View Full Version : Moral Compasses

05-09-17, 11:48 AM

It was good to be back on my home continent, no more Salvar, no more frigid wastelands, no more freaky ass people with black souls, no more warehouses filled with bloodied bodies and most of all, no more snow. Fuck snow. Thankfully right now, was the near opposite of that watery, icy crap.

It was a warm, sunny day in Corone, high noon if I was not mistaken. I welcomed the feeling of the sun against the back of my neck, and my bare arms and legs. "Mmmm~" I gave a low, satisfied purr as I stretched my arms high over my head and arched my back, yawning. Being in the sun always made me sleepy.

Sure...I had to go to Radasanth, and I did have to go find someone from the Ixian Knights to hand over the patch of clothing tucked safely away in my shoulder bag, but... I didn't specify that I'd run toward the place. I was close, and close was good enough. Right? I feebly covered my mouth as I yawned. The warmth made me sleepy, my azure ears pressed back against my head as I glanced lazily to and fro, seeing if there were any nearby places suitable for a catnap.

"Well that's no good, no good at all." I muttered to myself, seeing nothing. I don't know what I expected to see, I was on the outskirts of Radasanth. There was nothing more than a road, a few tufts of grass, and an uninteresting figure looming in the distance, and I couldn't very well sleep on top of a stranger now could I?

...well, it wouldn't be the first time, but that person was unconscious, and made for a very poor pillow. Still, it was better than a rock, or the middle of the road.

"Hoiiiii~" I called out, unsure if the distant figure could hear me, especially with my poor tradespeak. "You person!? You make good pillow for Eteri?"

It was worth a shot, right?

Venex Apara
05-09-17, 04:40 PM
Ven, unsurprisingly to anyone who knew him, was idly standing around the outskirts of Radasanth. He wasn't really paying attention to much, rather he was lost in his thoughts. He had only arrived a few hours earlier, and he had no idea what to do.

This wasn't his first visit to Radasanth, nor would it be his last. He enjoyed this city far too much, and it was one of his favorite places to be in. Radasanth was probably the most diverse city in the world, at least to his knowledge.
Everyday was a new experience, everyday was a new adventure. So many faces, so many opportunities! Getting bored here was a challenge.

If he wasn't so much of a drifter, he'd probably move here permanently.

But that brings us back to the now. He was thinking about working as a bartender once more. Bartending was a job he enjoyed because he got to talk to many people, and sometimes the pay was actually decent. The problem was finding someone who'd hire him for the short period of time.

Was it possible to work where he worked last time? He'd need to find out. But what if-

"Hoi~ You person!? You make good pillow for Eteri?" Called a voice.

Ven's train of thought was was broken by this. He turned his head to try find the source of the noise. Scanning, his eyes fell on Eteri, though maybe that could have been a result of how unique she looked. Regardless, he knew it was her that called to him, for she was staring directly at him.

Ven blinked. And blinked again. He try to process her question, strange as it was.


Yeah, he was confused.

Not feeling like yelling his response back, he walked towards the strange person he saw before him.

He smiled in a way that showed his honest interest and curiosity. "You called to me yes? I heard your question, but was confused. Could you repeat it?"

05-10-17, 09:07 AM
The man approached me, tufts of white hair shifting mischievously in the breeze. I know, I know, how can hair move about 'mischievously' - I guess it was the way his lips were turned upward in a lopsided smile, or it was the glint in his eyes, the playful gait of his walk...even his lavish and outlandish attire, his deep blue tailcoat screamed either royalty, or madman. Regardless, he extruded a impish aura.

Speaking of...

I returned his grin with one of my own, showing pointed canines as I blinked yellowed eyes, pupils dilating into slits as I decided to peer deeper, to look at his very soul. It wasn't entirely uninteresting, but it wasn't anything like Taka's, it was a mishmash of garishly bright colour; pinks, purples, blues, and touches of red. People who did questionable things always were tinged with red. His soul grinned back at her with a wide smile, eyes glowing in sheer delight. I had to rub my eyes. It was chaos, definitely not useful, sure it'd get a few gold coins in the black market, but I was looking to stitch together my own soul - and if I used this thing, I'd go mad. I mumbled something in Akashimian; <"Damn loud souls...">

I shook it off, sneering him. "Wanted you, pillow, but not much tired now." I said in broken Tradespeak as I slowly circled him, tail flicking side to side with an insatiable curiosity. The man was such an oddity, but then again, I wasn't exactly one to talk. My own attire left little to the imagination and was a bastardisation of traditional Akashimian garb.

I stopped in front of him, placing a clawed finger on the mid of his chest. Funnily enough, his presence drew away the lethargy that wracked my body moments before, it was difficult to be tired when I had something new to fixate on. "You like fun?" I asked. If I had to go take care of Taka's problem, the least I could do was have some fun beforehand.

"Or food?" I added.

