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The Madd Hatter
11-30-06, 06:52 PM
---- Deadly grace is a life style. When one moves with it, it invokes fear; an essence-burning realization that such a figure could strike a coupe de grace any moment. Unease and anxiety follow in the wake of such, niceties and courtesies suspected for conspiracy. When a leader attains it, kingdoms fall; when a warrior achieves it, men stop dying. For nobody wishes to fight an opponent that they know they will die to; none but the insane, that is. Fear is the mind killer, and it freezes the limbs and shocks the heart. Fright in battle is death, and deadly grace gives fear, thus defeat.

---- The Madd Hatter didn’t have deadly grace, but instead a form of grace where one would get the sensation that physics would kick in sometime soon and his calm, almost too gradual, movements would crash down into the earth. A simple face plant in gravel shall bring smiles to many who watch him. Despite that, he moved as he did, and he would never change nor ever notice. Nor did he ever seem to fall, at least when people were looking.

---- None of this truly mattered, though, for the Hatter sat on a solitary rock atop a lonely waterfall isolated by a sheer, greedy valley. The river was slow and easy to wade across, with a large deep pool at the bottom of the fall, definitely deep enough to support any suicidal jumper that leapt from the easy thirty foot rock. Aligned perfectly, a cliff stretching out some ten feet past the spray of the river, it seemed almost a diving board of nature. Resting as naturally as could be atop that said geographical structure was a small table and a small chair; in that chair, the Hatter, on that table, a tea set and steaming hot tea.

---- With calm sips every few moments, the Hatter waited with anxious patience for his quarry to arrive. A large dove of his creation lay, lifeless yet not dead, in the lake below him. He had cleaned the shell of its life, but let the corpse remain as food for the carnivorous fish that inhabited the said body of water. This dove had been the messenger of a small note, told to randomly seek the first warrior it would find and invite them to a small respectful and impersonal sparring match at this location. With directions to return a letter, he had almost instantly been responded and found himself in this location with a soft dreaming expression on his face.

---- Dawn was beginning to break and the fog generated by the waterfall was cut through by the flaming light. From this height, he could see most of the surroundings, except that behind him due to the mountainous terrain. Before him sat flowing grassland, the encroaching winter having turned the beautiful plains into a sea of amber wheat. It was fields of death, when thought of plants as living creatures; the perfect place to stage a battle, though it would not be to the death.

---- Behind, at the end of the river, was another waterfall, this one larger, and before it was a set of ancient granite doors. It happened that this place was his favorite location in all of Raiaera and he had pretty much made it his own. Since most humans could not scale the sheer vertical cliffs and had no desire to, company was slim to none. An occasion it was that he invited someone to his hideaway valley, though they would never see the grove that lay only yards from where they would battle to and fro.

---- For now, however, all there was to do was wait…and drink tea.

Ravenok Kinnes
11-30-06, 07:31 PM
"Damn!" Ravenok begun, "Do you know how difficult it is to navigate to this location? Must you pick such a god bedamned location?" He was loud, and his voice was full of arrogance. The quiet silence was broken, and the one called Ravenok Kinnes had entered the scene. He was initially bewildered when he was given a note by some insignificant little bird stating a duel. At first Ravenok had thought it as nothing, but after quiet pondering he had decided to go. A trek worthy of a book, that! Ravenok could now officially be called a "wayfarer" in this world.

"And did you have to pick such an early time? I wouldn't be surprised if you won our little match just because of my fatigue!" He was panting, apparantly he had scaled some on his way here, leaving his arms tired. He was below The Madd Hatter, along the banks of the river below. He was looking above at him with annoyance. He wasn't happy this time of day, for several reasons. This sparring match did nothing to help his mood either, Ravenok was still thinking of whether or not he should even go through with the duel, wondered if he should just go back home. The thought only crossed his mind, quickly being replaced with thoughts of rest. "I am not coming up there, I tell you now." He said, and sat down right where he was on the bank. He layed on his back so that he could still see the Madd Hatter.

There were some things that made Ravenok glad to come here. For one, he had never been here before, and the sights were simply incredible. Even one such as Ravenok appreciated a good sight. New sights, new smells, new people to duel, it all seemed familiar in some way. He didn't know. All he knew was that he had been summoned for a duel this day, he didn't know why, he even wondered what style of fighting the Madd Hatter would use, or could, for that matter. He laughed to himself for thoughts unknown, he had hoped that this little encounter wouldn't last all day. Though with his luck, this duel wouldn't turn out in his favor.

"The duel waits," Ravenok began, "It waits until I am ready. Unless you feel the need to win a duel unfairly." With that, he shut his eyes for a moment. Ahh boy, did he need the rest. He could've discussed at length to the Madd Hatter about his journey here, but realized of another thing that he wanted to hear of more, "Why don't you come on down here? I'm sure you can find your way down faster than I can up." The postponement of the duel would be beneficial to Ravenok, he could get to know this man, if he felt like talking.

The Madd Hatter
12-01-06, 04:07 PM
---- Ravenok Kinnes, the dualist opponent that the Hatter had chosen, did have quite a mouth on him. Entranced by the rising beauty of the sun he had not even noticed the man trudging his way to the waterfall below. Having forgotten the easy exhaustion of mortals, Freddy didn’t realize until much too late that this locale was perhaps not the best of choices. Yet, in the same breath it was the perfect location to enter into battle with a man he had never met nor seen before. Whispers in his ear from his dove were all he received. Small talk before a big fight often changed the impersonal battling into a friendly challenge of skill.

---- With that in mind, he agreed silently, for he didn’t wish to yell, to Ravenok’s request. Standingg from his chair, with one smooth motion he leaped onto the table, stepping on the tea set and not even watching as it vaporized into nothingness. With the four strangely steady legs supporting him and a wingspan shower of water as a back fall, the Hatter spread his arms and leapt. The diving-board cliff worked as it was intended, sending him first high into the air, swan diving in a graceful arc above the fount of mist surrounding the waterfall. Then, as gravity finally took its toll, seeming too late for the descent to be natural, the noblesse shot down into the deep mist and disappeared. No splash, no scream, no crunch. Moments later, with not a drop of water on him and still as composed as before, Freddy emerged from the lake and moved over to the warrior. Sitting down on air the grass wove itself into a wicker chair instantly, a larger square table following. Then, with a nod, a second chair this time wove into existence, taking on a solidification normally not achievable with dried wheat.

---- “Sit and we will talk. Tea?”

---- Without explanation Freddy suddenly pulled off his hat and took out two porcelain tea cups and a pitcher of steaming tea. The infinite depths of that hat were admired in their grandness by this feat, but little did anyone know it was but for show. Nothing laid in that hat. And from nothing, the tea came. Brewed fresh and hot, the Hatter filled the two cups and laid them down on the saucers. Producing sugar, cream, and honey, he added large quantities of each to his own before sipping it with a small sigh.

