View Full Version : Under the Gisela Moon

06-21-17, 11:01 AM
((Closed to Nightsangel))

It was a fresh kill, and for that at least Letho was thankful.

Death had as many odors as it did faces, but some were less bearable than others. The fresh ones, like the one spread eagled on the bed before him, were the easiest to handle as far as olfactory assaults came. Sure, the reek of the mattress drenched in urine and feces mixed with the rusty smell of stale blood was still a gut-wrenching ordeal to endure, but it was still a far cry from the gaseous fetor of a week-old corpse or the sickly sweet stench of a body left to decompose in the sun for a fortnight or two. Those usually hit the gut so hard they usually called back last week’s supper to be reintroduced to the world, let alone last night’s.

But more importantly than improving the chances of keeping the last meal or two down, fresh kills usually meant fresh clues, though in this particular case, Letho wasn’t certain what to make of them. The naked man lying before him in the flickering light of gas lamps could only be discerned as a man because he lacked the curvature of a female breast. His head was tilted back between two pillows at an unhealthy angle, his throat ripped open so voraciously that Letho thought he could see the white of the man’s spinal column in that gory mess. The narrow sunken chest was perforated at least twenty times and was strangely devoid of any hair (Letho wasn’t certain whether this was a clue or just another fad these city boys liked to indulge in). And it only got worse from there. The abdomen wall was completely ripped open, the perpetrator leaving behind what looked like minced meat mixed with purplish snakes, some of which spilled over his waist and covered the hole of coagulated blood that used to be the victim’s loins.

Blood was everywhere, of course, coloring the murder scene in all possible hues of deep red. The body was painted with it, the coverlets so saturated by it that some actually made it through the mattress and onto the carpet underneath the bed. Only the man’s extremities seemed somewhat spared. Tied to the bed posts with braided rope, their stark whiteness stood as an almost comical contrast to the rest of the scene, making the victim look as if someone hit him with a really big gob of red paint and left him tied up to soak in the mess.

“They were all like this?” Letho asked the only other person present on the scene. Standing in the shadows near the bedroom door, about as far as he could from the mess while still being in the same room, the corpulent sergeant of the City Guard moved the kerchief from his mouth to his forehead, dabbing at it nervously. He was obviously not used to such scenes, yet Letho had to give him credit for not being too blue in the gills while face to face with such a scene. He fared far better than the pair of plods that discovered the corpse anyways. The two patrolmen were even now sitting out in the streets, not certain whether there was anything more in their stomach to retch.

“Yes,” the sergeant finally said. His eyes were looking at the vicinity of Letho, but not exactly at him. Letho was squatting at the bedside, his face less than a yard away from the center of all the gore, and that was something that the guardsman didn’t want to look at if it could be helped. He corrected himself almost immediately: “No. Well, mostly like that. None of them were...torn apart like this.”

“But all were tied up?” Letho asked, and received a nod in response. “And the bite marks?” Though there was so much destruction dealt to the body, he was still able to discern at least four pairs of telltale punctures, two on the arms and two on what remained of the neck.

“Yes. On the last two anyways. I don’t know about three before that.”

So this was victim number six. Letho had an idea how it all went down. He got some of it from the captain of the Guard who had sent the notice to him, and was able to suss out the rest himself. After the first one nobody really batted an eyelash; murders in towns as big as Gisela were a dime a dozen. After the second one the Guard knocked on a few doors. After the third one they banged on a few doors and doubled their patrols. After the fourth one they set up a curfew. And after the fifth one they called for professional help.

“Is it a vampire?” the sergeant finally asked.

“Perhaps. The size and depth of the bites fits. This, however, does not,” Letho gestured towards the bloodied flesh before him as he pushed himself back to his feet. “Vampires usually feed on blood and do so while attracting as little attention as possible. They also do not kill their victims unless absolutely necessary. Their very existence depends on blending into the society and keeping their nature hidden.”

“Maybe one of them went mad,” the sergeant offered.

