View Full Version : Down The Rabbit Hole

06-23-17, 02:55 AM
(Open to one other person. Takes place immediately after Elective Amnesia. Now closed. Claimed by Philomel.)

Mizami manor was in chaos, the normally bright and gentle living room was littered with the thralls of the manor.. Their manner was subdued as whispers of what was happening in their master's office was circulating around.

A mink haired thrall, her body lean and petite was softly murmuring to a blond tall thrall "She's a mess, thats what I heard when she appeared."

"Deathly injured, will need to feed" The yellowed eyed thrall replied back, her body tense as noise could be heard from the office upstairs.

Instead of the portal opening to the dimly lit but lushly decorated Mizami manor. A gate dark emanating pulsing with power appear directly into Raoul Mizami's office. This gateway had come from the darker shady parts of Haidia. The dive bar area of town, where one of the dive bars had burned directly to the ground, the chaos of a battle the occupants of the opening had lost badly.

The office was decorated in rich midnight blacks and deep reds. The desk was a large ornate cherry wood, painted black at the lord of the manor's request. The chair a deep crimson so soft you could just sink into it. At the moment the portal appear, the master of the house had been chatting amicably with his wife Anise.

The beautiful lady of Mizami manor had her hair swept up in a high ponytail, her dress was lush, a dark navy blue gown that hug to her hips, causing her husband to eye her with love and need his eyes. The ever basic instincts of vampire lovers. However their pleasant time was interrupted as Malik, the assassin Raoul trusted above all his other hunters, arrived with bad news.

His face was still regenerating from the horrible encounter with Seth Dahlios and his lord's bitch of daughter Sivienna. Holding his liege's precious daughter in his arms, he turned her gently saying in a grave voice "I'm sorry I failed master and..." he could already feel his lord's anger burning a hole through him. Timidly he whispered "Your runaway daughter got away..." He waited expecting to have to repair his flesh yet again. But only silence came.

Respectfully he laid Rianna Mizami onto the plush beige carpet of her master's floor. Seeing the blood pooling, dark a mark of his failure her pale milky flesh and wound in her stomach, he knew his consequences were grave. His own crimson hue's looked up at his master as he winced thinking Here it comes. the midnight haired vampire not dare meet his master's orbs.

Before her husband could speak Anise screamed "MY BABY! SHE'S GOING TO BE HUNGRY! HONEY GET HER FOOD NOW! THE BEST SLAVES WE HAVE IN THE CELLS!" the mother then rushed forward to cradle her baby in her arms, stroking her little angel's locks of ruby hair she growled angrily at her lover's assassin "WHO DID THIS TO HER?!"

The cat had the normally suave killer's tongue, he had never, not in a million years expected his lord's woman to berate him. Trying to open his mouth, for the first time ever, even facing Raoul's wrath he was speechless. Struck dumb by the fact that Rianna's mother was the one shouting at him, not the lord who dictated his ever move.

Anise's cold blue eyes were shining like thin ice chips with rage as she purred darkly "Who Malik? Answer your lady now!" the cold vixen, was seated in a rose colored soft chair, one for guest's in her vampire mate's office, as her delicate hands were linked together resting beneath her chin, as she waited for the silent assassin's response.

The sly killer looked up into Raoul's wife's eyes, blinking he said softly "As I told my lord ma'am, it was master's first daughter and an old sweetheart of hers, Seth Dahlios." The seductive vampire breathed out softly, as he then dared to look at his master, who was already ordering a servant thrall to bring three slaves up for his little angel to drain dry to regenerate. As his wife screamed her vengeance at the daughter she wished her husband had never created and the unknown beau who had injured her baby so badly.

The slim blond haired thrall bowed to her master, as she left to go down to the dingy dark cells where the Mizami human captives were kept and called upon.


Thirty minutes later the younger Mizami sister had woken up, her normally soft blue eyes were bloodshot. Her human persona completely gone and shot. The minute she smelled the human slaves, her slim milky hand reached forward, her fangs sinking into the soft warm flesh of the young blue haired girl her father had ordered up. The young child's screams pierced the the thick walls of her father's office as like an animal the crimson haired vixen drained the young thing dry. The body was just a husk, as the sultry vixen could feel the deep gash in her wound beginning to mend. The flesh binding back to her organs to regrow her skin back to its normal state.