---- “I am Frederick Von Maddsenberg. Many have taken to calling me the Madd Hatter and I do not entirely disprove of the nominal title. Freddy shall also do in doing if such doing is doable by your doing standards. And you are…”

---- It was unsettling, for reasons unknown to the Hatter, when someone called a mortal by their name before said name had been spoken out loud. Either psychically or by the little system called asking, such mortals instantly grew suspicious of a figure in knowledge of their nomination pre-statement. Leaving the question open, then, he hoped to spark a conversation before the commencement of the battle.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-01-06, 04:51 PM
Ravenok was surprised, definitely. He did not expect The Madd Hatter to actually go through with his request. He assumed that he'd be forced to scale the sheer wall, even though he knew he probably couldn't. He sat up and watched the man descend into the water. No splash? He thought as he waited for him to ascend again. He was even a little more amazed when he came up unchanged. No water on him. An illusionist, perhaps? Still, even if he was, Ravenok didn't think that they could do stuff such as that. He simply sat on his butt looking at the Madd Hatter while wooden furnishings materialized from the ground itself. There was much more to this man then meets the eye. He wondered though, if any of these tricks were any useful in a battle. He would just have to see.

"What trickery is this?" Ravenok said, he was simply perplexed by this man. Not only did he somehow form a table and two chairs out of the simple grass that grew at his feet, but he also managed to produce steaming hot tea from his seemingly empty top hat. Hmph, the top hat... Ravenok had never really seen a person wear one, before. Surely he had never seen someone who he would be fighting in the near future wear one. They were formal, for sure, not fit for battle. But after seeing what he could do, he could only guess and assume that the Madd Hatter wasn't necessaarily a brawler.

He stood up slowly, just watching calmly as the tea was produced from the top hat, and a second inviting chair pretty much popped up, waiting for him to sit in it. Hm... Well, he could see it, that's for sure. But he didn't know if it was real, though the Madd Hatter did drink some of that strange tea. Maybe Ravenok was just hallucinating? He had to find out, so he reached out with one hand to try and touch the wooden chair. To his amazement, he felt it as a solid. Simply incredible! What kind of magic was this? Perhaps he would find out later, but for now he was satisfied with just ascertaining the fact that they were indeed real. He sat down in the chair and slouched back immediately, making himself comfortable.

"Freddy, huh?" Ravenok began, "My name is Ravenok Kinnes, Freddy." He spoke with a formal tongue, with a hint of pleasantry in it. Ravenok did usually have a rambunctious and loud attitude, not to mention extremely mean, but he didn't really feel like being mean at this time. He was just getting used to all of these illusions.

The Madd Hatter
12-04-06, 05:41 PM
---- At the question of the incredibility of his manifestations Freddy only smiled. For a moment he considered revealing the truth, in its scary and deep self. Then, as he once again took into consideration the fragility of human psyche and how the truth can, at times, destroy the fabric of a mortal mind, he went with a simpler answer. That is, he would have told the truth if he had known it, for the Madd Hatter himself was still pondering the question of ‘what’ he was; simply waking up one day with the powers that be sitting on his shoulder, mute as the night, revealed no answers. No history, no memories, no note on his bed telling him who he was, just a name told by a servant and a curt and short explanation that he had powers. Odd, it was, but he had a distinct feeling he wasn’t exactly mortal.

---- But what would happen if he died?

---- None of this was in the interest of Ravenok, simply a tangent of his mind veering off course and wondering through the endless corridors of questions that riddled every movement. Even his personality was at question. Returning to the rhetorical question that he felt compelled to give a rhetoric answer to, Freddy spoke once again.

---- “If I told you to look into my hat and take out any tricks you see, you would find nothing but the bottom of a hat. I have no tricks, my good fellow,” at that the Hatter pulled back his sleeves jokingly, as if showing that there ‘was nothing up his sleeve’ and continued, “Now, how many lumps?” Reaching across and offering sugar for his tea, Freddy smiled serenely.

---- Barely waiting for the man to answer his question, he continued on to formulate further conversation. Simple questions came to mind, some so simple they would see overly personal, delving deep into the psyche and history behind the fist and ripping back the veil that surrounded him. Such wasn’t appropriate, yet. Not, at least, until a proper introduction and a battle that would commence as soon as both of them were rested and prepared for said duel. Ripping the first phrase off the tip of his tongue, Frederick finally lowered his tea cup and took a good look at him.

---- “You are a fighter, I can see it in every inch of your body. Beneath that tough, trained skin is the spirit of a warrior that yearns to fight, with both words and fists. Where are you from, Ravenok, for I am envious of the fierce need for blood shed that they instilled in you. I enjoy knowing my opponent before facing a blade to him or her, so enlighten me. What was your life?”

---- Still sitting up as straight as his body allowed, as was natural to the noblesse, Freddy let his tea cup that he had not yet refilled but never emptied into his palm once more. Sipping steadily from the porcelain rim, his amber eyes gazed along every hardened curve of the massive figure. Following him up and down and examining the taught strength in every motion. His stare eventually rested once more into his eyes. Black and red. Blood and darkness. Or maybe, love and hate?

Ravenok Kinnes
12-04-06, 08:30 PM
Ravenok simply watched the Madd Hatter as thoughts about origins rushed through that head of his, taking the smile in response whole heartedly as a sign: He wasn't going to get an answer. No matter how confused this man's introductory actions made Ravenok, he had decided to put confusions aside and just believe that Frederick had a good enough reason to keep it hidden. He couldn't guess that even Freddy was unknowing about his powers as much as Ravenok was.

Such formal grace, this man had. Such a sense of sophistication in him that forced Ravenok to only reply with such described formalty. A learned man such as Ravenok couldn't bear acting like a barbaric pile of fists around the words of the Madd Hatter. It just wouldn't feel right. Ravenok spread a small smile across his face and chuckled a bit at Freddy's response. Indeed he was aware that it wasn't tricks that wove this furniture out of the very ground itself. It was some sort of mysterious magic, or 'power' in another sense that allowed the Madd Hatter to bend reality to form man-made things out of nature. It would forever elude him as to how, or where he acquired... Well, whatever it is that he acquired to let him do things such as this.

The freelancer held up his hand, fingers outstretched to tell Freddy "5" lumps. He didn't even drink tea that often, preferring a good mug of ale above all else, or any other strong liquor at that. He didn't even think he knew what tea even tasted like, but he did know that he wouldn't enjoy it if it wasn't at least sweet. He did all of this without ill intent, preferring to keep the two on the "friendly" and "formal" side of the line, rather than create conflicts with his usually harsh words like he always did. He had an unbelievable number of enemies from his foul mouth, but that was usually the way he liked it. But now, he didn't feel it best to be mean to Freddy... Not yet, at least.

He nodded when Frederick reminded Ravenok that he was a fighter. Though he was different from other fighters, the novice fighters. Ravenok lived to fight, and he fought to live. Satan incarnate, with aught but feelings of malice and power in his darkened heart. A 'warrior of death' like some had called him in the past. He lived for power, fought for power, and was a slave to power. Those things had consumed his soul, but in return have granted him a ruthless fist and a strategic mind. These thoughts brought Ravenok to the realization that he wasn't having some turn of emotion while in Frederick's company, he wasn't actually being nice in return on purpose. He had been inadvertantly hiding behind a facade this entire time. The Madd Hatter had no idea of how Ravenok truly thought and acted. He was oblivious, and it would probably end in ill-matter.