“It is possible. Yet, when they do go mad, they usually cause a lot more destruction than this. A maddened vampire, especially one mad from hunger, would not wait a couple of nights for his next victim.” Moving closer to the nearby window, Letho was grateful for the whiff of fresh air as he looked out into the lamp-lit Gisela cityscape. “They also usually move without leaving much of a trail. Yet there is a bloody handprint outside this window, and a trail of droplets that disappears into the back garden.”

“So it’s not a vampire?”

“I do not know yet,” Letho responded, his arms folded, his eyes drifting upwards to the crescent moon that watched over the sleeping city. “I need to look at the rest of the bodies. And I also need a second opinion.”

There was only one person he knew whose opinion would matter in this particular case, and Letho wasn’t certain how he felt about contacting her. They parted in less than amicable manner before they drifted away towards different points on the compass, and the history between the two of them still brought fort conflicting feelings in the aging monster hunter. A part of Letho, that proud and just part that held his spine straight even through the worst of times, wanted nothing to do with Sivienna. Their nightly rendezvous all those years ago was a mark on his honor that reminded him of the time he fell victim to his darkest desires, that accursed time of sleepless night and acts of infidelity. That part of him wanted nothing more than to be rid of the memories of her and never speak to her and think of her again.

But another part of him spoke with the voice of reason. Regardless of their past, Sivienna was quite an expert when it came to vampires. After all, she was one of their kin, and the only one of them he was on speaking terms with. If there was anyone who could shed some light on this case, it would be her.

There was yet another part of him, the sneaky, conniving part that called back the images of that one night oh so long ago, that one moment of sweet, fulfilled desire. Letho commanded it to shut up.


The witch’s shop was different than Letho had expected. Never one to dabble in magic or fraternize with people attuned to it, he expected stuffy rooms with low ceilings, heavy draperies that held out the moonlight and warty old women that smelled of cat piss. What he got instead was a brown-skinned beauty lounging on a sofa on an airy terrace, enjoying the view of a moonlit garden awash in hues of black and silver. If not for the pack of cards and a huge piece of jagged crystal on the table before her, Letho would’ve been certain he had the wrong place.

“Good day, my lady,” the veteran offered with a slight inclination of his head.

“By the Thaynes! Marshal Ravenheart, in my humble abode!” she said, playfully pressing a hand against her chest. “Please, sit. I am Mardeena.”

“Not a Marshal anymore, lady. Not for a long time now,” he said, taking the seat on the opposite side of the table.

“Oh, please. You will always be the Marshal here in Gisela. People here remember what you did for them during the Massacre, and they remember what you did for the Rangers. Even if some choose to forget it these days.”

In all truth, Letho didn’t care a whole lot about what people did or didn’t remember. He knew very well that a good number of people saw his departure from the Rangers at the very pinnacle of their war with the Empire as a betrayal. Hell, it was a sort of a betrayal. Even though Letho could at a time control his actions no more than one can control an avalanche, a better man would’ve found a way not to lose his mind completely over the death of his beloved. Yet, did he truly regret doing so? No, not really. Because Myrhia was something worth fighting for, even in death. Corone Civil War was just men beating other men over who got to be on the top of a food chain for a while. Regardless of all the causes and justifications, there were always politics behind wars, and politics seldom had much interest in common man. Still, it was nice to hear that some of his good deeds didn’t vanish into oblivion.

“But you’re not here to talk of the past, I reckon. And my guess is you’re not here looking to buy love potions either,” Mardeena said.

“Do you have any?” he asked, offering a smile of his own. It was a tired old thing, but it still did the trick. Chewing the fat was never something Letho liked to do, especially while on the job, but he found that he didn’t dislike this woman as much as he did most of her sorcerous ilk.

“Fresh out, I’m afraid,” she said with a snicker. Letho was pretty certain she was joking, but one never knew with witches.

“I need to contact someone. An old acquaintance. And I have not a clue as to her current whereabouts.”