Venex Apara
05-10-17, 04:36 PM
When Ven was able to properly get a look at Eteri, his immediate thought was Blue. And not Blue in the sense that he was blue. If you looked at him, you would think "Wow, that guy likes blue". Eteri on the other hand, was blue. Everything about her was just that color, and for whatever reason, her out blue-ing him was amusing.

He didn't speak as she circled him, and he made no motion to stop her. She was interesting, and interesting is what he liked. Stopping her would ruin the fun, and he was not about to give that up. She eventually mumbled something, which he didn't quite hear. Something about souls. His smile grew wider. Very interesting.

He waited till she finished speaking before continuing himself, figuring it the most polite. He glanced at her one finger on his chest, then moved his eyes up her arm, and then finally to her yellow eyes. A small chuckle escaped his throat.

"You got a strange way of speaking Miss, and your accent is quite unique. As for your questions," he began, thinking of answers, "For one, I don't think I would make a very good pillow. Though I wouldn't know if I'd make a good pillow or not, never had anyone use me for one. I have been used as a source of warmth though. That was my youngest sister, she used to climb into bed with me if when she had a nightmare. Cutie pie she that one, I wonder how she is doing."

At that, he instinctively touched the pocket that held his pocket watch, his eye drifting off for a second, but only for a second before bouncing back to Eteri. "As for food, I have a few dried rations I can share. Some dried meat, not the best, but it works. As for the last thing," he said, his face somehow reflecting even more mischief and excitement, "Blue-bell, fun is what I live for."

05-11-17, 11:26 AM
I pouted when he told me I had a weird way of speaking, I couldn't help it. Tradespeak was hard. "Stupid Tradespeak, hard words. Odd placements." I commented in short quick sentences to brush it off. To me, Tradespeak was a borish language and held none of the articulate beauty of Akashimian. If he could understand me in my natural tongue, hoo boy, I'd go from country town bumpkin to high scholar. Yep. High scholar Eteri, it has a nice ring to it.

The man seemed to move on from his statement, he started talking and my mind started wandering, mainly thinking about what 'high scholar Eteri' would do. I decided that high scholar Eteri would be boring, stuck with books in a library, or a bookshop. Who could possibly live their life surrounded by books sitting in a shop?

(Meanwhile, somewhere, a woman named Madison sneezed.)

I think he was talking about his family or something, his words sorta went in one ear and out the other, I was antsy, I teetered back and forth on my heels, as I glanced around the area before forcing myself to meet the mans eyes once more.

That's when I noticed it.

The slightest of gestures, the nuances of nostalgia in his voice. I reached out, not thinking. Granted, I rarely thought through my actions... this was another instance. I slipped a clawed hand into the pocket and pulled out a very shiny pocket watch. My eyes lit up. "OOo!"

I gave it a slight shake, "Shiny!" I beamed as I held the trinket to my ear. I could hear the faint 'tick, tick, tick' of the seconds as they passed. In my utter delight, I slipped and spoke in my native tongue. <"Oh! Delightful! It is like a little, itty, bitty, heartbeat!">

His reaction was hostile. First he swore in Tradespeak, then another language, then another and another, hell, I even heard a few Akashimian words in there. I stared blankly at him in shock as I watched the mischievous glow about him disappear as he snatched the watch away from me.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" He hissed at me as he shoved it back into his pocket, eyes glaring at me.

My ears flattened against my head. I didn't think he would be so possessive over it. "Yes. Ok. Alright." I said, giving him a good ol' pat on the shoulder. "No touch tiny heartbeat. Eteri understand. Come."

I didn't like the thick scent of anger in the air, I'd rather see the mischievous one return, and we sure as hell weren't going to get it eating boring ass dry rations. "No mad, follow." I said as I tugged on his jacket, pulling him toward the town.

"Special delivery I do, first we fun have, nya?"

Venex Apara
05-11-17, 12:34 PM
Ven had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself. His vision was red, and he was oh so very angry. He remembered yelling obscenities, switching between languages rapid fire. Tradespeak, Elven, Draconic, Dwarven, and a few other words in other languages he couldn’t remember, or recall, off the top of his head.

Only getting the watch back was able to cause the anger to quell. He took a few moment to collect himself, then looked at Eteri in a serious way. “Look,” he said calmly and neutrally, “You seem interesting, and I think I can enjoy hanging out with you but,” he paused for a fraction of a second, mind subconsciously switching to Akashimian to provide the clearest message, <”Don’t touch that ever again, not without me giving you permission. I care about that deeply… I’ll forgive you this time because you didn’t know, but that is your only warning.” >

Ven then took a step back, cleared his throat, then let a smile come to his face again. Switching back to Tradespeak, he went on. “Sorry about whatever I may had said. I don’t like that feeling, way to icky for my liking. I prefer this," he said, making a general gesture torwards Eteri and himself. “Happiness, adventure, fun, the good feelings. That is me.”

