View Full Version : OOC price check on a latern.

03-28-17, 11:19 PM
While Jethro isn't exactly a materialistic money grubber he does have some spare change and would like a price check on a bad ass lantern which can make ghosts tangible.

03-29-17, 02:32 AM
That sounds like a pretty cool lantern! What material would you like it made out of?

03-29-17, 07:36 AM
Lets go with brass

03-29-17, 07:59 AM
Based on that and our discussion in chat, how does this sound?

A brass lantern able to make ethereal beings/objects visible and tangible within the 6 foot radius of its light. Lantern must be lit for it to work.

I can let that go for an even 100 GP.

03-29-17, 08:12 AM
Sold thank you!

03-29-17, 08:22 AM
Jethro gains: A brass lantern able to make ethereal beings/objects visible and tangible within the 6 foot radius of its light. Lantern must be lit for it to work.

Jethro pays: 100 GP

Thanks for your business!

Transaction compelted on 4.0. - Ray