“I see,” Mardeena said, rising from her leisurely position. She sat at the edge of the sofa and tucked the card deck into a table drawer. “Do you have something that belongs to this person, a possession we might use as a catalyst?”

“No,” Letho said, but then remembered that wasn’t necessarily true. During that one night they were together, they shared something, a possession perhaps more valuable than any other, especially to her kind. “Some of her blood courses through my veins. I am not certain if that helps.”

“Indeed it does. A blood bond is a sacred thing. It should suffice. Give me your hand,” she said. When he did, she took it with both of hers, her pale palms eternally soft as she guided him to the crystal that stood between them. As she laid his hand on the stone, Letho felt nothing but the jagged sharpness of the crystal’s edges, and even when she covered it with her own, there seemed to be no activity from it.

“Send your message,” she said to him, her eyes closed.

“Are you certain it is working?” he asked, eyeing the completely inert stone.

“I am certain,” Mardeena said with perfect calmness, then added in the same tone: “But if you would be more convinced, I could make the scrying stone glow in every color of the rainbow and shake the table and maybe even dance a little.” She ended up with another smirk, knowing he was looking at her even though her eyes were closed.

“That will not be necessary,” Letho said apologetically.

“Send you message.”

He did.

06-22-17, 12:06 AM
Sleep felt like heaven to the slim exotic dancer. Her week had been hell, since she had returned back to her apartment in Corone. She had been harassed by not one but two men from one of her old clubs she had worked at. The vixen had thought that all patrons at her old work places were different but no.

These men, one suave looking, his hair a perfect gleam of gold, elegant clothes perfect teeth and face. A body well groomed fit, so that if the purple haired beauty had wanted to be with him, she would have felt nothing but smooth muscle and heat as she caressed his flesh. A night of passion she would not have forgotten, however it was the greedy look in his eyes that turned her away from being with him. The greedy look in his still gray eyes, that alone spoke volume's to the traveled beauty. She knew animals like that, who only wanted her for her looks, not for who she was and Sivienna had learned men like that were not worth her time. When the man had tried to deter her thoughts, to force her to sleep with him her only thought had been He is just like the assassin's and hunter's my father loves sending after me! Selfish, wanting to claim her curvy body as a trophy, but hell no, he won't have me that way! The first man she had growled at told a firm "Not likely!" then swiveled on her elegant feet and stormed away.

Shortly after her first unpleasant encounter, she had met her next. This man was mousy, beady black eyes, a body built like a frail leaf. His hair a tangled mess of matted brown, the look only signifying his unpleasing personality. Immediately upon seeing her curvaceous body, drool dripped form his lips. His mind already on what it be like to be under the sheets with her. Sivi's nose had turned up immediately upon his approach. Not bothering to even respond to his high pitched "Hey baby! Let's talk!" She gave him a bland look, signifying her disinterest in him, as walked past him as he spewed "Come on pretty one, talk to me!" the night vixen completely paid him no mind, turning the corner of the cobblestone streets, she turned to stare at her apartment building, leaving the man's shouts of "Come on!" fading behind her.

God; why do my looks alone get me cat calls and jeers? They think they can sleep with me just because I'm easy on the eyes. Hell, men are! They can just go live where they belong and leave me alone! the tired seductress thought as her slim milky hand fished into her bag to pull out her house keys. Pulling out a simple key ring with a graceful lavender rose key chain hanging from it, she moved her hand forward inserting her keys into the front door lock.

Padding into the dimly lit hallway, Sivi could only see one light glimmering in the hall. Her apartment was upstairs, climbing the simple wooden staircase, the dancer could feel that the landlord had hired a maid to clean away the dust. The vixen had not visited her apartment in a long time, but she still made sure her rent was paid, which was a relief to her because her apartment was her safe haven, a place to rest from all the troubles in the world that found her.

After climbing the stairs, she clinked her key into the lock of her open apartment, nudging the simple brown wooden door open. The night dancer winced Still as messy as ever! I really got to get around to organizing my clothes and shoes! But for now sleep! her kitsune's bright orange head popped out of her purse as she barked "Sleepy mistress? You look dead on your feet!"

