View Full Version : A Journey Has Begun(Open)

Ravenok Kinnes
11-25-06, 11:23 AM
This thread is not closed, but it is really meant for Aurion Doomharn and XaleManix. You are free to join if you would like, though.

"Ah, Scara Brae, 'twas about time that I be arriving here." Ravenok though to himself, a journey by ship that was no less fun than the confrontation in Underwood just the other day. For one, Ravenok was forced to hop onto the ship after it's short departure as to avoid paying "unnecessary" funds. It wasn't until after several bloody fights on the ships main deck that Ravenok was able to get a good rest on a pile of nets. The fun trip to this island was well worth it, at least to a sane person.

Ravenok stood up on the main deck, crowded and littered with people from all over the area. People of all different varieties, Ravenok couldn't believe how many. Pushing and shoving engulfed the main activities up on the main deck, while the ship was just coming in to the harbor. A bright sun beat down upon Scara Brae's citizens through a cloudless sky. People ashore waved and called out to the ship, waiting eagerly for the casual arrival of a relative or love-relation. Some poeple looked at Ravenok with slight disgust, though he couldn't notice their ant-like form. For Ravenok was standing directly in front of the pulled up staircase that was to be let down so people could get off. His towering form blocking the views of many on-board passengers and those ashore alike. People attempted to push and shove Ravenok to the side, but to no avail.

Slowly and patiently, Ravenok waited, scowling at the occasional person who tried to get past him. The ship docked into port, loud horns were blown, and anchor was let loose. Slowly but surely Ravenok was let off of the ship, the two deck hands that unfolded the staircase looked at Ravenok with dis-ease. Obviously they were the first people Ravenok had met onboard when he stowed away. He was the first one off, but the last one to go anywhere afterwards. As soon as he stepped off the stairs, people flooded past his bulk form, spilling outward into all directions on the deck. People hugged, kissed and walked away before his eyes. The only thing Ravenok was looking for was the closest tavern, and his shadow so he could tell how much more time till darkness came. He needed a good drink, but failed to have the want to pay for such things.

It wasn't far that Ravenok had found a tavern, a lively one at that. It was only about an hour before he found a good tavern, he could hear laughter from within even when across the street. "The Bearded Lady," was carved into a wooden sign and hung above the door. Dusk had found its way into Scara Brae at this time, and it pleased Ravenok. He stepped inside the tavern quickly.

The tavern was full of light, lanterns and candles burnt in every corner and at every table within. Sailors littered the insides of this tavern, sitting on stools with a lass on their lap, a mug of ale in hand. Laughing, drinking, and the occasional barfight were the things that filled the Bearded Lady this night. Ravenok looked for the nearest empty table and sunk into a wooden seat accompanied with it. He waved off the man who had come to ask for a drink immediately. He sat and calmly waited.

11-25-06, 01:39 PM
an old man walked into the bar and sat down nearby to Ravenok. after staring at Ravenok for about a minet until he stood up, walked over to him, sat down, and said, "well, Ravenok Kinnes, your answer?" he sat back, waited and listened to the livelyhood of the tavern, "what an insane ruckus. these people sure know how to keep people from concentrating, don't they?" he continued to stare at ravenok, as if scrutinizing him. he finaly spoke up again, "did you have to choose such a din of a tavern?" he took out a scrap of paper. on it were some figures that very few would ever be able to read, "is that proof?" he man said, sounding more youthful by the minet, "Kinnes, it is not on me. but i can lay my hands on it in a short time, if and when i need it."

11-25-06, 02:41 PM
It was high noon when Aurion's ship came into the harbor of the simple isle of Scara Brae. He had booked passage on this pathetic merchant vessel two weeks previous. From the more prestige’s island of Corone that lay some distance away. Aurion's large figure stood on the starboard side, over viewing the docks that the ship was anchoring at. A flood of humans, dwarves, and elves seem to be in all directions. Flowing like a current in different directions, as they made there way down the busy intersections of the dock. His eyes scanned over the sturdy old buildings, which had probably not seen conflict in hundreds of years. A peaceful, prosperous, and disgusting hub of fools he thought.

During most of his voyage he had been left completely alone. Few of the crew dared to come near him, and his fellow passengers were even more prone to keep a distance. The only individual who had tried was a sailor trying to pawn off some stolen jewelry. Which Aurion had taken the opportunity to swindle from the petty thief, and had thrown him over board. A man that no one had missed or cared was missing. Over all the trip had been dull and fruitless, even scanning over the many documents he had found of demonic origins. He had come to this isle for one purpose. To find a merchant who had a copy of the "Abyssal Manifesto". A tome, which would supposedly contain details of his tainted origin, and how he can gain power from it.

