View Full Version : Retirement

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-30-17, 07:37 AM
After some long, deep thought, I have decided that at the end of April I'll be retiring from Althanas.

I want you all to know that I've not made this decision lightly. Recently, my spare time has been cut down dramatically due to ongoing parental issues and for the first time since I rejoined I find myself struggling to keep up both IC and OOC. Other unforeseen circumstances, such as not being able to get on the internet on my lunch hour, have contributed to this choice which has been extremely hard.

I say April because that gives me a chance to finish threads I am in. I don't want to let down those I have committed to, nor do I want to leave judges or operations staff high and dry. I'm hoping a month's notice will allow us to get things in order rather than me just leaving them all to it with loads of work to do. That will be up to Dirks.

I know I have loved every single minute of being here. I have written with some fantastic people. For a long time this place has seemed like a second family to me, so maybe when I have managed to source a bit more spare time, I'll be back. Who knows.

I mean this when I say it: I love you all.

I especially want to thank Dirks for giving me the chance to serve the members, Shelby for the the relentless support, Jack and Fred for their respect and friendship all the staff for their support and hard work. Hopefully I leave the place better than I found it and in good hands. Please support the administrators and staff in helping this place grow and become what it should be.


03-30-17, 07:41 AM
Don't worry about posting our fight, then. There's no way I'd be able to finish it within a month.

03-30-17, 07:58 AM
Sorry to see you go! When the time comes, we'll miss you. *Hugs*

03-30-17, 07:59 AM
If Chris leaves, we riot.

03-30-17, 08:01 AM
A sad post to read. Hopefully you eventually come back. But real life comes first. You'll be missed (and still harassed on skype).

Storm Veritas
03-30-17, 08:01 AM
Goddamnit Chris April Fool's is Saturday. This is fucked up.

03-30-17, 08:28 AM
Goddamnit Chris April Fool's is Saturday. This is fucked up.

This is my reaction too.

03-30-17, 08:33 AM
That's a real shame. You might find without staff responsibilities you might be able to get a post in here or there >.>

Still... I *guess* parental.duties take precedent. It's been great seeing you approach your work on eh site with such gusto!

03-30-17, 08:37 AM
You're making me actually cry and if this is an April fools joke then I am going to make sure all your tea is forever bitter.

03-30-17, 08:51 AM
*gets acoustic guitar*

*prepares to go on a musical hunger strike until Shin comes back*

*sings horribly*

"Say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me hoooooome."

I make light because I love. Miss you already big guy. Hope we can make some waves with The Death of a Deity before you go.

03-30-17, 08:53 AM

wait what?!

I think your confused mate, April fools is still a couple of days away.

03-30-17, 09:00 AM
Would've been funny if it was on April Fool's tho.

Erhat Varen
03-30-17, 12:08 PM
Sad to see you go, man. I didn't get to write with you or get to know you very well, but you seem like the cool fellow. Best of luck with future endeavors.

03-30-17, 03:23 PM

Understand with the baby and all. Its hard being a parent.

You're amazing. Let me know if I can help and read your facebook messages.

03-30-17, 04:55 PM
Just stay and ctfo instead. You know, just post once every other month. Ebi's been doing it for years. P.S. Can I have your stuff?

03-30-17, 08:54 PM
Never loose your passion Chris. You filled this community with so many great memories and tons of smiles. Much love, your Southern Cowboy Casanova.

Gay jokes aside, best wishes man.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-31-17, 10:45 AM
I just want to say thank you for the overwhelming support. I've had some lovely messages off you and it means a lot to me. Thank you.

Well, I have to embarrass myself now because I've had a chat with the powers that be and instead of full blown quit, i'm going to take a few weeks off to get my shit together. Most of you will know by now what the reason for all this was but, thankfully, circumstances have changed a little for the better.

But you won't be losing me to the abyss.

03-31-17, 12:58 PM
Welcome back!

Storm Veritas
03-31-17, 02:05 PM


Glad to hear this; great news for all involved and the site as a whole.