A yawn escaped the vixen's dark soft lips, her fangs glinting in the empty room as she stated "Obviously Serenity! Bed now!" Moving to pick up her two tailed pet, she snuggled Serenity against her chest like she was a plushie as the fox yelped in resistance! "Sivi no i'm not a stuffed animal!"

Rubbing her sleepy lavender hues, the vampriess cooed "For now you are! Sleepy time!" Clutching her pet tightly, the beauty shuffled towards her bedroom." Her foot almost tripped on a pile of pretty silk tops, a flowered one evident with its pretty purple and blue blossoms, wrinkled though it was, it was in the way of the tired vampiress as she almost fell flat on her face.

Groaning just catching her fall, Sivi quickly dodged all the other messes of clothes and shoes in her darkened room. Toppling onto the bed her kitsune companion in her arms. The vixen didn't even bother pulling on her comforter, the minute her head hit the pillow she was snoring away, Serenity cuddled against her.

So divine, peace feels so good! the beauty's brain cooed, as the warmth of being at rest encompassed her. However soon her beautiful dream of drinking a fine glass of blood wine with no worries in the world was halted. A tug, much like a magnet being pulled closer to another one happened around her navel. Groaning as it felt like something was trying to pull her out of bed. The exotic beauty shouted sleepily, "FIVE MORE MINUTES!"

Those five minutes would not be granted, the pull happened harder, this time the sensation caused Sivi to tumble Serenity and all out her comfy bed. Groaning as her stomach and face touched the soft carpet, Sivi rubbed her purple locks of hair as she hissed "Whose bothering me? I"m home no one is..." A frown graced her full smooth lips, as she felt it, a feeling she had not felt in a long time.

The last time I saw him...was when I helped him save Myhria with Seth. But that was such a long time ago? Why the hell would he need my help now? Last I remember he didn't want anything to do with me! Sivi thought shrewdly.

Curiosity got the better of the vixen though, she knew she might be making a mistake, but she had to know why this man, who vowed to never lay sights on her again needed her help.

Groaning audibly she coaxed her kitsune up stating blandly "We are being called Serenity. We have to go!"

Jumping onto her mistress's shoulders her twin tails wrapping snugly around her mistress's shoulder as she settled down for the journey.

Hissing bluntly, the seductive vampiress raised her hands forward muttering softly under her breathe Gate open! Lead me to where this energy is calling! To the man who needs my help! a soft warm wind enveloped the dark beauty, her purple locks swirling invitingly around her as the portal was formed its color a glistening purple red, moving smoothly through it Sivi disappeared in her darkness portal easily.

Feeling the solid black energy warmth envelope her, the dancer's trip did not last long before her gate popped her out in the most peculiar place ever.

A magic shop? were the vixen's first thoughts as she straightened herself up, dusting the little particles off magic of her silk green halter top and matching silk pants. She shook out her long purple locks, her lavender orbs scanning the crystals and other artifacts of magic littering the shops pristine shelves. Pursing her lips the vixen murmured "This is my kind of store!"

Before she turned to the man who had called her from her wonderful moment of peace. Not looking quite as pleased she hissed "You called me from a perfectly wonderful sleep! Why did you contact me after all these years? Especially when you plainly stated you didn't want to see me after our last encounter...."

06-26-17, 09:54 AM
Well, this is off to a great start, Letho thought as the stunning vampire made her acerbic introduction. In all honesty, bitterness over the whole affair was something he had expected; after all, he had used Sivienna. Their night together might’ve been consensual, but in the end it all boiled down to the fact that she had something he had desperately needed at the time, and once he had gotten it, he had discarded his one-time vampire lover and returned to his Myrhia. Something like that was more than enough to earn the scorn of a woman, and Letho expected nothing less than the fury he most certainly deserved.