"My life..." Ravenok began, tuning in to the rest of Freddy's question after his little inner thinking, "Is aught but a blood-carved path that I don't regret looking back on. Though, even if I am not afraid to look back on it, that blood has stopped me from seeing my true origins. I know naught what is held in the depths of my history, nor do I wish to know. My family is long since dead, and that said it is also the only knowledge I know of them. I don't know what their names are, or 'were,' nor do I know how many siblings I had. I pray that you understand this." He finished, showing a little bit of how Ravenok's clockwork mind ticked. He still showed the same sense of sophistication in his voice as he had done before that, though, rather than reverting to his brood, dark mood(which is likely to happen when he delves into talk of bloodshed).

The Madd Hatter
12-06-06, 05:22 PM
---- Frederick closed his eyes for but a moment, a shard in the vast stream of time. Behind his dark eyelids a scene played out. It was a scene from history, picked and placed on the screen from the endless stream of images running through his mind. Moving too fast to depict all the details, he settled for noticing the small things, the important symbolizations among the reality. It was but a dream among a series of realities, but even unreality had key pieces here and there of truth embedded.

---- A dead village; a graveyard; a speaker standing on a podium of bones. Blood runs free, tainting the air and earth, water burns black and fire turns to ice. War and chaos sweep over the fragile remains as a tide sent from the gods, destroying everything in its path with ambivalent power. Death seeps into the fabric of the imagination of those who witness the event, to horrible to even dream of. Nightmares are nothing but black voids, lacking any detail or vivid understanding. Nothing was solid, nothing to hold onto, the stream moving too fast. The images moved faster and faster until it was too blurred and distorted to understand anything. Dreams, nightmares, wishes, hopes, prayers, silence.

---- Eternal silence; end.

---- Ripping his eyes open in surprise, he found that for just a moment, his mind was silent. The Madd Hatter had only seen the silence in the back of his mind on a few occasions, and none of those were good. Almost like a concept of mortal ‘shock’, his imagination stopped for a but a split second, taking time to smell the roses before speeding on again. In that fraction of time, a single thought came forth. Instead of words or images the mental string gave birth to an emotion. Pity. Before knowing what he was doing Freddy whispered silently, “I’m sorry” and lowered his head an inch. Staring down into the depths of his dark tea, he watched the swirling maelstrom of sugar and water mixed with herbs to make a substance which lifted the spirit and gave hope to the soul. Any situation could be solved with a cup of tea and warm conversation, but history can’t be erased by cake and refreshment.

---- History never gets erased, only forgotten. And some can never forget, no matter how they try. Those who cannot remember, nor wish to remember, are blessed. This time he couldn’t slip, though, for his mind was catching up with himself and his mouth stayed closed. Returning to his previous noblesse calm, his amber orbs stared into the blood and void of the man sitting across from him. It was an interesting turn of events, for the River to show him a piece of this man’s history. Not many times did it happen, but when it did, it was a prediction that a close bond tied him to Ravenok. Something would come into being today that wouldn’t be washed away with time or conflict.

---- Frederick hoped it was friendship, but knew it might be a vendetta marked with blood.

---- Almost forgetting himself, the Madd Hatter reached across calmly and plucked five plentiful spoonfuls of sugar into the monk’s tea. An insight have been given to his heart and now it plagued his mind. Questions riddled him like the holes in cheddar cheese. What happened, what lies in his past, who lies beneath those graves, who dug the graves and who put them in? Why doesn’t he remember, and why doesn’t he seek out the place from whence he came? Why, oh nominal human, does curiosity not plague you like it taints the rest of your kind? Why are you so special?

---- What is your secret?

---- No longer being able to handle the questions the Hatter stood and backed up a step. As his legs moved into his chair it dissolved into oblivion, disappearing as if it never existed at all. Reaching up with one hand, now suddenly gloved with soft black noble cloth, he pulled down his top hat until the edge’s shadow concealed his eyes. The dawn light rose behind him, the crash of the waterfall falling once more on his ears, before unheard through the concentration on the subject before him. Now, as he listened for a moment to the whispering of the golden grass and the arguing of the water, he heard one more silent song. The light’s lilting symphony of love and rebirth, utterly silent but overcoming all other sounds.

---- Now was the time.

---- “Stand ready, Ravenok Kinnes.”

---- Two daggers, each shaped like a half of a massive pair of scissors, slipped down out of his sleeves and were grasped in his hand. With one finger through the loop hole and the rest of his hand holding the unwrapped hilt, the Hatter stood statuesque, loose but prepared.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-08-06, 08:01 PM
Ravenok furrowed his brow as his host dove into a sea of memories, wondering what he could possibly be thinking about. Bloodshed? That had been the most recently discussed topic... How much bloodshed had he actually noticed in his past? He looked young, but yet there was a sense of intelligence in him that could add belief to the fact that he was actually old. Ravenok himself seemed young, his body had technically only aged for about twenty eight years, but in reality he was nearly a full century old, thanks to the Soul Stone that he keeps on his person at all times. That time has allowed Ravenok to witness more bloodshed than most people have nightmares about. Most of it probably came from his own fist!

The freelancer nodded when the Madd Hatter apoligized, he could only believe that he had good reason to become silent all of a sudden after Ravenok had told Freddy a glimpse of his bloody past. Quite frankly, Ravenok didn't really care what was in this man's past and he didn't really feel like finding out. He didn't even know if him and Frederick's meeting this day would prove any more than a nice tale to tell to some women in a tavern in the future. Maybe it would, or maybe not, it was fate's turn to decide what would come between these two seemingly different people. It would be accepted by Ravenok whole heartedly, whether fate's choice be hate, or friendship.

Ravenok simply sat quietly while the Madd Hatter dropped his requested amount of sugar into his tea cup that he had yet to pick up, let alone look at the contents. He waited until Freddy finished, then he gently plucked it from the table with his metal clad hand. The cup felt fragile, easily breakable with the two fingers he held it with alone. Rather then drinking it, he lifted it up to his chin so his dark eyes could peer at the liquid, saturated with sugar. It looked well enough, the sugar had settled itself on the bottom of the cup and the aroma almost lifted his heavy heart. He whiffed it calmly and got ready to drink it as the Madd Hatter got up abruptly. Ravenok's gaze lifted from the dark liquid and watched the chair Freddy had been sitting in vanish into oblivion. He wondered if the Madd Hatter could dispose of matter that isn't created by him as well. "What is the extent of that power?" Ravenok thought to himself, carefully thinking of just how he could provoke Freddy to unleash his full potential. "Can he create weapons as well?"

His thoughts were answered silently when the daggers slipped out of Frederick's sleeves. He couldn't have possibly had those cooped up in them this whole time, it just had to be some of this magic, or 'power.' A bloodthirsty smile finally found it's way onto Ravenok's face. It was finally time to begin. The freelancer was wondering when this duel would commence, the lust for battle could only boil up in Ravenok for so long before it burst out into a myriad of cursing and kicking. He wasn't a barbarian, but the rage of one occassionally found it's way into his mind if it was left to muster while he attempted to be nice.

"Stand ready, Ravenok Kinnes." The words echoed through his mind, they had been the best thing he had heard all day. But they also told a lie, because in truth, Ravenok was always ready. Even if he didn't look like it, the freelancer was always ready to rip someone's heart out, then laugh as the blood spilled onto his tunic. He quickly nodded and looked back to the tea he was still holding in his hands, he couldn't just throw it away now. He shut his eyes and lifted the brim of the cup to his full lips, the warm liquid making it's way down his throat. He emptied the cup's contents into his mouth in one swig, and it almost hurt when he swallowed. It tasted horrible! The tea was disgusting to him and he was almost ready to gag it back up. The only part of the liquid that was sweet was at the bottom, where the sugar had settled. The rest of the tea was almost tasteless, it was almost just like herbs dipped into water! What madman had come up with that kind of drink? Ravenok would've loved to rip out his throat, but different matters were at hand.

