View Full Version : Final Fantasy XII

11-29-06, 10:08 PM
Kinda surprised no one made a topic about this yet. Anyone else pick up Final Fantasy XII? Thoughts on it if you have? If you haven't, think you'll be picking it up anytime soon?

As always people, if you want to discuss something that's a spoiler make sure that you give a fair warning.

11-29-06, 10:15 PM
I do plan to pick it up, but I have some other games I need to finish first (I kind of bogged myself down with too many at once, so I stopped playing them for a while).

Those are: Resident Evil 4, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Kingdom Hearts 2, Okami, Metal Gear Solid 3, and... I think there's one other one. All these games (except MGS3) I've started playing already, and some of them I'm very close to finishing, but I'm not done. So before I buy any more games I want to complete most of the ones I've listed.

However, I've watched a friend of mine playing FFXII, and it's been give excellent reviews, so I definitely do plan to buy it later.

Bearded Gnome
11-29-06, 10:29 PM
My brother got it, and I played it. It's pretty good. I got about...18 hours into it, and the plot seems to be thickening so that's always a good sign. The battle system is original and inventive and although it's awkward at first, it becomes easier to understand once you progress. The characters are also very played out, the voice acting is top knotch and what can I say? I'm a sucker for political intrigue.

11-29-06, 10:40 PM
I'm really sitting on the fence with this one. I keep hearing good thing but there's just too many turn offs present from what hear. I'm not one who tolerates level building without something interesting to do and there's just too many MMO things that make me weary. Also none of the characters look like someone that I would relate too o enjoy hearing their story. I might be wrong though I'd rather spend $50 dollars on something that I'm sure that I'll have fun on.

11-29-06, 10:58 PM
My friend picked it up the day it came out, had it beat three days later.

I watched him play it and, honestly, almost nothing has changed. Oh sure the story might be different (it usually is) and there's a slightly different battle system, but in the end, it's really all the just same game, just upgraded.

It's like XP...then XP Home Edition, Professional Edition, Media Center Edition. Different things...but yet, the same.

So yeah, still, I thought it was alright. I wouldn't buy, because I'm not a playstation fan, but still, fun to watch and make fun of when you're half asleep. Which I did, so my friend told me. >.>

11-30-06, 04:48 AM
I bought it and I lost everything because of it. Addicting.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 04:06 PM
I have it. I am about 55 hours through, my characters are level 53. I love it, and play it most of the time while I am here at Althanas(not right now, though). I think the gameplay is the best yet out of the Final Fantasies, though regarding characters, I think those form FFVII still are the best.

Rajani Aishwara
11-30-06, 05:08 PM
I though regarding characters, I think those form FFVII still are the best.
That's my biggest complaint with the series thus far. Ever since VII the story and character work haven't been nearly as good. For me everything rests on the story. Not just in video games, but in all entertainment. I'm a theater major, but I hate doing musicals because they typically lack in story (FUCK Grease!). I'm alright with the Harry Potter books but the movies are absolute shit for me. But back to the games. I think the best story I've seen in a video game so far has been Xenogears, not to be confused with Xenosaga, and that's why I'm supportive of Square Enix. If anyone can make a good story it seems to be them. Whatever system they make games for I'll go to, but they need to pick up the ball. I don't understand how they can't make the connection.

Most successful Final Fantasy = Deepest storyline in the series


Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 05:12 PM
Oh, well I think the story to XII is fantastic. I love how it puts a more political look to the genre, and the tyrant in it is believable. I just love that, it gives it a more realistic touch. It's just the characters I could have made better. Well, Vaan is really the only character I have a little problems with.

Bearded Gnome
11-30-06, 05:37 PM
and there's a slightly different battle system

Slightly? Were you high while you were watching your friend play it? FFXII's battle system has never been done before in the series, (excluding FFXI), and is one of the biggest reasons why the game stands out and is unique.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 05:43 PM
I love the new fighting system. They did a good job. It actually makes it a little bit harder, if you think about it. Running away isn't necessarily easy in XII, and there are still random battles.

Bearded Gnome
11-30-06, 05:55 PM
The only random battles are those that coincide with the story. And in the regards of running, you know you can hit L2 to flee right? In my whole 18 hours of playing, I never had a problem with the running, granted, I didn't run much, but when I did I didn't have aproblem.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 06:02 PM
It can be extremely hard at times. Yes I know of L2, I have been playing it for about 55 hours now. Holding L2, your characters can't block, you can't look at your map, you can't grab treasure, etc. You can't stop and heal while fleeing, if you're being chased by a mob of enemies, all you can do is run while taking blows and hope to god you make it somewhere safe. Whereas in say FFVII, you hold the shoulder buttons right as the battle starts and if luck is with you, you can run before the enemy even gets a chance to hit, sometimes right after your three characters appear on the screen.

Cyrus the virus
11-30-06, 06:39 PM
Gnomey, FFXII's battle system is exactly like that in the games since IV, except it fools you into thinking it's real-time, and you don't need to control every character. Beyond these two 'changes', it's exactly the same. The way people go nuts for it always confuses me.

I haven't played it yet, as I bought DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 first :p Three of my friends have FFXII and I'll borrow it from whomever finishes it first, pretty much. I'm looking forward to it.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 07:34 PM
I heard about Tenkaichi 2, I like the fact that it has so many characters.

