View Full Version : Mage guild

04-04-06, 04:41 PM
name: Vistire Ragnothaine

age: 36


hair color: light brown

eye color: blue


height: 6 ft

class/occupation: arch mage

race: human

location: the countryside

personality: Generally calm and happy. Doesn't like to be the center of attention. He is a very intellegent and quick thinker. He knows how to keep cool under scenes of emense stress. Likes to increase his knowledge of the world when ever he can.

physical description: A tall slender man with brown hair and blue eyes. He has a finely toned body. He is in excellent physical condition.

armour:He wears leather pad armour with small metal shoulder plates and knee plates. The leather armour covers his entire body except for his head. He also has a black silk sash that cover the leather over his waist.

weapon: He weilds a extremely well crafted steel long sword. It is said the sword fuses the owners energy into its blade to increase teh skills of its weilder.

1. magic missle- When Vistire casts this spell, it sends a large blue blast towards the enemy. If it makes a direct hit it will inflict minor damage to the opponent.
2. burning touch- This spell sends a scourching wave of fire towards the enemy. It has 1ft of reach and does mdoerate damage
3. lightning enhance weapons- The caster infuses lightning into their weapon to add shock damage to mele attacks. It adds 2x to melee and lasts for one post. Vistire can cast it once a day.
sword skills:
1.thrust- Vistire forces his sword foward toward the enemy to do moderate damage.
2. block- Uses weapon to block an over head slash.
3. cross slash- Vistire slashes his sword very fast at the enemy three times.
4.rolling cut- Vistire does a rolling monuver to dodge a normal attack and then swings his sword at the enemy to do moderate damage.

history: Vistire grew up in the countryside most of his life. When he turned 16 he enlisted in mage school. As the years went on Vistire's understanding of magic had increased dramatically. He found himself able to levetaite without casting a spell.
To test out his skills Vistire had entered into the wizards tornument as a representitive for his school. Vistire's skills were mached by none. Vistire quickly became known as the best wizard student in his school. When Visitire's master had heard the news he scheduled private classes for him where they would train together.
Ten more years passed after Vistire's private training had started. He master knew it was time for Vistire to graduate because there as nothing else he could teach him. So on Vistire's graduation day he was awarded the ranking of arch mage and was given his own arch mage spell book. Vistire's master said this to him as he was leaving.
" I can no longer teach you because there is nothing left for you to learn. The only thing left is for you to find your place in this world. That is the journey we must all take. Its roads may be dangerous, but I know you will find a way."
Before leaving the island Vitire spent another two years learning the art of the long sword. Vistire had excelled in this training and leaned very quickly what was taught to him. So the day he left the island he decided he would first venture top the island town of Sacra Brae to expand his knowledge before going on an adventure.

04-04-06, 06:09 PM
I'm afraid, that it has been brought to my attention that this is a rip off from a character from a series of Books known as Dragon lance. Please change the name and the history if you would like to be approved.

04-05-06, 10:25 PM
There I have changed the name and the history.

04-07-06, 02:24 PM
Alright, I need you to severly lower your abilities.

Your magick blast cannot be invisable. Also, no way I'll allow HEAVY damage. Much less than that. Moderate would even be too much.

I need to know how far the fires go in burning touch, and how much damage they do.

How long do the effects of that lightning weapon last, I need the added damage to be low.

How much of your body is covered by the leather padded armor.

Finally, does he have ANY skills with a sword.

04-09-06, 07:58 PM
There I have lowered my abilities. I hope I'm finally done.

04-10-06, 08:08 PM
We don't do +2 damage...We're more open then that. Can you say 1X damage or something, since we really don't have a scale.

04-10-06, 08:33 PM
I have changed it.

04-10-06, 09:09 PM
When I said 1x or something...I didn't actually mean 1x...that'd make it stay the same.

Now, you have A thrust, and defend. I'd prefer you have more skill, Say Average or below, instead of just two moves. But, it's up to you.

04-10-06, 09:25 PM
i have added more skills and verifyied teh amount of damage for lightning enhace weapons.

04-10-06, 10:00 PM
The damage for the lightning cannot last half a day. It has to be mere minutes at most, and maybe one post.

Also, no paralyzing, at all. Edit that out.

04-11-06, 05:03 PM
I have changed it.

04-11-06, 09:33 PM
Don't powergame.