As the ship finally finished docking, hundreds of men, women, and fair folk began to rush to shore. Aurion waiting for the tide of "slaves" to pass before he himself made his way down to the crowded passageways. Once off the ship, his first goal was to find a decent tavern. His eyes scanning around for a sign or some direction to a local bedding. After his general overview of things did not divine anything to him. He grabbed a random peasant walking close to him. Lifting him to his face, the seven-foot tall giant holding the small man by the shirt collar.

"Tell me where the nearest tavern is, and perhaps I might give you a coin." his voice deep, emotionless, and demanding. As he dangled the helpless man at least three feet from the ground.

The peon just gaped at the man in terror, his lower lip quivering as if he was trying to answer. Yet could not get the words to form in his mouth. Finally he was able to gain some of his senses back from the initial shock of being lifted from the earth. "Down this.....alley..to...the...left....m'lord" his voice shaken as he spoke.

Aurion nodded, and dropped the man making his way toward were he had been directed. It was easy enough to get to where he was going. As most people seem to try avoid any contact with him. His heavy plate mail making his steps seem deep with each resonating thud. The city guard even turning a blind eye at his mistreatment of there citizens. Having no desire to tangle with an individual of such enormous size. As he turned the corner of the alley he found the door to a simple looking building. With a sign of a pint glass etched on a billboard, which hung from atop the door.
Entering the tavern, his lights slowly adjusted to the dim light of the room. The smell of ale, mead, and beer filling his nostrils. Having to duck his head a good two-feet in order to get though the door. Many of the men inside took a moment to acknowledge his presence but quickly turned their heads. The noise in the tavern died considerably as Aurion stood before the entrance in full-plate mail Armour. A dark aura just seemed to spew from his giant form, as he slowly made his way to the bar.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-25-06, 05:45 PM
"You'll know your answer as soon as I see the book for myself." Was all that Ravenok responded with, in his usual distusted tone. He was surprised that they had met eachother again so soon. Ravenok had expected it to be a couple of days on the search, and here, Xale came to Ravenok instead on the first day. He waited a couple seconds before speaking again, "Just know that if you double cross me, may you find peace in the depths of Hell." Obviously a threat, he let the words marinate in Xale's mind for a moment. "Better find it soon too, lest I change my mind and decide to kill you instead." Again, Ravenok let his menacing words sink into effect. The wait from hearing about the book, to arriving at this here tavern in Scara Brae was too long for Ravenok. There would be no forward progress from this point on if Ravenok did not catch eye of the Book of Kin.

After his final words, a special sight caught his eye. A hulking form had entered the tavern now, he figured that he could be no taller than this man, perhaps even shorter. Uncommon to Ravenok, this was, and it immediately became intriguing. Intently he watched as the man made his way to the bar. An intimidation factor stood visible among him, one that may have even surpassed Ravenok's, being that Ravenok failed to wear cold armor, a brooding sense of strength poured from every hole in the suit of steel. Ravenok chuckled to himself. He was glad that there were still few people in this dense world that could still best Ravenok in a strength contest. He wondered intently what would happen due to this man's prescence, hoped that someone would start a fight at that very moment, just so he could see the limits of him.

His gaze soon trailed away from the man, after noticing the small silence that became of the room for a few seconds. The talking began again shortly like a tidal wave, he wasn't sure if Xale had said anything after what he said in his greeting, but nonetheless Ravenok would not have heard it. Speaking of him, Ravenok thrusted his hand into his tunic and extracted from it the piece of parchment with Xale's details on it, except his name. He guessed he wouldn't need it anymore, unless Xale failed to meet Ravenok's expectations. He felt that he would, though, and decided to forget about the Bounty, for now...

Ravenok had completely forgotten about Xale, his world of view had tunneled down to the lone visage of the hulking man. Another fact that suddenly hit Ravenok was the fact that he had yet to learn Xale's name.

"Ravenok..." He began, "So you know my name. My thoughts would wish to know how, but that will be the only piece of information I will let you keep. What plagues me now is not knowing your name. Tell me, then." Ravenok's voice was stern, he was demanding an answer, not asking for one.

11-25-06, 07:13 PM
"Manix, Xale A., captian, militia of Verma, unit six." he said coldly, then fineshed, "if you need to see the book, it is sealed in a chamber a mile outside of town. only myself and my bloodline, of which i am the last, can open it." he stood up. "now, if you want to see it and cannot take my word, i will show you." he turned and saw the man that had caught Ravenok's attention. "well, well, someone in this town i don't know that is unafraid to express his strength! if you need me, i'll be under a pine at the eastern edge of town." xale left the tavern and walked eastward, waiting for Ravenok to follow him at his leasure.