Breathing heavily, her bright blue orbs still rimmed red she growled "Blood...more...more!" her eyes fell on the next prey. It was a teenage boy, beautiful with soft green eyes and brown hair so thick you could just run your fingers through it for hours. Normally the seductive beauty would play with her food, leave it alive for her to savor and enjoy. Blood was like sweet wine to her normally, something to savor slowly, not down like it was going out of style.

Eyeing the gorgeous man, Rianna did not take her time this time, she did not stroke his blood, warm it to her liking by teasing and seducing the shy teen. She was an animal this time, her hand now soaked with her first meal's blood, wrapped around the brown haired man's throat, pulling him against her breasts, she sank her fangs into his throat without a second thought, her body rushing at the taste of sweet crimson that ran down her throat as she ate.

Anise shook her head at her daughter's need to devour, clicking her tongue she cooed "I know your starving darling, but come now! Mind your manners!"

Both Malik and Raoul interjected together, both glaring as their words came out at the same time "Just let her eat....."

Anise glared at both her husband's assassin and her lover as she pouted "Fine...but she should behave!"

The starved vampiress, paused in between her last meal, her shiny blue eyes laced red for a moment as she hissed "Starving mom, need to feed!"

Anise's eyes orbs met her daughter's as she said succinctly "Your so spoiled Ri, but you get one pass this time because of your wounds!"

The vivacious vixen ignored her mother, as she licked the blood hungrily from her lips thinking So good, I feel so much better! Not quite there yet, but, sister, Seth you'll pay in blood next time we meet!

Rianna meanwhile was now onto to her third meal, this one a woman the exact same age as her. As the pert beauty stalked to hers the woman moaned "Please....don't kill me, just take what you need! But let me live!" she then sank to her knees, her long locks of silver hair pillowing around her like a soft blanket, her thin dress pressed so tight you could see the pert breasts that many vampires in the manor loved to stare at. The hungry beauty wasn't hearing her meal's plea.

Some of her human persona was returning, the luminous blue eyes less blood shot, her garnet hair less messy, as her soft hands reached for the woman, pulling her against him, Rianna coughed softly, her hunger still apparent in her lusty voice "Food shut up!" her fangs were soaked with blood now, as she leaned forward and pierced her final victim's throat. Moaning softly as the liquid raced into her belly, the woman's screams faded away as the life gushed from her youthful body.

The nasty gash Seth Dahlios had given her finally closed up. Her regeneration complete. Turning to look at her father's hunter, and her mother and dad, a grin was forming on her lusty lips as she cooed "Much better!"

A sing song voice suddenly rang through the tension in the air shouting softly "You shouldn't soak the carpets with so much blood!"

Turning to look Ri's azure eyes widened as she saw a pink curly haired bunny girl spirit, the hair going down past the spirits shoulders, she was wearing a bright pink and white dress that went just down to her little knees. Her ears were rabbit ears, black though soft but see through and she had a bunny tail peek out of the back of her pink and white dress that was as dark as her lobes. Bouncing on the vampire's lord's thick deep carpet she squealed "I have a proposition for the messy Rianna Mizami! It involves going down a rabbit hole to find a very special treasure! But the hungry vampiress will have to find a partner to help her! Many traps await on the road to the treasure!" The hyper active bunny girl bounced on the balls of her feet after she stated this.

The sprightly assasain grimaced her lips thin as she said plainly "I was injured little spirit, I have a right to heal my wounds! You a little bunny girl I don't even know have no right to prevent me from blemishing my own home's carpet with the blood of my slaves!"

Turning eagerly a large pink portal quickly appeared, pink flames just barely visible at the gates edge, from the rosy entryway s the eager ghost chirped "I don't care! Your business! Now, come come!"