He placed the emptied cup onto the table and stood up slowly, satisfyingly. His body felt fantastic! He didn't know if it was the time that the two of them rested, or maybe it was even the herbs in the tea, but Ravenok's body felt fully rejuvinated. The freelancer grinned at the fact that every part of his body was again in tip top shape and working together in perfect harmony, he could almost hear his joints sing as they glided past eachother.

"It's about damn time we get this thing started." The freelancer said, hopping up and down a couple of times to get the blood flowing. He pushed the chair aside and lowered his body into an offensive fighting stance. He wondered just how good Freddy was with those daggers, and he didn't doubt that this day would end with him having several cuts and bruises. But in return, perhaps he would gain more...

Without further thought, the words "You first." popped out of Ravenok's mouth along with a blood curdling chuckle.

The Madd Hatter
12-09-06, 01:18 PM
---- Forever infinity, and infinity forever. Into the darkness my wings be swallowed, ride on my back, flame, and enter my enemy’s soul. Go forth. Destroy.

---- The Madd Hatter’s head rattled with the chant and as he listened, he unconsciously closed his eyes. Only a fool would attack a man who stood with his eyes closed, so some deep part of Freddy’ essence trusted Ravenok to not be a fool. The images silenced themselves, the river of memories slowing to almost a stop. Taking two deep breaths, the Madd Hatter’s eyes ripped open again, his entire eyes showed brilliant gold; flashes of red and black bursts deep within his eyes, somewhere lost and forlorn inside. All of the happiness and gentle concern for politeness washed away from his face, leaving a stone hard statuesque countenance. Concentration on manifestation was ripped away from everything but his daggers, giving them more essence and letting the table, chair, and tea cups dissolve into nothing; only that which was already inside the two warriors stayed.

---- Not giving any warning to his action or hesitation, Freddy thrust his left arm out, letting go of the dagger and sending it flying to the Monk’s chest. Flying straight, not spinning, the half-blade moved with purpose. Bursting into a calculated dash, he followed the dagger and just before it would have hit, the dagger lost all its essence and disappeared, reappearing in the Hatter’s hand, only to join a scissor attack aimed at the monk’s gut.

---- The two blades sliced across each other for but a moment, causing a small spark that drifted into the air, settling in the dry grass below. The back of Frederick’s mind, which was keeping a close and delicate eye on his surroundings, saw this as a possibility and began plotting. Even as time continued and the scissor attack commenced, hoping to catch him off guard and end his fight early, the next step was being planned.

---- The Hatter took battle to be like chess, you must always predict what your opponent is going to do next and be one step ahead. Both warriors had the advantage of unpredictability in this situation for neither knew the skill of the other. Soon that would end and pure strategy and skill would come in. Strength matched against speed, wits versus wits. A sense of power and love soared within Frederick, and at that moment, before the battle had even begun, his heart remembered that he loved this.

---- The Madd Hatter lived for this strife.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-09-06, 01:49 PM
Again Freddy shut is eyes and thought of only the lords know what. Ravenok was ready, why must he wait even longer to begin this fight? But he was surprised when he had popped his eyes open again, only to reveal a battle-ready expression that promised no mercy. Ravenok wasn't surprised. He himself was already lost in the beautiful graces of battle, his mind torn away from acts of sophistication and put back into the hands of strategy. That is what Ravenok would need to cherish most in this fight, for he knew that the Madd Hatter would do the same. He would fight with skill and careful planning, rather than an all out assault on the muscled freelancer. The look on Frederick's face only provoked Ravenok's primal lust for battle moreso that he almost lost himself completely in the moment that he attacked first. It also helped the freelancer to realize one thing about himself:

He was a warrior. Not a tea-sipping noble.

Ravenok's ominous eyes flashed when the dagger in Freddy's hand was thrown at him with undeniable accuracy. The grin that took the freelancer's face was that of pure excitement, no longer would he keep up this formal facade. It was time to show the Madd Hatter what Ravenok truly was... A demon in disguise.

The darkness monk simply held out his metal hand in front of his chest, open and ready to catch the flying dagger. But he didn't expect the dagger to disappear, even as bold as the move was. His hand darted out to snatch the dagger, but only caught air instead. His facial expression became that of confusion. Ravenok had chosen well in his starting stance, for if he would have taken a deeper, more defensive stance he would have not been able to move as quickly as he needed to. His light offensive stance seemed to come in handy.

Though he was able to move quickly, he was still caught a little by the attack. Ravenok sucked in his gut and took a little hop back, the scissor attack gliding harmlessly past his skin, but it caught the enchanted cloth of his tunic, ripping the leathery-fabric. As soon as Ravenok realized that he had barely dodged the attack, he commenced his next move. The freelancer hopped into the air, about a foot, and violently twisted his body. The twist sent his body into a fast three hundred and sixty degree spin, he shot his foot out to the side, allowing the momentum to pull it over, aimed at the side of Freddy's head. His opposite leg was kept tight to his body, allowing the steel greave that he wore to cover up most of his mid-section and his arms were held in a tight guard across his chest.

The Madd Hatter
12-09-06, 02:07 PM
---- A counter attack followed so quickly that made Freddy grin. This would be a challenge. Then again, he would have it not other way. That tiny show of emotion was gone as soon as it came though, for it was time to act. Not worrying about himself or his body, he dropped his feet and moved into a dive, dipping into the grass and feeling the powerful wind of the kick fly over his back. Ironically, as he hit the ground and slid, he moved right under the warrior who had brought his other leg up during the roundhouse kick.

---- Not wasting a moment Freddy rolled and slammed his two dagger together, sending another spark into the grass, this one larger. It catched, turning from a simple shock into a tiny ember. A glowing eye in a field of gold, easily to not be noticed by soon to take birth. Moving quickly the Madd Hatter got to his feet and ran, away from the Monk, but not far. After moving only five feet, he spun on his heel and slid, slicing his daggers together yet again, harder then ever, sending a shower of sparks into the dead grass. Leaning down close to the knee-high grass his calculating mind watched the sparks take hold, creating a light read sparkling across the tips and edges of the dead kindling. It would begin soon, if all went well.

---- Bursting forward, through his sparkling field of embers, he ran straight for the man once again. Trying to use his smaller form and speed against the massive fellow who stood as a juggernaut in comparison, Frederick cut off his dash in the moment before reaching the grab-distance of the warrior. Slicing outwards with one dagger, he knew his own reach wouldn’t make it, so he let go of the weapon and let it fly at the man’s thigh.

