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07-17-17, 12:10 PM

Closed to my alt Flamebird. Same person writing, so all bunnies obviously approved...

07-17-17, 12:11 PM
He's… finally dead…

He's dead.

I… don't feel any different…

Surrounding the silhouette, a tavern was alight with bustle and business. It was a small and humble pub, located in downtown Scara Brae. Several neat stone fireplaces crackled throughout the room, the smell of smoke still strong enough to make one cough. - Or was that the smoke of sizzling pipes causing the foul scent? Many were merrily cheering under the influence of rum and alcohol. The drunken shouts in the background were shame worthy. She loathed drinking. It made the most respectable people into low level maggots when that beer was consumed. Considering the health problems drinkers and pipeweed smokers faced, she wondered how anyone could drink it…

… except that now, she had a pint of hard apple cider sitting in front of her. Gazing at the untouched beverage, she wondered. She had never tried before, and she never planned on it. She pushed the drink away, pulling her arms onto the oak table and resting her head on them. The cloaked woman sighed. She would not.

Instead, she closed her eyes. Confusion swept across her mind in hurricane force winds. Drafts of questions and negative debres flew left and right as the trees in her head struggled to stay rooted in place. Outside, she just seemed exhausted. Her dark hair was tangled, hanging in her face. The green cloak covered a simple wear. A V-necked black shirt and brown pants. Her weapons hung on her hip for any sign of danger. Paranoid elvish ears perked in any direction over the slightest sound that disturbed her. She was skinny, too skinny. Her shirt was small and was only a bit too wide. Beneath her shirt, her ribs were just starting to become faintly visible. She was physical weak. Her skin an unhealthy pale, her hair was knotted. She opened her eyes again. One was azure, the other burgundy.

A deep sigh was emitted from her heartache and anxious lungs. A lithe tabby cat, a whole lot healthier than she, sat on the table. It was close to her side, grooming itself. The burning orange cat, its emerald eyes ready for a solid nap, was elegant in how his sandpaper tongue swept across his flame colored fur.

The woman glanced to her companion, but was too tired to reach and pat his head. She just closed her eyes again.

The other thing, aside a moral compass, keeping her from drinking was her lack of hunger.

Water was okay, once in a while, but even beautiful apples could not intrigue her stomach fluids enough. She had not eaten a solid meal in a long while. She only ate an occasional red delicious or slice of bread when her stomach actually worked. This was once in a blue moon. She was slowly becoming malnourished. She was already weakened by continuess travels and nature's backhand, as well as mental and emotional illness. Somehow, she still felt unable to eat on a regular basis.

Her family betrayed her.

Her country was laid to ruin.

Her own people wanted to assassinate her.

She was always dead last.

She lost her husband, left her daughter to better care.

Her apprentice left her.

Now, her arch nemesis had been slain, and not by her hand.

Somehow, the fact did not bother her. Somehow, the idea of him just finally being vanquished was enough. Even so, his death caused more than relief. Relief was actually the only positive emotion she felt. In fact, the second emotion was not joy or victory… it was confusion and… sadness…

Was it that her obsession was finally at an end? She felt no sympathy for the white haired wretch, so that could not be the reason. So how? How could she feel remorse for it? Her addiction to hunting the Crimson Hand was finally able to dissipate with the snake's head stepped upon, and once again it was a relief. So how? How…

As the disgraceful drunks danced around the small cabin bar, she simply glared at her full mug with an odd discord.

07-17-17, 12:12 PM
Felicity had never been to Scara Brae before… yet, the idea of studying the Liviol Sanctum for its magic was too good to resist.

Walking into a tiny tavern, The Krusty Tab, she was taken back by all the dancing drunken lunatics.


The redhead closed the round door behind her, her peridot eyes looking for the counter amongst the oval tables and immature bards. Her green outfit reacted to her every movement. Removing the shield from her back, her leather jacket shook as much as the sheathed sword at her hip. Holding the ebony shield to her side, the side facing the patrons, she walked up to the long, straight counter. She plucked some coin from her jacket pocket and flipped it onto the oak counter, "Hey, keep!" She smiled cheerfully.

A bald, stout man turned to face her, his brown eyes showing a sense of equal liveliness, "What'll be, miss? - Wait, age?"

