View Full Version : Updated not leveling up

11-26-06, 04:32 AM
Updates in Bold. I am using your allowance of updating between levels due to a large number of changes from her first quest.

Character Name: Séreméla Carnesîr Baxter
Race: Elf/Human
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Jet black with crimson red streaks
Eye Color: Bright blue with crimson red outlining
Skin Color: Pale
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 100 lbs.
Occupation: Magical Archer

Appearance: Her slender body and shoulder length hair make her look almost too beautiful to be a hunter with a bow. Although her mother was an elf, the only physical trait she got from her was her eyes. Her pale skin, red and black hair, and bright blue eyes makes her stick out in most crowds unless she doesn't want to be seen. Then she allows her stealth to kick in and hide her within her surroundings.
Her arms now show scars from the snake bites of the Drow’s cobras. Green streaks are beginning to spread up both of her arms from the poison.(explained in history.)

Personality: Séreméla is a very quiet archer who usually hunts and battles on her own. She will, however, as for help whenever she knows she needs it. Her skills sometimes get the better of her and she has no problem challenging anyone who feels they are better than she is. Séreméla usually tries to keep her family history to herself due to what her father had accomplished. She wanted to be known for who she is rather than who she was born from. After the poison infused with her own blood, her personality has changed. She now has slight violent outburst when people attempt to stop her in her new goal. The cobras’ poison will allow nothing to stop the demands of the ancient Drow, even if it means death of another by the hands of Séreméla.

Weapons: Elven Yew medium-bow with a quiver of arrows. 3 ½ feet long Elven steel sword.

Weapon (Material) Type: Yew bow and arrows. Steel arrow tips and sword.

Armor: Light green colored garb with light weight steel chain mail imbedded in.

Armor (Material) Type: Soft cloth with steel chain mail around the chest and lower arms.

Items: Quiver of 30 arrows. Elemental Crystal Necklace with magical properties.

Item (Material) Type: (Quiver) light-weight cloth. (Arrows) Harder version of Yew with steel tips and quill feathers.

New items: Small backpack bought at a local bazaar, some self-made torches and matches.

New magical items: The Ancient Book of Elvish Magick
A book containing hundreds of Elvish phrases, rituals and spells. The trick to the book is that the user must be experienced enough to release the written work out on the paper. With no experience all the pages in the book are blank. As experience grows more spells are revealed within.

Current Spells:
(Locked till level up) Recall (Tysti shas sai ti): Séreméla is able to retrieve her arrows after being fired if they were not used as element arrows if they are within a twenty foot circle around her.

Map Locations of The Lost Books of Elessar Arnatuilë [The Eternal Tap]
on the inside cover of the book are locations to The Lost Books of Elessar Arnatuilë. In total, there are six lost books spread out over Althanas. Right now only a single location is revealed, in the Liviol Sanctum. Only after collecting a book, will the next location be revealed. Once combined and placed in order the books will be the complete ritual to create the magical substance Adamantine.


Beginner’s stealth: Able to move quietly under low stressed situations. Able to keep quiet when moving over leaves as long as the wind is blowing.

Swordplay: Able to use sword in a defensive manner but only as a last resort. Average skill.

Moderate advanced archery: Able to hit direct target within 1 inch at 1-10 feet. Able to hit direct target within 1 food at 11-20 feet. Able to hit direct target within 2 foot at 21-30 feet. After that it varies.

Deadeyes: Deadeyes allows Séreméla to use two arrows on her bow to lock onto two enemies with each arrow or a single enemy with both arrows.
Can only use Deadeyes three times in a thread in any combination she wishes.

Crystal Properties:

Wind Arrows: With the crystal necklace Séreméla's bow and current arrow about to be in use begins to glow. As the arrow is released it becomes a clear arrow and will slam into the target with a force of a condensed burst of wind. Does minimal damage and knocks target down. Locked

Fire Arrows: With the crystal necklace Séreméla's bow and current arrow about to be in use begins to glow. As the arrow is released it becomes an arrow of fire and will wrap around the target with a vortex of fire. Does minimal damage and immobilizes target for a few seconds. Locked

Earth Arrows: With the crystal necklace Séreméla's bow and current arrow about to be in use begins to glow. As the arrow is released it becomes an arrow covered in vines and when released the ground beneath the arrow erupts in the path to its target. Arrow itself does no damage. The ground does minimal damage and knocks target into the air about a foot. Unlocked

Water Arrows: With the crystal necklace Séreméla's bow and current arrow about to be in use begins to glow. As the arrow is released, it becomes an arrow of water and sends a small water wave in a foot-wide path towards the target and slams into it. Does minimal damage and knocks target back. Locked

The crystal now glows a burning black when Drows are around. Only used as a warning beacon.

