View Full Version : Eknath of the Butterfly

11-29-06, 12:07 PM
I didn’t know if I was reaching too far with this, but the “Aura of Akshat” as my armour refers to the clothing I am wearing. But what I want is anything of the Butterfly }|{ to be able to be imbued with my spells and anything not of the butterfly to be immune.

Name: Eknath Abhijat Manendra
Nick Name: Eam
Age: Alternating
Race: Human
Hair Color: Teal
Eye Color: Teal
Height: Alternating
Weight: Alternating
Occupation: Philosopher

Eknath is visiting Althanas at different times in his life. Through various ages and skillsets all to learn the Teachings of the Butterfly.

Eknath is intentionally detached. He has no problem coping with many situations. He is very inquisitive, and doesn’t really require answers. Eknath doesn’t believe in death or reality, which makes conversing with him ever more difficult.

A rectangular and unstitched cloth which wrapped about the waste and folded at the waistline is the entirety of the clothing. This fold keeps the cloth up around the waist and allows it to fall to just above the ankle. Eknath’s dhoti is silk, and also a solid off-white color. At the Hem, where the only corner of the Dhoti is visible, a tiny }|{ is embroidered.

Nehru Jacket
A long sleeved jacket which buttons up the center to the high-necked collar covers the waistline an inch below where the Dhoti is folded. Eknath’s Nehru Jacket is, again, off-white and made of silk. Embroidered over the left breast are three slightly darker lines: }|{.

A long white swath of silk that when draped about the shoulders reaches both left and right knees. About six inches wide with a }|{ symbol embroidered on both ends, both sides.

Amber coalesced into a semi-perfect sphere with an etching of }|{ on the bottom. The hook is made of bone and fixated to the amber with hardened tree sap.

Description (See Clothing)
Eknath wears an earring in his right ear and a Dhoti with a Nehru Jacket. Graced over the jacket, he loosely wears a thin silk shawl. His skin is tan, but smooth. His hands are not worn by work nor saturated by inactivity. He is thin, but not to the point of boniness. Eknath’s hair is Teal and all parts of his eyes match the color perfectly, save his pupils which are a slightly darker blueish-green.

His left breast is marred by a scar, a burn, and a tattoo – layered over each other in that order. A tattoo of }|{, the symbol of the butterfly. His feet are not calloused, though he never wears shoes.

The Symbol Of the Butterfly: Teachings of the Butterfly.
The symbol is one and of itself.
It defines self, originality: Individuality.
It shows a unit, a whole: community.

Reflectional symmetry of two, rotational symmetry of order two.
The butterfly exists in two realms, the realm of air and land.

It refers to three stages of life: The caterpillar, cocoon, the and the butterfly.
The symbol is created of three lines.

Symmetry is one concept.
Land touches Air: coexsistance as one.
Three stages of life belong under one section: life.
The symbol is three lines, but is one and of itself.

The symbol is the symbol of paradox, of a simplistic complexity that exists in nonexistence. Chaos within the order of three lines. Two curved, one unbending. Life begins in the shell. One cannot move, eat, or see. One can only dream, and in this dream one holds true vision, unfettered by the lies of what fools call reality. The second stage of life, is one clinging to existence. The caterpillar is one of a fruitless resistance: clinging to life and the walls of the world in a foolish attempt to understand. Seeing nothing but its own procreation. Thusly, it is not life: but death in and of itself.

After the cocoon comes the freedom of truth. The ability to reach ones dreams with the wings of knowledge. Knowledge inadvertently poisons the butterfly, for the ignorance of others shall make it sick. The butterfly is free, unfettered by the restraints of the world – ready to begin its journey to the beyond. But the butterfly must regress, and learn the truth. The truth that the flight it experiences is a memory of the caterpillar and that the cocoon is the end. The final stage required to escape death.

Teachings of the Butterfly
Akshat- (The degree of effect and number of effects to be decided by approver)
Akshat was one of the three original butterfly monks to escape reality and formed the first temple of study. The Teachings of the butterfly proclaim that the world does not exist and that the self does not exist. If the self does not exist than pain can be ignored as pain does not exist. The body cannot be solid and the existence of others is falsified by the mind.

Sapan- (just for organizational purposes)
Sapan was one of the three original butterfly monks and formed the second temple of study.

Aseem- (just for organizational purposes)
Asseem was one of the three original butterfly monks and formed the third temple of study.

The Temples
It is imperative that each monk of the butterfly master the teachings set forth to escape reality and rejoin the collective. There are Seven temples that were discovered by the founders; Akshat, Sapan, and Aseem. While the locations are unknown. The temples themselves are cause for great mystery in the circles of the butterfly. Once one leaves the temple of the butterfly, they are ordered to search for understanding at the temples.

The Temple of the Butterfly
One learns the principles of life, the reasons that death cannot exist logically, and of the flaws within the universe. (Akshat, Sapan, and Aseem).