Rianna gawked, rubbing her eyes she gasped "Is this an after affect of being so hungry?" rubbing her azure hues, the vixen's soft lips fell open in shock, as she stared at the bunny spirit girl standing before her.

"No, I"m real! I"m Ayami a rabbit spirit! I can sense your still hungry but its fading miss vampire! Come i have something special for you follow me!"

Rubbing her eyes the vixen turned to her parents asking softly "Should I?" as her mind whirled Is this a delusion of blood loss? I just recovered from a near death experience and now a rabbit spirit female child appears, offering me a treasure I can use? What trickery is this?

Both had wide eyes but said softly "Go, she's a rabbit spirit, a weird one at that, but if she speaks of an artifact go, you'll need all the help you can get to catch your sister after this mishap you and Malik had!"

"Ok..." Rianna said sullenly, still stinging over her defeat at her goody two shoes sister and her former lover's hands.Not quite trusting the high spririted ghost bunny girl before her, but still, turning to Ayami she groaned "Lets go bunny girl spirit." she then wobbly stood up, her regeneration almost complete as she moved into the huge rose colored portal. Entering it she was pulled by her navel into the piercing cold of the gate.

Exiting on the other side, she could hear water dripping steadily to the right of her. The feel of cold rough stone could be felt underneath her soft milky hands, as her orbs adjusted to the dark lightening. Straightening to her feet, she could see what looked to be a huge maze like cave around her. Turning to Ayami she dazedly asked "Where are we?"

"Caverns of Luck!" Ayami chirped like a hyper parrot "Luck can be found here and from the whispers I heard about you Rianna Mizami. Luck is just what you need and lucky treasures lie hidden in these cavern walls!"

06-24-17, 02:51 AM
The Caverns of Luck.

The very name of them sent chills down the spine. Intrigued chills and excited chills, chills that could not be quelled. Heart beat fast, breathing was rapid and eyes were wide as they stared around at the vast, beautiful entranceway.

Inspired by the myth of the lep'ru'kan - a gold-loving, rainbow-creating, micheivous, probably not real, fae - the mouth to the series of caverns was dressed ornately in jade and gold. The natural craggy hole was carefully carved back somewhat to create a more open, welcoming feel. The jade was entirely natural, peeking as it did through the limestone, appearing in a long thin line that haphazardly staggered down the right side of the entranceway. The gold, however, was placed there by man, giving the mouth a gilded edge, and a large amount of filigree work that spiralled over the left hand side. A beaten brass sign was nailed to the top.

'The Caverns of Luck,' it declared, 'Beware all who enter here that luck may not be on your side.'

Philomel van der Aart, Matriarch of the feminist guild, the Gilded Lily, dropped her eyes down to her beloved companion Veridian. It was the first time the two of them had ever come to Haide, in their fifteen years of friendship. Truly, they had avoided the place because of Philomel's trepidation. What other place, aside from perhaps the desert, could be poinsous to a creature of earth and trees? This was the realm of demons here, and though Philomel in her time had met with, and cared for, many a dark creature, it was a place she had always avoided for fear of incompataiblity. For fear of the demon lords who lived here, the devils and the darkness. For she did not serve a devil, but rather a goddess - a pure and majestic goddess by the name of Drys of Trees.

Shall we? asked an excited Veridian in her mind, his eyes gold and glittering.

He took the form of a fox. But truly he was an earth-spirit by species. Or rather, he mostly was. Instead he had one tenth of a seven thousand year old fire whisp simply known as the Behemoth, living within. It had been a gift by his sister - the rabbit-formed ancient earth-spirit Farragise - and had thus far granted him not only a keen interest in life itself, but also a daring affinity with fire. Something Philomel had never expected.

I guess now we are here, Philomel replied in kind. Her voice had an edge of agitation. But are you sure about this, Veridian?

The small fox-form nodded his startling white and ember russet head and grinned, fangs showing beneath his withdrawn upper lip.

Indeed I am. I want to know more.

