but he was resolute In his purpose. It wasn't long before he was completely lost, having no idea how to track properly it only made sense. Ryu huffed in frustration and kicked a small stone, sending it hurtling off into the woods. Thump "..." Squawk!? "..." Ryu stared off into the distance wondering what just happened. The forest went quiet again, and he sighed in relief, he thought he'd accidentally made an enemy or something.

Just as he turned a large flightless bird came running at him. Its long legs easily stood over Ryu's small frame and trampled him. Ryu tumbled back wincing in pain at the pound he just took at his body. The bird didn't seem satisfied yet, and It made a u-turn to come straight back at him. Ryu frowned as he lifted his hand to level with the bird legs and fired a ball of solid pure magic straight at its legs. The bird tripped on its own feet and began tumbling towards him. Ryu made a grab for his sword and let its potential energy cause its body to slide itself clean into his blade. Ryu wore a guilty look on his face and let go of the sword before sighing deeply. He shook his head and kept determined, if he wanted revenge, he'd have to get used to this type of thing.

Some few hours of travelling passed and it began to grow dark, Ryu had not thought about where he was going to sleep. Though, he figured the ground was just as good a place as any. He made a small fire and sat by it, as he stared at the ballock knife he'd laid out in front of him. A reminder that Mygas was In fact gone. He curled up, pressing his knees to his chest and gently toppled over as he drifted into a slumber.