---- Not releasing the blade, he ground his heel into the ground again and turned back, slicing his right hand dagger deep into the grass and sending up a wave of grass, in the center of that wave, the red ember had grown. Blowing on it as it floated there, the plan worked, and the kindling burst into flame, creating a cloud of smoldering grass in the wind towards his opponent.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-09-06, 02:38 PM
He hit air yet again, but not really to his surprise. The Hatter was swift, he knew, probably more than himself, he would not be surprised if Freddy proved the faster of the two. Though Freddy was fast, Ravenok had his own good amount of speed, mixed with flexibility and strength that allowed Ravenok to overcome most people that were faster. This well-rounded character that made the one called Ravenok Kinnes was not purely natural. Training had honed his body and made it into a fighting machine. This is what he lived for, and there added belief that he had indeed given his soul to some sort of demon to acquire his skills. Strong, fast, flexible, the perfect warrior.

Ravenok attempted to keep his body spinning after he had hit nothing with his kick. The attempt wasn't in vain, and he managed to pull his body around enough so that he was facing tha Madd Hatter again when he landed. Though it forced him to land in a low crouch. His eyes widened when he saw the blade coming for him, and it's target was no longer his thigh, but his left forearm. The freelancer's quick thinking led him to the decision to just allow the strike to connect, rather than trying to dodge the attack and let Freddy plan his next attack. The dagger dug into Ravenok's shoulder and all that came out was blood. No scream of pain came from the freelancer's lips, if anything all that would come of it with his attitude would have been anger.

"So, he likes to play with fire, huh?" the monk thought to himself as Freddy began to create flame with sparks. Lucky for Ravenok, he didn't need sparks to create the energy of destruction, all he needed was a thought. Without minding the dagger that now made it's living within Ravenok's arm, he held out both hands, open and cupped. The air in front of his left hand turned a bluish-hue whereas the right turned a reddish-hue. He would mock the Madd Hatter's actions this time. If he wanted fire, he would get fire.

As the elemental balls of energy formed in Ravenok's cupped hands, sparks and pieces of flaming grass were kicked up at him by Freddy's blade. The action had forced the freelancer to move quickly to avoid catching flame himself, so Ravenok used the deep crouch he was in to leap backwards into the air. His left arm pumped out as he leaped back, whipping the finally finished ball of ice at Freddy's face. For his right hand, he simply dropped the ball of flame into the grass below, quickly setting the grass blades aflame just as Frederick had done before. As soon as both balls of energy had left his hands, they went up to his face to wipe off the small embers that had found their place on his face and some up his nose. It only took a moment to wipe all of it away, and as soon as he was finished Ravenok looked up and through the flames that the two had created, watching his opponent's next movements from a short offensive stance. But not after ripping out the dagger in his shoulder with a grunt of pain and a flare of anger, then throwing it into the river to their side.

The Madd Hatter
12-09-06, 02:59 PM
---- The ice surprised him, for he didn’t expect any sort of abilities along this line to come from the massive warrior. Barely falling into a roll, he felt the water hit his side with a painful crack. Something beneath his skin may have broken, he wasn’t sure. Chuckling softly at the shooting pain there, the Hatter stood, noticing that a two hemispheres of flame had spread from his field of embers and the warrior’s fireball. Soon they would connect and create a growing field of flames. If they didn’t want to be burned, they would have to battle quickly. Soon this entire grassland would be up in smoke.

---- Reaching his free hand up to his top hat, ignoing the complaint from his side, Freddy grasped his top hat and ripped it off, tossing it into the air. When it reached a nice high, he snapped his suddenly ungloved left hand at it and it imploded into a showy black hole, instantly disappearing from existence. He ran a hand through his hair and took another deep breath, this would be fun indeed. The Hatter reached out his left hand again and twisted it, giving a flourish to summon his other dagger again. A moment too late he realized there the dagger had been thrown and almost gasped. Catching the show of weakness, he kept his face expressionless as he stared at the water.

---- Water, damn him.

---- Hoping that the Monk wouldn’t understand his intentions, he made a dash for the river where the dagger had been tossed. Moving as fast as his legs could take him, he dived at the last moment into the water and ripped his eyes open, despite their angry screaming of wanting to be closed. A glint of metal showed from the bottom, stuck between two rocks. Grasping it, he ripped it from its embedment and pushed off the rocky riverbed to the surface. Pulling himself from the water, he sighed at the fact that not a single droplet had stayed on him, leaving him perfectly dry. Being wet, or being able to be wet, would have been useful at this moment. Stepping towards the flames that were making up their battlefield and separated him from his opponent, he watched them lick the sky.

---- Deciding on his next step, he made one last dash, straight towards the Monk this time. Expectations and underestimations would come into play during this battle. As Freddy’s running form approached the growing flames which the man stood only a few feet behind, he flipped his daggers around in his grip then cross his arms in front of himself. He leaped through the flames and ripped his arms out to make a curtain and get through with as little burn as possible. His legs hit the ground running and his mind took note that his long coat was now burning at the tips. Not slowing or changing direction, he leapt again, this time diving straight for the Monk’s legs.

---- Hoping he would jump, he twisted before hitting the ground and led him slide into the man, slicing his half-blades at the man’s legs. It was a long shot, and the move sent dizzying amounts of pain up his side.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-09-06, 03:19 PM
Ah, fire, the source of destruction and the fuel for loathing. Ravenok personally was a pyromaniac, his dark eyes dancing around the field of burning grass, glistening from the sparks and ashes that glided into the air. A feeling of ecstasy washed over the freelancer, and the screaming pain that pulsed in his shoulder had began to cease. Ravenok's pupils grew wider, taking in what they can the light form the dancing flames before him. One thing had become true at this point:

Ravenok had lost himself.

What is worse than a black hearted warrior when that warrior had suddenly become the very likeness of an evil demon? Nothing. Any mercy that the freelancer may have shown to his recent opponent had been lost and burned up in the embers of the flaming grass. The only thing that could stop his fist now would have to be a dragon, for now blind rage was the force that drove Ravenok's actions. He turned toward the river, paying no heed to the close approaching flames shortly to his side. His eyes were filled with malice and merciless battle-lust. The monk noticed Freddy's grimace of pain, and a malicious grin spread across his golden face.

Frederick was bold indeed. Now dashing through the fire that engulfed the surroundings of the two towards the enraged freelancer, who at this point would fail to show any more mercy. Diving for his legs, which he knew to be half-protected with steel greaves. "What a damned fool." Ravenok thought to himself, stepping forward so that the Madd Hatter's blades did not have enough time to raise past his steel greaves. Whatever damage they did to the steel could be repaired, and without a care for them - even if the blades penetrated the steel - the monk reared his fist back and thrusted it down, aimed for Freddy's head. At that time the growing flames to his side were so close that it almost burned Ravenok's golden skin. If he didn't move quick, the very flesh that covered his bones would be set aflame. But first, he would finish off his opponent.

The Madd Hatter
12-10-06, 03:16 PM
---- The duel had, originally, not been to the death. Instead it was intended to be a friendly fight between two warriors that would end with a couple bruises and cuts and a firm handshake. Slowly, as it proceeded, the two striving war intellects were bashing at each other, pushing the limit of this match to its extents. Now, as the flames burned high, emotions burned along with the embers. All limits and mercy had ended, the boundaries of what they would risk and damage the other gone. Each of them wanted to win, to end this brawl, and prove to be the superior.

