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Venex Apara
05-09-17, 09:30 PM
Anyone welcome, will mostly be conversation based

Ven, 22 years old

The Peaceful Promenade, one of the most well know taverns in Scara Brae, and the current tavern whose tables’ he was sitting at. After two years, Ven finally reached the edge of civilization. Further east were lands that were far more dangerous than he could imagine. That's what the stories say anyway. That's what all the stories say. Only exceptionally brave, skilled, or stupid went to those lands across the ocean.

He was tempted, oh so tempted to what lie beyond, but he couldn’t. He was just an ordinary person, just traveling where the wind took him. He was not skilled, he was not powerful, and he wasn’t stupid. He didn’t expect to see those lands and return alive.

He sighed. It was fun to dream, but it did sting a little when realizing some dreams would only be just that, dreams.

He sighed again. No point in dwelling on that. Not now in any case. What did need to be pondered was “What now?”. He went as far as he was willing to go in this direction. He walked, ran, rode horses, climbed mountains, and helped sail ships to reach this spot, this moment.

What to do, what to do, what to do from here? That question he asks himself every day, the driving question behind his life. Ven chuckled to himself. What to do indeed?

Shall he stay here in this town of sailors, pirates, and thieves? Or shall he move on? He couldn’t say what he wanted to do…

But, with Ven’s stomach growling and his throat dry, Ven did know one thing to do, dine. Dine among the merry band of people, enjoying themselves here.

Ven waved over the barkeep and ordered a simple meal and a drink. They returned not long later with both, and Ven gave them what he owed.

05-10-17, 08:04 PM
Nearby, Elthas sat at a table with some friends.

Two were also Elves, and another was a Hume. (Human)

They were discussing the various events and the times in Radasanth. Many different situations were affecting Radasanth with the recent Civil War, and the forming of the Empire...there was great strife in Radasanth not seen in several ages. Not since the Demon's War. Elthas oft pondered his role in the grander scheme of things. He worked for John Cromwell sometimes, completing this or that errand in Raiaera. It was a longing for home that lead him back to Corone proper.

Elthas was a smoker, more importantly, he enjoyed the cannibus herb.

There, in Radasanth, such exotic substances were treated like a delicacy.

The scent of the cannibus herb was particular and Elthas very much enjoyed it.

He smoked from a smoking pipe that his Father, Halm Belthasar had given him some years prior.

It was Elven quality in make and quite fancy.

The stream of smoke was constant from the tip of the smoking pipe since it was lit. Elthas delicately held the smoking pipe with one hand. His eyes were narrowed as he listened to his friends discussing this or that matter at hand. They were adventure folks, and sometimes completed this or that task for the highest bid. Elthas was different from his companions. His Father, Halm Belthasar, was a Hero to his people. Heroic lineage flowed through the vessel of Elthas.

Elthas looked around the room of the Peaceful Promenade, it was quite lively that night.

He saw various folks from all walks of life.

Some dancers were present to keep the mood lively, and there was a band playing popular Radsanth tunes of the time period.

Elthas felt at peace for the first time since he started working for John Cromwell. His thoughts were oft of his adventure in Raiaera. Eluriand...he thought of it as a second home and was sad that it was in such a state of disrepair. There are those who follow Xem'Zund and his ilk. I must remember that. All I can do is fight for what I believe in. Father...someday I will be like you...someday. But for now I am just trying to find my way.

On the floor, next to Elthas was his fancy fedora hat, and the backpack that the adventurer kept with him.

Elthas's eyes had a peculiar glow about them which was likely a physical marker of being an Elf. Further, he had the pointy ears of The Elf kind. Elthas listened to the music in the air, it was quite a lovely piece that was playing. The band was playing contemporary and moody music to showcase the current state of Radasanth and Corone herself. Elthas wore a lop-sided smile on his face as he smoked. It was nice to have a night off for a change from all the craziness in his life of late...

Venex Apara
05-10-17, 10:22 PM
Time passed, and Ven tried to enjoy himself. He causually conversed with others, hopping in and out of coversations, drifting around as he does best.

The people were interesting, but he hadn't found anyone that truely caught his eye yet, which was really surprising because he expected to find WAY more people that caught his interest. Hell, this place was a favored hangout for pirates. PIRATES! They are the badass theives of the sea.! One would think that someone would have caught his eye by now.

Sitting back down at the bar, he sighed, then took another drink from his mug, this being his second mug of the night. Maybe he should have stayed in Radasanth,for that place had a million and a half things that caught his eye. Here, almost nothing. Maybe it was because he was spoiled by the city, or perhaps it was because he was a less than ideal mood due to him reaching the end of his little journey, but regardless, he just wasn't feeling up to anything.