More about what the Behemoth was, where it had come from. Why, all those years ago, such a simple spirit had determined it was the strongest of all and declared war on everyone. And the world itself, in a personal, insane manner. Truly, the spirit that infected Veridian was a mad one, which was why splitting it had been such a good idea. But it did not stop Veridian from wanting to know where it had come from - instead it made him more intrigued. And his and Philomel's research into ancient fire whisps had led here. To the aged, legendary tunnels of the Caverns of Luck.

Taking in a deep breath, Philomel hitched up her scabbard a little higher onto her shoulder. Inside it, two white bladed swords - the Rabbit and Nameless; not twins, but close to being - sat, separated by a flap of leather. Also on her back was the mighty crossbow Quake, rarely used but magificent to see. And by her hips, tucked into many slots between her folds and folds of fabric just above where her hairy and mighty faun legs began, was a myriad of other weapons. A red glass-tipped riding crop by the name of Temptress. A fire-blazing keris dagger by the name of the Lover. And an iron steak knife for those 'just in case' moments. A number of throwing knives. And on her chest, covering her breasts and neck was a red, hardenened darkscale piece of armour, curved and ornate, just missing the tips of her huge, spiralling rams horns.

She tasted the air with a tip of her tongue, and sent her earth-sense into the ground. Through it, she could feel every rock, piece of vegetation and simple-minded animals for fifty metres. Reasoning creatures - they took a little more work, but in all honesty she could feel none. What she did feel was the entranceway, and beyond that a tunnel. Beyond that was a cave with a large pool and stalgamites sprouting from the ground. No hidden lion, no recogniseable traps. Likely safe.

Fine, she said, moving her hooves. Let us do this insanity.

And together faun and fox moved into the caves.

06-26-17, 02:37 AM
"Follow me Rianna Mizami! "Ayami chirped again, as the pink haired rabbit spirit begin to drift forward. The sounds of running water was getting louder as the red haired beauty took a step forward.

She still couldn't believe she was following a rose haired spirit of a bunny girl right into a cavern, a cavern now that her luminous blue eyes had adjusted to the dim light around her, looked to be beautiful and mysterious. She could see bright green jade, natural zigzagging like a winking eye through the pure limestone base. Gold that was man made was shining like a shiny beacon before the greedy vixen's eyes. Licking her lips, Rianna moved forward, looking at the dazzling treasure, her voice was soft as she whispered "So pretty....is this the treasure you spoke of Ayami?"

The little bunny's tail twitched as she glided back to her charge, her nose wrinkled as she tsked "Greedy Rianna! No what we seek is worth more then this artifical yellow stuff! Don't get caught off guard! Be wary of what lurks in the Caverns of Luck!" turning as she noticed the red haired vixen's orbs were not leaving the gold.

"But! Its so beautiful!" Rianna gushed over the gold, as she was drawn to it and begin to caress it like it was the most precious thing in the world to her.

Groaning the hyper active rabbit spirit glided forward, placing her small child like hands on the red haired vampiress shoulders, she gave Rianna a little push, whispering softly "Listen to me! Me not gold! I'm your guide!"

"Huh?" Coming out of her trance, Rianna fell forward. The rushing sounds of water the perky assassin had heard ended up being a pool of dark green water. The drip coming from a small waterfall gushing into the pool Rianna found herself pushed into. Growling as she begin treading water, her tight leather halter top was now soaked. Swimming to the edge of the little pool, the night vixen used her arm muscles to push herself out of the cold water.

Shaking her bright red hair, droplets of water fell like crystals from her locks, as her blue eyes flashed and she angrily hissed "What was that for Ayami?" Still wet and dripping, the younger Mizami sister moved quickly towards her bunny girl spirit guide as her hands reached to throttle the rabbit as she growled "Don't push me in! You said you'd help me find treasure! Not drench me in water!"

The little bunny ghost girl's dark blue eyes flashed angrily, pink flames appearing in them, as quick as a wink she disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. Out of reach of Rianna now she chirped softly "Listen miss vampire. I will only be nice if we work together! Act like a brat, want your way and you'll be left here lost FOREVER!" the cute hyper active bunny girl spirit enunciated the forever part of her warning. She may have been given instructions to help the younger Mizami sister. But she wasn't going to put up with her bratty princess-like behavior while doing so.