What he hadn’t predicted, however, was that a single glance at the sultry seductress would be enough to reawaken his desire for her. Dressed in a thought-provoking garb that revealed just the right amount of her silky smooth pale skin, the lilac-haired vampiress was a walking dream of just about anyone with two eyes and a sense of appreciation for pure female beauty. But the attraction went further than mere aesthetics. Perhaps it was the years of solitude and hard living that cried out from the depths of him; perhaps it was the fact that, even after all these years, she had looked exactly as he remembered her, a perfect embodiment of a long lost memory. Or maybe it was just blood calling out for blood, the bond of all those years ago, once diminished and almost forgotten, now rekindled. Whatever it was, it only kept adding volume to the treacherous voice Letho tried to keep quiet.

“Your friend certainly knows how to make haste, Marshal,” Mardeena said, but for the moment her words failed to distract Sivienna and Letho from what looked like a clash of glares, furious and frowned on her side, stoic and resolute on his.

“We are not friends, lady,” Sivienna finally said, refusing to break the relentless dagger assault her eyes directed at the seated man, her hands resting on the scintillating curve of her hip. “What are we these days, Letho? Strangers? Acquaintances? Long-lost lovers?”

The last part was almost spat at him with unmistakable venom, finally forcing Letho to relent under her glare. “Complicated,” he merely said. There was really very little complexity to the whole situation: man meets vampire on a cold night, cheats on his wife with her, makes his lover turn him into a vampire, then abandons his lover to cure his wife with vampirism. The oldest story in the book really. But complicated was what people said when they didn’t want to talk about something, and Letho definitely didn’t want to talk about that night and its repercussions.

“We are done here,” he turned to Mardeena, fishing out a fistful of coins from the satchel at his belt and setting them down in a neat stack on the table. “Thank you for your service.”

“You know, I could look for a potion or two. Looks like you might need it,” the scryer offered with a wink as she collected her payment. Letho, whose sense of humor was generally about as dry as a Fallien summer and as frequent as rain in the said summer, offered a muffled snort as a response as he got up.

“We should talk,” he said to Sivienna, gesturing towards the wooden door that led out of the garden and into the streets of Gisela. For a brief moment the vampiress didn’t move and Letho thought that she might vanish in the same immediate manner in this she appeared, but after a couple of doubtful seconds, she conceded to his request with a sigh and shake of her head. Despite her annoyance with the situation, she moved like a piece of silk in a breeze, smooth and feline, a white-skinned vixen with a dark look in her eye.

The benighted avenues of the city greeted them with thick shadows and trails of glistening silver as the moon bore down on the moist cobblestone. The street lamps offered islands of bland yellow light, but they were few and far between in these parts, usually with their oil burning very low. And aside of a quartet of patrolmen stomping their way down some distant alley, the pair was alone. Letho thought that such isolation would make it easier for him to say what he needed to say, but it still took quite an effort to address the vampiress at his side.

“Look, Sivienna, I know that there is no apology for what I have done. And even if there were, it is about ten years too late for it,” Letho started. His arms were folded in front of his considerable chest, his eyes on the starry night above. “But for what’s it worth, I am truly sorry for everything that happened that night.”

Was that really the truth of it? Most days he was certain that it was. Most days he remembered the rift that his infidelity had opened between Myrhia and him, remembered the bad days of mistrust and doubts that followed, remembered all those evenings spend with the full weight of regret pressing down on his shoulders. Yet there were occasionally other days as well, nights of restless slumber where Sivi’s blood called out for him, bringing forth dreams in which she was his and it felt right, felt downright perfect despite every honorable cell in his body decreeing that it was wrong. And in those moments he felt it impossible to regret the events of that night.

“I do not expect you to forgive me, and forgiveness is really not the reason why I called upon you. The truth is... Sivi, the truth is I need your help.” Asking for help had always been difficult for Letho, he who had always prided himself in settling his own scores and depending on none save himself. And as if going against his stubborn pride wasn’t enough, he was now asking help from someone who he slighted so dishonorably in the past. The humility required of him to do so was such a bitter medicine that he found it hard to get the words out. But like most tough spots he had found himself during his life, Letho found the best tactic was just to meet it head-on, so he finally turned to Sivienna and braved another one of those cutting glares of hers.

