View Full Version : Zodiac

04-05-17, 11:09 PM
“The world is coming undone. I can feel its threads unraveling, though I now know that it has been happening for a long time. Much was sacrificed to create the Eternal Tap and the world has slowly faded since its shattering. Creation is a shadow of its former glory. The bonds that hold it together fray, and sinister forces long forgotten are returning to tear all asunder.

Champions remain in the world, but to face the coming storm, we must harness powers so ancient it predates the Tap itself. This magic is expressed in the form of the mightiest, most ancient beasts that still walk the earth, their power so great that it is written in the firmament, forming this zodiac of old magic.”

Elijah Belov

Group Name: Zodiac

Description: Zodiac is an order of powerful champions committed to protect the integrity of Creation by harnessing the ancient magic of the High Beasts, whose essence shapes the stars in the firmament. Each member bears the star sign of one of the ancient legendary beasts, bringing its essence into themselves. The organizations is not a band of heroes, per se, defending light and goodness. Rather, the goals of the order is preserving the integrity of the world itself from all threats, rather than necessarily concerning themselves with concepts of good and evil.

Structure: The order contains at most eight inner circle members at any given time (one for each of the Signs), and any number of less agents and soldiers. The signs are as follows:


Thought to be born of the Great Calamity, dragons are known and feared across the world. Lesser beasts that some call dragons are but pale shadows of the true dragons that once ruled Dheathain as immortal god kings. Impossibly vast and powerful, these monsters are no mere winged lizards. Vanishingly rare in the modern age, those who witness one never doubt their divine lineage.

Strengths -- A dragon is bold as only a powerful winged killing machine can be, yet patient in the way of a being whose life spans millennia. It will lay plans for centuries before unleashing its full fury in an instant. Its forceful presence can make enemies submit without a fight. The dragon makes few friends, but is fiercely loyal to them.

Failings -- Used to inspiring awe and fear with little effort, the dragon is often arrogant, needing to be the center of attention, as well as lazy when not sufficiently motivated to act. The dragon can also become overly protective and possessive of its possessions, territory, and especially friends, expecting them to show the same fierce loyalty it does.


Phoenixes are brilliant blazing birds of legend, rising from the ashes of death to live anew. According to Fallien legend, they were born of the moon goddess Suravani’s blood. Shed in her battle with Mishra the Merciless Sun, it dripped upon Fallien’s highest peaks, bursting into flames in the light of the first dawn. From those flames the first phoenix rose. Like dragons, legend prescribes divine lineage to the fiery birds; the Old Magic still coursed through them.

Positive Traits – The phoenix is generous with its time and energy, willing to help those in true need. Its willingness to sacrifice for others makes an admirable ally. The phoenix is also naturally optimistic, as effective immortality allow it to see further and know that things often turn out okay.

Failings – The life of a phoenix is long yet fast-paced, leaving them constantly hungry for new experiences and sensations, leading some to hedonism. Others opt for lives of extreme austerity instead. Used to be revered, the phoenix will often either overly embrace the adoration or reject it outright and turn on its worshipers. It struggles with moderation in many things, including love.


Terror of the waves, scourge of ships, the kraken is a colossal octopus-like beast with mighty tentacles and rows and rows of teeth. Merchants and navies across the world plot their routes to avoid kraken waters, for when angered, the beast is a cunning, unstoppable enemy. It is known to track its prey for days, dragging down whole fleets beneath the waves.

Strengths – The Kraken is cunning and crafty and tenacious, willing to hunt its prey and wait to strike when the time is right. It's a surprisingly intelligent creature, and those bearing the mark of the kraken tend to be complex, deep thinkers.

Failings – Quick to anger and slow to forgive, the kraken can easily become an enemy, and makes a deadly one at that. The kraken will seek revenge to a fault, often leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.


Symbols of hope and purity since the dawn of civilization, unicorns are among the most beloved and sacred creatures in all of Creation. Some myths claim they are children of the Thayne, while other, more ancient texts suggest they were crafted by the Old Gods' own hands. What none debate is that unicorns possess great power to heal the body and mind.

Strengths – The unicorn is a gentle creature, slow to anger and quick to forgive. It can feel the pain of others and will go to great lengths to improve the well-being of those they trust. Those bearing the sign are compassionate and empathetic.

Failings – Living a life adored and coveted in equal measure by all, the unicorn can get lost in its own vanity. Its gentle nature and compassion can make it naive and overly trusting, though it can become timid and slow to trust if ever betrayed. A gentle creature, the unicorn dislikes conflict and will avoid it even when conflict is necessary or inevitable.


Legend says that thunderbirds roost in the very clouds above what is now Alerar and Tular, where the Old Gods laid their first eggs. Eagles with blinding white wings crackling with blue electricity, the thunderbirds are legendary creatures whose myths live on primarily in the oral traditions of the nomadic tribes remaining in those regions – though sightings of these creatures occur wherever storms rage. Amidst the fiercest storms, they hunt, swooping down like bolts of lightning.

Strengths – Thunderbirds are fast, powerful, and brilliant. Those who bear their sign are often charismatic and charming with dazzling smiles. They pick up new skills easily and are quick-witted, eager, and brave.

Failings – Like a bolt of lightning, the thunderbird is fleeting by nature, brash and short-sited. Bold and cocky, those bearing the mark are known to jump headlong into situations without proper forethought. Additionally, living fast-paced lives leaves them easily bored, with short attention spans.

Great Stag:

As much a deer as a unicorn is a horse, the stags of legend are ancient fae-like beings of immense wisdom and power over nature. Known to change forms, they can appear as large, supernaturally majestic bucks or as antlered humanoids. From deep within the ancient forests of Althanas, the great stags rule every tree, stone, and stream.

Strengths – The great stag is endlessly wise, possessing an intrinsic understanding of how all parts of nature work together. It respects all life. Those bearing the sign tend to be honest and fair-minded.

Failings – The great stag is content to let nature take its course, and thus is slow to act when it is required. It's respect for tradition make it stubborn and unwilling to change or question the “way things are.”


The kraken does not rule the seas alone. Lord of the deepest, darkest depths is the Leviathan. Sea serpents that some legends say stretch miles in length, it is more a force of nature than a mere beast. Worshiped as by numerous cultures throughout history, no one knows the origins of these colossal monsters. Perhaps they are the last remnants of the Old Gods of the sea.

Strengths -- The leviathan is stoic, impervious and all but unaware of the trials and hardships that would cripple lesser creatures. Those marked with its sign are often adept at focusing through physical and mental distractions, as well as frighteningly patient. This allows the leviathan to look past immediate details and see the big picture.

Failings -- Stoicism easily turns to callousness for the leviathan, often causing harm to others. Where the kraken will lash out and destroy out of anger or vengeance, the leviathan rarely notices the ships it swallows and the shorelines it ravages. Those bearing the mark possess great foresight, but often allow the ends to justify any means.


Keepers of lore, merchant of secrets, every culture tells stories of these crafty tricksters, riddle-masters, and sages. Body of a lion, eagle's wings, and a woman's head, some believe the Old Gods created the sphinxes to safeguard the accumulated knowledge of Creation. Many mortals seek these mysterious beings for their secrets – but there is always a price and always a test.

Strengths – The sphinx is well known as a clever, tricky creature of devilish intelligence. Those bearing its sign are often hungry for knowledge and possess a calculating intellect.

Failings – The sphinx speaks in riddles and cannot help but manipulate. Those bearings the mark of the sphinx tend to be overly mysterious, and logical to the point that they can become cold to emotion.

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