---- Freddy wasn’t about to let himself be killed, for he didn’t know if he truly could die, but wasn’t quite ready to find out. For now, he would satisfy with bringing the giant monk to his knees, but a coupe de grace would never befall his head. As he lay there, on his back, one dagger stuck deep into a steel greive, too deep to remove easily, and the other rattling with pain after being reflected, Freddy’s mind was racing. A powerful fist that could easily end his existence rushed down, and not caring for the man’s safety his inhibitions melted away and he brought the other half blade up with both hands.

---- Shoving with all the strength in his hand, to ensure that they met in the middle and neither had time to correct their aim, the Hatter did his best to try to drive the blade between the weak knuckle valleys of the gauntlet. If it worked, the defensive effort would hurt them both, but hopefully Ravenok would be the most injured, possible incapacitated in that fist. The half-blade had a long edge, and it could easily be dived through the warrior’s hand and on into his wrist.

---- With a primal scream, something beyond the limits of a calm Frederick, his muscles joined in his war chorus, pain shooting through arms and side. If he missed the fist would come down onto his chest and shatter whatever it his. Skin, ribs, heart, spine. Death’s swift wings enclosing over his prone form was not an image he felt like experiencing. Everything rode on this slice, but even this might not end the bout.

---- Pray, safety, bring my blade to my nemesis’s heart. Let it drive deep, let it cut true, let it leave no soul.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-10-06, 04:12 PM
Yes... He was quick. There was no doubt about that. Quick enough to get in a counter attack that would probably end the duel for the both of them. Ravenok had never imagined that it would turn out like this, he didn't know there would be bloodshed. Most of it probably from himself. He was cut, gouged, and bleeding enough to fill a river. The shoulder that had previously been housing a dagger had been bleeding constantly, the arm and gauntlet below that stained red. Sweat had matted his dirty brown hair to his head, and his tunic to his chest. There was no doubt that there would be some kind of minor burn on his side from the ever approaching fire. The freelancer also didn't have much doubt that he would survive this... Somehow he would force himself to pull back, things had gone too far. As much as he wanted to pull his fist back at the time so he could leap away from the flames, the momentum was just too much.

Even whilst in a state of ecstasy during the battle, what was about to happen would still pull out a scream of pain from Ravenok. The blade drove deeply into Ravenok's fist, piercing whatever tissue the metal could find, it pushed through into his wrist and the curved edge of the blade came back out from beneath the wrist. The steel gauntlets could not even block the impact, the shrill sound of the dagger blade raking against the gauntlet's steel was like sticking a dagger into the ears. The scream that came from the lungs of Ravenok Kinnes was inhuman, a mixture of pain and rage. Tears welled up within the dark orbs that made the freelancer's eyes. Even though it hurt, the punch still went on towards Freddy, though an extraordinary amount of power was extracted from the force... Ravenok had pulled back.

The pain that took the entire of Ravenok's arm after being pierced far overwhelmed that in his leg, the other dagger had pierced the steel of his greave. He could feel blood rushing out form within, but strangely, no pain.

"END IT!" The freelancer shouted angrily, sadly, and incoherently. The words that were supposed to be coming out would have said 'I want to end this duel!' but amidst the screams of pain erupting from his lungs paired with blood loss all that came out were two words. He could only hope that his opponent would realize what he was saying and stop advancing. Ravenok didn't even know if the punch connected, he didn't bother to check, he just hoped that if it didnt... That Freddy wouldn't attack him again. He did not want to go on anymore, despite his lust for battle. He didn't know why, but he didn't want this bout of madness to last any longer. His body was crippled, and he probably wouldn't be able to use that arm for a while... His leg, he didn't know.

The Madd Hatter
12-10-06, 04:43 PM
---- The blow his dagger and done was crippling, but even has he felt a strange tension in the man through his two hands on his dagger, Freddy couldn’t let go. The fist came down to his chest, stopping short but still its pressure pushed his arms back to almost the point of breaking, muscles burning as their tendons were ripped. It would have ended at that, if the punch hadn’t been stopped; ending with the death of the Hatter and the crippling of the Monk.

---- The irony was that, since the Madd Hatter still lived, he was able to conjure the energy to hear the plea for an end, and in turn, reveal his trump card. Caution had caused him to bring such measures into the battle, and as he rolled out from the bleeding titan, not in much better shape himself as his surely broken rib gave him grief, the Hatter tore his eyes from the burning field and rested them on the waterfall.

---- Ravenok might fall at any moment, so he had to hurry. With a sudden and new urge of urgency, Freddy stood despite the pain and threatening darkness of unconsciousness within. With one quick motion, knowing it might be the last thing he ever did if he failed, he drew back one arm and quickly summoned a red ball of flame. Aiming at the waterfall he let his muscles scream in pain and thrust it forward with all his might. Soaring to a miserably low height, the Hatter closed his fist and closed his mind, watching as the fireball exploded into a massive flare.

---- Seconds passed and his heart almost stopped when he thought he had failed. Then, a green flare shot from the darkness of the waterfall in response. Falling to his knees in pain and relief, he allowed the shadows that grew in his mind to ease back, the worries falling away. One last glance at his partner in battle, barely standing among the flames, was all that he could afford.

---- None of what occurred next was witnessed by the Hatter, for his mind had lapsed into unconsciousness. As he lay there, a silk-robed Elf moved from a hiding place under the waterfall with speed and sang a sweet song. With power embedded in his voice, the music moved over the field and stilled the flames. Then, with quickening pace the Elven Spell Song approached the Monk first, laying a soft hand on his body and singing out magically instilled words. Wounds healed burns raced away. Fatigue lost its footing and the warrior’s body repaired itself at an impossible rate. The Hatter’s blade fell from the man’s greave and dissipated, removed by the presence of magic. Leaving a hole in the gauntlet and greave, all trace of the battle was gone; all but an almost unseen line where the scar of Frederick’s blade had penetrated the warrior’s fist.

---- Next was the Hatter himself. The same song and soft touch was used and soon the noblesse was back in the world of the waking, standing and nodding a quiet thank you to the Elven friend, Freddy strode to Ravenok and helped him stand.

---- “Now…what was it you screamed?”

Ravenok Kinnes
12-10-06, 08:17 PM
The world reddened, and at once Ravenok could hear the world laughing at him. Of all the years he had trained... All those people he had fought in the past... He could not remember the last time his body had been in so much pain. How is it that this man before him, who at first glance did not seem at all like a fighter, could put one such as Ravenok in so much pain. He didn't feel pain, it just wasn't a part of him.

People always say that their life flashes before their eyes just as they die... Why was it that Ravenok's life did not flash before his dark eyes now? He was dying... Too much blood was pouring from his flesh, why did he not remember all those good time that he lived? He didn't have any. No happy memories found their way into the freelancer's thoughts, and it wasn't until now that he realized that he never even had any good memories to look back on as death's door opened wide. No... This wasn't how it was supposed to turn out. This was only supposed to be a simple sparring match where the outcome could've been a long lasting friendship, not a fight to the death.

Ravenok bent down to his knees, grasping his pierced hand with the opposite, clenching it as tight as he could to try and dull the pain. Tears welled up inside his eyes, but he refused to let them go any further. He snapped his eyes shut, keeping his mind off of the pain. His ears picked up sounds but he couldn't see anything... More fire, this time hitting water... The sound of the flames searing around him ceased but he failed to open his eyes to learn why. His mind had been rebellious the whole time, refusing to become unconcious, but the pain... It was just unbearable. He felt his body begin to fall to the grass below as a soothing touch caressed his body. It was almost like the tea he had drank before the duel started, his body began to feel fantastic again. The pain ceased just as he was about to dive into unconciousness.