11-27-06, 09:41 AM
As Aurion made his way to the bar on the other side of the tavern. The conversation had begun agian, and only those who were in his immediate way still guarded him with caution. Usually moving there seats so that they did not stay within his path. Few in this tavern were brave enough to confront him, and none were any where near his size. Finally reaching the bar he placed his massive frame on a thick wooden stool in the corner. The wood creeked under his great weight, and many were suprised it did not just break asunder. Lightly slamming his fist on the counter, alot of the glasses and pitchers rocked under the shockwave of his hit. The small dwarven bartender quickly came to the large northerner. Out of the oppurtinity for gold, not out of fear of the man. He was an eldar dwarf with a kettle belly and grey beard. Odviously far to old to be intimidated by this tiefling who was so full of himself. The dwarf looked up at the man and grunted "Wha'ill? be den?".

Aurion observed the dwarf a moment and nodded before speaking. "A pitcher of blackwater mead, and make it quick dwarf I have little patience this afternoon." his comment harash and demanding, yet he had a sense of respect for someone who could confront him without fear. The dwarf just nodded and walked to a large tankard, filling a clean pitcher with a blackish beverage of some nature. Placing it next Aurion who basicly inhaled it in one large gulp. Throwing eight gold pieces down for the one, and three more. As the dwarf walked off agian, Aurion's eyes began to scan about the tavern. Slowly studying to see if anyone of value was even in this place. Many of the men were nothing more than sailors, peasents, and your occuational simple sneak thief. Yet his eyes set on a large man, just a bit smaller than himself. With a slender figure and agile graces to him. Odviously not stronger than himself, but having the speed which he lacked. Senses in the back of his mind tingeled about at the short glance. A precognititon perhaps? something to do with his demonic powers? He certainly had no idea but he would keep on eye on this man. Perhaps he knew something of the book he was in search of. He grabbed another pitcher that the dwarf had sat in front of him. Guzziling it down with little to no effort, and sat up from his seat. The chair creeking with relief from the great weight it had endured. Slowly making his way over to Ravenok.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-27-06, 04:52 PM
Ravenok was constantly being puzzled as of late. He couldn't quite place a finger on it, but the recent actions of others just left him dumbfounded. Had he not just a minute ago told Xale to go get the Book of Kin himself? His words should have not been misunderstood.

Pondering whether he should go along with Xale at that current time, Ravenok sat in the chair for what seemed like a long while. Just waiting, thinking. After a minute of thinking, Ravenok had decided not to go along with Xale. Surely he didn't need his help gathering the Book of Kin from wherever it is, incompetent as he may be. He shrugged it off, just deciding in the end that if he didn't see results quick, there would be bloodshed. Nonetheless, that is then.

Now there was a different matter afoot. Ever since the giant of a man, clad in armor strolled in Ravenok had been paying attention to his actions, wondering what went through the mind of one such as him. Ravenok knew what strength was, for he did indeed have it, but not this strength, the strength that he thought could only exist within the veins of those called Barbarians. Though this one did not quite resemble a barbarian, perhaps he was misjudging. But this man reminded Ravenok of another, an acquaintance back in his days of being a Captain. He remembered Ifrit, his "friend," the only man that Ravenok decided to travel with his guard down for a period of time. Though the man was shorter than he was, he had strength.

The thing that reminded Ravenok of Ifrit most from Aurion was his sword. He remembered Ifrit's enormous Falchion, at which he utilized with aught difficulty. This remembrance had struck a newfound interest for Ravenok in Aurion. It was also at that time when he noticed Aurion coming towards him. Glee shot throughout his entire body. Not only did Xale come to him in his first day at Scara Brae without Ravenok using any effort, but now Aurion seemed to be making a move without reason from Ravenok himself. What else could go in his favor this day? Perhaps he would find out.

Regardless of whether or not Aurion could hear Ravenok over the clutter of noise drowning the tavern, Ravenok decided to speak up. Aurion probably would not be able to hear him, but hopefully he would get the notion that Ravenok was speaking to him.

"Zirnden. Have you heard of it?" He asked.

11-27-06, 05:40 PM
His minor trek towards the man was not without its usual bothersome fool. A waitress making her way back to the bar with empty drinks, happened to bump into the large man. Spilling the cups all over the ground, shattering into thousands of small glass pieces. Her eyes gaping up at Aurion with anger, as she screamed at him. "YOU!! bloody idiot!! LOOK WHAT you ....have...done.." he words quickly die and trail away she realizes just how big he is. At first there is no reaction from Aurion and then he grabs the woman by the throat. With a strike faster than you would think a man like him could move. His thick armoured finger clenching around her throat. Lifting her into the air as if she was made of feathers.

