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Rajani Aishwara
11-25-06, 09:33 PM
Salutations Althanas

My name is Rajani Aishwara. It's a pleasure meeting you all here. I hail from other forums like Star Army and Aleria. After a six month break from roleplaying I thought it would be great to try out something new, in site and character. I hope my character can bring something new to Althanas, and I hope Althanas can bring something new to my experience as a writer.

11-25-06, 09:40 PM
hihi and welcome, hope you have lots of fun.

I like the character that you made, very detailed and something a little different. Although he's the exact opposite of my character who seems to be always poor and furry^^ Maybe if you need a yojimbo, I'm the cutest one you'll ever see.

11-25-06, 10:05 PM
Welcome Rajani, you should feel right at home here having been to those other forums.

Rajani Aishwara
11-25-06, 10:27 PM
Wow. A welcome from the administrator. Now that's something never to be experienced in the other forums. Tis an honor, Sir. Santhalas.

BTW: Anyone want to quest with me?

11-25-06, 10:29 PM
sure I'd quest with you^^

Rajani Aishwara
11-26-06, 05:17 PM
Great. Any other takers?

11-26-06, 05:23 PM
Wow. A welcome from the administrator. Now that's something never to be experienced in the other forums.

Yesss, come to the dark side. Feed it, let it grow within you and consume you. Shed away your ideals of honor and sympathy, find your place amoung us, and join us. We have cookies.

Anyways, welcome to the forums and whatnot. I'd love to quest, though I doubt I could keep up with it for a terrible amount of time. If you're willing to put up with some slowness for a bit, then I'd be fine joining.

11-28-06, 05:16 AM
Hi, from your friendly local moderator.

...Well, one that's across the sea from the majority of the writers here, but that says something about my activity time. ;)

Hahaha, nice. Another non-combateer amongs the sword-swinging barbarians. Well, at least you're a bit more geared for fighting than our current residential gadgeteer. She's a wimp when it comes to fighting.

Mmm... and a ship! *grins from kitty ear to kitty ear, thinking of ways to steal it from the seaport*

Rajani Aishwara
11-30-06, 02:55 PM
Oh don't get it twisted. I'm still fit for fighting.

11-30-06, 03:11 PM
Hahaha, nice. Another non-combateer amongs the sword-swinging barbarians. Well, at least you're a bit more geared for fighting than our current residential gadgeteer. She's a wimp when it comes to fighting.She can always get a sword-wielding barbarian to look after her. I volunteer. Chicks with glasses are hot. :D

Also, welcome to Althanas, Rajani.

Rajani Aishwara
12-09-06, 12:10 PM
Thanks, Letho.
(B)y (T)he (W)ay, that quote in your signature is mighty profound. Where did you get it from?

12-09-06, 02:17 PM
It's from Theodore Roosevelt's "The Strenuous Life". I have to admit that I haven't read the entire speech, but I love that quotation.