View Full Version : You Need Someone to Hold You Tight

11-28-06, 06:22 AM
(Closed to Natty)

Courage, integrity, loyalty, ethics.

All of these are virtues not just recommended but enforced to members of the Bladesingers, from the lowliest apprentice to the Blade Commanders that lead them. An elite force that protects Raiaera and ravages its intruders, this army is unrivaled on the Elven continent. Of course, some virtues are not on the official Bladesingers list and some of them are even on the list that Bladesingers should throw away, discourage and disregard. For they are role models, gods among men and they must set a good example. Once in a while, a Bladesinger will demonstrate these undesirable characteristics and they will be dishonorably discharged or perhaps demoted to join the regular elven army.

Unfortunately, one prime example holds a very high position within the Bladesingers... Blade Brigadier to be precise. One of the few non-elves to rise to officer position, Raelyse Salidan did it by deed alone. He showed respect to his superior and fury to his enemies, he demonstrated loyalty to Raiaera, he was courageous in battle and the way he carried himself from day to day was more than enough to make any elf swoon. Unfortunately, it was all a lie. A well orchestrated mask that he used to fool the people of Raiaera so he could become a figure of prominence. Raelyse was greedy, condescending, lustful but worst of all, his pride. He was after all a prince by birth and he was perhaps the most arrogant person in Anebrilith, a feat almost impossible among the haughty high elves.

It was just such a facade that ensured that he was the leading candidate to supervise a special delivery. Raelyse's job was to supervise a group of Bladesingers in temporarily neutralizing the enchantments on a group of artifacts before they were handed over to a separate company of regular Raiaeran soldiers for transport to Eluriand. Although it was not explicitly revealed to the prince, he managed to gain special information. While artifacts were always displayed in Eluriand, seldom were of this caliber.

These artifacts were powerful and the Raiaeran government had paid a pretty penny to secure them. The batch that Raelyse was supervising happened to come from Fallien while others would come in the next few days. They were so grand because there was to be a surprise festival and a majestic one at that, to celebrate. Raelyse chuckled to himself, it seemed that these elves were always celebrating. "Not that I'm complaining," he smiled to himself as he plucked off a strand of golden hair from the front of his silver vest. A spoil from a conquest.

Raelyse was just about to arrive at the dock where the artifacts would arrive when he caught the attention of his traveling subordinate. He was elven and a Bladesinger to boot, but his personality was more suited to Raelyse's than any of his race. He let out a little chuckle at his leader's comment.

"Shut up, Aayus," Raelyse responded though it was more in jest than anger. He had a fond spot for this elf, because of his personality. He simply got sick of entertaining those 'honorable' ones for more than a few minutes. Aayus was probably the only one on the continent that knew of Raelyse's true self, the man behind the facade. Not that he'd ever reveal it of course, unless there was something to be gained.

When their carriage halted to a stop, it wasn't very long before the driver jumped off and moved quickly to the door and pulled it open slowly, and bowing in reverence all before Raelyse could even think about getting up. The prince smiled and moved for the door, using the steps and moving with the grace of an elf to land on the gravel ground below, his feet landing just after his cane, which he used to support his weight as he took a few steps away from the carriage.

"Blade Brigadier Salidan," the driver said, saluting respectfully, a move which Raelyse returned, albeit a lot more half heartedly. Aayus followed his leader but jumped off, neglecting the steps and throwing his long blonde hair backwards.

"Blade Apprentice Aayus," the driver said, this time with a bit of disdain in his voice. Aayus was always the subject of loyalty for he was the prodigy of Raelyse, a prominent member of their army and society. Aayus smirked and slammed the door behind him, turning to glance at his leader, whose line of vision was firmly in line with the large ship that had just made port in Anebrilith. This night, the moon seemed to shine particularly brightly, causing the light colored blonde hair of the elves to shimmer while Raelyse's silver hair seemed to almost glow.

Raelyse glanced to his right where about thirty feet from his carriage there was a large company of elven soldiers, along with a convoy of about three carriages. "Well, let's get this out of the way then, we wouldn't want to keep them waiting," Raelyse said with a smile, obviously sadistically gaining satisfaction from seeing those soldiers having to wait for him for as long as possible. From the look on Aayus' face, he thought so too.

The prince and his companion moved towards the jetty, where a bridge was already made between it and the ship. Two elves stood at either end and from the look of their ornate uniforms and swords, they were Bladesingers. As soon as Raelyse was in their line of vision, they saluted. The prince returned it once more and climbed to the top where the other two repeated the feat that three others had completed the same night. This time though, he merely waved them away.

"Where?" Raelyse said abruptly, a slight sense of impatience creeping into his voice. If that wasn't eliminated soon, it would be a lot more painful than 'slight.'

The four stationed Bladesingers immediately pointed in the direction of the cargo hold.

"Lead on," the prince said, a smirk of satisfaction revealing his pearly white teeth. When the four moved off, Raelyse was just about to move when Aayus tapped him on the shoulder. When the prince turned, he saw the elf holding a strand of blonde hair in his right hand, taken from his shoulder.

"You really need to groom yourself, Blade Brigadier Salidan," he said in jest, particularly Raelyse's title.

"Well, maybe if you elves didn't shed like dogs, I wouldn't have this problem," he said, his smirk only widening.

At that, the prince moved off, leaving an amused Aayus to glance up at the moon, then to a warehouse by the docks where its light shone before letting out a chortle of laughter and moving after his leader.

