View Full Version : Hio

11-29-06, 10:49 AM
Hallo. I need one, or two - they can easily be edited in - to assist me on a quest that isn't probably worth all that much anymore, but makes from some easy EXP and good practice.

Hunting the Crow (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3226)

Simple, the name says most of what the quest is about, except that the "Crow", is a man and we have to get something from him. Could be really fun, if we want to make it that way, or it could be very serious and full of tension and the like.

But anyway, one or two people, depending on what kind of feed back I get in this thread, is all I need/want/would like. So post here if you're interested, or hell, even better, post in the thread!

Thanks all,


11-29-06, 01:03 PM
Mmm... Interesting concept of Fear. :D

I'd join, even with the definite language barrier inherent with being an off-worlder, but I'm bogged down with works and 4-5 ongoing active threads.

Will jump in after I clear a few stuff out of the way. :D

Ravenok Kinnes
11-29-06, 02:36 PM
Hm, i'll join. Why not, eh?

11-29-06, 03:16 PM
This is Komo on a different account. :p

Advent: Your slot is in, but hurry, as I don't want to wait too long, if you still want in that is.

Ravenok: Nice, I see you've posted. I'll wait for a yay or nay from Advent first before posting.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-29-06, 03:20 PM
Oh, okay, cool. Yeah I was gonna wait for your OK to post in the thread, but then I saw that you said to just go ahead and post in it. SO I did. I don't know if Advent will though, says too packed with quests at the moment. But yeah, i'll wait. Seems interesting, I need to start getting some exp anyway.

11-29-06, 04:45 PM
If it looks like Adventwings won't be joining, then I'll have Alearto jump in; one of the quests I was in just kinda fell out from under me. Let me know (post here or PM me) if you get confirmation that Advent isn't participating.

11-30-06, 12:11 AM
That's a "Nay" on my end, Komo. Sorry for the mix-up. :p

11-30-06, 12:15 AM
Alerato, go ahead and post if you want to. I'll post after you and then we'll have a posting order and we can go from there.

This has officially been dubbed the quest discussion thread or you could try and catch me on AIM: Saluternijj66

Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 02:08 PM
Alright. I prefer this thread. Though I need no discussion at the current time.

11-30-06, 06:29 PM

Ravenok, I figured you'd get the supplies, seeing as you were next in line to post. :p


lol You're characters a dick. :)

Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 07:40 PM
Hm... Perhaps. But the reply I just put up he said he wouldn't. But maybe next time around he will. Sorry I read this after I replied.

Hm, yes, I suppose he can be. And yet, aren't all chaotic evil characters? Nonetheless, he can be nice, it's just incredibly hard for someone to make him be nice to them.

12-01-06, 02:40 PM
lol No worries, I kinda expected him to say as much anyway. We won't be needing a whole lot, but I do plan on this quest lasting for at least four or five 'quest' days. It's a chase, and chases can't end in one night or less. So, :p

Ravenok Kinnes
12-01-06, 02:42 PM
Yeah. Alrgith, well we'll see what heppens the next time it's my turn to go.

12-01-06, 10:02 PM
Okay, posted. Sorry for the delay (see my sig). I usually get on a bare minimum of once a day, but yesterday I was kept at work much later than usual.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-01-06, 10:12 PM
That's fine. I am occupied with many other threads, even if Hunting the Crow must be delayed. Anyway, I saw that Alearto requested to pick up provisions, so I suppose Ravenok won't have to do it.

12-01-06, 10:32 PM
Heh, I don't trust Ravenok to pick up our food, Alearto probably wouldn't ever get anything to eat :p

He'd be that runt of the litter that gets pushed aside at feeding time.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-01-06, 11:24 PM
Ha ha! Yeah... Knowing Ravenok - which I do, obviously - he'd probably just buy stuff for himself, if he was expected to go alone to buy provisions.

12-03-06, 06:31 PM
Good good. I'll post a list of things we'll need. Basically trail bread, some cheese, dried bits of meat and the like. Some water bags and two fifteen foot lengths of rope. I'll post a better list when I post and/or come up with one. :p

And don't worry about activity, I've got three other threads myself so I'm not a stickler for activity. Just so long as it keeps moving and doesn't die completely.

12-06-06, 06:17 PM
Okay, posted (finally). Sorry again for taking so long; it'll probably get worse before it gets better, but I'm hoping it'll get better very soon. This weekend at the latest, since I should be pretty much finished moving and un-packing by Sunday.

12-06-06, 09:12 PM
Cool cool.

12-10-06, 05:53 PM
*Double Post*

Sorry guys, been busy lately. I'll try and have a post up by tomorrow.

12-12-06, 11:35 PM
*Triple Post O.O*

My most sincere appologies, complications have arisin in the last hour or so and my will to write has left me, replaced with perhaps a little bit of anger and confusion, but mostly bewilderment at something quite literally, retarded.

I'll post when I can, hopefully tomorrow.

Max Dirks
12-12-06, 11:37 PM
Don't let THAT stuff get to you, Komosatuo. Get even.

It would make a pretty neat storyline.

12-12-06, 11:39 PM
I wasn't talking of that persay, I was talking of my will to write in this quest. I could get out of that which in is question ICly, but I am unable to post tonight and the battle was already submitted for judging. So I've no idea if I can weasly my way out or not. I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

02-04-07, 10:31 AM
Ummm...what happened guys?