The Temple of Existence
One learns the principles of existence and to embrace the nothing. (Akshat)

The Temple of Dreams
One Learns to embrace the reality of the dreamscape to flee the flawed existence. (Sapan)

The Temple of Infinite Nothingness
One learns to harness the power of nothing. (Aseem)

The Temple of Sand and Sea
One learns the futility of the flaws in the universe, and how they cannot be fixed for there is nothing to fix. One learns of failure. (Akshat and Aseem)

The Temple of The Forgotten.
One learns of what has been forgotten and the secret of the seventh temple. (Akshat and Sapan)

What is Known…
It is only known that Sapan and Aseem discovered the final temple. Its name has been forgotten or perhaps had never been discovered. It is taught in the Temple of the Butterfly, that the final temple holds the three original monks themselves.



Resist Reality
A) Resisting Pain
Currently Ek can only resist extreme heat or cold for 30 seconds.

B) Resist Exsistance
Remove, indefinately, a portion of your body from reality. Currently only a single finger is not solid to the world around him.

Eknath was born in the temple of the butterfly. As is all males born in the temple his last name is his fathers first name, and his middle name as his mother’s father. If he was born a female, the roles would have been reversed. As it stands, however, he is a male. The tensions of a normal childhood are few. Of course, Eknath plays and get rowdy with other children but the respect of the adult figure of the same sex is abnormally high in the temple. Eknath strives to be just like his father, if not greater. And to ascend one day to discover the seventh temple.

But mommy what’s in the box?
“Mommy, what is in the box?” Eknath asked one day. He stood with his teal hair unhindered washing over his bare shoulders with a majestic wash. His scar burned through the hair that covered it and made it visible, even through the hair itself. This was, of course, not true – but he believed it. “Nothing is in the box,” the mother replied eyes closed in an empty room, save a large chest.

The stone floor was uniformly dank and dark. It washed away the colors of excitement with its gray destructive proprtys. Imagination was laid as bare as the room. Save foor the bright, in contrast, rosewood chest. Large locks and bright steel bidings kept it closed at attached to the wall and floor. “Father ignores it like the plague there must be in it.” The mother didn’t smile or open her eyes. Her leggs were crossed with ankles situated above her knees. Her wrists rested on her knees comfortably and she sat strait backed. “Nothing is in the box,” she restated in the same flat tone.

“Then why is my father afraid of it?”
“Your father is afraid of nothing.”
“Then why is the box locked?”
“Nothing locks the box.”
“What is in the box?”
“I already told you, nothing is in the box.”
“Can I see what is in the box?”
“Can you see nothing?”

Hours upon hours the questions filtered out, sometimes answered with questions, sometimes answered with answered. Never once did the mother pause to consider, nor did Eknath give up. As suddenly as the serenity of the world was blown apart by Eknath’s inquirys – the mother opened her eyes and stood. She walked out of the room without a single word to Eknath.

“How does she always know when father is home?” He whined pitifully following her. Eknath remembered the one time he saw his father, the primary teacher of Akshat, use his great knowledge and power over nothingness to walk through the wall into the room to surprise his mother. Eknath also remembered his mother turning her head towards the wall before he did it. “I will surpass you…” he whispered the box upon his exiting.

But Daddy what’s in the box?”
“Father, what is in the box?” The man frowned slightly, “Do you really wish to know?” The woman spoke at the same time, “I’ve already told you, Eknath.” The two parents looked to each other. “Manendra, don’t…” My mother said as he walked over to Eknath and placed his hand on his head giving it a gentle shove, “break the reality to show the truth…”

We need to talk about some things before this is approved or denied, I know. As I don't have a permanet hardrive to save to and I have to go now, I will edit in the rest of "But daddy whats in the box" to reflect which land I was thrown to this time at a later time. Peace.


11-29-06, 07:05 PM
Oh. And for the power of Akshat... I was thinking at lowest level I could ignore shifts in tempature for a brief period (10-30 seconds) and make a finger or two "unreal"

Cyrus the virus
12-01-06, 11:38 AM
Not straight-forward enough, I'm afraid. Put a skill category and list all the things he can do.

12-01-06, 03:24 PM
Resist Reality
A) Resisting Pain
Currently Ek can only resist extreme heat or cold for 30 seconds.

B) Resist Exsistance
Remove, indefinately, a portion of your body from reality. Currently only a single finger is not solid to the world around him.

Cyrus the virus
12-01-06, 07:00 PM
Alright... I'll go ahead and do what I asked you to myself then ;)


12-10-06, 01:45 PM
Alright. So I can or cannot have my powers directly effect my clothing as well as myself?

for example: Two of my fingers don't exsist, other than shadows or images, as an extension of my Akshat ability. If I touch something with those fingers that is imbued with the butterfly then it is no longer corpreal... Until my fingers let it go.

If this is acceptable than I will make the skill set, as is, look much better.

Cyrus the virus
12-10-06, 07:34 PM
That seems to be fine, as long as it only effects his clothing for now and not, say, a sword (heh). That'd be fun!