"BUT!" the vixen's lower lip trembled at the adorable bunny spirit's harsh warning, she had not expected something this cute to act this way. Her parents had told her to follow Ayami, but she was sure even they did not know what the bunny girl spirit was. Crossing her arms over her wet leather bound breasts, Rianna could feel her pout deepening as she whined "Your suppose to help me!"

Ayami's dark navy eyes flashed again with light as she softly chirped "Only if your not a brat and you learn to compromise! Then luck will always find you! Pampered children never get what they want!"

Rianna's shiny azure orbs widened as she asked "Is this a lesson and a treasure hunt Ayami?"

Wriggling her bunny tail, the cute rose haired girl's orbs lightened as she parroted "Maybe! Come now, we work together and you'll see!"

Grinding her fangs in annoyance, the crimson assassin begin to follow her bunny guide, her mind was screaming though She's a weird bunny spirit! Watch her! There might be something more to her then meets the eyes. as the sounds of her foot steps echoed against the limestone the cavern was made of. She couldn't help but wonder who Ayami was.

What had caused the pink haired rabbit spirit to come help her. Or more likely who? as the pert beauty begin to walk deeper, her hands resting against the cold rock, as she moved deeper into the cavern, she couldn't help but still feel intrigued. Her heart an mind were wondering what prizes could be found in The Caverns of Luck. How they could help her to stop being unlucky.

As the vast emptiness surround her slim figure, as she continued to walk deeper into the earth's womb, one thought crossed her mind Could someone be looking for the same treasure I am?

Ayami's little form was bouncing in front of her eyes, as now the happy bunny spirit was pleased Rianna was moving, a smile graced her small mouth as she exclaimed "I'm happy your working with me Rianna! Now this way!" she darted forward, grabbing the lithe's vampiress arm as she pulled her forward parroting "Come on!"

06-27-17, 11:08 AM
Several minutes into the cavern system and the veins of jade was still resplendant on the walls. Decorations of beaten gold also were manually inserted; odd shapes here and there, stabbed into cracks and shoved into alcoves. They were still brilliant enough to cast reflection and despite their haphazard scattering they formed a decent amount of illumination into the tunnels. All it took was for Veridian to use his inate ability to cast a firey set of jaws before him and light a small torch, and the two of them continued their journey with ease and visibility.

Despite this, Philomel still relied on her earth sense. Seeing what was around you was one thing, but actually able to feel and connect with the rocks, dust and small plants was an ability worth holding onto. In truth Philomel could not feel water, for her connection to it was weak but she always knew it was there. She could sense the huge dip into the earth's surface, and feel the way that the lake splashed against the rocks. With a little effort she could even feel minute resonances of erosion, and the voiceless cries of the lichen growing at the lake's edge.

Nice place, Veridian finally said after a long period of silence.

Turning her face to him Philomel held the torch slightly above her head and raised an eyebrow. Vocally, she spoke. "What do you mean?"

The fox-form paused with just enough time for him to lean back onto his haunches, then attempt a movement of raising, then lowering his forelegs, mainly where they joined as shoulders to the rest of his skeleton. A version of a shrug.

I was trying to be witty.

Philomel almost could not retain her laughter. "You did not sound sarcastic in the least!"

Well this place is boring and damp, Veridian hissed a little, Horrible and it is getting between my toes. There is slime, and there are living things in the water which I do not know the name of, and that disturbs me. He rocked back onto all four paws. I was trying to break the silence.

Silence had indeed extended between them awkwardly as they strode. Though they were named The Caverns of Luck and decorated with bright gold, Philomel did not consider anything that they had experienced so far to mark this place out as anything special. Indeed, all she had seen was darkness, a few creatures scuttling out of their way as light hit them, and rocks. They had been striding for almost half an hour, with nothing to say, and no sign that this was even special.

"Caverns of Luck indeed," she voiced her query. And the earth-spirit beside her bobbed his pointed snout.