Ven was about content to call it an early night, but then he smelled something. Something was burning, but it was pleasnt, very distinct, and exotic. He looked around, trying to discern the orgin, before spotting an elf, dressed in fine clothing and smoking a very beautiful pipe, near by.

Something screamed for him to go talk to this individual, and this got Ven excited. The thing he was looking for all night, did it lie with the person before his eyes? He had to know.

Getting up, he walked over to the elf, sitting in a open chair at his table, completly unapologetic that he might be interupting whatever they could have been doing.

He straightened his collar, then cleared his throat before introducing himself. "Hello, I'm Venex. Venex Apara, but you can call me Ven, everyone does. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but what is it that you are smoking that is oh so wonderful? I haven't smelled anything like it!"

05-11-17, 01:26 PM
Deep in thought, Elthas listened to the man speaking that just arrived.

I forgot not everybody knows of the cannibus herb yet...must be an interesting scent to them... Elthas opened his eyes as he exhaled smoke from his nostrils. He looked at Venex for a moment and nodded to the lad. "The Ccannibus Herb is grown by my people. It has medicinal properties and can be used as a relaxing agent." Elthas said matter of factly. He wasn't an herboligist himself, but many folks back home were. The cannibus grown by his people could fetch a fair mint on the open market. Elthas blinked for a moment as he remembered his manners.

"Elthas." He said calmly. "That's my name. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Would you like to try a sample of the herb? I always keep extra with me." Elthas said calmly. The handsome Elf wore a soft smile on his face as he smoked. He looked at his companions. Ellryth, Dalldren and Shenna were three other elves. And the Hume was a fellow named Llark. They had varying builds and trades...but all were friends.

Ellryth looked at Elthas with an amused expression on his face. "Trying to pass the wares along to the lad?" Ellryth asked.

Elthas chuckled. "Got to pass on the knowledge of Herbology." Elthas looked at Ven for a moment and nodded with approval. He will do. Elthas reached down and grabbed a small package from his backpack. It contained a large stash of the cannibus herb, home grown. He looked at Ven the entire time. "Do you have a smoking pipe with you or can I spare you one? Always a good time to be had smoking with other fellows." Elthas said, the smile was on his face.

He looked at Ellryth at that point. "What do you suggest for dinner? Our friend here will be joining us as well."

"I tend to go for house special usually." Ellryth said calmly.

Elthas nodded. He then looked at Ven at that point. "Have you had dinner yet? I'd be willing to treat you if you haven't eaten yet." Elthas had long since been deeply interested in Hume culture. It was the reason he hung around them so much. He took a long pull of the ice cold water he was drinking. Despite the fact that he was smoking cannibus, Elthas never much cared for alcoholic beverages. They dulled the senses and oft caused drunken stupors. Elthas preferred to enjoy things as they happened.

He took a long pull of the water and waited for Ven's response.

Venex Apara
05-11-17, 02:18 PM
Ven raised an eyebrow on hearing the name. He had never head of a 'Cannibus Herb' before. This caused him to chuckle. Oh how exciting! Something new. And what an interesting name. ""Cannibus," he said to himself quiertly, testing out the word. "Cannibus Cannibus Cannibus, cannibusly cannibus~"

He laughed to himself again, and watched the banter between what was obviously a close group of friends. His eyes then widened upon being offered a sample to smoke the ̶d̶r̶u̶g̶ herb. He nodded his head politely. "I would be honored to try what I can only to assume to be a delicacy, and am even more honored you would offer me a pipe to use. Thank you Elthas. And I ate something earlier, but thank you for offering."

"Very polite you are lad," responded Llark to Ven. Ven scratched his head bashfully, laughing himself. "Well I can't go around pissing people off can I? Especially with a group of wonderful fellows like you all."

"True enough," responded Ellryth.

Ven nodded, then looked back at Elthas as he brought out the spare pipe, filled it to the herb, then handed it to Ven. Ven took it carefully, sniffed it, thanked Elthas once more, then took a big puff.

Big mistake that was, and Ven started coughing immediately, showing his inexperience with smoking in general.

"Ha, you haven't smoked much have you?" said Ellyrth. Ven shook his head, still coughing. A fe seconds later, he cleared his through, eyes slightly teary. He wiped, then then raised a hand. "Don't worry, I got it this time." This time, he took a proper puff of the pipe, learning his lesson.