“There is something prowling in the night here in Gisela. It has claimed six lives already, and some of the clues I found suggest it is one of your kind,” Letho said. Now that the focus was turned to the business at hand, he found it much easier to vocalize his thoughts. “Some other clues do not fit, but my knowledge on vampires is rather limited, especially of those that might be domestic here in Gisela. I was hoping you would be able to shed some light on the matter and help me with the investigation.”

Letho paused for a moment, trying to gauge the reaction from the expression on Sivienna’s face, but for the moment he could read nothing. All he could do was hope for the best.

“So, what say you? Could you set your grievances aside and help me out?”

06-27-17, 02:18 AM
"My kind always feed on humans Letho." Sivienna begin through gritted teeth. Her lavender hues were narrow, the eyes barely open as her mouth moved softly. She could feel the soft breeze caressing her purple locks of hair, almost playing with it to create the illusion that she was a nymph of the night. She knew now was not the time for anger, for grievances. But part of her just wanted to throttle the knight before. He was asking for her help again, asking her to play an honorable member of the law.

Widening her eyes, but still cutting daggers into his body with her sharp glare. She hissed "Wanting me to play law again? Be something I'm not, I don't know Letho..." she let the silence stand between them, like the stone wall that it was. A message saying You shamed me! Used me like a needed tool, then discarded me when you got what you wanted.

She could see the apology in his eyes the sorrow as he said humbly "Please, I know what I did hurt you, but really the murders here are quite a mystery and I could really use your knowledge on this matter! Even if you must follow the law, you'll be rewarded afterwards!"

Sivienna cocked her hip, her lavender hues darkening a bit angrily as she spat "Again!" she turned her back on him, listening to his explanation as she let the silence of the evening wrap around her like a comforting blanket. Listening to the crickets chirp merrily around her, and the pitter patter of the people in the cobblestone alleys around them. She let the night's traffic be her healing balm. She knew she shouldn't hold a grudge the big man before her was normally honorable, would only ask for assistance if he needed it. But their blood bond muddied the water for the exotic dancer.

She still could recall that night, his form on top of hers, how he had taken her gift selfishly, then had left to save the red headed lass he truly loved. She did not fault him for that, when love was a blessing, you did all you could to make it work and to save your beloved. She knew that was what Letho had done was needed. But damn it to hell it still hurt for the exotic dancer.

Finally after staring at the stars for what felt like hours, Sivienna let his apology and the information he told her sink in. Her bumbling beginning sounded stilted to her now as she realized the gravity of Letho's situation. If one of her kind was murdering humans, that meant she needed to help, much as she hated playing honorable, part of her could not turn away a person in need.

Her eyes only softened slightly as she begin anew what she was going to say "Look Letho...I'll help. The first thing I can tell you is one of my kind would just not simply be going on a murder spree. We feed for sustenance, blood sustains us. If one of my kind was the culprit that would not leave such evidence to be found. The human would normally be left alive or changed into a thrall or concubine to do his or hers new master's bidding. If what you are telling me is true, it sounds as if its more then just a normal vampire." Licking her full soft lips, a thought crossed Sivienna's mind as she finished "This only would logical if one of my kind has gone mad!"

Closing her eyes Sivienna could only recall one part of her past that made sense. Her teacher Draistol had mentioned a spirit, a monster strong enough to even control a vampire's actions. Her soft head shook slightly as she thought No it couldn't be something like that... Turning to face the stoic champion of justice before her she hissed softly to him "We should investigate! Find out whats really going on! So we can solve this problem of murder that might involve my kind." her hand went nervously to her sleeping kistune, stroking her pet's soft fur, as she waited for the marshal's reply.