He then smiled mischievously once again, “I think I shall take you up on that offer of fun Blue-bell.” He then extended his hand out for a handshake. “The name is Venex Apara, but you can call me Ven, and I would be happy to be your partner in fun.”

05-12-17, 11:04 AM
I scratched my head, feeling a little lost. He was all over the place, more so than me and that said something. "Mmmm..." my tail swished side to side as I stared at the man who called himself Venex Apa-whatever. Why did he say he wanted to be my partner? Was he asking me out?

"Don't know you, not well enough for partners." I said as I gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "IN future. Maybe. I want soul first. If want naked fun, not right time."

Something like relationships never really occurred to me, I wasn't sure if I was even capable of being in one. I felt a brief pang of sadness as I let my mind dwell on that fact. Everyone around me had these vibrant and pulsating souls. Heck, even the trees had them. I stared down at my own hands, ears drooping slightly. When I stare at my hands, at my reflection. I see nothing. I had nothing. It was why I was so damn determined to make my own, and finally...I had a base for that, a snippet of Takas. I clenched my hands and gave my head a small shake, I wasn't going to let those thoughts get to me.

<"You speak Akashimian?"> I asked in my native tongue, distracting myself from the negative thoughts. I offered him a grin, <"Lets play a game! Whoever collects the most shinies in 1 hour shall buy the other all the drinks Radasanth has to offer! Yes? Yes!?"> I asked excitedly, clasping my hands together.

Venex Apara
05-13-17, 11:57 PM
Ven blinked in confusion. Naked fun?he asked himself. What was-


Was she implying-

She totally was!

Ven looked at Eteri again, taking in her physical appearance truly for the first time, and and he was not disappointed. Her apparel clung to her, accenting Eteri's personality (the blues, so much blue), but it also left little for the imagination. In fact, apply a little imagination and...

Ven blinked again, then looked away while his face became red. Yeah, he was ending that thought, he must end the thought, before he his body reacted in a way he'd regret.

Ven scratched the back of his head, then looked back at Eteri, refusing to let his eyes wonder. Switching back to Eteri's native language, he tried to carry on the conversation.

<"Akashimian? Is that what this language is called? You learn new things everyday. Yes, I speak Akashimian... technically. But more of that later. I'm going to rectify an issue. I asked you if you wanted to be my partner, not my partner. I'm uhh... flattered you considered it, but I dont want to sex with you. Not saying I wouldn't, because you're a very beautiful lady who seems amazing but-", he rambled off quickly, still flustered and unsure how to handel a situation like this.

Instead, he took the out Eteri left. "I- uhh- Weeeell... Yeah. Bet. I'll accept that bet. But not all the drinks, my coin count is not nearly high enough for that.">

05-14-17, 08:02 AM
<"Akashimian...you speak Akashimian, but do not know what it is called? I-"> I stopped as he insisted that he would explain later. HE seemed frazzled.

My ears flicked side to side as I tilted my head, offering Ven a rather confused look. He went red in the face, very red. I grinned as I pinched his cheeks. "Look at you! Why so red?" I wasn't an idiot, he was clearly embarrassed, unfortunately, I wasn't entirely sure why. Was it something I had said? His eyes danced over my attire, was it my outfit? I guess it was a little revealing for some, I never personally understood modesty. Why cover up your body with nasty clothes? All they did was impede movement, the only time I embraced them were in places like Salvar.

My thoughts had wandered as he rambled, I tried to focus on what he was saying, finally, it dawned on me. "Ah! You Virgin!" I cried out in delight. I felt proud of myself, damn proud. Ven jumped at the term, taking a few feet back as he pulled his arm up to scratch the back of his head. His gaze turned away from me, and he mumbled something in response.

"I right. Yes?" I said, my tone extruding the pride I felt. "It ok." I breached the gap and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You handsome, you do good one day." I wanted to console him, but the action only seemed to cause him more ire. Of course, that only made me want to tease him more. I grinned, my eyes narrowing in sheer delight.

"Oh~Kay~~" I purred as I stepped in closer, pressing myself against him as I looped my hands around his neck. "If Eteri win, you get ALL drinks. If Ven win, Eteri will do anything. You get one!" I held up a single clawed finger. "One ask, Eteri do whatever it is. Yes!" I purred as I nuzzled into his neck. "We go now!" I continued before pushing him back, he stumbled back with a look of shock on his face.

"Nyar!" I replied, sticking my tongue out at him before turning and running into the bustling town of Radasanth.

Our little game has started.

Venex Apara
05-16-17, 09:54 PM
Ven watched Eteri as she ran off, no doubt getting ready to steal all sorts of shiny objects, money, and knick-knacks from unsuspecting persons. And what a bad day they were going to have when they realize they had be stolen from. I mean, then again, if they were just carrying the valuables and they were stolen from so easily, then they had it coming. Maybe that would teach them from being blasé faire about their valuables! It’s not fun if it’s too easy. Gods, everyone should know that! No challenge decreases the fun factor!