Felicity tilted her head, "Fifteen, no wo'ies, I didn't come to dwink. A water and maybe some st'abewy fwozen yogu't may do nice, p'ease?"

The barkeep appeared somewhat taken back by her odd way of speech, but after processing it, he nodded, "One water and a strawberry frozen yogurt coming up!"

He turned back to the oak kitchen full of barrels of whisky and refrigerated goods. Felicity sat on one of those cute little stools. She would have to ask for information on the isolated, apparently magic forest island when he returned. Soon enough, he did. Sliding the water and frozen treat across the rich wood table to her. He smiled heartily to her, "Here you go, lass. Enjoy!"

She grinned and nodded, "Fank you!" Only after he turned and left, her smile flashed down, "W-wait, can you tew me about Vivio-"

She was too late.

A gasp escaped her when she felt… was that a small mammal rubbing her leg?

She looked down to see… a tabby cat rubbing her and licking her boot. Although she was more of a dog person, she was more than happy to bend down and pick the feline up, "Hey, sma'w guy, how a-"

She suddenly realized how familiar that cat was.

"… You wook 'ike Fi-ya-eaf…"

She put the cat on the counter, quickly glancing to make sure that the barkeep was not watching. Quickly pulling her frozen yogurt close and scooping it into her mouth, Felicity observed the cat. He was the spitting image of…

Mid-strawberry scoop, she felt a sturdy hand on her shoulder. She was suddenly yanked off by a large, blond man with a filthy expression on his face. He had the stench of alcohol all over him. Finding her footing, the wood floor beneath groaned. The startled girl looked towards the bowl of deliciousness on the dirty ground. She looked back to man and tightened her fists, "Hey, my bwoody fwozen yogu't! You feind!!"

The man cracked his fists, laughing, "Aw, what are 'ya gonna do 'bout it, honey? Spa-"

He could not even finish his sentence, Felicity already slammed her fist into his face. Her muscles rippled, heavy force behind the punch as he flew back and hit a table. The girl was vibrating, all sweetness gone as she glared in rage, "You aw gonna pay back my money and buy me anova' dish, stwa'bewy mu'dewa'!"

The man pulled himself off the table, staggering in his drunken way as he chuckled, "The only thing payin' anything is you, lil' lady, when I get my hands on yer-"

Once again, he was just plain unable to finish when the side of a flat hand slammed across his neck. He fell unconscious to the floor.

A scrawny, hooded woman stood behind where he stood, her gauntleted hand still flat in form.

As the cat jumped off the counter and raced to the brunette, Felicity's eyes widened. Anger was replaced with shock as she stood dumbfounded. It was… really her…

"A… Ashwa…"

07-17-17, 12:15 PM
Everyone in the pub stopped dancing and drinking, all eyes wide opened in shock over the brief tussle that took place. The woman did not care. She just watched the young girl stand there stupidly. She tilted her head as she eyed her. Felicity Knopsnider appeared so much stronger, physically, than before. Her toned neanderthal frame was mixed with tame human youth. Her hair was pulled back in a long braid. Her hair was longer, now reaching a bit above her waist. She had completely new equipment and even weapons. Her outfit consisted of a dark ebony shirt, ranger jacket, and low green pants. Her new sword appeared to be in excellent condition, even better than her own damascus hand-in-a-half sword. The shield leaned against the counter side seemed a much better wood than oak or pine as well.

Just her appearance was enough to make her proud, despite the girl's naïve stature.

Immediately after speaking her name with that lisp, she blinked, gaped mouth struggling, "-I-I mean Ayweth! - I mean-"

"Ashla." The woman responded, "It's Ashla."

Behind the confused girl, the barkeep had his hands in his hair, screeching, "My beautiful table!"

Indeed, the round table the half-neanderthal punched her assailant into was halved. Sighing, Ashla walled over to the counter, footsteps pounding as her leg armor jingled. She pulled a pouch of money out and dropped it on the table. The thud was followed with the sound of coin slithering around inside. "Here is payment for expenses. I apologize." Turning from him, she called to her cat, "Come, Fireleaf."

As the cat followed her, she grabbed Felicity's jacket collar and dragged her towards the door.