07-07-17, 04:08 PM
Though his face failed to reveal a perceptible reaction, Letho allowed himself an inward sigh of relief after Sivienna begrudgingly acquiesced to his plea. The truth was that while he was likely capable of tracking down the culprit behind the murders on his own eventually, it would almost certainly take a lot of time for that eventuality to become actual. A lot of nights spent chasing shadows, sniffing at the wrong trails and following false clues that led to dead alleys. And while he blundered the nights away, the murderer would be racking up his count of victims. He (or she, Letho reminded himself; there was little so far that determined the gender of the perpetrator one way or the other) would invariably make a mistake at some point down the line – an overlooked witness, an uncovered trail, and unguarded word to the wrong person – but between that point in time and the current one days could pass. Or weeks. Or months. And every night had the potential to claim additional lives. It was something Letho couldn't accept, not if he could prevent it by biting down on his pride and swallowing a rightfully deserved portion of venom coming from the vixen at his side.

“I am glad you feel that way,” he finally said to his companion. “For a moment there, I was certain you would either claw my eyes out or just turn around and walk away.”

“Don't tempt me, Letho. I still might do it,” Sivienna responded, not a sliver of warmth in her voice. And though he had always been a bit of a lummox when it came to reading women and the nuances of their moods and expressions, there was little doubt how his vampire partner felt about this arrangement.

“Which one?” he still asked. He was already neck-deep in trouble. How much more angered could a woman get?

“Both,” the vampiress hissed, but she didn't stop there. “Look here, Letho, I'm not doing this for you or because you asked nicely, or even because you are oh so sorry about what you did. I don't owe you a thing.” She punctuated these words with a finger pointed firmly at his bulky chest, and the look in her squinted eyes made it clear to the weathered wardog that he should've kept his big mouth shut. “But this murderer is upsetting the balance in which my kind lives with humans, and that's something I can't just ignore. I owe at least that much to my kin. So why don't we quit the chitchat and get his investigation going, shall we?”

On the outside, the big man simply nodded and said: “Very well.”

On the inside, Letho thought: “This is going to be a long night.”

“I was thinking we should start at the mortuary,” Letho said as he led the way down the alley and deeper into the shadows. In the stillness of the night, with nary a sound save for the ones the pair made, every footstep of his was like a thunder, and every click of her heels a gunshot. Their voices seemed to carry on forever, no matter how hushed they tried to be. “I have arrived to Gisela yesterday and only had the chance to look over the latest victim. But I could not make much of it. A couple of bites, gallons of blood and a whole lot of gore. Oh, and restraints. The victims were tied to the bedposts.”

“Hmm, as intriguing as that is, it doesn't fit,” Sivienna said. “My kind doesn't waste blood and we don't need to tie the victims down. Once they are in our thrall, they give themselves to us willingly. As I'm sure you remember.”

Letho did, and it was a recollection he didn't need right now. She spoke of it in the coldest voice imaginable, yet her words recalled a memory of an antithesis of frigidity. It was a bit of meanness on her part, but Letho disregarded it. He as quite certain that this night would be filled with these acerbic jabs and that this was just the first in the series.

“I do. But your kind is also one of the few who can cover their tracks incredibly well,” he said, nodding right at the intersection that took them to a wider avenue lit on both sides with the shimmering xanthous light of the street lamps. Descending on a mild slope, the white cobbles were taking them away from the most urban areas of Gisela and towards the outskirts. Under the bright light of the moon, Letho could see almost the entire length of the road before them as it shot towards the outer walls and the lowered portcullis. Their destination was to the side of the massive gates that protected the southern entrance to the city proper. The graveyard and the modest stone morgue were nestled in the shadow of the towering fortifications, a circular spattering of tombstones surrounded by a tall iron fence.

“I found several hand- and footprints on the scene, but no tracks to follow in the proximity. You would think that someone who tears a man in half would leave a trail of blood...”

For a long time Sivienna didn't say anything, simply matching his pace in silence with her lilac eyes focused on something before her. “Not if they came to their senses after the kill,” she finally said. “After they sated their hunger. Or their madness.”

