View Full Version : snek snek snek

07-03-17, 08:15 PM
I'll be reincarnating Madison as a new character for the Althanas 4.0 update. I'd prefer to continue to use this account, though. The EXP should put me at Level 9, so I'll write this profile as such.

Name: Zsirjo (pronouced Zero) Runescale
Age: 32
Race: Nagakin
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 lbs.
Occupation: Guildmaster of the Runescale Company

Personality: Zsirjo is loud, loves a good joke, ain't scare of no things, and is a bit on the brash side, full well knowing that she can back up her bravado with action when needed. She is also rather kind, quick to lend a hand to those in need (and even quicker when coin is involved). Very few who have done business with the Runescale Company can speak ill of their dealings with the Nagakin.

Appearance: Zsirjo is tall, lean, toned, and shaped like a friend. She's generally humanoid in form, except her fingers and toes are replaced with talons. Head to toe, her scales are a rich shade of green, fading to a sandy beige for an area that spreads from her midriff up to her neck. Her eyes are a soft amber, her nose flat against her face with slits for nostrils, her thin lips hide sharpened fangs and a forked, reptilian tongue. Zsirjo sports a rather unique headdress--crafted with strips of leather, fur, and feathers from various beasts and locks of hair taken from both trusted members of her company and warriors she's bested on the field of battle. Woven within these braids are various rings, precious stones, and coins from around the world. The entire ensemble is swept back across her head, and reaches about halfway down her back. The nagakin was never much for fancy clothes, always preferring function over form. She wears a simple, sleeveless purple wrap-over-top with a pair of black cotton pants. Zsirjo's arms sport light blue runic tattoos that power her spells.
