View Full Version : Breaker takes Intro to Programming

04-18-17, 01:46 PM
After a lot of encouragement from a friend I'm beginning to look into learning programming. The first course I'm wetting my toes with is called Intro to Programming through coursera.org, and has me working with a tool called Scratch. I completed my first mini assignment today, which was to program a short scene of dialogue between two characters.

Rather than using the provided sprites, I used my avatar and another picture I employed in a thread recently. My scene depicts a dialogue exchange between Breaker and Am'aleh. Check it out!

My first programming effort (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/156099888/) - click on the green flag to play it.

Working in Scratch is kinda fun, and I can use some extra practice. If you'd like me to create a short, lame scene involving your character, post here with an image or two I can use as sprites.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-18-17, 02:33 PM
That is absolutely fucking cool.

04-18-17, 05:54 PM
Ooh, that's pretty neat!

04-19-17, 05:24 PM
I did another mini-project today designed to teach me how to use different "costumes" aka make moving pictures. This one has sound. Horrible sound.

BEHOLD THE DANCING FENN (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/156339926/)

And tremble at my skills on the mic.

04-19-17, 05:51 PM

04-27-17, 10:51 AM
I made my first attempt at a game. It's incredibly basic and buggy, but if you give it a try it will hopefully provide a few moments of humor.

THE ADVENTURES OF FINSOU VON FISHSIRIS (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/156667723/)

04-27-17, 11:16 AM
It stops spawning plankton after three. I hoped to eat more plankton. Plankton is life.

Good job, man. I always thought programming was interesting, but by the time I found it interesting, I got too old to get into it. It's a young man's game, apparently, and I wish you well with it.

04-27-17, 04:14 PM
Serious Finsou fish saying "Nom" made me laugh. This is a great start, man. I used to program and I know that while it doesn't look flashy, you're taking the necessary small steps to something bigger. Kudos.

04-28-17, 09:44 AM
One of my colleagues at my new work is studying programming. He studied game design at uni, and is biding his time (like me) in working until he can design a good enough game, or in my case write a good enough book :P

I should get you guys in touch.

04-28-17, 09:46 AM
The real Finsou approves~

04-28-17, 09:58 AM
Oh and have fun with this:

Phi a bit older/ her mother: http://orig13.deviantart.net/39a3/f/2016/151/3/b/faun_woman_by_ferronniere-da4hmpy.jpg

A concept of Drys: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/aa/07/b3/aa07b314d5ce9f9d263640f9e0ddae85.jpg

Dire fox Veridian: http://www.pxleyes.com/images/contests/fire-animals/fullsize/FireFox-4eae8759353bc_hires.jpg

Any good picture of a fox will do for him in normal form :P

Anyway, obviously you don't need to use these all, but I thought I would give you a few to inspire you. Literally, do what you want. You don't even have to do anything.

04-28-17, 11:36 AM
My task for today was to remix a pong game, and you guessed it...

ALTHY PONG (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/157955920/) featuring the pictures provided by Phi. How many lives can you get Veridian to?

04-29-17, 03:05 PM
This is really brilliant Alex, amazing job!

04-29-17, 03:56 PM
I'm enjoying this course so much that I'm a week ahead already. Here's a sneak peek at my first "big" assignment. It features a scene from mine and Phi's thread Quest for the Lyre of Orphaeo (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30534-Quest-For-The-Lyre-Of-Orphaeo).

MEETING IN THE RED FOREST (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/158097879/)

Let me know if you think it meets the requirements:


Create an animation in Scratch where two characters introduce themselves (for example, say their name and where they come from) and have a conversation about a city or country of your choice. When discussing about this city or country, they should talk about some characteristic of this place (such as a monument, a popular sport, typical food or anything else that you would like).

Assignment Details

Your Scratch program should include at least:

Two characters (from the Scratch library or created by yourself)
A backdrop created by you
Some dialogue between the characters
Some sound
Some animation (for example movement or graphic effects)

Remember to use representative names for your sprites, costumes and other elements of the program.

04-30-17, 11:48 AM
Yee, nice job Breaker, this was fun to watch~.