View Full Version : Alright, let's give this another try

11-28-06, 04:19 PM
Alright, this is another recruitment thread. A while ago I started a quest with a few others called "Fragments of the Past". However it died and IRL issues have gotten in the way of some people. Witchblade and I have decided to give this quest another shot and start all over again from teh beginning. So we are looking for two other active writers to come along.

As for the story, it revolves around our characters accepting a mission to investigate some ruins in Fallien. During the investigation, the group is captured by some cultists and soon discover what they're trying to accomplish. Thrust into the situation, the group has to free themselves and stop the cultists from achieving their goal. On top of all this, the group also has to learn all they can about the great destruction that occured so many years ago.

Any takers?

11-28-06, 04:24 PM
OMFG!!! So I might be able to do this, but it depends on what the cultists were trying to do, if it has something to do with the Eternal Tap I would love to join, but it would also depend on when you wanted to start this. and if things work out and I am able to join I have a 6 or 7 quest series with someone else who we will be traveling to the Fallien Ruins soon and they would probably want to join too.

Primal Urge
11-28-06, 07:23 PM
A chance to Roleplay with Witchblade? kings would kill for the honour, as it is I would be interested in joining this thread, and my character even has a special 'knack' for escaping chains etc (see double jointed on character sheet) which could explain how we escape the cultists.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-28-06, 08:23 PM
I believe I am late here... Dang, and I was looking for a quest to join. Nonetheless, if you have need of me, i'll be glad to join. I am active a lot.

11-29-06, 01:32 AM
k pick one of those two before me since they seem to really want to because of who they would be questing with...not that I don't want to RP with the two of you, I am just right now on a mission and such...

11-29-06, 07:17 AM
*wonders why Z-Man is not responding to his own damn recruitment thread*

Alright, Seremela, I have not idea what the Eternal Tap is nor do I know whether or not the Cultists are going to use it. If I remember correctly from out original thread, the Cultists were planning on assassinating The Jya for our storyline. We're originally sent out to find discover what happened to a group of archeaologists (yeah I'm pretty sure I spelt that wrong) and find out about the Cult's plans.

A chance to Roleplay with Witchblade? kings would kill for the honour...

Wow, I've totally become famous. o.o

*tries to not let it go to her head*

Considering your profile is brand new I would assume you've been here before on another account?


OMG Enchanted pants! *giggles* I'm sure they have some use to them but it's easy to imagine naughty or silly things when you see words like 'enchanted pants.'

11-29-06, 08:33 AM
The pants are like the tuxedo that Jackie Chan wore in that cheesy movie. Fear the pants!!! :eek:

Actually, they're not, but it would be funny if they were. :P

11-29-06, 10:06 AM
Yeah. Sorry about that, I wanted to get a post done before I went to bed. Witchblade is right, the cultists are planning to assassinate the Jya...again. But this time they're trying to do it through some sort of magical ritual or something.

Thank you Seremela for being willing to give up your spot to Primal and Ravenok. After Witchblade posts you two can write your intros as well. Whoever does is first doesn't matter, but after these first four posts are up we'll be sticking to that order for the remainder of the quest.

11-29-06, 10:18 AM
*Clears her throat and points at something not quite very hidden (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1330)*


Ravenok Kinnes
11-29-06, 01:51 PM
Okay, thanks for opening the position up. And Witchblade, were you talking about my pants? Yes, they are enchanted... From within(euphamism). MWA HA HA!

I have yet to even read the quest thread, is it up yet? I am blind, I know...

Primal Urge
11-29-06, 06:20 PM
@Witchblade: Actually, i'm new to Althanas, but have been Roleplaying for quite a while on other Roleplay forums/in other realms, however when I arrived, I read alot of old transcripts and your writing stood out :).

@Zerith: Thank you, I will post an introduction as soon as possible. :)

11-29-06, 06:27 PM
Yes it is up Ravenok, it's in Fallien.

And Yami, I know it's a little short but I didn't forget our thread. Your turn now.

11-29-06, 08:05 PM

My new permanent job should be posting on Althanas. >.>

I don't think I'll get around to this tonight, but I'll certainly try!

And thanks, Primal, it's nice to know someone enjoys my writing. ^^

Ravenok Kinnes
11-29-06, 08:08 PM
Oh alright, Zerith. I'll make a reply right now.

11-29-06, 08:19 PM
Oh, Revenok, I've got to write my intro first. ^^;

By the way, anytime you want to show me what makes your pants, or rather what's in them, so great drop me a line.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-29-06, 08:51 PM
Oh, oops. I had already been making mine. At least you finished before me, I finished right after you.

Ha ha ha! Show you what is in Ravenok's pants? I'm sorry, but he doesn't appreciate the bloodsucking type.

11-29-06, 10:16 PM
Yeah, what he said.

Besides, Sand + Friction = A not so pleasant experience.

11-30-06, 07:47 AM
Pfft, you guys are no fun. :p

I know of members who would kill to get into Witchy's pants.

11-30-06, 08:09 AM
If I remember correctly, everytime we get on the subject on getting into Witchy's pants you say how impossible it would be.

...and how much it would suck for the character.

11-30-06, 08:26 AM
Yeah, I know. I was just joking around and having fun.

Gee, you're such a fun killer, Z-Man.

11-30-06, 08:31 AM
Yeah? we'll see.

Somehow Witchy's going to open herself up to one of my rp one-liners. I'm going to be waiting for it.

11-30-06, 09:41 AM
Zerith, you're a married man. Witchy's pants are off limits to you. :P

I, on the other hand, would be willing to risk my character's sanity and life to get into Witchy's pants. But then again, she already knows that.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 02:11 PM
Ravenok kills for fun, not for the sake of getting into someone's pants.

Speaking of which, why are we talking about getting into Witchy's pants again? I thought it was Ravenok's pants everyone wanted, they're enchanted! Ha ha...

Primal Urge
11-30-06, 02:40 PM
It's not her pants i'm after..>.>

11-30-06, 05:41 PM
Tee hee ^^

Letho, you're already getting Ira, be happy with her for the moment. ^_~

It's a good thing I have slaves... I'm taking you out of the closet tonight, Letho.