“It is possible,” Letho agreed. “We might know more once we look over the other victims. Come on, we're here.”

Though the hinges on the gate in the ornate fence didn't screech, the graveyard didn't detract majorly from the general consensus on cemeteries. With the eerie silence that seem to gain weight the farther one went down narrow trails that led between rows upon rows of silent monuments to souls long departed, all burial places were pretty much the same. They were the places of the dead, and the living weren't welcome here. Letho wondered if he should ask Sivienna how that made her feel, give her a taste of her own bitter medicine, but decided he still preferred his eyes on the inside of his skull, so he let the tasteless jape lie.

They found the mortician in the basement, dead to the world as he slept on his stool, surrounded by the rotting corpses of those who were truly dead to the world. His bald head was resting on his chest as he snored gently, one hand holding onto the wooden slab in front of him which bore a pallid grey corpse of an elderly man, the other dangerously close to dropping a half-eaten sandwich. There were crumbs all over the front of his frock and dark orange splotches of what Letho could only hope was (but probably wasn't) sauce.

Letho cleared his throat. When it failed to bring the man out of torpor, he kicked at the foot of one of the table that held the corpse of the aged man. The hit sent the little bell hanging from the corpse's foot jingling at a high pitch.

“Wut'sit?” the man jumped out of his slumber almost immediately, dropping his food and sitting upright as if something stabbed him in the back. Though his eyes were open as wide as possible, it took him several seconds to actually notice the pair standing in front of him.

“Evening. Letho Ravenheart,” he introduced himself with a slightest inclination of his head. “And this is my...uhm, associate. We are here about the murder victims. I was told you would be expecting us.”

07-10-17, 01:11 PM
"Mistress..."Serenty whispered as the stench from the morgue awoke the sleeping kistune. "Where are we, it stinks of the dead?" the little fox lifted her small head, her chocolate brown eyes were wide as she recognized where Letho had taken the foxy vixen and her familiar. Burying her head in Sivi's soft neck to hide her nose from the strong livid odor the kistune squeaked "Did we have to end up in a morgue of all places?"

The funeral home was shining silver, though dank, only lit up by a few small gas lamps that were hanging from the walls. Biers littered the dull silver room. Bagged corpses on display for the stoic sheriff and the night vixen to see. The beauty could see tags peeking out from the white body bags, meant to identify the victim lying still as ice on the table waiting for autopsy. A shudder passed through as she felt very uncomfortable in this environment.

There was no blood scent in the air, it just was the smell of demise that made Sivienna's nose cringe, a smooth hand went to her familiar's soft fur for comfort, as she stroked her little friend's orange fluff. Pursing her lips the exotic dancer whispered back to her pet "Evidence, one of my kind has gone mad Serenity. He or she is on a killing spree and; Letho, asked me to help. He's a friend from the past." the lavender hued seductress said, but their was a bite to her tone when she finished.

Knowing Sivi to well, the little kitsune didn't say a word, just yipped cutely as she thought There is history between this man and my mistress, and I don't think it's a pretty one. Still burying her face in Sivi's throat, the kistune yipped again as her thoughts finished Hopefully this little part of the investigation finishes soon, I don't like the awful stench of this place!

Turning the bulky man next to her, Sivi's lavender orbs were slits as she hissed at Letho "What is this man going to help us with? Are other victims here?" There no pleasant tone to her voice after she asked this, her arms were folded over her breasts, her hip cocked in impatience, as her message was clear. She wanted to leave the morgue immediately because her sense of smell was sensitive.

She could smell everything from the disinfectant used to clean the place, to ever decaying corpse awaiting burial in the funeral home. Her eyes shifted to the mortician eyeing her and Letho nervously as she inclined her head stiffly saying "Good evening, like my uh partner said we are hearing about the murders that have been happening here in Gisela? We need to investigate what is happening and we need to start here with the bodies..." she finished aburptly as her posture was clear that she did not like doing police work at all.