And it can be real time, you can switch the battle mode to "active" and have the game never pause during a battle, even when you go into your battle menu. Also, unless you have great gambit setups, you will have to control your other characters throughout the game. I was fighting a boss(keeping it spoiler free) and when it used the magic Scathe, I had to manually control my characters to get away from eachother because they wouldn't do it on their own, because scathe is an area attack, and would've killed all my party members had I not switched to manual mode.

The Barbarian
11-30-06, 11:58 PM
Yea its not just "Plug and Play" with the gambit system. It takes real fine tweaking to get anything half-way what you really want. But if the characters all did the stuff themselves, why bother playing the game?

And I think what Gnomey means by the battle system is way different is how you can choose the battle you want, flee right through them if you are just done with killing hordes of wolves or w/e, and in the bit of extra strategy added because of all this.

Remember playing VII? VIII? IX? X? How choosing to use a move other than "Attack" was always a benefit, even at the lower levels? I've only got 20 something hours in it and it feels like a huge ass chore to use a magic spell rather than just beat the hell out of the monsters in front of me. Honestly, the only time I have characters cast offensive magic is when we're fighting a boss.

This game demands more from the players than just "Press X" and watch the pretty colors.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-01-06, 05:45 AM
Yes, Final Fantasy XII is definitely more "Attack" based than the other games. Even my black mage Fran(after 55 hours of gameplay) still uses her bow most of the time.

Though when you get higher level, it is much easier to cast magic. Now I just set it to a gambit, because I have a high level and all quickenings, giving Fran a total of around 600mp. So she can cast a good amount of spells. During bosses, I do set my strongest black magic to a gambit. Even though this game is attack based, magic is essential. I don't even have the time to explain why.

12-01-06, 04:16 PM
I'm really sitting on the fence with this one. I keep hearing good thing but there's just too many turn offs present from what hear. I'm not one who tolerates level building without something interesting to do and there's just too many MMO things that make me weary. Also none of the characters look like someone that I would relate too o enjoy hearing their story. I might be wrong though I'd rather spend $50 dollars on something that I'm sure that I'll have fun on.

Reiko, remember that old cliche a "wolf in sheep's clothing"? Final Fantasy XII is a ATB in MMO clothing. While it feels like an MMO in some parts, it really uses the same battle system previous FFs have used.

Oh, and I would say XII has the best story since VI, in my opinion. It's awfully, awfully tight and moves quickly.

Vamrsh Skylare
12-07-06, 08:14 PM
Ok my turn, I really do like the game especially the story and battle system. The story is real and political, which it hasn't been since the famous FFVII :P where it was Avalance verses the political giant Shinra... this time its the sky pirates versus the Empire. (Sounds like star wars too). Anyway the battle system is great cause I'm a personal fan of the hit and keep hitting method. Like when I'm in an area where I can beat the snot out of enemies I want to do so fast... in most games its battle scenes which have entrances and exits which in most little fights are ... useless. I like to kill em and keep going. Also with the gambit you can do this and know that your teammates won't do some stupid thing. I also like the Lisence system... it lets people who like to sit and kill stuff(Yes I'm repeating myself) be able to still get stuff for it.

The things I don't like is that it's a little bit too easy... I mean I went through and at the beggining got a lot of licenses and now I have most of my characters with lvl 3 quickenings so boss fights are pretty easy, all I have to do is sit there and beat them a few seconds then let loose a huge chain of quickenings.

12-08-06, 08:18 AM
Ok my turn, I really do like the game especially the story and battle system. The story is real and political, which it hasn't been since the famous FFVII :P where it was Avalance verses the political giant Shinra... this time its the sky pirates versus the Empire. (Sounds like star wars too). Anyway the battle system is great cause I'm a personal fan of the hit and keep hitting method. Like when I'm in an area where I can beat the snot out of enemies I want to do so fast... in most games its battle scenes which have entrances and exits which in most little fights are ... useless. I like to kill em and keep going. Also with the gambit you can do this and know that your teammates won't do some stupid thing. I also like the Lisence system... it lets people who like to sit and kill stuff(Yes I'm repeating myself) be able to still get stuff for it.

The things I don't like is that it's a little bit too easy... I mean I went through and at the beggining got a lot of licenses and now I have most of my characters with lvl 3 quickenings so boss fights are pretty easy, all I have to do is sit there and beat them a few seconds then let loose a huge chain of quickenings.

though at the same time, for those of us who like to get along with the story (i can't beleive they killed my favorite justice!!! ;__;), the license thing can be a killer. not to say i dont like it, as i think it's a good way to set the game up, as previously you could be too low of a level for something, buy some kickass armor, think you're set and go.... i guess what i'm trying to say is that it's a good way to make sure you're somewhere near the level you need to be.

and to the person who has fran as a BM... i actually have her as more of a barbarian class, with some healing. she's excellent with weapons. (i want to cosplay her, actually, just depends on if i'll actually have the guts to let my ass show in public, and if i get those 7 1/2" heels....)

very very glad there isn't another helpless pretty-girl in this one... we (me and two other friends of utter insignificance) were a little scared at first, but we've been rather satisfied thus far. ^_^