"I suggest, that you clean up the mess you have made. Before I issue my own compliant, wench." His words are cold without sign of anger, and he releases her once his comment is complete. She draps the ground grasping for air, and quickly trys to clean up the mess on the ground. Tears dripping from her eyes as she odviously ponders over the past few minutes.

Finally with his interuption complete, he grabs a thick legged stool. Seating himself down, the wood creeking with the strain of his weight. Looking over at the other man, a bit smaller than he had first imaged. Yet it was odvious that he held with him a potential of power.

"I can not say I know what you speak of." refering to the question that he asked before the "incident".

11-27-06, 07:24 PM
xale stared at the taverns door, waiting for the unevitable aproach of Ravenok, and, he had hoped, the man he had predicted the name of as Aurion. he leaned against the tree he said he's be under, waiting. every second was more and more blissfull. he fought the earge to just kill someone, why he wanted to he did not know, he was trying to find his parents, not become the second most evil person on the earth, so why was he feeling like this? he was feeling... violent... why, he wondered.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-28-06, 02:06 PM
Ravenok laughed to himself for a moment. Despite him only being in Scara Brae for less than a day, he learned a great deal about it from the passengers that accompanied him on the ship over here. He learned of various places, the people that reside here - races in particular. One specific place took Ravenok's interest as soon as he heard it. The Zirnden. A fight club here in Scara Brae called the Zirnden, he heard it from a couple of rough looking men saying they were going to Scara Brae solely for the Fight Club. Ravenok said nothing about it at the time, didn't even think anyone would be a challenge hand-to-hand with himself.

"It is a fight club, here within Scara Brae," Ravenok began, "I heard good things about the place. Entertainment, training and good drinks."

Ravenok could only assume that Aurion had known what Ravenok meant by that statement. Not only did Ravenok think that Aurion would be a good challenge to himself, but he also wanted to spectate some battles, wondering how good other people could possibly be. He wouldn't know until he tried it out. Ravenok could also not turn down a good drink, a night of drinking would be just what he needs in the midst of recent events.

He examined Aurion's figure again. Indeed, Ravenok could ascertain the fact that he was the stronger of the two. He wasn't very used to that, so perhaps he could see how a stronger person fights. He especially was interested in his sword style. Not to mention he wondered if one such as Aurion could enjoy a good mug of ale.

Thoughts as to what Xale might be doing left him in the dark. He could only hope that he was on his way for the book, not only for Ravenok's sake, but Xale's as well. Perhaps he would find Ravenok in the Zirnden, if he went there. He wouldn't mind watching the fighting style of him either, though with his small frame he figured it wouldn't be much.

All of this he wondered, but he wouldn't be able to find results unless he acted on the task at hand. "Maybe you wouldn't mind a battle or two?" He asked finally.

12-01-06, 09:44 AM
Ifrit stode out of the docks and down the street hurridely, clawed fists clenched at his sides and his blood red cloak flowing out behind him. He couldn't believe he had let that old man of a captain swindle him out of his money, but he had more pressing matters at hand.

First, he had to find a place to sleep.

frit felt eyes on his back and turned to find numerous people staring at his demonic visage. "What?" he snarled, revealing long pointed fangs. "Never seen a demon before?"
That stopped the staring.

He continued walking, his black mood darkened still. He looked up at the sky, and saw it was almost nighttime.Damn!

His speed increased as he walked, and he narrowed his bloodred eyes. Something was bugging him for the past few months.

The death of his companion, Ravenok.

Well, at least he had to assume he was dead. The mriswith had attacked without warning, in their usual style, but this time they came in such numbers that in order to merely survive the demon and the man were forced to split up and flee. When Ifrit backtracked after he had lost his own pursuers, he found numerous bloodstains, none of it being his or the mriswiths'.

But he could not find Ravenok's body.

What had happened? Where had he gone? Those questions had been plaguing Ifrits mind. The mriswith were incredibly deadly; if Ravenok had been
forced to battle, he would have surely died.

Yet, this growing feeling...

Ifrit stopped and his head snapped towards a direction. A nice, homely looking tavern sat there less than ten feet from Ifrit's nose.Well, I need to get some sleep... Ifrit thought to himself. Then i'll continue my quest.

And with that he opened the tavern door.

