View Full Version : Friendly Fight

11-29-06, 06:31 AM
((This thread I only want open to Me and Ingenious. Ingenious is one of my long time friends and i want to see who has the better fighting skills. Feel free to enjoy the show.))

Jack Walks around and sees Kichiros House. He walks up and kicks in the door. He raises his head and pulls out River Master and Shouts"Hey Kichiro. I know you are here so come out and fight with me. Just a Spar c'mon....."

06-13-09, 02:12 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.