View Full Version : Hello

03-24-17, 09:12 PM
Hi, I'm a new player on the site. If you wanna talk, write together, or whatever just hit me up on my profile.

03-24-17, 09:15 PM
Welcome to Althanas! It's great to have you around, I'm sure you'll have all kinds of fun.

03-24-17, 10:16 PM
Welcome to the site! <3

03-24-17, 11:31 PM

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-25-17, 01:05 AM
Welcome to Althanas! Look forward to writing with you!

03-25-17, 01:09 AM
Welcome! What sort of story are you thinking of for your character?

03-25-17, 03:18 AM
It's planned out so far as a three part story. The first part is a heavily noir inspired with the main villains being a crime group with dangerous ties to an evil cult in the wilds of Scara Brae. The second part is a horror and lovecraftian horror at that as the main character directly combats the evil cult. The third act revolves on the main character returning home to save his family from the lone survivor of the evil cult while also dealing with the struggles of being a pariah in his culture. The ultimate themes of the story are redemption, courage, and forgiveness. It's ambitious and I don't fully expect to succeed on my goals, but I figure why not try. If I fail, I'll learn for the next time around. I'd love to work with anyone interested. Be it in the story or the character or whatever.

03-25-17, 04:54 AM
Welcome to Althanas. I am your friendly neighbourhood faun ^_^

03-25-17, 05:02 AM

03-25-17, 02:06 PM
Hello and welcome. I look forward to seeing if you succeed with you battle against eldritch horrors.

Erhat Varen
03-25-17, 03:28 PM
Welcome to Althanas. I've also just arrived here. Hopefully we both stick around for a while.

03-25-17, 05:50 PM
Yeah. Me too. Good luck with your endeavors.