Aaaaaand by sitting here, having this internal monologue, Eteri disappeared into the city, and Ven was by himself by himself once again.

Ven pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. A little under an hour to collect and or steal as much as he could. Ok, he could do this. All he had to do was out steal a cat person who probably has way more experience nabbing things than he, and while said person also had a head start. Easy enough.

Ven smiled, putting his pocket watch away. He could totally do this! His money was on the line damn it!

Shit, he was screwed. Why did he accept this bet? His poor coin purse! What could he do? He had to think of a way out of this. He probably might be able to steal enough to win, but that risked the city guard coming down on him, something he wasn’t to interested in doing. The challenge was intriguing, and he wanted to try, but he also had a sense of self preservation, however small it may be.

Think Ven, what to do?

Ven struck a thinking pose. And he thought. And he thought some more. Several minutes passed…

And then he smiled. He had a plan. He had plans! As a good prankster should, because a prankster without a plan is hardly a good prankster at all. First step, steal something. He needed to at least put some effort into making the bet, for angry women are scary when angry- his mother being a prime example- and he didn’t know how Eteri would react if he didn’t try at all.

Thus he stepped into the city.

So it begins.

05-18-17, 12:15 PM
I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but I was pretty sure the game was halfway over. I casually sauntered through the streets of Radasanth, tail flicking side to side as I rifled through a small paper bag. Something I had picked up during 'the game'. In it I had my treasures, the things that I knew would win me the game.

In the bag was a shiny doorknob, two silver coins, three gold coins, a bottlecap, some crinkly paper, and a thing I did not know how to describe. It looked like a hunk of dirt mixed with shiny glass. A jeweller man had it behind some glass, had been the past tense. Now the glass was gone, the shiny was gone.

Yup. I could practically taste that delicious hot chocolate. All of it, I was going to swim in it. Ven had no idea what he got himself into!

"Nyahahaha!" I crunched the bag tightly to my chest, ignoring the jabbing of the various objects.

And, as if this was some poorly written story, there he was as I glanced upward, my eyes lit up in joy. "Vennn!" I enthusiastically shouted, waving my hand high to grasp his attention. He seemed to be just coming out of some sort of old shop. "Pfft." I snorted, why would he buy the shinies when he could just take them?

I sped up my pace till I approached him. "Venn! Venn! Look!" I shook my paper back. "This has all my treasures in it." I glanced him up and down, adding in a sly tone. "Ahh, but I can't help but notice a lack of trinkets on you. Tic Toc! Venn! Tickity, Tockity!" I said as I waved a finger in front of his face.

Venex Apara
05-21-17, 10:22 PM
Venex only spent a little while gathering trinkets. Easy work it was. He never realised just how easy people were to steal from.

Well, not entirely true. He had stolen before, several times in fact. I guess to say that he had forgotten. It had been awhile. Nevertheless, simple. Slide by someone, grab their coin purse, dissappear into the crowd, rise, wash, repeat.

He guessed it's because people didn't actively expect to be stolen from...

He checked his spoils. Not much, but it would do. He hoped it would pacify Eteri.

Now, onto the plan.

Ven traveled to an old, familiar, shop. It was one which he had frequented often, and often made a point to visit when he came into town.

Entering the building, the smell of dust and sitting air hit his nose. The light from outside only provided enough light to see through the dirty windows. On the shelves, antiques of all kind were littered all about, no sence of organization able to be discerned.

Behind the counter was an old man with dark wrinkled skin, hunched over reading an ancient tomb. Upon entering, the old old man turned his head and gave a four tooth smile, as those are the number of teeth he has.

"Venex my boy, I see you are back! How can I help yo today?" The old man said is a wheasy tone.

Ven smiled at the friendly man. "Hey Archie, how have you been?"

"Getting older and dying faster. But I'm not going till I'm good and ready. I still got lots of life in me! Even if I do loose a few more teeth... Ladies still love me though!" He barked out.

Ven laughed at his antics. "I'm glad to see you doing well Archie, you're one of my favorite people-"

"Damn straight!"

"And I was wondering if you could help me with a problem."

Archie then rose from his chair and hobbled slowly towards Ven. He moved up till he was face to face, his eyes wide as he looked at Ven.

A few moments passed, and then he nodded. "I see, girl problems. You came to the right man Ven."

Ven shook his head. "No, well yes, but not I'm that way. It's a bit more complicated."

"Well lay it on me!"

"Ok... So I may have met this cat girl, very blue, stands out, probably why I took a liking to her. Anyway, long story short, she made a bet saying she could get more shiny shit than me, and if I lose I have to pay for her."

Archie then busted out laughing. "Oh, you done and fucked up!"

Ven frowned. "Yes, which is why I was wondering if you could help."

"Help? Boy, you're going to lose! Women like that always tend to win. Me helping won't change that "

"I realized that too. What I need is a way to make the end result be not as bad as it could be"

Archie rubbed his chin in thought. "Hmm... Tricky... You say she is part cat?"