11-29-06, 05:26 PM
Although it was certainly an honor to be invited to this function, Natalya reminded herself almost smugly that it was through her wit and will that she had maneuvered into a spot to be asked to begin with. In an exquisite sari of pale teal silk embroidered delicately with silver and gold silk threads. Her raven curls were piled high on her head with several stray locks curling tentatively around her columnesque alabaster neck.

She mingled among the other invitees, as they all waited expectantly for the artifacts to arrive. The men ogled at her, all but some of the haughtier elves who held disdain for any who were not of their race. There were few women there, and those that were glanced jealously at her from beneath their false lashes. It was a grand event, with champagne that sparkled in delicate crystal flutes, and delightfully prepared hors d'oeurves that set one's mouth to watering. These elves knew how to throw a party.

Maintaining an air of demure composure, and immense education, Natalya smiled inwardly as she left small caches of archaeologists and anthropoligists staring in admiration at her. It was so easy to simply pick their collective knowledge from their memories and spout it back to them in different words. She seemed a font of knowledge, and she could feel their lust and awe at her as she floated graciously from one group to another.

There was a bustle at one end of the hall where the artifacts and relics, which were from Fallien, would be delivered with great ceremony to the invited guests. Natalya nodded meaningfully to the other guests as she passed them to stand somewhere near the door where they would enter. She wanted to have the first look on the one piece of Jomil's Mask that was not lost, or as Natalya believed, purposefully hidden in the sands of Fallien for someone like her to find with the right clues.

As if on cue, the small orchestra began playing hauntingly beautiful music, and the massive gold embossed doors slowly swung open. Natalya smiled. Almost there.

12-02-06, 06:04 AM
For a second, the beautiful Raiaeran night was silent. Then Raelyse gave the order, piercing the night sky with a series of commands, shouted loudly in elvish. Even the haughty Aayus kept still at attention at that moment out of respect for the Bladesingers and their traditions. One moment after the prince of Myrusia finished, the four Bladesingers drew their blades, all moving in perfect precision to bring their fine elvish blades in systematic fashion in front of them. The drill was complete, but the ritual was only about to begin.

"Bladesingers! Disenchantment ritual..." the prince shouted loudly in elvish. He left it at that, letting the Bladesingers prepare their voices before screaming loudly once again. "COMMENCE!"

The shipping crew watched in amazement as the four Bladesingers waited exactly one moment before breaking the temporary silence with something of which they had never heard before. All had opened the cargo hold, which now lay open, displaying all the magnificent artifacts that lay between. Raelyse was standing above on the deck, looking down on his four subordinates. Not that he needed his eyes to know that they were there, for their beautiful baritone voices sounded throughout the night sky, all in tune and with pitch more perfect that their unflawed drills executed moments before. Aayus stood behind, mesmerized as always. It was something he had seen a million times before and yet, it never lost its shimmer. That was the beauty of the Bladesingers, they were effective in their splendor.

Raelyse held his hand out, his palm opened to tell Aayus to remain on the deck before taking a few steps and walking into the cargo hold to inspect and make sure that nothing was going wrong. He may not be elvish but his song bard skills were on another level and would be able to save his underlings if anything went unexpectantly awry. "They never did though," the prince half-chuckled, half murmured to himself. He was right. The Bladesingers were too effective to allow anything to go wrong.

Just when they were at the pinnacle of the song though, about to descend into the final verses, Raelyse felt something. It hit his sensibilities hard and yet a moment later, it was gone. He blinked, surprised and wondering what had happened. Raelyse looked back into the past, trying to remember what had happened but no memory remained. The prince turned in all directions, searching and trying to find the one artifact among the magnificence that had stood out to him, almost spoken to him. By the time he thought of invoking a spell or a song, the Bladesingers had finished their disenchanting spell and nothing remained.

Raelyse blinked again. He turned and made his way to the deck, but not before commanding the Bladesingers to stand at ease and return to the dock. He walked straight past Aayus, who had already informed the crew that it was safe to unload. The elf caught up to the Myrusian, pacing him easily. The silence between them was awkward, but only on Aayus' behalf for Raelyse was deep in thought all the way back to the company of regular, ordinary Raiaeran soldiers.

"Good evening, sir," the company commander said, saluting Raelyse, a gesture he did not return. "Are the goods ready?"

The prince snapped back to reality, looking him in the eye. "We will accompany you to the museum. There is something else."

The elven commander looked surprised, but nodded and ordered his men to fetch another carriage for the Blade Brigadier. Raelyse did not speak again, nor even change the expression on his face until he had entered the carriage, the middle one in the convoy, in between the point platoon.

"What is it?" Aayus asked, taking a seat which was quickly becoming customary next to Raelyse.

"A feeling," he said softly. "You... go back. Take the other Bladesingers with you. You are dismissed." Raelyse could feel a complaint growing within the elf's mouth, so he acted quickly. "That's an order."

It was spoken with such command and confidence that the elf had no choice but to obey.

When the convoy moved along, Raelyse could not help but think and think about the feeling and the artifact that had hit him suddenly back there in ship's cargo hold. He was so deep in thought that once again he did not shift or speak the whole journey. Even the occasional loud whinnying of the horses or the systematic sounds of the elven soldiers as they marched through the Raiaeran highland came close to distracting him.

When the carriage came to a sudden halt, the first time since it had left, the prince came back to attention once again. Shrugging, he pushed the door open and landed on the tiled ground below. "I will wait inside," he said, surprisingly in Common to the elven officer that approached him. "Bring the artifacts in one by one. I suspect one is still unstable."

The elf nodded, but the Blade Brigadier had already left, striding purposefully into the grand museum, even more deep in thought than before.