"Butbutbutbut…" Felicity childishly extended her hands towards her broken bowl of sweet strawberry deliciousness as she let Ashla drag her out.

Well, the select few none-intoxicated people here had interesting stories to tell later…


Outside the door, the simple stairway led into bustling dirt roads. As people and carts passed by, Ashla let go of Felicity.

The girl grabbed her throat from the stress being yanked caused. She warily watched the older girl from the sides of her green eyes. Ashla waited. Looking at her tiny frame, Felicity raised an eyebrow, "You 'ook awfu'…"

"Don't remind me," Ashla sighed, stepping off the porch.

As she walked off, she heard Felicity chase after her. While the girl could not see it, she just barely cracked a faint smile. Felicity seemed nervous, walking just behind her. Her shadow alone showed a lowered head and nervously dancing fingers. As the cat dodged the girls' feet, Ashla had an idea to break the awkwardness.

"Fireleaf instantly recognized you."

"Yeah…" Felicity nodded, but slipped back into silence.

There were too many open wounds for this kind of talk, or silence.

Ashla stopped, closing her mismatched eyes. Ew, it smells like horse waste… As dust swirled where the travelers came to a halt, all other folks just passing them by, she opened her eyes again. She spoke again, hoping that she could reach to her old friend. "I think there's a diner around the corner…"

07-17-17, 12:18 PM
Felicity stuffed her face with a giant spoonful of strawberry frozen yogurt. It was splendid!

It was a large, empty diner, with many round tables crossing the black and white floor. The large, wide windows at the front gazed out into the silent nightfall. They were the only ones here, and Felicity had been given a huge bowl of her favorite sweet, Ashla's treat.

It was very near closing hours. As the shopkeeper wiped down tables across the store, Felicity crunched a frozen strawberry in her half numb, but very happy, mouth. Looking up to her old friend, she swallowed the strawberry as Ashla stroked her cat's striped coat. As the cat purred, Felicity watched with dark circles under her eyes. She was about to speak, but just as she opened her mouth, Ashla put her hand out to her, stopping her.

"Felicity, I'm sorry."

The words had enough depth to them, but Felicity was still put back. Flattening her back against the back of the chair, Felicity blinked, "… What?"

Ashla sighed, lowering her head, "I did wrong. I blew it. I let you down and I stabbed your back. I am so sorry!" She looked up again, her dark brown eye barely forming ice in the corners of her pupils. She was serious.

Felicity leaned forwards again, "No, Ash'a, it's okay-"

Ashla slammed her left fist on the table, standing up as the cat jumped off. "No, it's not!"

The cat, the girl, and even the skinny man in the corner were all struck with a bout of shock and fear. As the cat's fur stood up, Ashla suddenly realized and dropped the sudden rage. She sighed, leaning against the table as her back heaved, "I-I'm-…"

Felicity got up and ran to her side, tears creeping up to the surface of her eyes, "Ash'a, 'ook, 'ook at me!"

Panic spread in her voice as Ashla looked up to her. Her blue eye shed tears, the other frozen over with ice. Felicity rubbed her back, silently feeling despair over the rough backbone she felt under the chain mail beneath her shirt, "Ash'a, just stop. P'ease? I'm hewe. I'm okay, you' be fine…"

Felicity was trying the best she could, but Ashla had gone from zero to sixty in an instant and was obviously drowning in internal torture. Felicity shook her head in disbelief, How bad of a condition did I leave you in?

Felicity pulled her shaking companion from the seat, trying to maintain eye contact. Tears fell from her eyes as she tried to connect to the unpredictable, unhinged Icebreaker, "Ash'a, just b'eathe. Exa'e, inha'e…"

As they shed tears under their broken bond, Felicity started breathing slowly, heavily. Shakily, Felicity showed Ashla breathing exercises she remembered her uncle teaching her a long time ago. They stood there, silently breathing. After what seemed to be the longest time, Ashla started slowing down. Felicity sat Ashla down in the wooden chair again. Felicity continued to rub her back, pulling her former teacher into a hug, "I forgive you, Ashwa. It is okay."