Exactly, he huffed. There is nothing in here but a pretty pattern, stones and water. It even smells, and is strange. There is no sign that the Behemoth ever lived here, so I think we have the wrong place.

"You want to turn back?" the faun frowned, still not slowing in her hoofpace as she said it.

Veridian let out a bemoaning grunt. I do not know, he said, skipping forwards as they got to a corner. I am really not sure. But I-

The tunnel before them twisted and turned. Abruptly. Directly to the side. Veridian would have continued his rant, had something not occurred that made him reconsider all that he had just said as he turned. And came right into the face of a tiny creature with rabbit ears.

"Oh," Philomel came to a halt beside him, staring at the bunny spirit. "We seem to have found something after all."

06-28-17, 02:33 AM
The caverns were getting darker, the sound of dripping water from the waterfall that Rianna had been pushed into was growing faint. Pressing her hand firmly against the cold limestone walls, Rianna's mind was thinking, she had felt the bunny girl spirit's flash of power when she had been annoyed at the crimson haired beauty. There was definitely something more to the bunny, the black tail, the way she had felt the dim feel of fire when she had gone through the pink gate. It all added up to a mystery, a conundrum that the perky assassin had to solve.

The gold was still shining like a bright beacon through the cave's green murkiness, the deeper Ayami and Ri got the more the temperature seemed to lower. Shivering visibly, her red locks still dripping crystalline drops of water, the vixen's teeth chattered as she asked Ayami "Can you make fire? I'm freezing from your pushing me into that icy pond. I need to dry off!"

The black eared spirit's nose wrinkled at the vampiress's simple question. Her little black tail twitched as she seemed to hover still as a frozen dandelion. There was a deep look to the little rabbit's eyes as she paused with her answer before she finally blurted "I can, if you need it Rianna, but I"ll only do it if you continue to work with me!"

That again? Just what is Ayami's deal?! Rianna thought irritably. She did not like being bossed around, she wanted to be the princess in charge. Not some little rabbit who was supposed to help cure her of her unlucky streak! She could feel her rage boiling in her stomach, trying to curtail it, the lithe assasain stared at a natural carved jade filigree of a small dragon. It seemed people had been through these caverns before making their mark in it.

Curiosity filled the night killer's heart, as she reached her hand forward to touch the jade carving. A squeal could be heard interrupting the vixen's thoughts. Turning she saw that Ayami had not bothered making a fire for her to drive off. Instead she was staring at two people if they could be called that who had just entered the open cave that the little bunny girl and Ri had stopped in.

Her inquisitiveness halted as she saw the purple haired faun before her, with a fox spirit. Her luminious blue orbs darkened as she thought This woman reminds me of Sivienna, my good for nothing half sister! Why? Why the hell did I have to run into a creature similar to my sibling? Scanning the woman's faun's body, she saw the shapely breasts, the pert perfect body, the hoofs she had planted firmly on the cavern floor and the many weapons. She made a mental note to be careful when interacting with this woman because she seemed to be quite powerful and well-armed.

Coughing a bit, as her cold body visibly shook, the dark beauty tried to be polite as she asked "Who are you? What are you doing here in the Caverns of Luck?"

Ayami meanwhile was bouncing on the balls of her feet in midair, her pink hair hanging girlishly around her little frame. As she looked at the fox spirit and faun woman before her, she was happy for the distraction this gave as she happily said "Welcome, welcome! What brings you to The Caverns of Luck? Hunting treasure as well?"

07-01-17, 04:20 PM
Mao? Veridian asked, reaching for the rabbit-guide's mind.

Then he shook his head, huffing. Not a Mao. Cannot even touch her mind.

Philomel frowned as the bunny creature spoke, watching the way that it was both human and rabbit at the same time. She agreed with Veridian - it was indeed like their newest companion - the small black and white rabbit Philomel had called Mao. Mao was a quiet animal, and quite fully beast, though she had been born of an anicent forest guardian, and possessed some intriguing magics herself. It was those magics that had made the fox-form earth-spirit interested initially, thinking that if Mao could take the powers of another, then maybe she could take a hybrid form like this.