Vamrsh Skylare
12-06-06, 02:00 PM
After hearing the commotion caused by the large man Vamrsh overheard being called Aurion, he decided to listen in on what he had to say. In listening to this he heard of Ravenok's offer to join him at a "fight club". This place interested him enough to become more involved into their conversation.

It had been quite a while from the last time he had fought. It was when he lived in his village....or was it a town.... or an empire, he could no longer tell. His memory had been wiped he only remembered some events from his childhood and most of his training. Yes the training... thats what the fight club reminded him of... After many training sessions most of the trainees would join together at night and test each others abilities. Perhaps fighting again would help him remember something else... or at least leave him at peace.

"Damn!" - pain shot through Vamrsh's head, a side effect of the memory wiping... he was thinking too much about the past anyway. He needed to think of the now and decide if he would want to fight after being away from battle for far too long. Hopefully this wouldn't end badly if he struck up a friendship or even just a friendly aquantince with the man.

He walked slowly up to the bar and sat on the other side of the human warrior. He saw as he was walking over that he didn't carry any weapons but had gauntlets and greaves... a great weapon if used right.

"I wouldn't mind a bout or two" Vamrsh said answering the question directed at Aurion. "Ravenok was it... "

Ravenok Kinnes
12-06-06, 02:24 PM
Ravenok was watching Aurion as he offered him a chance to duel at the Zirnden, not far from the tavern they were currently in. Wondering what his answer would be, the freelancer could've guessed yes, but he would need to hear actual words from the hulking man before going forth with details. But his attention had been averted, moved to something, or someone, more like, who had decided to answer his question even though it was not directed at him. Ravenok's eyes flashed with anger, "What would make a man such as this ask me to fight?" he thought to himself, analyzing the elven male from top to bottom, taking into account how his muscles faired and what he was wearing and what he was equipped with. "Puny." Ravenok thought, "It is a sad day in Raiaera when a little elf such as this would challenge one such as I to a fight. What courage... Or is it stupidity?"

"Oh?" Ravenok finally said, intuitively, after his inner thoughts finished rushing through his head. Ravenok pushed his small seat back and stood up after nodding to Aurion as a signal of "Wait." He crossed his arms and looked the elven warrior in his green eyes - the color of desperation in his book, "Why is that?" the freelancer said, almost jokingly. He was treating Vamrsh almost like a child. Ravenok was never fond of elves... He had had bad experiences with them in the past, and he personally disliked their tendency to be diminutive when compared to other races. Some, though, did have a muscular complexion, but this one didn't have that. He was small, compared to Ravenok, and wasn't worthy of the spit on the freelancer's greaves.

He was chilled by the sudden breeze that blew into the lively tavern, the door had opened. The air smelled clean, there was a significant difference in the smells of the stagnant air within the tavern and that outside of it. Ravenok, being too far to the side of the door, couldn't see the man who was about to walk through, but he saw some of the other bar-goers near the door stare at whoever it was at the door like it was a ghost. Their eyes were wide, probably wondering who or what the hell had just walked into the tavern. "Must be some kind of freak." the freelancer thought to himself, attention shifting back to the elven warrior.

12-06-06, 04:39 PM
Ifrit walked in, ignoring the frightened stares he got. He didn't look at anybody's faces anymore, just because he knew what he would find there; fear. Always fear.

Just because he was a demon didn't mean he would go around slaughtering people!! Ifrit gritted his fangs and slammed the tavern door, causing his cloak to blow open and reveal the twin scars that made him Captain. Without looking at anybody he stalked over to the bartender behind the counter, who was looking at the demon swordsman with a wary eye and keeping one hand under the counter.

Ifrit threw a handful of gold coins on the table. "I'd like a room, please." he said as politely as he could with his current mood.

The bartender didn't move. "Sorry, but we don't accept demons here, lad."

Ifrit gritted his fangs even more. Not only had he have to give up more than he had these days just to get to this friggen island, but he had to deal with this shit too!?

Instead of engaging in a yelling match, however, Ifrit calmly pulled out his giant falchion from his back and pointed it at the nervous bartender. "I asked for a room and there's plenty enough there for it. Do I have to add your head to the price?"

The man shuffled a little, but finnaly stuck with his first decision. "We don't allow demons in here. Now get out."

Ifrit sighed. It had to come to this. without looking behind him he said as loud as he could, "Does anybody here object to this man here dying? If they do, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Vamrsh Skylare
12-07-06, 02:24 PM
"Well..." Vamrsh started while walking over to Ravenok's table, "I havn't had a good fight in a long time. Perhaps you could help me to remember how it feels to fight a true opponent."