Ven nodded.

"Then I got an idea. Wait here," said the old man. Archie hobbled away to a back room, only to return a few minutes latter with a tiny pouch , sealed and wrapped up tightly.

Ven gave Archie an odd look. "What's this?"

"It's a plant cats like. If you fail, give it to her. But keep it out of sight if possible. The bag will prevent smell from escaping."

Ven took it happily, placing it in his own bag. "Thanks a ton Archie. I can always count on you."

"Yeah yeah, now run along. You're younge, do something you useless pile of shit."

Ven snickered at this. "Love you too. I'll be sure to visit when i'm not so deep into it."

Archie have another smile, and Ven left. He then encountered Eteri, who teased him for his lack of shiny stuff. He took it all in stride.

"Well, guess we'll see now won't we? But time is a ticking and I won't waste a second. Bye Blue, see you when the hour is up."

He then left to pickpocket some more people. He still had to try after all.

But plan 'Archie Is The Man' may bear fruitful.

05-22-17, 09:08 AM
I frowned, then wriggled my nose. I scratched it gently with the back of my hand as Ven smirked, keeping their reunion short. “Oh! But but!” I held out the bag toward him, I wanted to show him everything I had collected so far, I wanted him to look upon my collection and feel not only proud, but completely crushed in defeat. There was no way he’d be able to catch up, surely! Instead of taking the bait, he lifted a hand and waved me aideu.

My azure ears drooped and my lips turned down into a pout as I watched his blue coat tails dance slightly in the wind, as though they were mischeviously mocking me. There was something about the man, perhaps it was his playful calavier attitude, or something I was not yet aware of but a part of me wanted to run after him. Of course, I knew that was stupid. How the hell was I supposed to win if I just followed him with my tail between my legs.

“I-I’LL WIN YANNO!” I shouted after him. He raised his arm and waved me off.

The game was still on.

“YEH WALK AWAY!” I shouted back.

Smack talk...was...not my strongest suit, I had to admit. I had garnerd the attention of a few passerby. I snorted at them, sticking my tongue out. “Buzz off!”

With a huff I turned on my heel and walked the opposite direction toward Venn, we still didn’t have a meeting place, but I figured I’d cross that bridge when I come to it, I’d head back to that weird shop he walked out of when time was up and figure things out from there.

For now, I had more things to collect.

I wondered what manner of things Ven was collecting as I leisurely strolled through the street, somehow I had turned into a marketplace. There were So many people it was crazy. An assault of the senses. Fish, both raw and cooked tempted me with their juicy flesh dancing in the wind as they were hanging from one stall, the intoxicating scent...maybe if I just took a quick teeny tiny look…

I slapped my face.

No! I had a mission. An important mission, one that would net me all the hot chocolate I could possibly drink. I couldn’t be distracted by fish now.

So why was I standing right before the vendor, tail flicking excitedly to and fro, mouth practically salivating. “Mmmm~” I inhaled deeply, savouring the smell.

“Oi!” A swarmy man, covered in forehead sweat, bristling grey facial hair and the biggest, bushiest eyebrows I had ever seen swat at me. “Shoo. This fer payin’ customers only! Get yer paws offa it.”

How rude, how utterly, ridiculously, incredibly rude! He was acting as though I was some low-life theif! I mean. I was, but still. It was the principle. “Hmph!” I deftly reached behind me as an unlucky man walked past, my clawed fingers deftly looped through the rope that held his coin purse to his belt and cut it free. “YOU SIR!” I shouted as I pointed at him with my other hand, “NO JUDGE BY LOOKS!”

I dropped the coin purse onto his table, it didn’t have as much as I had hoped in it, at best, it’d buy two or three fish. Stil, It had the effect I was going for. I picked up one of them and then the purse. “Next time, not be so rude. Yes!”

The man was speechless. “Err...y-yes. Sorry Miss.”

“Good!” I huffed as I tore a sheet of paper away from the stand and wrapped the fish up before stomring off in a huff. The commotion caused confusion, and in that confusion I not only had a coin purse, but a delicious treat! Boy, were people silly. Fish scales were shiny, so I figure this would count toward my tally, so would the coin purse.

Throughout my adventures I managed to pick up a few more goodies. Another coin purse, the poor sod only had 3 silver pieces. More bottlecaps, some pieces of glass which had been weathered and worn down to smooth glistening shards, six metallic buttons, a strange hair clip, some pebbles and two forks. The hour was up, and I had sat down on the wooden porch of the strange shop. Beside me were the trinkets and baubles, scattered about. I was quite proud of my display, boy would Ven be shocked to see this!

The old shopkeeper poked his head out to check on me, I think he told me his name was Archie? Maybe Barchie...Barchie sounded right.

“You look quite settled in miss, still waiting for your friend?”

I turned to him and gave him a toothy grin, “Yup! Think have him beat. Good. Yes?” I gestured to everything in front of me, “Think I win?”