The freelancer thrust his arm out as he fell to the grass, catching himself. He quickly rolled to his side and his eyes popped wide open. He began gasping for breath, smoke had found it's way into his lungs. He coughed violently for a few seconds, then he pulled his previously pierced hand to his face to examine it. His entire arm was still bloody red, but there were no more wounds to speak of. Could this have been a dream? No. He noticed that the puncture holes in the steel gauntlet were still there, and small visible scars took place where his wounds had been.

He heard Freddy say something after a moment but didn't bother to listen, the freelancer was awe-struck. He rolled over to his back, after shrugging off Frederick when he tried to help him up, the cool and unburnt grass felt great on his exposed neck. He just wasn't ready to get up quite yet. He looked up at the sky, remembering what time of day it was. The temperature had cooled significantly since the flames were put out, and it put goosebumps on Ravenok's skin. He watched the sky like it was his first time, harmless puffs of cotton floated in the blue sky, leaves glided by with the breeze. Ravenok felt good, maybe even a little happy, and confused at the same time. He was evil, he had always been. But he just didn't feel like being an asshole right now... And the feeling confused him to a dizzying point. The monk's next action would normally have forced him to kill himself, but he felt that he just couldn't hold back anymore.

He started crying.

The Madd Hatter
12-11-06, 06:37 PM
---- Frederick couldn’t explain the sight he saw before him. The beastly power that had exalted all expectations in the man before shrank away behind, the veil of darkness and ambivalent evil gone. Lying on the grass before him was not a warrior or a conqueror, but a human. Slowly a glad smile crept across his face; the Madd Hatter could never quite like conquerors or blood-thirsty warriors, but humans were just perfect. The transformation had been quick and irresistible, for the fight had given a profound effect on both of them. Somewhere, deep inside his form which he knew nothing of, the Hatter thought that maybe he had more in common with mortals then he had ever dared admit before. All of them were such perfect entities, being so complex in their layers and changes and unique eccentricities, but simple in the end. They were neither purely good nor evil, but simply them.

---- “Absolutely amazing… Simply incredible; I love you people.”

---- Giving a happy but exasperated sigh, the Hatter let his gloves disappear from his hands and sat down on the soft dry grass. The Elf stood nearby, watching for a moment before nodding softly and moving off into the distance. Though the pace the Raiaeran kept was but a calm short stride, he seemed to move with incredible speed and had almost instantly disappeared into the horizon. Maybe it was another part of the magic of a spell song.

---- It took a few good moments, but in these silent peaceful minutes of humanity, the noblesse found that a new emotion had taken root in his heart. Something that had never been there before, somehow sneaking in between the walls of darkness and ice that surrounded what little he had of human feelings; taking root it was like the sparks, growing steadily and strongly into a powerful drive burrowed in his core. The spark was but the start of a great thing, but it was an irresistible beginning, and would develop into a very interesting scenario. For, what had taken place was unquestionably a exciting idea that maybe, just possibly, Frederick had a friend.

---- Friendship. Who would have thought that could have happened?

---- Finally deciding it was time to break the silence, Freddy grinned and spoke to the resting and contemplating Ravenok, “The trip back to Eluriand isn’t as long and tedious…when you have company.”

---- Standing once more, this time embracing the serene golden fields that surrounded them, the Hatter found that he loved, also, this world. The home he had chosen for himself upon arrival here, the waterfall and the grove hidden in that high and unreachable valley was hidden to the beauty surrounding it. He would have to get out more often and see other parts of this magnificent realm, instead of just Raiaera.

---- Politely, but with an unconscious kindness, Frederick held out his hand to help the Ravenok to his feet.

Ravenok Kinnes
12-11-06, 07:07 PM
Ravenok was confused now... He had no idea where he fitted into the world anymore. He thought he was a killer, a mindless being that fought just for the sake of it, for the sake of feeling blood run between his fingers. He would have thought the end of the world would come before tears would stream from his eyes. His mind was blank, working hard to reconfigure itself. Finding his bearings at that point and time was easily one of the hardest tasks in his life.

He shook his head quickly, after remembering that he wasn't alone. He did not want Freddy to see him in this state, a state of weakness. The freelancer felt vulnerable, and the feeling was like a new world to him. He hated it. Ravenok brought up his arm to wipe his face with his bicep, the tears stopped, and Ravenok was himself again... Almost.

With a laugh and a smile, Ravenok reached his hand out to the Madd Hatter's and pulled himself to his feet. Why was it that being in this man's presence just made Ravenok lose the feeling of anger? Surely a one time deal, this day had been. He silently promised himself that he would never cry again, at least, never again in the presence of another man or woman or... Beast.

"Nothing like a bloody battle to get the blood a'flowin'." The monk said quickly after he got up, brushing off the dirt and blood from his tunic. He was dirty for sure, crusted blood covered the whole of his previously pierced arm, his face blackened from the burning ashes that had covered the field a moment ago. He ruffled his brown hair roughly, shaking out whatever might have gotten caught between the follicles. "I believe a nice hot bath would be able to take care of this." He said, turning his head so he could see his back, which was even more dirtied than the front. A good scrub on his silk tunic would probably get the stains out as well. He regarded his arm, the black-steel gauntlet that had two blade holes in it now. Somehow he would have to get that patched up, or maybe just purchase some new gauntlets altogether.

"Eluriand, hm? I suppose I could make an appearance there, taste the ale, see the local bounties. Make some gold in the process." The freelancer replied to Freddy. In truth, he didn't know where he would go next after this. But he did suggest Eluriand, a place where he hadn't even been before. Freddy had also suggested the two going together. He would have probably just taken a ship back to wherever... Maybe Scara Brae or some other place that had great drinks and entertainment. Hm, perhaps Ravenok's time spent with the mystery Hatter would afterall last longer then the time they dueled today. Again... He would accept fate and go wherever it took him, even if it meant not travelling alone.

"Are we off immdeiately, then?" Ravenok asked, "Or do you have something else in mind?"

The Madd Hatter
12-11-06, 07:22 PM
---- Crashing water, a soft whispering of the wind and the calm silence of the sun all silhouetted the two figures standing proud on the field. If serenity could be painted, it would probably look bloody close to the scene that had unfolded on this soft rolling plain. The golden fields of Frederick’s chosen home were often the beginnings and ends of great adventures, but never before had it been the start of something so grand as what was possible today.

---- Someday, Ravenok, we will find out your past. The insatiable cat rambles on inside me, but I will not let it control me. Nobody can hide from history forever, though. Those graves will show up eventually.

---- The silent promise almost broke his serenity, but the Hatter let it fall into the background of his mind. Slowly the drive of his imagination, the endless streams of images and memories that made no sense and moved at such a blurring speed that he only caught glimpses of knowledge returned. It was being embraced by an old lover, those thoughts and feelings that were so familiar to him. The congestion and pandemonium of his own screw-lose mind was his heart, and Freddy felt lonely without it. But, up until now, he felt human, and somehow wasn’t alone. He had a friend, afterall.

