View Full Version : The Brotherhood of the Castigars recruitment thread

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-12-17, 09:03 AM
In lieu of proper registration as a clan, the Brotherhood are now accepting registrations for membership!

The Brotherhood of the Castigars

OOC Background:

The Castigars originally existed on Althanas’s predecessor, AllRPG, in the Interactive Village in 2001. Lead by Executor ISOS a.k.a Arius Mephisto (now known on here as Visla Eraclair), it boasted members such as Cyrus the Virus (Izvilvin) within its ranks and sought to unite the world under a single banner. A number of clans banded together to attempt to stop the might of the Castigars, including the now defunct Red Dragons under the command of Canen Darkflight (Shinsou Vaan Osiris). Other notable current Althanas members who participated in the Castigar War were Raslin (Gnarl & Root / Ayithe / Elite Optic) and Kaiser Nightwind (Sage).

Background and recent events:

Arius Mephisto is dead, and in his place the council of the Brotherhood had been enthroned in Whitevale, the spiritual home of a Castigar insurrection against the Republic of Corone. The old military might of the Castigars, which had shown such fine defiance all those years ago, had been crushed by the Imperials and those that had been sent to help them had been ignominiously chased towards the sea. All that was now left to the Brotherhood of the Castigars were fragments of its broken armies, the defiance of its proud people who had not forgotten their dream of a unified Althanas and a number of high profile people willing to resurrect a forgotten power.

Relevant (but ongoing) thread chronology (Earliest to latest)

A Game of Shadows (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30993-BoC-A-Game-of-Shadows)

The colours of the Castigars have been flown high above the Coronian Castigar stronghold of Whitevale, and a mutiny against the Imperials has begun to spread. The recent assassinations of two Imperial senators by Storm Veritas has invited further opportunity and as the Brotherhood aim to tighten their grip on the island, Shinsou Vaan Osiris is sent to Radasanth to ensure a political victory for them in the senate. However, not all goes to plan as the Telgradian runs into the infamous Veritas once again. Will their recent encounter conclude with a brawl in the streets, or will fate bind them together and allow them to continue their journey as allies?

The Cleansing Corruption (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?31430-The-Cleansing-Corruption&p=273955#post273955)

United by a common purpose, Storm and Shinsou travel to Whitevale to put an end to the Council of the Brotherhood. When their initial plans are foiled, the pair are forced to rely on sheer power and quick thinking to get control of the situation. Just when they think they have, however, they realize that not all is what it seems. What was first considered a straight-forward mission spirals into a situation that puts the entire town at risk, and the men are forced to make tough calls regarding who is worth saving, and whether these losses are a means to a greater end.


The Brotherhood’s immediate goal is to overthrow the Republic of Corone and take control of the island. Their long term goal is the unification of Althanas under the Castigar banner.

What's in it for me?

You’ll become an integral part of one of the most soon-to-be powerful factions on Althanas. You’ll receive a monthly salary from the Brotherhood, too, and get a chance to share in its sizeable resources.

Initiation and membership

Those deemed worthy of membership into the organisation will receive a glass eye as a token of the Brotherhood’s confidence in their abilities and loyalty. Applications are accepted here and a glass eye will be given out to new members at the end of an initiation thread.


Shinsou Vaan Osiris
Storm Veritas

04-12-17, 09:38 AM
I'm down, and I have an interesting idea for an intro thread.

04-12-17, 10:05 AM
So..do I loose an eye and its replaced with the glass eye? That's pretty morbid. I'd be down

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-12-17, 10:31 AM
I'm down, and I have an interesting idea for an intro thread.

Good lad.

So...do I loose an eye and its replaced with the glass eye? That's pretty morbid. I'd be down

The eye is given as a trophy (read A Game of Shadows for an example), but that's a cool idea.

04-12-17, 10:37 AM
Oh man, its the Interactive Village War all over again! Where is the Red Dragon Clan that is dedicated to keeping a good Castigar face down ... oh, right ... Welp good luck with world domination i'll be just over ther-!

Shin, get that ball and chain off of me right now!

Storm Veritas
04-12-17, 11:55 AM
Come one, come all!

04-12-17, 12:32 PM
I am not in the Brotherhood yet?!

04-12-17, 12:35 PM
Also technically the thread that I wrote about Philomel finding the fotress is a Brotherhood one (sort of) and the battle we are doing is one (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?31929-Crossing-of-Steel).

04-12-17, 01:59 PM
Does the glass eye do anything special or is it just a pretty shiny to show membership?

I have characters that could possibly fit in one way or another, but who wouldn't be all that fussed with world domination. Is there a place for such characters? For example, I'm working on reworking my old slave character. She wouldn't care about overthrowing anyone, but due to her inheritance, has a number of Salvarian resources available to her that could benefit the group.

Is there a required activity level? My activity as of late is heavily hindered with being a new mom as well as some other writing related issues.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-12-17, 06:33 PM
I am not in the Brotherhood yet?!

Sorry, must have copied from an old post! You are a member already :)

Chelley, no required actvity level really. Not at the moment anyway.

Slayer of the Rot
04-12-17, 08:34 PM
I'm interested in membership.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-13-17, 01:20 PM
Fantastic. We're going to put the Brotherhood on the map and give you all some fantastic opportunities for further character development, making new friends and engaging in raging violence.

04-13-17, 11:09 PM
While I can't have Cain playing on this PG due to his patriotism getting in the way Jethro on the other hand does not have that problem. Sign him up!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-18-17, 07:43 AM

04-18-17, 09:13 AM
I would like to express my interest in the Brotherhood.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-20-17, 02:40 AM
I think we should start to get things moving in a direction next week; get some threads rocking and rolling to bring everything together.

In canon, Shinsou and Storm have control over the Brotherhood. We're "about" to embark on a part 3 of our Brotherhood arc that will further continue the story, but it is safe to say that we have foundations laid.

What I want to see now is a little bit of idea generation. I've noticed Jethro has already started an initiation thread with Storm. Any of you who registered their interest, let's get a conversation going about how we get your characters involved and where they fit in. Their goals, their motivations (no matter how shallow or deep) and their stories should all be considered.

When the clan function makes its official return, we're gonna hit the ground running.

04-20-17, 06:00 AM
Aynur may be willing to join, : 3 one of my alts