Ashla quieted down. Closing her eyes, chin on her head, Felicity remembered the bouts of insanity, the angry flashes, the backhandings, the verbal lashings … it hurt her, it most certainly hurt her. Regardless, seeing her former teacher like this hurt more. As far as Felicity was concerned, she could forgive her seven multiplied by seventy-seven times… She was her mentor, older sister, and friend.

Silent as they stay there, Felicity smiled when Ashla returned the hug.


Meanwhile, just across the table, Fireleaf was licking the dish of frozen yogurt clean.

07-17-17, 09:29 PM
"My fwozen yogu't!!"

Ashla smiled as she watched a wide eyed Felicity stomp over to the bowl. The cat lept off the table, rattling the empty dish. Felicity raced around the table chasing it, like duck duck goose, as the cat jumped into his mistress' arms. Tail between its legs, Fireleaf licked his lips, adding insult to injury.

Felicity growled, clenching her fists in defeat.

Light footsteps sounded from behind them though. Felicity turned to see the shop keep behind her. As Ashla's face grew more serious again, he took the empty bowl, "Would you like a refill? On the house."

Ashla could tell that Felicity was just melting over the offer, leaning on her side and tilting her head. "You wou'd? Oh, fank you so much!"

The clerk gasped when the teenage girl gave him a side hug. His arms stretched to the side, he glanced helplessly at Ashla with brown eyes.

Ashla managed a smile, "Sorry, she's a bit of a hugger…"

He looked back to a very happy Felicity, raising one hand and awkwardly patting her head.


As Felicity, once again, started to eat her favorite treat, Ashla watched her. Not a single sound or feeling arose from her stomach. Chin in her palm, she watched her like an inattentive, but protective on moments notice, older sibling. Questions continued growth race through her mind riding broken chariots.

Why had Felicity forgiven her so quickly, or at all? Felicity had every right to hate her, and with her history Ashla was convinced she would, yet… Felicity still seemed to admire her more than before. It brought this weird warmth to her that she had never felt before. What was this? Ashla realized that she was thankful, but still very conflicted. Considering all the patterns of loathing the world spearheaded her with each and every time she flunked, this was just too odd…

How could Ashla possibly believe that her sweet little sister was lying though? Felicity showed her nothing but respect and compassion, aside rare moments of typical teenage attitude under stress. Felicity was almost just as neurotic as she herself was. It confused Ashla. Felicity was so…

Ashla watched her. She was packing her mouth full of her dish of sugar. She was obviously affected by its chill, wincing as she crunched frozen strawberries, but she was enjoying the delicious flavor. How she could enjoys strawberries with bananas though, was a question for another day.

Today's question: Felicity's innocent nature. Felicity was still young. Yes, she obviously had grown. She looked a little less like a child and a bit more like a young woman now, showing signs of physical maturity. Her eyes still shone with youthful energy, however. The two peridot gems in her pupils were even more wild and free than before. Further more, the half-neanderthal was stupidly naïve. She was incredibly trusting, taking the words of others for immediate granted and following those she trusted into the depths of the Tular Plains. Ashla had not experienced that since before the death of her uncle, one of many tragedies in her life. What was it like to believe in others? Even believe in herself? At this point, Ashla found such mindsets foolish.

Felicity, however, appeared to be just fine. Aside trusting others, she gave them something to trust. She was sincere and hardworking, sometimes blunt, and it was delightful. A select few in the world showed traits like that, and Ashla realized she was not one of them. The young woman tilted her head as she finished off the scraps of her dessert, loudly scraping the sides of the bowl in a way that made Fireleaf sit up in her lap, pulling back his pointed ears.

Ashla lowered her arm, head up as Felicity pulled the spoon to her mouth again. Ashla finally spoke, "Fel, how old are you now?"

Felicity froze with the spoon still in her mouth. After a moment staying in the comical posture, she slowly pulled the metal spoon from her mouth. "Sixteen."

Ashla's eyes widened, "Wow, I'm old…"

Felicity started laughing, not chuckling, laughing. She put her spoon down, her face wrinkled in her loud giggling. Bending over, she brought her other hand up to eye, wiping off a tear of joy, "You'e too funny, Ash!" As she continued to laugh, Ashla genuinely smiled in joy. Felicity continued to confuse yet still brighten her half-elf mind.