With this remark Vamrsh lifed his head and gave a slight smirk from under his the hood of his cloak. Just then he felt the breeze and looked to see who had entered the tavern. He watched the demon enter and try to get a room from the bartender. When the blade was drawn he knew he had to step in, for the demons sake.

"Let me take care of this, we will finish this conversation later." Vamrsh said as he swiftly sprinted across the room and stopped himself in front of the demon's blade tip which was now right in front of Vamrsh's neck. Vamrsh looks the demon in the eyes and decides he can trust him enough not to kill him. Upon deciding this he turns around and tells the bartender.

"Sir, perhaps I could purchase a room?" Vamrsh puts some gold coins in the bartendar's hand and takes a key from beneath the counter. "This room will do fine thank you." Vamrsh says as he extends his hand with the key in it to the demon.

"Now then you can put that sword away if you don't mind."

12-07-06, 08:00 PM
sorry about taking so long, but i'm going to take a break from Althanas to prevent me from neglecting the rest of my life, and give me the time it takes to work a forum. I will come back, but untill then, the participants can do as they will with Xale.

12-20-06, 01:36 PM
The demon glared at the elf who had unexpectedly stepped in between Ifrit and his current prey, but accepted the key. At least someone here wasn't being an annoyance. However, when the elf asked him to put away Beowulf, the demon refused the request and kept it out in one hand.

"Thanks." he muttered, and stalked off to his room. He, in his present mood, didn't give a damn who the elf was at the moment, and in his fury missed the form of Ravenok at the table as he went upstairs.

I know this is a short post, but it is merely to get the story going along again. No one has posted in this in a long time, and we need to finish it.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-20-06, 03:43 PM
"What the fuck?" Ravenok thought to himself as the small elf left to help some demented demon who to the freelancer seemed like an idiot. Brandishing his gigantic sword for no reason in the middle of a tavern... How, well, stupid.

"You sonofabitch." He yelled after the elf as he turned abruptly and walked away . Why ask to start a fight when you're going to just run off at the next sign of activity? Was he scared? Nonetheless, the freelancer cared not anymore. He was sick of this place, sick of these people. All imbeciles. He looked at Aurion with an uncaring expression, "Remember my offer." he said as he pushed off his feet and started to walk towards the door. He payed no further heed towards the elf, the deranged demon-man, or the muscled berserker. Perhaps he would go and find some work, or buy some useless junk at a store. If anything he needed some excitement, and this tavern wasn't giving it to him.

He tripped over the leg of some drunken man's stool and almost fell over, spilling the man's ale, and cursing at himself and the bum who looked at him in return. "God damnit! I've had enough of this place." He reached for the door seconds later when he reached it, and twisted the metal knob. It creaked and groaned as the door swung open, nearly blinding the freelancer with sunlight. A sudden warmth also swept over him. It was sunny, hot and cloudless. A perfect day for some adventure, in Ravenok's eyes. He took his first step outside and left the door wide open, leaving some men inside grumbling with annoyance as their eyes were inundated with sunlight. He looked around, mainly for Xale who he had asked to retrieve that tome for earlier. He hadn't returned, and was nowhere in sight. Quite frankly, he didn't care anymore. He wasn't even sure if Xale would be coming back, let alone telling the truth about the book. Oh well, a thorn removed from his side at least!

"Stop them!" Shrieked a high pitched voice, a panicked woman's voice. Ravenok's eyes twitched to the side to see a band of green skinned, short, ugly creatures run through the street. They pushed the pedestrians out of the way, frantically trying to run through to somewhere. A realization popped immediately into the monk's head after seeing their ugly visages:


They shrieked in triumph as they passed Ravenok, who lashed out a muscled arm to intercept and knock down one of the fleeing goblins. A loud crack erupted from the impact, and the goblin's eyes closed. It was either dead, or knocked out. Another band of beings came after the goblins, but they were taller and dressed in fine shining armour. They were the Scara Knights, by Ravenok's assumptions. They were chasing the fast fleeing goblins with swords in hand. One of the men stopped in his tracks when he saw the fallen goblin at the freelancer's feet. He let his comrades go and strolled over to the tavern door.

"I thank you, warrior," The knight began, breathing heavily. Apparantly they were running for a little bit, "I don't even know how the hell those wretched creatures found their way into Scara Brae. They couldn't have come from the outside, that's for sure. They emerged suddenly, and stole a bunch of things from the local merchants. We got some of them, but they caught us off guard, we weren't ready!"