History: Séreméla was born to a Dennis Baxter and Celebriän Carnesîr, an Elven woman. Before her birth, her father had won the love of her mother through a test that her mother’s father had put him through to prove his love for her. The tests were that of archery and hunting skills. He was allowed one year and one day to train then return for his love. Over the next year, Dennis traveled across the land and trained with any elf and creature with a bow in hand. He learned ways of allowing his arrows to go over and around objects with the softest whisper of an Elven chant. He could manipulate the wind with his songs he learned so that he would always be out of the scent of his prey. When his year was up, he headed back to the Elven city where he had left his beloved Celebriän. For a day, he traveled back to the city and when he finally arrived, he showed her father the skills he had learned and even challenged him to an archery contest. Dennis won against her father and as a reward for winning the contest; he was given Celebriän’s hand in marriage and an Elven-crafted bow and small steel sword to give to their first-born child.

After Séreméla was born, she began training with the gifts her parents had receive when she was at the age of 10. Her skills that her father taught her and the Elven blood from her mother allowed her to advance quickly for her age. At the age of 22, she set out of her house to find her own self. To become one with the natural world that she had only but lived in a short time. Before she left, her mother gave her a crystal necklace and was told that it held a great magic within it that would aid her in her quests. Now it was Séreméla’s turn to set out and find out about her roots of her family from both sides and to acquire skills far surpassing her fathers.

Crystal History: The history of the necklace Séreméla's mother gave to her was told to her when she was just old enough to start her training. Her mother told her of a once great mage who lived in her city. Her mother had spent most of her beginning years studying along side the mage who had unfortunately fallen in love with her. About this time that the mage began loving Séreméla's mother, Séreméla's father had begun his quest to fight for her love. The mage wanting nothing more than to stop Dennis from achieving his goal, but he could see in Celebriän’s eyes that she truly loved the human.

On her wedding day the mage secretly pulled her aside and blessed the crystal in front of her then placed it on a necklace and around her neck. He whispered in her ears a magical line and then told her that one day it would activate a magical power that lay dormant in her.

When her mother passed the necklace on to Séreméla, Séreméla asked what the magical words were that she was told so many years ago. Her mother looked at her and smiled then told her that she would find them one day.

After traveling to Salvar, Séreméla traveled to the Ahyark Mountains in search of bandits that were blocking the opening of an ancient maze hidden with treasures. Upon her arrival, she found that none of the bandits were left. They were all killed by ancient Drows that were awoken when the entrance to the maze was revealed. Séreméla went through the maze and was met at the end by two cobras and a large ancient Drow.

The cobras wrapped around both of Séreméla’s arms and buried their fangs in her skin, injecting their poison deep inside of her. A large ancient book was then revealed to her. The ancient Drow informed her that she had one year to return and bring with her the books the map inside lead to for reasons unknown. If she failed to bring the books to him or betray him, she would die a terrible death at the hands of the poison.

Now she is on a quest to save her own life, not really knowing what she was looking for due to her little knowledge of the era in which the book was from. Soon she will find, that she will be placed in the center of an ancient battle between good and evil, with the most powerful magic at her hand. What she chooses to do with it, will depend on whether she lives or dies.

The map in the ancient book shows the location of the first book; deep inside the forest of the Liviol Sanctum.

All updates can be found here, including the bazaar length on the first page post 4 ((The Labyrinthine (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2688)))

Cyrus the virus
11-26-06, 12:57 PM
Everything's fine except the new spell. That'll have to wait for level 1, k?

11-26-06, 07:13 PM
Works for me, Thanks Cyrus. See you in Scara Brae soon!

Cyrus the virus
11-26-06, 10:15 PM