05-12-17, 08:35 AM
The Peaceful Promenade was not somewhere Telean frequented. In fact, she had only visited the establishment a handful of times, each with the intention of locating a particular individual. Work was work, and while it normally took her to seedier, darker holes in the wall, she went where she was needed. This time, however, what was needed was a glass of wine. In her previous encounters, she had learned that the inn had a type she preferred. On her night off, the promise of that drink was enough to drag her back into the light.

And light there was, the room well-lit by both candles and enchanted globes. The latter gave the room a slightly orange tinge, somehow making the woman's milky skin appear whiter against her black dress. The place was lively, packed with music and merriment that made the raven-haired assassin cringe. It was not that she detested pleasure, but she found hers in places with a few more shadows, and a few less drunkards. Unless, of course, drunkards were what she was after.

She also found pleasure in the tall glass of wine that was set before her on the worn wooden bar. Delicately, and with a practiced poise that spoke to her love of the finer things, Telean Black brought the glass to eye-level. A gentle movement of her thin wrist sent the dark liquid swirling, a red stain darkening the sides as the nearly-black wine sloshed. A bit like blood, she mused. It was fitting, somehow.

"We don't typically have your kind here," came a voice to her left. Only her head moved to face him, the rest of her body completely still atop the barstool. Even her glass remained raised, as if she were toasting the strangers arrival. But the fire that danced in her red eyes demonstrated just how displeased she was to see him.

"My kind?" she answered, her voice warm honey as she gave him a once-over. Large, bulky build, unkept hair, worn clothes, the smell of cheap alcohol on his breath. A lowly laborer, no doubt, using alcohol to forget the pathetic life he lived. Were she not so collected, she might have scoffed at the mere sight of him.

If the unusual shade of her eyes unnerved him, he gave no indication. Dulled by the alcohol, Telean assumed, as her gaze was often enough to send scum scrambling for the door. "Hookers," he answered easily, as if calling her such was as innocent as calling a baker a baker, or a soldier a soldier. "I saw the sign on your wrist. I know what you are."

Her free hand lifted, palm extended toward him, the billowing sleeve of her dress slipping down to reveal the half-moon tattoo. "Oh," she replied sweetly, "this mark?"

The man nodded. "I don't know where you're from," he continued brazenly, "but I know what marks like that mean. You belong to a matron. A nice one I'll bet, based on your clothes, and-"

"I'll stop you there," Telean murmured, her voice suddenly adopting a dark, lethal edge. "I belong to no one." The stranger's eyes widened as, suddenly, black flame began to weave its way through the woman's outstretched hand. It gave off no heat, and did not seem to harm her in any way, but it certainly had the intended effect; the giant took a stumbling step backward. For good measure, the witch added, "And if you do not leave this place right now, I will set you ablaze, just like one of these candles." A wicked grin lit her face, white teeth nearly blending in with her pale skin. "Or worse."

It was with great pleasure that she watched the man lumber toward the door, the one backward glance revealing the fear in his eyes. Only then did Telean loose a snort, and take sip of her wine. Perhaps the trip was not such a waste after all.

05-12-17, 11:44 AM
Suddenly, aether touched the air.

Though Elthas's own senses were still developing, his people were touched by magics.

Elthas suddenly stopped talking to Ven and looked in the direction of the aether with great interest. A woman was at that bar side of the promenade, he looked at her calmly, studying the glowing power she held in her hand. She has power... The night just got really interesting. Elthas chuckled at the situation at hand. Well now...this looks very promising indeed. Elthas nodded in the general direction of Telean...

He hoped she'd catch his eyes gazing in her general direction. The aether...my people speak of it often...to see someone manipulate it so skillfully... Elthas had serious expression on his face as he thought about what he'd just witnessed. The mage folks are a rather mysterious lot but she seems...special somehow. Elthas thought back to the teachings of his Father, Halm Belthasar the great Hero of his people. Things are connected my son. All details matter in the grand scheme of things, you should always pay attention to things around you...situational awareness the General called it. Halm's voice echoed in the back of his mind. Elthas sighed. He exhaled a pull of smoke from his pipe.

Then looked back at Ven and his companions. "Sorry folks, I got a little distracted."

But Llark was looking right at Elthas at that point. She has power... Llark thought to himself. But let it go.

Elthas looked at Ven. "When you inhale, don't take so much smoke in. The key is short pulls at first and getting the taste for the smoke. One you get used to it you can take longer pulls." Elthas explained to Ven. He kept looking at Telean but did not attempt to approach the woman...not just yet.

There would be time later.

The night was young, after all.

Venex Apara
05-14-17, 12:11 AM
Engulfed in the wonderful substance that was we- the cannibus herb, Ven only took note of of the powerful lady across the room briefly, and he only did so because he idly noticed Elthas and several other people at the table glancing at her.