The man glanced down at the odds and ends by her, they were many, but most were worthless. If I hadchallenged Ven to get the the most things that are worth the highest, I’d have lost, but that wasn’t what I bet. The man grinned and shrugged his shoulders, I had a feeling he thought the same thing I did.

“Time will tell, miss. jave fun.”

I tilted my head to the side, confused at how he worded the last part, why did he place such emphasis on those words? I mean...I was having fun, but there seemed to be an underlinging meaning behind them.

“TIme’s up Blue!”

I turned at the voice, knowing who it belonged to. “Ven!” I sprang up from my seated position and proudly gestured toward my haul. “This all mine. Where yours?”

He raised an eyebrow as his blue eyes rested upon the wrapped fish, its tail sticking out. “I don’t think a fish counts…”

I huffed and crossed my arms. “Yes! Scales shine! Counts!” I pointed an accusing finger at him. “Where yours?”

Venex Apara
06-08-17, 09:41 PM
Ven did a double take at the fish. Then looked at Eteri with a raised eyebrow. Then at the fish again. He then looked at her once again, his face in an amused 'Are you kidding me' expression.

"Blue-bell... It's a fish. They are scales. It doesn't count."

Eteri pouted, glaring daggers into him. "Yes it does. They shiny. Counts lots!"

Ven looked between her and the fish several times before sighing. "Fine, the fish can count, bit only ad one. No way am I letting you get all the points by counting each scale."

Eteri still kept her glare.






"What? Blue, that's bigger than you're original!"


"Stop going higher-"


"Like hell! Twenty!"

Eteri then smiled and put on an innocent face. "I thank~"

Ven blinked, then frowned. She got him. How did she get him? He isn't the kind to be got. But he did!

Ven looked her up and down again. "Impressive," he responded curtly.

Eteri smiled. "Now your turn to show shines!"

Ven scratched the back of his head. He supposed she was right. And judging by her haul plus the additional points she managed to haggle out of him, she won.

Oh well, might as well get it over with.

Ven overturned his bag, contents pouring out. What lied in it was mostly loose change with the additional piece of jewelry thrown in. If they were going by value, then he'd have won, but alas that was not the case. The bet, as made obvious by Eteri's more odd objects, was the number of shiny objects.

Sighing, Ven shrugged and smiled. He was bested, and he acknowledged that.

"Well, I guess you won Blue-bell," he said with amusement.

Eteri responded with a impossibly big grin. "Yeah! Now you buy lots!"

Ven nodded. "Yes, I remembered our bet. However, as a bonus for beating me, I think I I should give you this." He then pulled out his pouch of mysterious substance he got from Archie, tossing it to Eteri who easily caught it.

Eteri examined it closely. "What is?"

Ven smirked. "A surprise obviously. I'm not going to spoil the fun."

Eteri excepted that and opened the package. As soon as she did, the smell hit her hard, and the affects were instantaneous. As soon as the smell hit, Eteri pounce tackled Ven, giving him a big hug and cuddling him.

This was completely unexpected by Ven, which only increased the effectiveness of Eteri's actions.

Wide eyed, Ven tried to speak. Tried. "I- Eteri! Why are you- I mean I'm flattered- Why are you cuddling me?!?"

Eteri dreamily responded with, "I want cuddle. You good pillow!"

Ven tried to push her off him, but to no avail. The woman had an iron tight grip on him. This left him with to look frantically at the only person who could help him, Archie.

Archie came out to observe this, and was laughing at the scene before him.

"Archie! Help! Whatever you gave me backfired!"

Archie only laughed harder. "Backfire? No, it is working just fine hahaha! Good luck!" He then turned around and went back into his shop.

Ven tried to call after him. "Archie! This is not funny! Archie! Archie!!!!"

People passing by could only be confused about what was happening.

06-15-17, 11:14 AM
He pulled out that teeny tiny pouch and the moment I opened it, it was like a party in my nose and head and everyone was invited! To hell with the contest, I wanted something else, I wanted to wrap my entire being around Venn, I wanted to squeeze his tiny smooshy (well, I suppose his body was more bony) body and collapse into a happy clump of oozy gooey catnip goodness.

That's right.

I knew exactly what he had, I knew its effects, but I didn't entirely care. He had catnip. He had fricken CATNIP How did he know my favourite-est thing?

"VENNNN~" I purred into his neck as I nuzzled him, clawed hands clinging tightly to his royal blue coat. "How know!? My favourite. Thank!" I said, my enthusiasm hidden by a sleepy, dreamy lull in my words.

"Blue! Please, get off, I-Ack!"

The mans struggles proved futile. He tried to sit up but I forcefully pushed him back down to the ground. "No! You pillow now!" I yawned and wriggled, getting comfortable.

Venn was the opposite of comfortable.

"B-Bluebell How's about we move? Let's head to that place. I owe you drinks, remember?"