But no. She could not even talk, let alone begin to gain the intelligence to ask a question.

"Welcome, welcome! What brings you to The Caverns of Luck? Hunting treasure as well?"

I like it, Veridian decided, It is cute. May we keep it?

Sighing, Philomel removed her hand from the hilt of one of her swords, which she had grasped at the appearance of others. Which sword precisely it was had not mattered - really she had just been bothered about danger. Now though that they were just asking after them being here, and who they were - well. That was not threatening talk. A fight was not going to break out ... yet.

"My name is Phi- ... Just Phi," she said, deciding to keep her name simple, in case they had heard of her and perhaps considered her an enemy already. One could not be too careful. "And this is Veridian." Beside her the fox flashed his sharp teeth, just to say hello. "We are searching for ... well, we are not sure. A myth, in a way." With a smile coming to her lips, she shrugged. "What are you here for? These caverns are rather ornate, would you not say?"

She nodded over to the jade and gold, natural and beaten into the walls. Her eyes danced over them briefly, before looking back to the rabbit girl and her - was that a vampire? - comrades.

Studying the vampire further she found the pale skin, bright red hair and vivid eyes likely meant that she was indeed one of the night folk. Not that Philomel had had much experience with them, but then who could have had much experience with fauns, rare as they were.

Letting her smile grow wider, she looked back to the rabbit girl.

"And who are you two?"

07-05-17, 03:46 PM
Ayami was floating around the faun, like the hyper bunny spirit girl she was. She wanted to reach out and touch the pretty purple hair, and she was intrigued by the man shiny weapons at the woman's hip. The fox spirit intrigued the ghost rabbit as well. Circling close to the fox, Ayami reached out her small hand to touch his fur as she muttered "Your cute!" She then turned her little frame, her pink eyes shining with glee as she grabbed the edges of her pink and white dress she gave a little curtsy as she exclaimed "I'm Ayami! I"m a rabbit guide helping Miss Mizami here find treasure!" Winking her rose eyes at the fox she whispered "She's very unlucky!"

The cold air of the cave opening was making Rianna shiver, because their was very little heat down hear, her body still wasn't dry from its dunk in the pool. Her lips were thin, her fangs not showing in the slightest as the lithe assassin thought Dammit Ayami!If I didn't need your help, I'd leave right now! Ugh, why does my luck have to be so bad? All I want is to live in the lap of luxury, to do what daddy asks and not have any problems! But that never happens, Sivienna always thwarts my plans!

As Ayami answered who she was and gave the dark beauty's last name, Ri let silence hang in the air before she gave her answer. She needed to finish her thoughts first, Now, I have to deal with an earth creature, a faun, she smells different from my half brat of a sister, but still;something about her reminds me of Sivi! her crimson hues looked at the faun's fox spirit as her thoughts finished Maybe its the fox, it reminds me of Sivi's pet kistune too much!

Shaking her still damp hair, Ri let some of the water droplets fall onto the natural limestone flooring of the cavern, as the gold and jade glittered around her pert form, she tried to smile lightly as she introduced herself "Ayami already gave my last name, but I'm Rianna Mizami. I am searching for treasure, Ayami is my guide. Its nice...to meet you Phi." the assasain said softly, as she shifted from foot to foot, nervous because she could sense great power from Phi, which meant this woman was powerful just like her sister.

Why me? Why do I always run into powerful woman? The fiery minx thought stubbornly, as she whispered to Ayami "Can you lead me to the surprise you spoke of? I really do need that treasure Ayami!"

"Impatient are we Ri?" Ayami giggled softly, as her rose orbs were still fixed on Phi's spirit friend, as she finished "Will leave as soon as our new friends are ready to go little vampire!"

07-11-17, 06:38 PM
Philomel arched her eyebrow as the rabbit-creature suggested they were to go with them. A faun and an earth-spirit joining a rabbit-humanoid and her vampire compadre. Pursing her lips she eyed from one to the other, resting her hand on the hilt of one of the many daggers at her waist. Knives and a short sword was present too, as well as the full quiver of her crossbow bolts.