Ven questioned why, but the rest of him asked "why not?". Ven might find interest in talking with her later, but for now he didn't care. He couldn't care.


Simple, the relaxing power of d̶r̶u̶g̶ medicinal herbs!

Ven practiced taking puffs, enjoying the flavor and accepting the feelings that were washing over him as he listened to the advice on how to properly smoke. This was way better than alcohol!

He never felt like this before. Before, he was tense and a bit stressed, but now...

Well now he felt just fiiiiiiiine.

Yeah, he was getting baked.

05-19-17, 01:21 PM
Elthas looked away from the mysterious woman at the bar.

She's interesting...I'll have to have a talk with her at some point and see if I can't help her out. Elthas's eyes were narrowed and then he looked over at his friend, Ven. "Keep that spare pipe, if you ever need more of the herb I can get you more. I hang out around these parts a lot." Elthas explained. I am trying to sell my wares after all...samples are all right to give out. And making a new friend is always welcome. Elthas looked over at the Hume named Llark. "Llark, how are you enjoying the night so far?" Elthas asked.

Llark nodded, and Elthas's other companions were also listening and observing the conversation. "Been a good few weeks hanging out with you, I must say." Llark was an honest man who carefully spoke when he needed to. The time period in Radasanth and Corone in general was still pretty dangerous post The Civil War.

Elthas nodded towards his friends. "I've been thinking a lot about home." Elthas said calmly.

Ellryth noticed that and smiled. "You miss your Father, you mean."

Elthas sighed. "Yes. I worry about him often. He was deployed during The War. I just hope he is safe, but it has been sometime since he has contacted us with letters."

"Elthas. Your Father is one of the most gifted of our blades. I am certain he will return safely." Ellryth said calmly studying his friend's expression, his eyes.

Elthas took a pull of his smoking pipe. He exhaled from his nostrils and looked at Ven. "Ven have you ever been to an Elf town?" Elthas asked. He liked inviting friends back home...and he did consider Ven to be a friend.

Venex Apara
05-22-17, 08:01 PM
Ven took the pipe out of his mouth, examining it again before nodding. It was not overly elegant, but it was well crafted and functional. He could appreciate that. "Thankkkkk you~,"he responded before taking another puff. Ven didn't realize this, but with each puff, the more things... changed. Things became calmer,and stress seemed to melt away.

If Ven knew about this a long time ago, he'd be totally a stoner. Whether this would have been goo thing it's hard to say. MAybe it would have kept him out of trouble.

When Elthas addressed him again, he turned his head, and what rested was a total carefree expression. Upon hearing the question, he nodded, took a puff of the pipe, nodded again, looked at the ceiling, then back at Elthas. "Elf laaaands? Yeah, I've been to the elf lands, some of my family lives there. They are pretty neat if I think. Ha, I do think. I'm a person silly. I'm a half elf person because my ma liked my pa, and they did some loving stuff and now family is a thing. I got lots of siblings. They are great. Not up for much traveling I thinks, but that's ok..."

Ven then looked again at the mysterious woman who the others at the table were looking at with interest earlier. "So who is that lady over there? I thiiiink that people and stuff need to be talked to, because staring is kinda rude. Say hiiiii. Live a little!" Ven then took another puff.

05-23-17, 11:58 AM
He must have not noticed how she took care of that guy bothering her... Elthas thought carefully to himself. Where Ven did have a point...he knew better than to just talk to someone who wielded that much power. Her Aether is strong...someday I hope to acquire as much power as that. The fire that she conjured was a mystical origin...he'd seen some of the older Elves in his tribe wield the blue coloured fire before. Maybe she was partially Elf. Or received training from an Elf...or other being perhaps.... Elthas had an analytical mind. He could not help it, but he did not want to be rude. He looked at Ven and nodded. "Perhaps, if the lady would allow such to happen. She would have made short work of that guy that bothered her." Elthas respect power, that was for sure.

Elthas looked at Ven with a softer expression on his face at that moment. "That reminds me." Elthas reached down into his backpack and pulled out a decent sized portion of the mysterious cannibus herb. "Normally, I don't do this." Elthas began. "This herb is worth a mint you know. However, because you kept me company and I like your style I'm going to give you a sample. There's one caveat though." Elthas moved to give Ven a decent sized sample of the herb for the road. "Make sure you spread the word of where the herb comes from. Business is tight these days, and I could use a steady form of revenue." Elthas said calmly. And nodded towards Ven after handing him a good sized portion of the herb. It was already refined and would need only be smoked at that point.

"I'm glad you're also an Elf. Us folks have to look out for one another you know?" Elthas said calmly.