Venn seemed to be struggling, his tone of voice almost pleading. Did he want me off him that badly? Silly pillow-Venn, if he didn't want that why give me my favourite-est thing in the entire world? Still...his offer of a comfy seat and warm drinks and pillow Venn?

I'd be stupid NOT to agree to that.

"Fine." I mumbled, loosening my grip.

Venn quickly shuffled out and stood, collecting his trinkets back into his satchel. I left mine where they were. They had no real value to me, maybe Barchie would like them. He seemed like a nice man. Always smiling and laughing.

I latched onto Venns arm and pressed my chin to his sleeve. "This way. Come." He half stumbled-half walked behind me as I dragged him down the street. I needed to use him for support, I felt like I was floating and if I didn't hold onto him I may just go up, up, up into the sky! How would I make my own soul then!?

We headed toward the place, a two story inn. The bottom floor served as a respite for travellers, selling hot foods and cold drinks, and the top floor were the rooms. As I dragged him through the door a bell chimed. "I here!" I proclaimed, stumbling to the nearest booth. I dragged Venn down into the plush seating with me, he barely got a chance to position himself before I had sprawled onto his lap.

"Hot chocolate. I thank." I said as I grinned up at him, tail lazily swishing side to side upon the faded green upholstery.

He gave me a look, it may have been 'help me' but i interpreted it as 'Eteri, I'm such a good pillow!' So I gripped him tighter, there was no way I was letting him escape anytime soon.

Venex Apara
06-26-17, 10:56 AM
Ven was not having a good time, but not for the reasons you'd expect. Contrary to what some might think, he did enjoy Eteri's affection. A beautiful and exotic woman using you as a pillow? Hell yeah!

No, the reason for his distressed was because he couldn't figure out why it was happening. Scratch that, he knew exactly why.

Archie. That bastard! He asks for his help, and THIS is what happens?

Honestly, Ven couldn’t decide if he wanted to hug the man or punch him. On one hand, affection from Eteri. On another, he was tricked. Then again, he is one of his closest friends. But he essentially drugged his uhh...

What were they? Friends? Acquaintances? Adventure pals? Snuggle buddies? He'll need to figure that out later.

Along with have a nice long conversation with Archie.

But first, he had to deal with an overly affectionate Eteri. And a wallet that was no longer his.

That last part admittedly stung a bit, but a deal is a deal, and Ven never breaks his word.

Back to the present, Ven tried to make himself more comfortable with difficulty. Eteri was latched onto him, taking full advantage of what she thought was comfortable.

A bar maid soon came by, pausing for a second before smiling. "And how can I help this love couple today?" She asked happily?

Ven rolled his eyes. He recognized that look. That was the look that made all his arguments invalid. That look only woman can pull off.

Ven looked looked at Eteri who was still clamped tight onto him, clearly enjoying herself. He then looked back at the bar maid. "Two hot chocolates please."

She nodded and quickly left to make the warm delicious drink. Who needed alchool when there was hot chocolate?

06-29-17, 09:53 AM
My tail flicked lazily side to side, I could smell it. It smelt good. The hot chocolate, it's sweetness wafted up into my nostrils and invited me into its warm embrace, it was like it was saying 'come to me Eteri, and I will make all your dreams come true'. I unwrapped myself from Venn's form as the lady came back with two large mugs, placing one in front of each of us. She gave us a warm smile (It wasn't as warm as the hot chocolate, but it certainly reminded me of it) before she wandered off to talk to some other customers, or do dishes, or whatever it was that people like that did. I didn't care.

I picked up the cup, and held it out to Venn, "Many Thank! Many cheering!" I said as I tapped it against his, milk sloshed out of my cup and onto the table. I bought it to my face and downed the entire thing in a long series of gulps. I slammed the cup on the table and beamed wide at Venn. "Is good!"

He stiffled a laugh as he picked up his own, pointing to my lips. "You got something there."

"Here?" I asked, pointing at my face."

He nodded with a grin, I didn't get it...I frowned. "Face?" He shook his head. "Nose? Hair? Mouth?" With each answer came another shake of his head. Finally, he reached out and wiped his thumb over the top of my lip and showed me. "You had milk over your face." He said with amusement as he stuck his thumb in his mouth, sucking off the excess.

"What!?!?" I exclaimed. Did he just...take part of my hot chocolate? Oh no he did not! "That Mine!" I made for his thumb, but he arched back, lifting his own cup high over his head. "No, this is mine. You've had yours. Don't be greedy!"

"Omph!" I fell forward into his lap. Just as I was fixing to right myself and push myself back up I felt something. "Eh!? EEHH??" What was he doing? Why was he doing that? And why did it feel so damn good? Venex was running his fingers through my hair, I gave a satisfied purr as I relaxed. This. This was okay. I was happy, so happy. So, so SO happy. How could I not be? I felt incredibly warm and content, and I was getting scratches.

"Eteri Like..." I mumbled.