Ravenok nodded in response. Normally he would've said something(something bad) to this tired knight, but he was the Authority, and Ravenok knew how to obey the law. Not only did he know how to obey it, but sortof manipulate it, "You say these goblins came from somewhere within the city?" Ravenok asked, the knight nodded quickly in response. "I know that you knights have better things to do than to crawl around the city looking for whatever or whereever it is that those things got in." He knew that was a lie. It was the knight's job to do just that. Search the city for any interior threats. The knight tried to speak but Ravenok intercepted him before he could start, "I'd be willing to look for it, if you want.... For some money."

The knight stopped, wondering what he should do. He knew that it was their job to do that, but hiring some mercs wouldn't be too bad, may even cost less than if they were to do it themselves. He quickly nodded to the waiting freelancer.

Vamrsh Skylare
12-20-06, 07:14 PM
"Well thats overwith" Vamrsh said while letting out a sigh of relief, "I don't know if I could have taken him, damn I should really watch myself until I can test where my skills are, Now where did that freelancer go?" Vamrsh looked to where he had just been he saw that no one was there, all the was that was different was a drunken man with some spilled ale. Not soon after noticing that the man was gone did he hear a scream from outside the tavern. Vamrsh walked briskly towards the door, stepping over the drunken patron, and went outside to find the freelancer he had been talking to standing over a goblin that he had obviously just knocked out, and a Scara knight next to him talking. As he came closer he heard the proposal of the freelancer to kill the rest of the goblins for a reward.

"Have you no patience? No matter, I overheard your little goblin offer, maybe we can make it interesting. I'm sure that there was more than 1 other goblin seeing as they travel in groups, so hows about we see who can kill the most. Then the one to return with the most heads will be paid, a fair offer I would say, and as a bonus we can both see the other in action."

Vamrsh knew he was provoking the freelancer a bit, he seemed to be aggitated easily and was near the point of anger, it probably didn't help much that Vamrsh was butting in on his conversations, yet you can't get anything in this world without speaking up. I hope this doesn't provoke him too much it is after all a simple quest even for a rusty elf. Vamrsh thought to himself hoping that he would find a way to see this selfconfident freelancer in action. Well it seems like I will find out soon enough

12-21-06, 07:38 AM
Ifrit examined the room he had been thrust in with annoyance. Although the elf had paid for him, all that was in the room was a lamp with a bed and a small drawer. Oh well, it would have to do for the time being. The demon swordsman sat down on the bed and immediately began unpacking his stuff. He set Beowulf on the bed next to him and unhooked his dagger from his belt and placed it on the drawer.

He hadn't even been in there for ten minutes when he heard yelling and metal clashing outside. These sounds were giving him a headache, so he tried shutting the window and lying down, but still he could hear the violence outside. Ifrit snarled unhappily, rubbing his head. Why can't I get a minute's peace!?

Irritated, Ifrit decided to do something about it. In a rash move, he shoved open the window and jumped down a story, using his claws as a grappling edge to slow his descent. He landed feet-first in a cloud of dust , right in front of a fleeing goblin with a stricken expression.

"So, your the one's making all the noise!" he snarled, and the goblin cringed and fled with fear at the inhuman visage. But Ifrit wasn't about to let his prey get away, and, since he had not brought his blade, grabbed the back of the beast's outfit and slammed him to the ground, making a small crater. This move crushed the small goblin's ribs and lungs, and blood pooled like red wine. Ifrit smelled the blood and his lust for battle rose.

Immediately his smile came into being, as he surveyed the goblins running towards him and the knights in white armor behind them. "Oh my god, its a demon!" one of the knights cried, and pulled out his short sword. "Kill him before he kills us all!"

Ifrit recognized the knights. They were the law enforcers of this town, and only common sense kept him from attacking them in his current mood. He searched for his blade Beowulf, but remembered he had left it in his room when he had leapt out the open window. Dammit, you fool! the swordsman cursed himself, and began to run ahead of the goblins.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-21-06, 02:18 PM
The knight nodded again towards the freelancer, who stood there watching in the distance, the goblins were running out of the city it seemed. There would be no point in following them if they were trying to get the hell out of the city rather than retreat back into the place within the city that they came. He shrugged slightly at his own inner thoughts, he would just have to find this place himself somehow. Hopefully it wasn't that far.

"Fine, then." Ravenok responded, "I expect a reward for this endeavor, so don't forget. Just tell me where I will get payed once I find this entrance."

The freelancer received a nod in return, and the Knight explained to him that Ravenok would get payed out of the man's own pocket, rather than the Knights themselves as a whole. That wasn't what Ravenok had expected, but nonetheless he would be payed. That was all he cared about. Ravenok was also told briefly and very simply where he could find the knight and at what times, remembering where he usually patrolled and such.