Not that she used her crossbow often. It was only iron, after all. For her purposes, Vaeron her close ally was the one to be the archer in their life.

"'New friends,'" she quoted back to the rabbit girl, Ayami.

Raising the hand not on her dagger she twirled a length of her hair around her finger. A small smile formed at her mouth, and she rolled back her shoulders.

"We are here to investigate the source of an ancient fire whisp. Who goes by the name of 'Behemoth'," Philomel said, taking a slow step towards the pair. Her hooves lightly clacked on the stone beneath. In the distance a faint dripping told the story of a cavern lake, and the efforts of nature forming the rocky spikes above and below.

Beside her Veridian whipped his tail back and forth, letting his golden eyes light up with a fabulous fire, showing them that the Behemoth's soul resided, in part, within him. He muttered into Philomel's mind.

That was my secret to tell.

Yes but the rabbit-kin makes it sound like she knows this place. So perhaps we will be able to use her knowledge here.

Standing with a straight back, Philomel looked down to her companion, then back up to the new pair. She smiled a little at the vampire, eyes appreciating her form. "Unlucky does not bother me. In fact, we have had our unfortunate times within our past."

Looking around she gestured further down the tunnel that they were heading ... where the new ones had come from. "Perhaps there is a turning off there somewhere? Back that way is the entrace, and there was nothing particularly special there."

Apart from the threads of jade in the walls.

Philomel laughed openly, beginning to stride. "Exactly, my dear," she said, taking the initiative, and point even though Ayami likely knew it better than her.

"Shall we?"

07-17-17, 09:11 PM
Ayami clapped her small hands together happily. A smile was on her little face as she said excitedly "I knew you were interesting fox friend! Behemoth huh? I've heard legends of a demon called that. Maybe a part of his soul resides in these caverns?" Gesturing to the smooth limestone walls, Ayami made a gesture of exploring all the secrets hidden with the cave's many depths, her rose eyes lit up mischievously as she chirped "Many secrets lie hidden in these beautiful walls! We should find them friends!"

So cheerful always. Rianna thought moodily, as she eyed the bunny girl's small pink haired frame. Yet she's hiding something, why did she push me into that cold, murky pool? I have to obey her, or she won't work with me? Pursing her lips, the assassin's thoughts finished bitterly She sure seems eager to help that fox spirit and that powerful woman that reminds me of my good-for-nothing sister.

Trying to calm her restless nerves, Rianna closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. She was listening to the sound of the cave as she was mediating. She heard nothing but the sound of the waterfall from earlier; going drip, drip, drop as crystalline water splashed into the murky pond below. The only other sound she could hear was silence. Phi was right, there was nothing for them to find at the beginning of the cavern.

Pursing her lips, Rianna's bright blue orbs turned to rabbit spirit guide. In a soft voice she asked "Which way Ayami?"

Ayami was happily hovering circles around Phi's fox spirit. Wanting to touch his soft fur, or stare into his endless eyes. The bunny ghost girl was very intrigued by Veridian"s power. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, the pink haired spirit thought Behemoth huh? Powerful demon;to have part of his soul means this fox is strong! Just how strong though? Always curious, the pink haired bunny girl stopped bouncing. Knowing they had to push forward, the ghost floated forward and motioned towards a narrow entrace, jade also was carved delicately into the limestone walls, this time in the shape of a rose as she murmured "This way friends, I sense something this way! We must find out what it is!"

Scrunching her face Rianna begin to move towards the narrow entrace. Peeking down into it she saw nothing but black and thought she smelled something sweet. Looking at the mysterious bunny girl she asked "Are you sure Ayami? I smell something sweet. Is this the right way?"

Always the suspcious vampire.... Ayami thought annoyed. She didn't let it show as she chirped "The only way to know Rianna is to explore! So come, COME!" the ghost bunny said a little louder as she floated past Rianna disappearing into the dark narrow passage.

Sighing, the night assassin followed suit as she thought softly Follow the rabbit ghost girl guide down the rabbit hole!