"Good." He continued and I didn't complain. It made me feel almost sleepy, although that may be in part, the catnip. I wasn't entirely sure. At one point, I must have fallen asleep. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them things were noisier, the place had filled up with more patrons, and the sun was no longer streaming in through the large bay windows at the front. The air had a slight chill to it. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What?"

"You fell asleep."

"I did?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with a wide yawn. I stretched and arched my back wide. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. I wonder how long it had been?

I shifted and noticed that Venn had ordered food for himself, next to our empty cups sat an empty plate. "Eteri sleep for long time?" I asked.

"Not really. It's not like I could move you even if I tried. You have the grip of a vice."

I nodded, still groggy. I reached out to pick up the empty cup. It felt like the moment was only minutes ago. I stared at the empty cup, a tiny ring of cocoa lined milk stained the off-white rim. I thought I felt warm, and happy, and content...so why, suddenly, did I feel this strange uneasiness deep inside of me? My ears drooped and I fell silent. Brows furrowed. There was a light chatter from the other patrons, I could hear laughter, hear tones of familiarity, all stemming from earnest and pure emotions. My ears fell flat against the back of my head. I had collected a few fragments of souls lately, but had yet to sew them together. The only part of one that I had attached to me was that sparkly angry red one from that Madison person, and that was an accident. The moment I removed it from her it zip-zipped straight onto me.

It wasn't a full soul, just a tiny piece. I wanted to start sewing other parts to it, but I had yet to have the time.

"Hey...Venn..." I murmured as I turned the cup round and round in my hands. "What does having the soul feeling like?" I glanced side-ward at him. He quickly averted his gaze, scratching his chin in thought.

"What even is a soul? A magical force that takes us to another place when we die? An embodiment of our essence? Who can say. A soul is what you make of it. I don't really care what happens in the next life, only this one. If one can laugh and have fun, feel emotion, that is a soul, no matter what anyone else says."

His answer didn't help my feeling. "You're wrong." I huffed. "YOU has one. Eteri see it. Eteri don't Eteri feel empty here!" I pressed my palm to my chest. "No feel good! Eteri will make. Eteri know what soul is. Eteri will show you!"

"Hey, it's ok." Venn said, reaching out toward me, he started to gently run his fingers through my hair, scratching the back of my ears. "It not!" I hissed back. He continued his actions and I couldn't help but be coaxed back into his lap, I pressed my head into his legs, wrapping my body around his torso. "S'not...." I mumbled, my face muffled by his clothes. I couldn't stay mad, I wasn't that mad to begin with. I felt suddenly frustrated.

I closed my eyes and sighed, what was the point in being grouchy? I had good things. I had a belly full of warm hot chocolate, I had wonderful scratches, and an excellent pillow, I had exactly what I had set out to get today.

I gave another incoherent mumble as I dug my clawed hands into his top, cementing my position sprawled out over the man.

Venex Apara
07-19-17, 12:02 AM
(Hey, sorry about the wait. Life hit me hard and... Well I'm back now.)

Venex sighed, this time a relaxed sort of way. Content, that was the word the most accurately described how he was feeling.

Today wasn't what he expected it to be, but that's a good thing. If he knew what to expect, the there would be no excitement, there would be no adventure. It's one of the reason he travels so much; He never knows what he'll see.

And today? Today just happened to be a day where he ran into a eccentric cat lady, made a crazy bet, got prank by a friend, and now was cuddling - at least he'd assumed it was cuddling - with said cat lady.

To no surprise, not knowing also caused confusion, lots of it. Far to often.

The current cause if confusion was also the source of today's entertainment. Eter. Eteri, that blue haired cat woman. What did she mean when she talked about souls? He assumed that when she questioned souls, he assumed she was asking a rhetorical question, thus he gave a sappy answer.

Her reaction made him think otherwise. Why did she react like that? Better question, what did it mean?

Ven looked down at her sleeping form. She was an enigma. He liked that.

However, what he didn't like was staying in one place to long. Even in Eteri could sleep right now, he could not. He had places to see, people to meet!

Actually, that part was a lie. He has no plans. But it's the spirit of the idea! He had to explore. He would die of either boredom or hormones- Eteri is very attractive- sitting here.

So he made his decision. Moving slowly and carefully to not disturb Eteri, he paid exactly what he owed for the drinks, not a penny more. He then proceeded to wrap his arms around her, getting a firm grip on her as he slowly got up, carrying her with him. He ignored all looks he recieved as he walked out with her, doing his best not to wake her. Eteri in turn clung to Ven, not trying to be separated from her source of comfort.

And with that, Ven, carrying Eteri, left the shop to explore some more.

07-22-17, 11:54 AM
Thread Title: Moral Compasses
Participants: Eteri and Venex Apara
Judgment Type: No Judgment


Eteri gains 726 EXP and 99 GP
Venex Apara gains 726 EXP and 99 GP


Shinsou Vaan Osiris
07-27-17, 09:43 AM
Al rewards added!