"Don't really worry about finding me," The knight said, nearly finishing the layout, "I will find you, by your face, of course." The monk never actually got a look at the knights face. which was covered in a steel full helm. He wondered how the knight would break it to his companions at how they wouldn't need to search for the entrance to whereever it is that the goblins came out, but he would think of something eventually. With a word of thanks and a slight nod, the knight took off, running towards the area where his fellows had gone. The lone freelancer looked behind him in response to some elf speaking behind him. It was the elf he encountered not ten minutes ago.

"A game, hm?" He asked quickly in response. "What makes you think I don't want to do this alone, Elf?"

A second group of knights emerged from around a bend of a building. They were walking, apparantly not in any rush, but Ravenok could guess that they were investigating the recent events. But when a couple of straggler goblins popped around from another corner, the knights buckled up and started the chase. But unexpectedly, some being had leaped from a window from the tavern's second floor, landed on the ground and took out one of the goblins.

"Haha... Fool." The monk thought to himself when the knights deemed the newcomer a threat. Several drew their blades as the demonic man gave chase to the other fleeing goblins, the knights followed in return. He didn't realize that he had an amused smile on his face at the time, which quickly vanished when he remembered that he asked the elf fighter a question. He hadn't answered yet, and Ravenok didn't feel like waiting. He turned towards the opposite direction of that which the goblins were running and began to walk.

"If you want to come, then come. But don't get in my way," He said, taking off and already a good five feet from the elf, "Or else you'll regret it." The freelancer stuck out his elbow, popping it out to his side in line with the incoming demon-man. He hoped to intercept his run like he had to the goblin previously... Just for fun, really.

Vamrsh Skylare
01-01-07, 01:33 PM
"A game, hm?" He asked quickly in response. "What makes you think I don't want to do this alone, Elf?"
"If you want to come, then come. But don't get in my way," He said, taking off and already a good five feet from the elf, "Or else you'll regret it."

"You obviously can handle yourself then." Vamrsh replied though the freelancer was not paying the least attention. He seemed more interested in the demon type creature running from the knights. At this Vamrsh decided it would be best to leave this man to his own accord.

"Then it will truely be a competition, first to find the goblins base of operations will get the reward. Good luck." Vamrsh replied as he strode towards the center of the town to find any clue he could as to the whereabouts of the goblins. The only place he could think of that they could be hiding would be in one of the houses or in the sewers underneath the city. But since goblins were annoying little creatures he doubted they would hide in a house for they would be too easily spotted or heard. Thus he decided to go the the sewers. Vamrsh removes his black cloak and puts it in the bag he uses to hold Rygor when they are traveling in open areas. Then stepping up to the nearest sewer drain and prepares to go down into the filthy depths below.

Sorry it has taken so long to post but I was busy this week.

01-02-07, 11:46 AM
Ifrit leapt over an over-turned cart with inhuman agility as an arrow lodged itself into the wall beside him. Now, thanks to his foolishness, he had turned the entire town against him! Snarling Ifrit shoved a man out of the way as a goblin threw a wicked knife at his back, sensing an opening in the defense of the huge demon before him. Unluckily for the goblin, Ifrit had had no such opening at that point and caught the handle of the thrown knife with adept efeciency, catching the goblin by surprise and causing him to turn and run. Ifrit, in a blood-rage, slammed the blade in the thing's back up to the hilt the blade erupted of the the goblin's stomach, spraying blood everywhere. Berefit of his blade, Ifrit pulled his own dagger out of it's hilt and held both in a classic fighting stance as he snarled and screamed, "Come on!!" to the approaching goblins and Scara Knights. If he was to die, it would not be without a fight.

Luckily for him, however, he wouldn't have to die today. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed an unused well and inspiration struck. As a few goblin came at him with their short swords, he spun and caught one of them with the dagger he had taken, and impaled that one as well. With his other he slit the belly of one and then, keeping his momentum, spun with his arm and clothes-lined the last one after him. As chaos ensued, he spun into the darkness and jumped, feet-first, into the seemingly bottomless well.

After a while he hit botton, after a seemingly limitless time of falling. His legs collapsed beneath him as the impact shook through him, and the darkness covered and blinded him. Panting, he slowly got up, and noticed light. Confused, Ifrit went to the light. Why was there light into the darkness of the well?

He felt his way along the walls, keeping one hand on his sheathed dagger. Extending his senses, he "saw" that he traveling along a worn tunnel, one that had been used for traveling not so long ago. As he came into a slightly wider section of the tunnel his senses flared, and he smelled the acrid stench of burning flesh and the nauseating smell of goblins. Surprised, Ifrit turned to go back the way he came, only to find himself face-to-face with a bristle of spearsheads.