---- Ravenok’s comments, spoken to Frederick but more rhetoric and commentary then anything, brought forth a grin on the noblesse’s face. It would always be a memory for the two of them, but neither would probably ever speak of this day again to anyone else; a landmark in each of their histories, when both of the ambivalent entities became, if only for an instant, perfectly human.

---- One question was asked, and a sly smile stretched across the Hatter’s countenance. Remembering the reaction the brew had summoned earlier, he turned and faced his new companion and waited a good moment before answering.

---- “Maybe a cup of tea.”

12-31-06, 09:37 AM
This should have been judged a lot faster than this, however the first judge had some unexpected life problems so I took it just before Christmas and I’m sure you can easily see the reason for it not being done a few days ago when it should have. You have my apologies. On another note, normally I do not say anything about the aesthetics of a quest, however if you’re going to change the colour of your font make sure it’s a colour that doesn’t disappear on certain backgrounds. This isn’t a huge deal it’s just annoying to the reader when they have to break away from what they’re reading to change backgrounds or highlight font in order to actually see it.


Continuity: - 6 This started out as a really good quest. Your characters interacted well together and I really think you could have played along that line a little more. Yes, they were there for a battle but wouldn’t it have been interesting if they got along so well they never actually fought each other? I’m sure that would have defeated a main point of the thread but everything leading up to the battle was great, once there the fight went by too quickly and some of the things your characters did made little to no sense and you shall see that elaborated on further down.

Setting: - 4 Hatter, your opening post was rich with the description for the surroundings, too much so. The reader can easily grow bored of reading word after word beautifully describing some little field with a waterfall, a cliff and some trees. They get it it’s pretty. When you over describe everything it loses something to the reader. A good idea is to describe everything rather simply except for the one area you really want them to focus on. Another good way to describe setting instead of throwing it at the reader all at once is to do it in segments; they grow less bored with it. Describe something your character looks at then have him do something and glance towards another part of the area.

Ravenok, your first post did not have a single piece of description for the surroundings in it. Just because Hatter overdid it does not take you off the hook, you must also describe things as your character sees them. In fact, I’m pretty sure throughout the entire quest you had little to no description in each of your posts.

You both can do much better than this, I know, I’ve read some other pieces of your writing. And make sure, especially during a battle that you interact with your setting instead of just describing them. The fire part was interesting but even with the field burning around them your characters mostly battled without care for the flames licking at their heels.

Pacing: - 5 The pacing of the battle really needed some help. Things went from being a friendly brawl one post to an all out Citadel style fight to the death, in which there would be no coming back from this time. I get that Ravenok is a rather bloodthirsty character but there isn’t enough of an explanation for this change in the pacing to leave the reader not confused and wondering if they missed something. Though the battle does end rather abruptly this makes sense since Ravenok is bleeding everywhere, I was just left wondering where that Elf came from. The Hatter did something weird and an Elf appeared and fixed everything, nice to have friends in high places I guess. I just found it too convenient.


Dialogue: - 6 The dialogue between characters was interesting and mostly well down. Hatter, your character has a very over the top way of speaking that readers could very easily get annoyed with, however it fits his character well. Use it in moderation, try not to make it too confusing and do not go on any long-winded speeches unless absolutely necessary. Ravenok, your character was supposed to be acting polite and formal for The Hatter yet your dialogue seemed rather bland. If you’re trying to make your character seem more articulated try to use words your character would not normally use in normal dialogue, even have him screw up a few of his words since he is trying to seem more sophisticated. It would really make things more interesting and actually seem like your character is trying.

Action: - 4 The actions of the characters during the fight were at times questionable. As an example, Hatter in one post your character ducks down to avoid a kick to the head, runs away, showers some sparks into the grass, twice, runs back to Ravenok, throws a dagger at him, turns heel and slices up some grass then blows on it to make it turn into a smouldering pile of embers that fly towards his opponent. That’s a bit much, really, by the time you’d already created those sparks Ravenok should have landed, it’s not like he’s floating there. Battle posts especially need to be kept to a few actions at a time otherwise your character is doing way too much without the interaction of the other fighter.

Ravenok, having resistance to pain is fine, but freely moving your arm as if there isn’t a dagger sticking out of your shoulder isn’t. There are muscles and tendons all connecting together that need to be considered, things that should make using the arm much more difficult if not impossible depending on where the blade was. I’m not expecting you to be perfect and have the knowledge of a surgeon, but keep basic anatomy in mind when you’re battling and your character gets stabs. It’s going to affect his limbs; there isn’t just pain and blood loss to consider. And no one can turn their head around to see their back unless they have some serious spine issues!

As mention in the pacing, this too quickly goes from friendly fight to a Citadel style match where death is an imminent outcome. Where’s the explanation for this sudden change besides, “Ravenok had lost himself.” That simple statement did little to explain his following actions.

Persona: - 4 Hatter you seemed to stay true to your character throughout the quest though he had a very odd personality all on it’s own I did not spot any drastic, unexplainable changes in his demeanour. Ravenok, your character’s changes were interesting, but they weren’t done well enough to catch the attention of the reader and they happened too fast. The bloodthirsty person you’re trying to write him as is not coming across, therefore his anger and malice are nothing the reader cares about; Ravenok needs more depth. He goes through emotions in this too quickly. Another major problem with the changes in his countenance was when he went from ‘bloodthirsty death’ to ‘I don’t want to kill you anymore,’ all in two posts, one for bloodthirsty and one for suddenly being merciful. It’s too much for the reader without proper explanation and since all the emotional changes happen so quickly all significance was lost to the reader.

Writing Style

Mechanics: - 6 There were the obvious mistakes of course, like spelling, a few grammar and some missed words here and there or the wrong word entirely. For example:

“A glowing eye in a field of gold, easily not to be noticed by soon to take birth.”

I’m sure reading that over right now you can see the problem. Unless I’m mistaken you meant ‘but’ instead of ‘by’, however that entire sentence could have been worded a lot smoother.

You actually miss spell your words, leave them out, put the wrong ones in or the wrong ending on them quite a bit, Hatter. I say it over and over again and I’ll continue to do so, read over your posts before you post them and even afterwards. I sometimes read over mine again before I make a new post to help me get into my characters head, this also helps me spot mistakes. Ravenok you had a few mistakes in your posts as well, though not at many as Hatter.

Techniques: - 5 Hatter you have an interesting way of writing that is overly poetic. There’s nothing wrong with that but towards the end of the thread I grew bored with it. Because of your poetic touch to posts they tend to lose tension and become bland after a while. You just need to find a balance in your writing and once you do, it will be a much better read.

Ravenok, you need to work on the flow of your posts. You have great skill lurking in that brain of yours; you just need practice to really let it out and flourish. Also, don’t forget about interacting and especially writing the setting into your posts. Besides these things, I did not spot any advanced techniques in either of your writing.

Clarity: - 5 There was never really a time when I was confused as to the actions the characters were taking, that was written clear enough, but there was plenty of confusion into why your characters were doing certain things.

Wild Card: - 5 This started off as a good quest; one I thought would have a little brawl in it and a lot of friendship making memories. However, once in the battle things fell apart and character actions became confusing, not to mention the battle was not very long at all.

Total: 50


The Madd Hatter receives 350 experience and 250 GP!

Ravenok Kinnes receives 350 experience and 250 GP!

Cyrus the virus
12-31-06, 05:04 PM
EXP added!